Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 202: Interpersonal relationships come into play and Jiang Yu is arrested

Chapter 202: Interpersonal relationships come into play and Jiang Yu is arrested
"Team Chen, we found the taxi that Wu Qianqian took."

Arriving at the case handling hall, Jiang Xiaoxin's voice rang out.

Chen Yi looked over and said, "Did you call and ask?"

Jiang Xiaoxin nodded: "I asked, and the driver said that he picked up a girl in a pink dress, and the destination was the manor where Shi Guangjian is located. Everything is correct."

Chen Yi: "Okay, I understand."

After saying that, he turned around and shouted: "Brother Yun! Take people to salvage the river near the abandoned factory. Shi Guangjian said that the ax used to dismember the body is in it, as well as Wu Qianqian's fingers."

Zhuo Yun: "I'll leave right away!"

After Zhuo Yun led a group of police officers to leave, Jiang Xiaoxin relaxed. The case went through some twists and turns, but fortunately it finally ended successfully.

Who would have thought that the murderer and dismemberment would be an elder of the victim's boyfriend, and the motive was actually because the victim looked similar to his goddess.

The human heart is really hard to understand sometimes.

Fortunately, Chen Yi relied on his own connections to contact the president of Denton University. Fortunately, Wu Lin sensed something was wrong and ran back. Otherwise, I don't know when the case would be solved.

Maybe now, he is still checking Wuyuan Mountain.

"Captain Chen, aren't you going to interrogate Wu Yuanshan?" Seeing Chen Yi standing there in deep thought, Jiang Xiaoxin asked.

Wu Yuanshan's confession was still missing before the end of the case. Shi Guangjian had already recruited him, so there was no need for Wu Yuanshan to hold on any longer.

Chen Yi: "Wait a little longer, don't be in a hurry."

Jiang Xiaoxin was surprised: "Wait? What are you waiting for?"

Chen Yi didn't answer and left for the forensic room.

Watching Chen Yi leave, Jiang Xiaoxin asked Xiang Qin Fei: "What's wrong with Team Chen? Are you not happy that the case has been solved?"

Qin Fei spread his hands and expressed that he was not sure.

Forensic room.

"Recognize it?" Fang Shuyu smiled, "Just admit it, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Yi: "There's something wrong."

Fang Shuyu was surprised: "That's wrong? What's wrong?"

Chen Yi: "I can't say for the time being. From the moment he caught Wu Yuanshan, Shi Guangjian was leading us by the nose, asking us to investigate in the direction he wanted us to investigate. Facts have proved that this is indeed the case."

"But even now, even though he has confessed, this feeling still hasn't gone away."

Fang Shuyu: "You want to say...he is still leading us by the nose?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes."

Fang Shuyu was slightly silent and said, "What's the basis?"

Chen Yi: "A lot, it's reflected in the details, but it can't be counted as a basis."

Fang Shuyu: "For example?"

Chen Yi: "For example, when we first investigated Jiang Yu, Wu Yuanshan jumped out. Later, we discovered the problem and started to continue the investigation, and once again focused on Jiang Yu. At this time, Shi Guangjian jumped out. "

Fang Shuyu hesitated: "Are you...thinking too much? With your ability, the investigation will definitely advance, and new clues will point to new suspects. It's normal."

Chen Yi: "That's why I said it's not a basis, it's just a feeling."

"Also, Shi Guangjian is really a bit calm. The explanation he gave is that the city is deep and his inner emotions will not show on his face. It is reasonable."

"When he saw the video taken by Jiang Yu, his first reaction was to deny it. When we got the evidence, he decisively confessed. During the period, he also hinted that my detention had a time limit. Did you mean to ask me to investigate quickly?"

"All the details combined gave me the feeling that I was still being led by his nose."

Fang Shuyu came over, held Chen Yi's hand, and asked with concern: "Are you too tired?"

Chen Yi: "No, I'm very sober."

Fang Shuyu pursed his lips and said seriously: "Then I believe you. If Shi Guangjian is still lying, what is he trying to hide?"

