Chapter 224 Interrogation of Fan Zikun

ten o'clock in the morning.

Yangcheng Provincial Department.

Chen Yi, He Xin, and Yan Quan rushed to the Imperial City overnight to arrest people. Zhuo Yun completed the report immediately after Zhang Jingang went to work.

This matter was not trivial and involved the Imperial City, so Zhang Jingang also informed the provincial department immediately.

Originally, this case could be reported to Fang Songping after it was concluded, but since Chen Yi was involved, Wei Jianfeng chose to talk to Fang Songping in advance.

"Going to the Imperial City to arrest people?"

"Okay, I see."

In the office, Fang Songping didn't react much after learning about this and waved Wei Jianfeng to leave.

He sat on the chair and thought for a while, but he didn't know what he thought of. He got up and went to the window, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hello? Matsudaira."

On the other end of the phone, a man's voice came. There was a hint of age in the voice, and it was more calm and powerful, like the sound of an ancient bell, which made people feel inexplicable awe and respect.

Fang Songping: "Dad, I didn't disturb you, did I?"

The old man smiled and said, "No, the weather is nice today. I've been sunbathing after dinner. Is there anything wrong?"

Fang Songping: "Chen Yi has gone to the Imperial City, do you want to meet him?"

Old man: "What is this kid doing in the Imperial City?"

Fang Songping: "In a serial murder case, the suspect has been identified, and another one is going to be killed. He is going to hunt for it."

Old man: "Oh..."

The tone of each word was drawn out very long, and the words "serial killing" and "more killings" did not cause any emotional fluctuations in him, as if it was just a trivial matter to him.

Fang Songping said nothing and waited silently.

After a while, the old man said: "It's okay to meet her, but we can't say that my precious granddaughter is getting engaged and I haven't even met my grandson-in-law."

Fang Songping: "Do you need me to call him?"

The old man: "No, let me ask. We will wait until he finishes the case. Work is the most important thing."

Fang Songping: "Okay."

Old man: "Is there anything else?"

Fang Songping: "No, please pay more attention to your health."

Old man: "I know."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Songping put away his phone and took a deep breath.

Although the person on the phone was his biological father, he still felt pressure in his heart, which he had always felt since he was a child.

I hope... my father can be satisfied with Chen Yi.

I also hope that Chen Yi will not be too embarrassed after meeting his father.

Although the name Fang Yanjun is not well known to the public and has long been retired, in the Imperial City, everyone has to weigh his words.


Imperial City Bureau.

Qin He took Chen Yi and the others to eat local style breakfast, fried dough sticks, bean juice and pickled vegetables, which is a local favorite. However, these things are also available in Yangcheng, so Chen Yi and the others did not find them novel.

At this moment in the interrogation room, Chen Yi was already sitting in front of Fan Zikun, with Yan Quan and He Xin on his left and right.

Further to the left is the police officer responsible for recording.

Qin He did not participate and came to the observation room to watch the interrogation.

After all, it was not a case in the Imperial City. Although the suspect wanted to kill someone in the Imperial City, he still failed.

After verifying the basic information, Chen Yidao: "Tell me about the murder process."

Fan Zikun grinned: "What's there to say? It's just a knife when we meet. Is it difficult? Killing these two idiots is easier than killing a chicken."

These words made He Xin and Yan Quan frown. They had not encountered such a rampant and cold-blooded murderer for a long time.

Such people generally have psychological problems.

The gold medal coach of the children's Sanda club?

This person probably has two personalities. When committing crimes, he is fearless and is extremely ruthless.

Chen Yi said: "Then let's talk slowly. Let's talk about Yang Xiuming first. Where did you kill him in Yangcheng?"

Fan Zikun: "He drank too much and went to whore. After he was done with it, I killed him when he left. Isn't that very humane? At least he was happy before he died."

Chen Yi: "Where is Ma Ziping?"

Fan Zikun: "He and his girlfriend went to check out a hotel and killed him when they came out to buy condoms."

Chen Yi: "How did you know the whereabouts of these two people?"

Fan Zikun: "Of course it's nonsense. You can always find an opportunity."

It was a strange feeling for everyone watching this interrogation to have mature words spoken from a young face.

This is a rare experience in my career.

Chen Yi picked up the dagger that had been put in the evidence bag in front of him and asked, "Is this the murder weapon that killed them?"

Fan Zikun: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "Why do you want to kill them?"

The facts of this case are very clear. The only uncertainty is Fan Zikun's motive for the murder. We need to hear what he has to say.

