Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 228 Dinner with Jiang Fanlei’s girlfriend

Chapter 228 Dinner with Jiang Fanlei’s girlfriend

Today is Friday. The Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau has just finished handling a fraud case and uncovered several people who were behind the score. It is already time to get off work.

After changing clothes, Fang Shuyu came to Chen Yi's office and happened to meet Zhuo Yun looking for Chen Yi to sign.

She didn't bother and found a place to wait.

"Forensic medicine."

After finishing his work, Zhuo Yun said hello and left. Everyone was used to the relationship between the two, and now they were looking forward to the wedding banquet.

"Is the case closed?" Fang Shuyu asked.

Chen Yi nodded, sorted the documents on his desk and put them in the drawer, and said: "Nowadays, some young people think about getting rich overnight, but they just don't want to be down-to-earth. It's fast to make money by running scores, but it's also fast to get in."

In the early years, the speed of making money by "running scores" was quite fast. A courageous person could make millions in a month and achieve financial freedom in a year.

Moreover, due to the backwardness of criminal investigation techniques, it is difficult to catch criminals, so they rely more on reporting.


If you "run scores" in the morning, you have to go in in the afternoon. The police monitor you in real time. If something is wrong, you will immediately use the network to locate and arrest you.

It can be said that before the money has arrived, the person is handcuffed, and the gain outweighs the loss.

The so-called ways to make quick money are all written in the criminal law. If you dare to do it, you will have to face life behind bars.

Fang Shuyu asked: "Are you very young?"

Chen Yidao: "They are all around 20 years old. They just earned 20,000 yuan and haven't had time to spend it yet. I'm afraid they will be sentenced to two years."

Fang Shuyu: "Vice Captain He is very capable."

In this case, Shi Xin played a key role and locked the suspect's location in the shortest possible time.

Chen Yi stood up: "Internet crimes depend on him. What should we have for dinner tonight? Should we go back or stay outside?"

The two people's little life has passed smoothly, and now they just need a marriage certificate.

Fang Shuyu smiled and said, "I want to eat hot pot."

Chen Yi was surprised: "It's such a hot day, why are you eating hot pot?"

Fang Shuyu: "There is air conditioning."

Chen Yi no longer had any objections, he didn't care: "Okay, you can find a place."

After he finished speaking, the WeChat alert sounded. He picked up his phone, unlocked it and took a look. It was from Jiang Fanlei.

The content is very simple, I want to have a meal together.

Perhaps worried that Chen Yi would disagree, he added at the end: I'm treating you to a surprise.

He used "伱人", and already knew that Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu lived together and stayed together all day long.

"Shu Yu, can you take Fan Lei with you?"

Chen Yi asked casually, he hadn't gotten together with this kid for a while.

Fang Shuyu smiled and said: "Okay, it will be lively when there are more people."

After receiving the agreement, Chen Yi replied: Eat hot pot and I will send you the location later.

Jiang Fanlei replied: Eat hot pot on a hot day?

Chen Yi typed: If you don’t eat, you will fall down. Will you come or not?

Jiang Fanlei replied: Okay.

Putting away their mobile phones, Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu left the city bureau and drove to a well-known hot pot restaurant in Yangcheng.

He had already given Jiang Fanlei his seat in advance, and he came very quickly, on the front and back legs, not long after they sat down.

What surprised Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu was that Jiang Fanlei brought a girl with him.

The girl was wearing an elegant dress with a gently swaying hem. She was petite and cute, and her long hair was as soft as silk, flowing around her shoulders.

Judging from her appearance, she has bright eyes, a tall nose, and rosy lips. Although she is not as stunning as Fang Shuyu, she is still a rare beauty.

Jiang Fanlei put his arm around the girl's shoulders and stood in front of Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu, with a stinky smile on his face.

Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu looked at each other, and the former asked: "Is this the surprise you called?"

Jiang Fanlei smiled and said: "Yes, my girlfriend Zou Ying, let me introduce you, this is my brother Chen Yi, and this is his girlfriend Fang Shuyu, who also works in the city bureau and is a forensic scientist."

Zou Ying has a cheerful personality and greets with a smile: "Hello, I am Zou Ying, hello."

Chen Yi said politely: "Hello, hello, please sit down, no outsiders."

The two sat down and started chatting after ordering. Of course, the topic couldn't be separated from Jiang Fanlei's girlfriend Zou Ying.

Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu were not surprised by this incident. It would happen sooner or later, but they were not mentally prepared for today. Jiang Fanlei hid it and never mentioned it.

"Primary school teacher?" Chen Yi looked at Jiang Fanlei, "Where did you dig out the beautiful lady Zou?"

Jiang Fanlei: "The library."

Chen Yi: "..."

You really applied what you learned, and you actually succeeded.

Jiang Fanlei sighed: "Old Chen, you are really my lucky star. Ever since I found out that you and the forensic doctor met in the library, I have gone whenever I have time, and I have squeezed in time to go when I have no time. Finally, God has paid off, and I met It’s time to arrive at Zou Ying.”

"What is this called? This is called fate, this is called true love."

Hearing this, Chen Yi gave a thumbs up: "You are really awesome, I admire you."

He was really convinced. Who would have thought that Jiang Fanlei would go to the library to find a girlfriend. But it should be said that the girls in the library are more likely to be single, and their personalities are not too bad.

The library is inherently a filtering place, and girls who are too impetuous will generally not choose to go there.

Jiang Fanlei laughed: "I call it a skill that is better than the skill of the master."