Chen Yi: "Covering up the real murderer."

"The real murderer?!" Fang Shuyu's face changed slightly, "Do you suspect that Shi Guangjian is not the murderer? Who is that?"

Chen Yi: "Jiang Yu."

When the name came out, Fang Shuyu suddenly got goosebumps all over his body and said in surprise: " suspect that Jiang Yu raped and killed Wu Qianqian?? He doesn't have the need! And that video?"

Chen Yi sighed: "I know it's unreasonable. Although the chain of evidence of Shi Guangjian's murder and dismemberment is closed, all the clues can't be connected in my mind at the moment, and there are still some doubtful points."

Fang Shuyu: "But...why did Shi Guangjian do this? It's impossible to lick a dog so thoroughly, right? Put yourself in it? Just for Jiang Xueyi?"

Chen Yi glanced at her and said, "What if Jiang Yu is his son?"

Fang Shuyu's pupils shrank, and Chen Yi's guesses became more and more outrageous and bold.

If Jiang Yu is Shi Guangjian's son, it means Jiang Xueyi also lied.

"Then I'll do a DNA test right away?"

It is very simple to confirm this matter. Since both of them are at the city bureau, they can just do a paternity test.

Chen Yi shook his head: "It makes no sense. I have begun to doubt now. The answer is not important, so what if it is? It has no direct relationship with Shi Guangjian's rape and murder of Wu Qianqian, and it cannot overturn Shi Guangjian's confession."

"What I need now is not clues, but evidence, the most direct evidence, direct evidence that can directly overturn all of Shi Guangjian's confessions."


Fang Shuyu tentatively said: "Maybe... you really think too much?"

Chen Yi: "Yes, there is such a possibility, so I don't know where to go to eliminate my doubts."

"Let's wait and see. Let me think about it. If I can't think of it before the file is submitted to the prosecutor's office, then I am... too tired."

At this moment there was a knock on the door.

Chen Yi: "Come in."

Qin Fei opened the door and looked out: "Captain Chen, Director Zhang is looking for you."

Chen Yi: "I know, I'm leaving Shuyu first."

Fang Shuyu: "Yeah."

After Chen Yi left, she stood there and thought for a while, then turned around to read Wu Qianqian's autopsy report.

She believed in Chen Yi in her heart, but she was only a forensic doctor and all she could do was autopsy.

Whether it is to confirm or help the other party eliminate doubts, she hopes to find a breakthrough in the autopsy results.


Chen Yi met Zhang Jingang, who was in a good mood and said with a smile: "Boy, why don't you report to me immediately after the case is solved? Are you still waiting for me to call you?"

Chen Yi hesitated for a moment and said, "Zhang Ju, please give me some more time. I still feel something is not right."

Zhang Jingang's smile faded: "What do you mean?"

Chen Yi: "It's hard to say now. Just wait for me...two days. Two days will be enough."

Zhang Jingang: "Wait a minute, don't be embarrassed, just say it directly. Is it because the details of this case are missing, or is there something wrong with the suspect?"

Chen Yi: "The suspect has a problem."

Hearing this, Zhang Jingang suddenly had a bad premonition: "Don't tell me, the wrong person was arrested. Didn't they all plead guilty?"

Chen Yi: "Wu Yuanshan also pleaded guilty."

The words were concise and concise, directly blocking Zhang Jingang there.

"Do you have any definite basis?" Zhang Jingang frowned.

Chen Yi shook his head: "Not yet."

Zhang Jingang was silent for a moment and said: "The criminal police pay attention to evidence when handling cases. You know this very well. You don't bring subjective emotions into it, right?"

Chen Yi: "I'm very objective."

Zhang Jingang: "Is there any loophole in Shi Guangjian's confession? Is it the same loophole as Wu Yuanshan?"

Chen Yi: "No."

Zhang Jingang: "If not, the case will be closed in two days. I will give you two days."

Sitting in this seat, he could not let the case be put on hold for a long time because of Chen Yi's unfounded suspicion.

The evidence is conclusive, the murderer confessed, and there are no flaws in his confession. No one has any reason to continue investigating.