Hearing this, Fan Zikun's eyes narrowed, murderous intent burst out again, and he said coldly: "Do you need a reason to kill them? How did they treat me in high school? I said that sooner or later, they will pay a heavy price. ."

Chen Yi: "Who are they referring to, including Yan Jingkai?"

Fan Zikun: "Including! I came to the Imperial City to kill him! It was almost!"

Chen Yi: "Tell me clearly, how did I treat you? Did I hit you or scold you?"

Fan Zikun gritted his teeth: "All of them!"

"Do you know what's the most unlucky thing for me? It's going home and dropping in with them!"

“They robbed me of my money, forced me to take money from home, kicked me, kicked me, slapped me, and even gave me dog shit!!”

"I will never forget that taste in my life!"

Hearing this, Chen Yi frowned slightly.

It's a bit too much.

I had already guessed that Yang Xiuming and the others had bullied Fan Zikun, but I didn't expect it to be so serious and beyond the bottom line of high school students and even all normal people.

No wonder Fan Zikun still holds grudges. It would still be terrible for a person who has gradually become mentally abnormal due to a strange illness to hold grudges.

So when it comes to people, you should try to be kinder. You don't know whether you are offending a normal person or a lunatic.

"Why do you have to gouge out their eyes and slit the corners of their mouths?" Chen Yi asked.

Fan Zikun: "Haha, because I hated the look in their eyes, the mockery, the fooling, and the unbridled laughter! They like to laugh, right? Then I will let them laugh enough, don't they like to laugh? Laugh hard!"

Chen Yi had a picture in his mind. After school in the evening, Yang Xiuming and three others blocked Fan Zikun in a corner, tore his clothes, kicked him on the body, and slapped him on the face.

It was obviously a disgusting behavior, but the three of them laughed happily, as if bullying the weak could bring them endless confidence and joy.

Fan Zikun may have prayed, but Chu Chu's pitiful look did not win any sympathy from Yang Xiuming and the other three. Instead, they received more unbridled laughter, more vicious sarcasm, and... more mocking eyes.

That look and smile were deeply engraved in Fan Zikun's heart, and he vowed to make the three guys in front of him pay the price.

Four years later, Fan Zikun returned and used crushing force and a huge difference in height to slit his throat with a knife.

Just like back then, Yang Xiuming and the others looked down at Fan Zikun, it was the strong versus the weak.

Now, the strength and weakness are reversed, and the weak of the past have become the strong, while the strong of the past can only be the soul under the sword.

Even the corpse cannot remain intact.

After a moment of silence, Chen Yi asked: "Where are the eyes?"

Fan Zikun: "It's also at home. If you like it, go get it. It's very spectacular."

Chen Yi: "Where is the spectacle?"

Fan Zikun smiled and said: "Fear, don't you think this is a very enjoyable thing?"

Chen Yi sighed, it was another revenge case that could not be slapped.

Some people are really idle, can't they just be themselves honestly? If you have to provoke others, if you are unlucky, it may really cost you your life.

The law is majestic, but people like Fan Zikun don't care if they are forced to do anything.

"Did you go to work at the Children's Sanda Club just for revenge?" Chen Yi continued to ask.

Fan Zikun: "Not entirely, I have to work to make money. My parents want me to go to college, but I don't want to. I will only meet more people like Yang Xiuming in college, so why bother asking for trouble? ."

"My body is deformed, so I can just eat and wait for death."

When it came to his parents, Chen Yi didn't say anything heartbreaking. He didn't try to persuade others to be kind. Things had already happened, and there was no point in talking about them.

"Actually, your life is already very exciting. As a senior coach of the club, many normal people cannot do this. You have an innate advantage."

Adults think about the appearance of children. Such a person is very suitable to teach children. If he develops well in the next few years, maybe he can become a well-known figure in Yangcheng.

No matter how bad he is, he will still become a famous Internet celebrity, and his inspirational experience can be called a legend.

Small man, big energy, these six words suit Fan Zikun very well.

Fan Zikun's eyes dimmed: "The club... I promised them that I would go back, but I have to break my promise."

At this moment, Shi Hexin also spoke: "Seeing as your hatred is only concentrated on Yang Xiuming and the other three, the education for the club's children should be positive, right?"

Fan Zikun smiled slightly: "What I have instilled in them is the idea of ​​self-protection. They should not bully others, but others should not bully them casually. When encountering injustice in the future, they must have the courage to draw a sword to help. If only someone would have helped me back then... "

He didn't continue talking, but when he talked about the club, there was no hatred in his eyes, but a warm look in his eyes.

