Chapter 205 Interrogation of Jiang Yu
The time came to the next day. Chen Yi slept directly in the city bureau last night. Not only him, but the entire criminal investigation detachment was not idle, and the intense work continued.

Jiang Yu did not "enjoy" the treatment of the detention room. He has been handcuffed in the interrogation room from the moment he was arrested.

Except for going to the toilet, you can go out, eat and sleep inside.

Mental exhaustion is also one of the ways to break through psychological defenses. At this time, as long as a little bit of evidence is presented, Jiang Yu is very likely to relent.

On the other side, Jiang Xueyi has already started to change lawyers.

Before, it was being coerced into giving perjury, but now it is a felony of murder. These are two completely different concepts.

After all, her son was her son, and she had to do her best to keep Jiang Yu alive, not to mention indefinitely, at least with a reprieve.

She used all her connections and even contacted Kunda, but unfortunately she was declined by the latter.

The friendship 20 years ago was obviously not enough to support Kong Da from risking his own life for Shi Guangjian. He did not want to offend Chen Yi.

The provincial department has resolved the blockage from reporters and promised to hold a press conference after the case is concluded, but some reporters still have not left and want to get first-hand information.

It wasn't until the special police car drove to the city bureau and the heavily armed special police surrounded the city bureau gate that they were scared away.

In the Communications Department, Shi Xin woke up from his sleep and looked up at the computer screen. The progress bar there was 90.00% completed.

He shook his head to wake himself up and waited quietly.

Soon, the progress bar reached [-]%, and the deleted surveillance video was restored!

Shi Xin's expression was startled, and he immediately swiped the mouse to click on the hotel surveillance on the night of the [-]nd and [-]rd, and then picked up the phone and dialed Chen Yi's number.

In the office, Chen Yi, who received a call from Shi Xin, immediately set off and rushed over.

"Recovered?" Chen Yi asked as he entered the communications department.

He Xin smiled and said: "It's restored. It's just a normal method. This hacker's skills are not very good."

His words were filled with confidence and mockery of hackers.

Chen Yi patted He Xin on the shoulder: "Well done, I just said that I can't poach you in vain, and I can't lend you the money in vain."

He Xin rolled his eyes: "That's not true, is it? I will pay you back the money. Isn't it because the house hasn't been sold yet?"

Chen Yi: "You're overthinking it. I'm not collecting debts. Am I short of those 80 million?"

When was it new: "..."

Chen Yi: "Let's take a look at the surveillance on night [-] first."

He Xin nodded: "Okay, I have already cut them out."

As he spoke, he pressed the play button.

The surveillance video started to play. This is the real surveillance video of that day. You can see Jiang Yu supporting Wu Qianqian under the surveillance. He first placed Wu Qianqian on the sofa, and then went to check out the room. During the process, he returned and took away Wu Qianqian's bag. ID card inside.

After the room was opened, Wu Qianqian was helped out of the lobby and onto the elevator.

Wu Qianqian kept her head lowered and leaned in Jiang Yu's arms. Her legs and feet were very soft, and she had obviously drank a lot.

The scene shifted to the hotel corridor, where Jiang Yu brought Wu Qianqian into the room.

This is the surveillance on night [-].

The scene was adjusted to the early morning of the [-]rd, and Shi Guangjian's figure appeared, holding a large suitcase in his hand.

Less than half an hour after entering the room, Shi Guangjian and Jiang Yu left the room and disappeared from the surveillance camera.

There is no Wu Qianqian.

Of course she wouldn't disappear out of thin air, the body was in that suitcase.

Seeing this, Chen Yi's eyes turned cold: "It's time to interrogate. Thank you for your hard work, Lao He."


Shi Guangjian was taken from the detention room to the interrogation room.

Chen Yi, sitting in front of him

Arriving at the interrogation room again, Shi Guangjian felt confused and said, "Captain Chen, do you have anything else to ask? I thought I was going to the detention center to wait for the trial."

Chen Yi said calmly: "Don't worry, let's chat again. Do you want to smoke?"

He picked up the cigarette case and signaled.

Shi Guangjian glanced at it, frowned and said, "What are you talking about?"

Chen Yi took out a cigarette and lit it, and said: "Let's talk about the issues we didn't finish talking about last time. I said at the time that I felt like you won. Do you remember?"

Shi Guangjian: "Remember, I asked Captain Chen why he said this."

Chen Yi: "Well, I can answer you now. You won at that time, but now I'm afraid... the situation has changed."

Shi Guangjian looked calm: "Captain Chen, tell me what you have to say."

Chen Yi slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "Kong Da and I talked on the phone."

