Chapter 243 Liang Yi’s letter

"Did you call the police at that time?" Chen Yi continued to ask in the living room.

Miao Chunlan nodded: "Call the police. How can we not call the police for such a big thing? I was so scared when I saw my husband hanging there that I almost peed."

Chen Yi: "Who handled this case, the police station, the branch, or the city bureau?"

Miao Chunlan was confused: "I don't know."

Chen Yi: "Do you remember what the leader looks like?"

Miao Chunlan: "I'm a little impressed."

Chen Yi glanced at He Xin, who nodded in understanding, opened the computer, pulled out many photos, and showed them to Miao Chunlan.

"Please identify which one it is." Shi Xin said.

Miao Chunlan sat forward, squinted her eyes and stared at the screens one by one. She quickly fixed her gaze, pointed at one of the men and said, "It's him."

The three of them looked over and saw that it was Yao Huai.

This is very unfortunate news for both the investigation team and Jiao Cheng.

Qin Fei opened his notebook to record.

Chen Yi took a breath, suppressed the anger rising in his heart, and asked: "After investigation, is it confirmed that it was suicide?"

Miao Chunlan nodded: "Yes, my husband is too fragile. At worst, I will have another child. I am still so young, so why bother."

This is a heartless woman with a strong sense of self-centeredness.

Chen Yi began to try to clarify Wang Damao's past in his mind.

Miao Chunlan and his wife have nothing to do with Huisheng Group. Judging from the clues currently available, Liu Yutang's death was purely a personal grudge and a murder of love.

Wang Damao is indeed a driver, that's no problem.

He did meet and get married to Miao Chunlan, so that was no problem.

Before he discovered that his wife had cheated on him, Wang Damao was still just an ordinary truck driver. When he killed Liu Yutang in a rage, his life path completely changed and he became a brave man.

There is a question here. Did Wang Damao become the knife in Wu Yong's hand before killing Liu Yutang, or after killing Liu Yutang.

The difference is not very big. If it is after killing Liu Yutang, it means that Wu Yong needs more people to help him clear all obstacles secretly, so he rescued Wang Damao, and may even have promoted Wang Damao to kill Liu Yutang. the process of.

He is a desperado who takes human lives, so he will be very easy to use.

The time when Liu Yutang was killed was the time when Wu Yong started to lose his temper. He was no longer satisfied with the speed of development at that time, and began to use the most direct method to kill those who rebel against him.

Be confident, and courage comes from confidence.

So why did Wang Damao go to jail?

It's very simple. The conflict of interest between Guan Cailiang and Huisheng Group was too obvious. If he died at a critical time, any fool would suspect something was wrong, so Wang Damao must go to jail.

This is a car accident. Someone is responsible and everyone is happy. Although the other party is crazy, they don't dare to be too blatant.

The character profile of the enemy is now clearer: a little smart, but not much, a little sensible, but not too far away from madness.

Chen Yi and others left Miao Chunlan's home. Miao Chunlan didn't know much. She was just an ordinary city woman who was kept in the dark. She might never know what her ex-husband and current husband had experienced. thing.

"Go to Liang Yi's house." After getting in the car, Chen Yi said.

Qin Fei nodded, started the car and rushed to Liang Yi's community.

On the way, Shi Xin asked: "Do you want to see Guan Cailiang's wife again?"

Chen Yidao: "Let's talk about it when we have time. It's not very necessary. I refused to sign the letter of understanding but signed the transfer contract. It should be for the sake of myself and my children. Try not to disturb me."

When new nod.

Soon, Liang Yi's home arrived, and the three of them entered the password to enter.

The home is neat and clean, with warm decoration. There are bow-style hooks on the shoe cabinet at the door. It looks like a woman's masterpiece at first glance.

Qi Ting and Liang Yi indeed live together.

It was fate that they met by chance, and they were about to get engaged. Who could have imagined that such a thing would happen.

Disappearance does not mean death. Chen and Yi all hope that the other is still alive.

There is some truth to what Shi Xin said. The other party should not be so bold as to dare to attack Liang Yi.

Of course, they are also prepared to accept the worst outcome.

After entering the living room, the three of them spread out and searched carefully in the living room and bedroom. Liang Yi was a criminal police officer after all, and he and Qi Ting sensed danger through the phone before disappearing. So did he leave anything behind before disappearing? ?

Chen Yi and the three of them had discussed it in the car just now, and they would do the same thing if they were put in their shoes.

Even Qin Fei could think that Liang Yi, as the captain of the investigation team, should have foresight.

Investigating Huisheng Group in Jiaocheng is like walking on thin ice, and one cannot be too cautious.

Shi Xin and Qin Fei went to the bedroom, and Chen Yi came to the study.

The study room is very simple. There is no computer on the desktop and there are very few books in the bookcase. There are no signs of being turned over. They are probably just for decoration.

Chen Yi searched carefully, not missing any corner. He also suspected the possibility of hidden compartments or even dark rooms. He stretched out his hands to play with things when he saw them.