Chen Yi stood up: "Okay, just two days. If no clues are found in two days, the case will be closed."


When night came, Zhuo Yun took his people back and found the ax thrown into the river, which he had already taken for inspection.

As for Wu Qianqian's finger, she still hasn't found it.

Maybe it was just as Shi Guangjian said, let the fish, turtles and turtles chew it up, after all, so many days had passed.

At the same time, Jiang Xueyi arrived. She had already received the news that Jiang Yu had been taken away by the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment.

Reception room.

Different from the last time we met, Jiang Xueyi looked a little serious now and asked: "Captain Chen, why did you arrest Jiang Yu? Didn't you inform me?"

Chen Yi said politely: "Ms. Jiang, we are just conducting a routine investigation, and the facts have proven that your son is indeed suspected of breaking the law."

Jiang Xueyi's expression changed: "Illegal crime? What did he do?!"

Chen Yi: "According to our investigation, Shi Guangjian killed Jiang Yu's girlfriend and let Jiang Yu hit him. He was coerced into perjury."

"You are Jiang Yu's mother. You will find out sooner or later, but please keep it a secret and don't spread it."

Jiang Xueyi was shocked: "Shi...Shi Guangjian killed Jiang Yu's girlfriend?? How is this possible?!"

Chen Yi: "The evidence is conclusive and he also confessed."

Jiang Xueyi's face was uncertain, and it was obviously difficult to accept this fact.

After a long silence, she said: "Since it was coercion, it should be... excusable, right?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes, there are extenuating circumstances. Generally, the person who coerced will not be held criminally responsible. However, we need to wait for the trial of the entire case to see the final verdict."

"Therefore, Jiang Yu needs to face detention during this period."

Hearing this, Jiang Xueyi was a little angry: "Jiang Yu, how could this kid be involved in this kind of thing? I told him to be careful when making friends, but he just didn't listen. It's okay now, we have to go to court. !”

The target of her anger was Jiang Yu, not Chen Yi.

Chen Yi said nothing.

"Captain Chen, I have a request." Jiang Xueyi looked at Chen Yi.

Chen Yi: "Ms. Jiang, please speak."

Jiang Xueyi said: "Can Jiang Yu go back to school first?"

Chen Yi hesitated: "This..."

He knew what the other party meant and was released on bail pending trial.

Jiang Xueyi: "Captain Chen, Jiang Yu just made a mistake under duress. Even if he goes to court, I won't be sentenced if I find a good lawyer. He should be eligible for bail pending trial, right?"

According to regulations, one of the following conditions must be met to be released on bail pending trial.

First, the offender may be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment, surveillance or criminal detention, and the crime poses minimal harm to society.

Second, there are special circumstances such as illness, inability to take care of oneself, pregnant women, etc.

Third, the detention period has expired, the case has not been settled, and all evidence has not been collected.

Jiang Yu's situation is consistent.

Chen Yi: "Okay, then please ask Ms. Jiang to submit the application and pay the deposit. I need to find the leader to sign. During this period, you and Jiang Yu must be there at all times and are not allowed to leave Yangcheng."

"Once we discover that Jiang Yu wants to leave, no matter the reason, arrest him immediately. The problem will be much more serious by then."

Jiang Xueyi nodded: "Thank you, Captain Chen. Don't worry, he will never leave."


Early the next morning, when Chen Yilai came to the city bureau, Jiang Xueyi picked Jiang Yu up.

Before the trial begins, he can move freely in Yangcheng until he arrives at the court. During this period, he must be available at all times.

Just got in the car.

Jiang Xueyi slapped her away and said angrily: "Jiang Yu!! What's going on! Why did Shi Guangjian kill your girlfriend?!"

Jiang Yu covered his face and said aggrievedly: "I, I... I don't know. He just killed him anyway. Maybe he thought my girlfriend looked like you." Jiang Xueyi was stunned by these words: "You... ...What did Shi Guangjian say to you?"

Jiang Yu said with a cry: "He...he said that he chased you when he was young, and he still likes you now, so he has always taken good care of me, loving the house and the womb."