Hearing the name Kong Da, Shi Guangjian's pupils shrank suddenly.

Chen Yi continued: "You should know what he said to me, so I don't need to repeat it, right?"

Shi Guangjian fell silent.

Chen Yi: "Tell me, how did you rape Wu Qianqian when you lost your male power?"

Shi Guangjian raised his head slightly: "I..."

Looking at the other party's expression, Chen Yi immediately guessed what he wanted to say and immediately interrupted: "I don't want to hear the nonsense explanation, because the surveillance of Zhishang Hotel has been restored by our technical staff."

Shi Guangjian stayed there.

Chen Yi: "Oh, by the way, and Jiang Yu has been arrested. He is easier to interrogate than you. Even if you keep silent, we can still make him speak."

Shi Guangjian gathered his fingers together, and veins popped out on his forehead.

He stared at Chen Yi and said coldly: "Chen, can't it be enough that someone is responsible for this matter? Why do you have to investigate further! Are you showing off your abilities? Are you showing off your skills?!"

Chen Yi said calmly: "I heard Jiang Xueyi say it yesterday, and I have become immune to such selfish words. There is really no limit to how selfish some people can be."

"You ask me why I want to investigate, okay, I'll tell you."

"Because justice will be done, and scum will be punished!"

"Are you satisfied with this answer?"

"What would your reaction be if someone killed Jiang Xueyi and her son and cut them into pieces?"

Shi Guangjian closed his eyes in despair. Everything had been found out, and there was no point in continuing to quibble.

But he cannot be a breakthrough.

Chen Yi: "Are you still not going to explain?"

Shi Guangjian whispered: "Since Captain Chen already knows everything, why bother asking me again? Being too smart is not a good thing. Captain Chen is against the harmony of nature."

Chen Yi: "Don't talk nonsense, there are still many things I want to ask."

Shi Guangjian: "I don't know."

Chen Yi: "Shi Guangjian, you should know that Jiang Yu doesn't have such a strong psychological quality as you. If the evidence is slapped on his face, it's good that he won't be frightened to pee."

"What's the need to waste time at this time?" Shi Guangjian said nothing.

After waiting for a while, Chen Yi changed the topic: "Okay, let's talk about something else. How did you know that Jiang Xueyi gave birth to a son for you? There is no need to do a paternity test for this matter, right?"

Mentioning this matter, Shi Guangjian sighed and said, "I forgot when, maybe two or three years ago, I met Jiang Xueyi's friend, she told me."

Chen Yi: "So when you returned to China, you didn't even think about looking for Jiang Xueyi."

Shi Guangjian: "After so many years, I thought she would have already gotten married and had children, so why bother her, but I didn't expect..."

Chen Yi continued: "But unexpectedly, Jiang Xueyi not only did not start a family, but was pregnant when you left. She did not choose to abort the child, but gave birth to it and raised it by herself."

Shi Guangjian had pain and guilt on his face.

Chen Yi: "Go see Jiang Xueyi, what did she say?"

Shi Guangjian: "She still hates me so much. I can understand. Where was I when she was pregnant? Where was I when Jiang Yu was born? Where was I when Jiang Yu cried every night? When mother and child were looked down upon, I was there again. where……"

"Now that Jiang Yu is an adult, no woman would be able to accept my sudden appearance."

"I will never be able to repay this love in my lifetime."

Chen Yi: "So the moment you learned that Jiang Yu committed a murder, you decided to take the blame for him?"

Shi Guangjian said nothing.

As long as the issue of Jiang Yu's murder was involved, he chose to remain silent.

Chen Yi didn't care and continued to ask: "Why don't you tell the truth to Jiang Xueyi?"

Shi Guangjian: "Is it useful to tell the truth? In ancient times, people like me were called eunuchs. This was a very honorable thing?"

Chen Yi: "Does Jiang Yu know that you are his father?"

Shi Guangjian: "I'll find out later."

Chen Yi: "Which one comes after? After coming to Yangcheng, or after killing people?"

Shi Guangjian stopped talking again.

Chen Yi lost his patience and stood up and said, "Okay, I'll interrogate Jiang Yu first, and we'll talk after we get Jiang Yu's confession."

These words made Shi Guangjian suddenly raise his head, looking at Chen Yi's leaving figure, he hesitated to speak.

He wanted to stop it, but couldn't.

On the other side, Jiang Yu, who had been staying in the interrogation room, looked very depressed. Although no one prohibited him from sleeping, he would definitely not sleep well if he was handcuffed to a chair.

Coupled with the panic of being arrested, he was in a very bad state at the moment.

The sound of opening the door startled him. He looked up and found that it was Chen Yi.