It turns out that it was all in a TV series, and Liang Yi's study was very ordinary.

Two hours later, the three of them gathered in the living room.

Nothing was found. I searched all the places I needed to look for, including drawers, ceilings, refrigerators, air fryers, toilet water tanks, fan blades... Even the electrical appliances were dismantled, leaving no place where anything might be hidden.

Chen Yi sat down on the sofa and stared blankly at the coffee table in front of him.

Does Liang Yi really have no backup plan?

He must have found something, otherwise there would be no reason to disappear. So where is the record of what he found?

cell phone?    Although it is close to the body, it is not safe.


It's less safe than a cell phone.

In today's era of electronic information, although paper and pen are "primitive", they are the purest, most common and safest information media.

If there was such a thing, he wouldn't put it in the detachment. It was most likely at home, and it must be very secretive, so secretive that even with an excellent trace inspection, it would be extremely difficult to find it.

A qualified investigation captain has qualified investigation capabilities, and of course also has qualified counter-reconnaissance capabilities.

Chen Yi raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, looking down at the porcelain floor under his feet.

He thought of something, squatted down and leaned on it to take a look, and traced the beautiful gap between the floor and the floor with one hand.

"Lao He, Qin Fei, check the floor carefully and look for places with obvious contrasts." Chen Yi said.

The two nodded, and after allocating the areas, they each lay on the ground and carefully observed the gaps between the floors.

Chen Yi moved slowly, from the living room to the study, from the bedroom to the bathroom, and finally pressed his fingers on a floor in the bathroom. There was a slight difference in the color of the seams.

"Lao He! Find a screwdriver and a hammer!" Chen Yi shouted.

Hearing the sound, He Xin quickly carried the toolbox at home to the bathroom, followed closely by Qin Fei.

Chen Yi stood up, clapped his hands, and said, "Pry it open."

After saying that, he exited the bathroom.

Qin Fei immediately stepped forward, using a screwdriver and hammer to carefully tap the gaps around the floor.



After more than a dozen muffled sounds, Qin Fei took the screwdriver and pried it open, lifting the floor. A transparent bag was lying inside, containing folded white paper.

"There's a discovery!"

Qin Fei immediately picked up the bag and handed it to Chen Yi. Chen Yi opened the bag and opened the white paper.

There are a lot of words densely recorded on it, and there is information about Huisheng Group between the lines.

Smuggling, rape, intentional injury, intentional murder, violent demolition, illegal loan lending, forced prostitution...

Chen Yi's eyes slowly swept over and saw the end.

[I am a staunch materialist, but at this moment I have to pray to God, hoping that the people who read this letter are friends of the Imperial City Investigation Team. 】

[If you are the same person as me, then please accept my respect and my raise of hands. Being able to read this letter means that my efforts can only go so far. 】

[Responsibilities and missions are my responsibility. I am worthy of the police signal on my chest, the police badge on my shoulders, and the police badge above my head. 】

[My name is Liang Yi. I am the captain of the Investigation Brigade of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Jiaocheng City Bureau. I have always been...]

[The evidence you need is placed in the bank safe, the address and number...]


[I hope that when you read this letter, I will still be alive. I am not afraid of death. I just want to witness the demise of Huisang Group with my own eyes and prove that my efforts are not in vain. 】

[Finally, Yan Zhe is trustworthy. Although he is timid, he is definitely a just person, I assure you. 】


Chen Yi turned to the last page, handed it to He Xin beside him, and turned to leave the bathroom.

When they turned around, the two of them could not see the coldness and murderous intent bursting out of Chen Yi's eyes.

At this moment, the real confrontation begins.

If that's the case, there's no need to be polite.

Coming to the living room, Chen Yi picked up the photo on the TV cabinet, which was a photo of Liang Yi and Qi Ting.

He took out the cigarette case with one hand, took out a cigarette with his mouth and lit it, not knowing what he was thinking.

On the other side, He Xin and Qin Fei were silent for a long time after reading everything, and then came to the living room.

The two of them didn't speak. Silence was better than sound.

"go to bank."

Chen Yi turned around, and the three of them left Liang Yi's home and rushed to the bank Liang Yi mentioned.

What they didn't expect was that the safe was empty.

The person who rented the safe was indeed Liang Yi, two months ago, but the contents of the safe had already been taken away.

The bank manager could not give a reasonable explanation.

Chen Yi didn't ask any more questions or accuse him. Now was not the time.

With the ability of Huisheng Group, as long as they know the existence of the safe, they have countless ways to obtain the contents inside.

Like Wang Damao, banks only represent small people, and above countless small people, there are big people.

"Go to the city bureau and let's meet Yan Zhe."

In the car, Chen Yi spoke expressionlessly.

Qin Fei stepped on the accelerator and the vehicle quickly left.

Everything that needs to be known is already known, so there is no need to find out anymore. Maybe the people from the city bureau are already waiting for them at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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