This is not a pure bad guy, but he will turn into a bad guy when facing Yang Xiuming and the others.

The way of dealing with it is too extreme. In fact... after you become stronger, if you really can't swallow it, you can just find an opportunity to teach him a lesson. There is really no need to use this method.

It's really not worth it to involve yourself, and it ruins an otherwise wonderful life.

"Did Yan Jingkai participate in the money robbery?" Chen Yi asked.

As a high school student has reached the age of fourteen, he will be held criminally responsible for robbery, and the prosecution period has not yet passed.

Fan Zikun was silent for a while and said honestly: "No, it was Yang Xiuming who stole the money."

Chen Yi nodded slightly.

Yan Jingkai was relatively lucky. Fan Zikun put him last. In addition, the police investigated the case very quickly, which prevented the tragedy from happening further.

Since he did not participate in the robbery, he cannot be held accountable for what happened in high school in his early years. If Yan Jingkai's character does not change when he goes to college, he will be the only one who suffers the consequences in the end.

He didn't ask Fan Zikun why he didn't call the police. This problem was not really a problem. Most high school students would not call the police unless they suffered serious personal injuries.

The minds of students are not that social yet.

The interrogation is still going on. After it is over, Fan Zikun will be temporarily detained in the detention room. After the confessions and videos are compiled, he will fly back to Yangcheng with Chen Yi and the others.

As for whether Qin He would send someone to escort him, that was his business, and he probably would.

While Chen Yi and the others were interrogating Fan Zikun, Xie Shaohua, who rarely appeared in the Imperial City Bureau, arrived by car, got off the car and hurried in.

Xie Shaohua, deputy of the Imperial City Police Department, is in charge of the Imperial City Bureau.

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

When all the police officers passing by saw Xie Shaohua, they were startled for a moment, and quickly stood at attention and saluted.

I haven't seen the other party for a long time. Why are you here today? And he left so fast. Did something big happen?

"Where is Xu Zhengqing?"

"In the office."

Xie Shaohua nodded in response, and without stopping, he went directly to the office of the deputy director in charge of criminal investigation.

"Lao Xie? Why are you here??" Xu Zhengqing was very surprised and stood up quickly.

Xie Shaohua and Xu Zhengqing were very familiar with each other. After coming in, they sat down and poured themselves a glass of water. Xu Zhengqing also left his desk and walked over, sitting diagonally across from them.

"What's going on?" Xu Zhengqing asked again.

Xie Shaohua took a sip of water and asked: "Old Xu, is Chen Yi from the Yangcheng City Bureau here?"

Xu Zhengqing nodded: "Yes, a serial murder case occurred in Dongzhou. The suspect came to the Imperial City. Vice Captain Chen is here to arrest the person. He has been arrested and is being interrogated. Judging from the time, the trial should be over soon, right? "

Xie Shaohua: "Leave after the trial?"

Xu Zhengqing: "That's right, people are not allowed to take them back to Yangcheng?"

Xie Shaohua said: "We'll tell you later."

Xu Zhengqing didn't understand: "What do you mean?"

Xie Shaohua: "Since the case is over, there is no need to leave in a hurry. I will keep him here for now, and I can find any reason to let Chen Yi leave tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Xu Zhengqing was confused: "Why is this?"

Xie Shaohua: "Don't ask so many questions. In the next two days, something will definitely happen."

Seeing this, Xu Zhengqing didn't ask any more questions, nodded and said: "Okay, isn't this simple? I just need to come to the Imperial City and let him stroll around here. Can I still give him this little face?"

Xie Shaohua glanced at him: "Old Xu, be polite to him."

Xu Zhengqing realized something and asked hesitantly: "He..."

Xie Shaohua pointed to the ceiling of the room.

Xu Zhengqing's face changed slightly, and he quickly shut up and stopped asking any more questions. Asking too many questions could easily lead to trouble.

On the other side, the interrogation of Chen Yi and the others has come to an end. All the questions that need to be asked about Fan Zikun's murder case have been asked. The only thing left is to go back to Yangcheng to search his home, which not only confirms the confession, but also closes the chain of evidence.

At that time, this case spanning three cities came to an end.

Yan Quan breathed a sigh of relief and followed Chen Yi out of the interrogation room. This should be the easiest murder case he has handled since becoming a criminal police officer.

As soon as it happened, I received a call from Chen Yi, and then merged the case, then rushed to Yangcheng, and finally went to Imperial City to arrest the murderer. The whole process didn't involve much effort.

(End of this chapter)

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