He couldn't wait to say: "Uncle police, why do you want to arrest me? I..."

"Shut up!" Chen Yi shouted coldly, "Don't make yourself look so small to a policeman. People who don't know may think you are underage!"

Jiang Yu's voice stopped suddenly, and his eyes followed Chen Yi until he sat down.

Chen Yi: "Tell me, how did you kill Wu Qianqian and why did you kill her."

Jiang Yu's expression changed and he quickly denied: "I didn't kill her. Uncle Shi did it. I took the video!"

Chen Yi: "Stop showing off your little tricks, and... you shouldn't be called Uncle Shi, you should be called Dad. Don't rush to deny it. We can do a personal appraisal, and both Shi Guangjian and your mother have admitted it."

Jiang Yu lowered his head.

After a while, he said: "He... is he my father? I don't know."

Chen Yi frowned and shook his head: "Jiang Yu, how do you feel so at ease that you let your biological father take the blame for you? What's the difference between this and sending your father to the guillotine with your own hands? Don't you feel any psychological pressure at all?"

Jiang Yu: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Chen Yi stood up and placed the printed surveillance screenshots in front of Jiang Yu one by one.

Seeing these screenshots, Jiang Yu was so frightened that his entire face turned pale and bloodless.

Chen Yi: "Your dad is very smart. The most critical point in this case is the hotel surveillance, which must be dealt with, so he found someone to pretend to be Wu Qianqian, created a new surveillance and covered the surveillance of No. [-] and No. [-], and forged the surveillance of No. [-]. The fact that Wu Qianqian is still alive on this morning."

"He succeeded. Our suspicious eyes quickly turned away from you because you had no motive to rape your girlfriend who took the initiative to enter the hotel with you."

"It's a pity that what's fake is fake and can never be true. Your dad thinks crime is too simple and the police are too stupid."

"Jiang Yu, you still haven't told the truth!!"

The sudden increase in volume woke Jiang Yu up from his trance, and he said in a panic: "No, no, no... it's not my fault, it's not my fault! It's her fault! She's going to call the police and destroy me!!"

Chen Yi said angrily: "If you didn't rape her, would she want to call the police?! How can you be so thick-skinned!"

In the room, all the police officers looked at Jiang Yu and frowned. Some criminals have such weird logic that they feel that the whole world is wrong, but they are right.

Jiang Yu said excitedly: "We are already in love. Isn't it normal to have sex?! Why is she pretending? How can we not have sex when we are in love now!"

Chen Yi was too lazy to talk to him about all this nonsense. It made no sense: "What happened on the night of the [-]nd? Let's start from the beginning."

Jiang Yu: "Just...eating, drinking, and getting a room..."

Chen Yi: "In order to get a room smoothly, you drank with her, right?"

Jiang Yu: "No! Just ordinary drinking."

Chen Yi: "The result is the same. She was drunk and in a very unconscious state, and you dragged her to the hotel. What happened next?"

Jiang Yu: "Then...then I had sex with her. She cried and wanted to call the police. I had no choice but to kill her!"

"Uncle policeman, I was wrong! It was she who wanted to call the police to arrest me! She didn't want any money if I gave her! My mother will definitely beat me to death when she finds out!"

Chen Yi understood that raping first and then killing, to be precise, was silencing him afterwards.

When Jiang Yu discovered that Wu Qianqian was conservative at heart and could not accept the act of renting a house, he chose alcohol to achieve his goal.

At first, he thought very simply. A drunk girl had no ability to resist, and he didn't think it was a crime if they were boyfriend and girlfriend. However, after Wu Qianqian sobered up, she collapsed, and her first reaction was to call the police.

At this moment, Jiang Yu panicked.

Once Wu Qianqian calls the police, he will go to jail, his life will be ruined, and he will have to face his mother Jiang Xueyi.

Jiang Yu from a single-parent family should have a certain Oedipus complex, relying on his mother, fearing his mother, and unable to accept that Jiang Xueyi knew that she raped a girl.

All the thoughts collided together, making Jiang Yu suddenly have murderous intentions.

Chen Yi turned around and sat back.

"Continue, what happens after the killing?"

Jiang Yu did not answer, but cried and said: "I was wrong, I was wrong! I regret it so much now. Police uncle, please let me go!"

Chen Yi said slowly: "You are not regretful, you are just afraid."

"When your mother released you on bail pending trial, you must have felt very proud that everything was over."

"I heard that when I arrested you... you were smiling happily at the door of the classroom."

Most criminals only regret being caught, not the crime itself.

If you repent easily, you will not sin.

(End of this chapter)
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