Zou Ying rolled her eyes at him. Jiang Fanlei had told her about this. It was precisely because his good friend Chen Yi found true love in the library that he went to the library to try his luck. She had a good feeling about Jiang Fanlei. Over time, she got to know him, and eventually they became boyfriend and girlfriend.

She must also admit that even if fate comes, she cannot stop it.

Chen Yi: "Then this meal is not enough, let's add ten more."

Jiang Fanlei said grandly: "No problem!"

Of course, you can't lose face in front of your girlfriend.

The food was quickly served. Jiang Fanlei ordered the dishes, which were basically made of expensive ingredients. He also opened a bottle of wine, and it was obvious that he was in a good mood.

People feel refreshed when happy events happen, which is understandable.

"You can't drink today, maybe next time." Chen Yi refused.

Jiang Fanlei didn't insist. He was already used to the other party's identity as a detective and didn't have much time to drink.

A few people chatted while eating.

"Forensic doctor, your usual work...isn't it particularly bloody?" Zou Ying asked curiously.

Jiang Fanlei had just stuffed a piece of mutton into his mouth when he heard this and interrupted quickly: "No, no, no, can we talk about something else?"

Looking for a forensic doctor as a girlfriend, he doesn't have a heart as strong as Chen Yi.

After seeing too many corpses, can I still have feelings for people?

If you have a quarrel and want to do something harsh to you, you will be hard-pressed to prevent it. It is similar to doctors, nurses and lawyers. They belong to the stronger side in their profession, and it will be really "suffering".

Fang Shuyu smiled and replied: "It's okay, it's okay."

Zou Ying was very curious about Fang Shuyu. Such a beautiful girl could be a forensic doctor. It was really hard to find her even with a lantern.

She really didn't expect that Jiang Fanlei would have friends in the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment, and he was also the captain.

If you really marry Jiang Fanlei in the future, it will be very helpful in terms of interpersonal relationships.

She thinks more realistically, it is human nature, everyone will think about it, and there will be no delay in becoming friends with each other.

For example, if the other person's future children attend her own school, she will also take special care of each other.

Halfway through the meal, Jiang Fanlei mentioned tomorrow's itinerary.

"The Wind Chime Group will have their farewell concert tomorrow, are you going? I'll be responsible for the tickets and guarantee the front area of ​​the infield."

Chen Yi was unfamiliar with these four words and asked doubtfully: "Wind Spirit Combination? I've never heard of it. What about you, Shuyu?"

Fang Shuyu said: "There is a group that has become very popular in recent years. I have listened to their songs, and there is one song... By the way, "The Us Back Then" is very good. I liked it for a while."

Chen Yi snorted and asked, "Do you want to go?"

Fang Shuyu shook his head: "I only listen to songs, not chase stars."

Seeing that the two of them wanted to refuse, Jiang Fanlei said: "Brother, let's go to the farewell concert. Miao Beiling may have a solo career. She will definitely be one of the most popular female singers in the country by then. Why don't you go to this??"

Chen Yi: "What does it have to do with me?"

Jiang Fanlei: "Uh."

He shook his head and looked at Zou Ying: "It's better for us to go. It's a waste of tickets if they go."

Fang Shuyu asked: "Why are you flying solo?"

Jiang Fanlei: "Absolutely. Miao Beiling is extremely popular in the group. The other two have almost become foils now, and the fans are also very vocal. It is normal for the company to want to support Miao Beiling alone for the purpose of making money."

Fang Shuyu nodded slightly: "It's a pity. I'm afraid I won't be able to hear songs sung by the three of them again in the future."

Jiang Fanlei: "There is nothing to listen to, just listen to Miao Beiling."

Listening to the chat between the two, Chen Yi took a sip of water and said, "It's so miserable."

Jiang Fanlei looked over: "What's so tragic?"

Chen Yi: "The other two people were able to gain some popularity and stay popular, but now they have to be dumped. How can they not be miserable?"

Jiang Fanlei: "As you said, everyone has his own development. At the beginning, everyone started from the same point. If they can't do it themselves, there's nothing they can do about it."

Chen Yi: "There are different feelings between not having something and having something and then losing it."

Jiang Fanlei did not refute this and said, "That's right. Should we go then? Maybe we can see a scene that will move people to tears."

Chen Yi shook his head: "No, I'm not interested."

Jiang Fanlei: "Forget it, don't regret it. Do you think tickets in the front area of ​​the infield are so easy to buy?"

Chen Yi: “If you can buy it, I can buy it too.”

Jiang Fanlei: "..."

After dinner, the two parties said goodbye and left without any follow-up activities. Jiang Fanlei's purpose was to introduce his girlfriend to Chen Yi and invite him to attend a concert together tomorrow, but unfortunately it failed.

After returning home, Chen Yi turned on the TV. He liked the sound of the TV at home.

"I have to go to the bureau to work overtime tomorrow. Do you have any plans?" Chen Yi asked.

Fang Shuyu made two cups of bedtime drinks and came over and said, "I have nothing to do, so I'll go with you. I happen to have some materials to write, and I may be promoted before the year."

Chen Yi smiled and said: "Congratulations, okay, I won't be busy for long. I can go shopping in the mall after three or four o'clock in the afternoon. There are still too few necessities at home."

Fang Shuyu: "Okay."

The two of them leaned on the sofa and watched the documentary for a while, then went to bed after ten o'clock. Before that, a game was inevitable.

Warm life, very real, very simple.

(End of this chapter)

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