"My girlfriend does look a lot like you. I guess that's why he must be crazy."

Jiang Xueyi fell silent, clenching her hands tightly, her expression showing confusion, shock, and even a trace of undetectable pain.

Her mood must be very complicated at this moment.

"I'll take you back to school and stay with me. When the court comes, I will help you find a good lawyer."

Jiang Yu lowered his head: "Thank you, Mom..."


On the other side, Chen Yi called Shi Xin and spent a day starting a comprehensive investigation of Shi Guangjian's interpersonal relationships, not counting colleagues, but mainly early friends.

Unfortunately, nothing was gained.

Only then did they discover that there were gaps in Shi Guangjian's interpersonal relationships. They could not find any of them before going abroad, only the new friends he made after returning to China.

This is a very strange thing, and Chen Yi feels more and more that there is something wrong here.

The next day, after getting up, Chen Yi did not choose to go to the city bureau. Instead, he opened a WeChat group that he had rarely opened in the past two years.

Here are all his friends in this world, including Jiang Fanlei and Xu Can.

These people have one thing in common: they have money.

To be precise, there are many hidden connections behind it.

[Everyone, do me a favor. I will thank you again after the job is done. The specifications are up to you to choose]

There was silence for a while after the message was sent out, and soon the group became lively.

[Shit, Mr. Chen finally spoke, I thought you looked down on us since you became a detective! 】

[Mr. Chen, you don’t usually burn incense, but you are practicing Buddhism temporarily. Now that you think of us, you are not authentic. 】

[It’s very unethical. Can I refuse? Ha ha. 】

[How can I thank you so much? 】

Jiang Fanlei and Xu Can also appeared soon and joked one after another.

[What's up, Chen Yi? Could it be that my girlfriend is pregnant? 】

【What's wrong? To put it bluntly, if it can be done, it will be done, and if it cannot be done, it can be done by any means. 】

Chen Yi typed: Activate all your connections, including not limited to friends of friends, friends of friends, father’s friends, mother’s friends, relatives’ friends, as long as you can get in touch, ask them all, I’m looking for 20 People who knew Shi Guangjian many years ago.

There is a reason for him to do this. Shi Guangjian had been doing business before going abroad, and it can be said that he was relatively successful.

His friend is probably not an ordinary person. By now, he may be as famous as Shi Guangjian, and there are probably people in the circle who know him.

No matter what the result is, you have to give it a try.

He now needs to know what kind of person Shi Guangjian was when he was young and what his relationship was with Jiang Xueyi.

If he was really Jiang Yu's biological father, why did he leave?

New clues will always appear suddenly during the course of a comprehensive investigation.

【Shi Guangjian? Who is this? 】

[I know that someone who runs a chain of educational institutions is worth a lot of money. Has he become a suspect? 】

Chen Yi: Let’s talk about the gossip later, please do me a favor.

[Okay, just because Mr. Chen spoke to us for the first time after being admitted as a criminal police officer, I helped him. 】

[Don’t worry, I’ll ask right away, and I’ll ask you even if the phone is ringing! 】

[Mr. Chen, don’t forget your promise when you find someone. You are going to bleed heavily this time. You know my connections. 】

[I know, just ask. 】


Chen Yi put away his phone and stopped replying. This was his last chance. He planned to wait at home today instead of going to the city bureau.

An hour later, Shi Xin called to inquire. Chen Yi explained, hung up the phone and continued to wait.

In the morning, Chen Yi had some food at home and continued to wait.

The time soon came to four o'clock in the afternoon.

Finally, there was movement in the group, and a person named Ren Moyong sent a message.

[Master Chen, I found it for you. Don’t forget to treat us to dinner. We can set the specifications ourselves. 】

Seeing this message, Chen Yi quickly replied: Send me your contact information!
Ren Moyong: Okay, I will send it privately.

Private message window, Ren Moyong: Mr. Chen, this person’s name is Kong Da. I knew Shi Guangjian 20 years ago and had a very good relationship with him, but we haven’t contacted him since. I’ll send you my phone number.

Chen Yi: I’ll go back and say thank you in person.

After sending the message, Chen Yi immediately dialed the phone number he clicked on.

The ringing sounded for a while and the call was connected.


A middle-aged man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Chen Yi: "Hello, is this Mr. Kong?"

Kunda: "It's me, who?"

Chen Yi: "Sorry to disturb you, I am Chen Yi, deputy captain of the Yangcheng City Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment."

Kongda was surprised: "Interpol? Just now a friend asked me if I knew Shi Guangjian 20 years ago. Are you asking someone to find me?"

Chen Yi: "Yes."

Kunda: "What's the matter?"

Chen Yi: "I want to talk to you about Shi Guangjian."

Kunda: "He and I haven't seen each other for more than 20 years. We have lost contact. There is no point in asking me."

Chen Yi: "What I want to ask is 20 years ago."

Kunda was silent for a while and said, "Okay, for the sake of my friend, I can answer a few questions for you."

Chen Yi: "Thank you very much. Do you know Jiang Xueyi?"

Kong Da: "I know her. She used to be Shi Guangjian's girlfriend."

Chen Yi's tone changed: "Girlfriend? Have you always been??"

Kunda: "Yes, it has always been the case. This is the only one I know."

Chen Yi: "The two of you have a good relationship?"

Kunda: "It's so good. It's so good. I'm even envious. A man in his 30s has found a beautiful girl in her 20s. Who wouldn't envy him? And the girl is completely devoted to him." "

Chen Yi: "Then why did he leave suddenly?"

Mentioning this incident, Kongda sighed: "Hey, fate has its way with people. Unexpectedly, when Guang Jian and I went hiking, he lost his footing and fell. He almost died."

Chen Yi: "Then what?"

Kunda hesitated: "I'm sorry, I promised to keep this matter a secret for him. It's rotten in my stomach, even if you are a policeman."

Chen Yi: "He killed someone."

Kunda was shocked: "What? Killing someone? Impossible!"

Chen Yi: "There may be a misunderstanding here, so I need to know more. And I'm not just a police officer. Chen Zhiyao from the Chen Group is my father."

Kong Da was surprised: "You...are from your family in the Chen Group?! Let me tell you, how could you find someone who had completely lost contact with me 20 years ago? You are very smart."

Chen Yi: "Mr. Kong, please."

Kunda was quiet for a while and said: "Well, although I don't know what happened specifically, my concealment cannot cause adverse consequences. He...injured his lower body."

Chen Yi: "What does it mean if your lower body is injured?"

Kong Da: "Literally, he lost his male function, so he left Jiang Xueyi and chose to go abroad and stop contacting anyone."

Chen Yi stood up suddenly: "What?!!"


All understood.

"Thank you Mr. Kong, you have helped us a lot!" Chen Yi said in a solemn voice.

Kunda: "You're welcome, I didn't expect anyone would ask me about this 20 years later."

"Officer Chen, let's make a friend. We're going to Yangcheng later. Want to have a drink?"

Chen Yi: "Of course, you can contact me at any time."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yi immediately dialed Shi Xin's mobile phone.

"Hello? Lao He, I'm just telling you once, don't ask why, take people to Yangcheng University to arrest Jiang Yu immediately! Listen clearly, it's an arrest, handcuffs!"

"I'll be there soon!"

He Xin was shocked by Chen Yi's words: "Catch...okay! I know! Let's set off immediately!"

He didn't know what Chen Yi had found, but directly ordering the arrest must be a very important clue.

After putting away the phone, Chen Yi quickly rushed out of the house, got in the car, started the car, and stepped on the accelerator.

Yangcheng University.

Several police cars roared into the school gate, and the piercing sirens attracted everyone's attention. The students were confused and did not understand what was happening.

Principal Li Guozhi quickly received the news, and an ominous premonition prompted him to immediately leave the office and chase the police car.

When they arrived at the boys' dormitory, He Xin took Zhuo Yun and others hurriedly upstairs. After finding out that Jiang Yu was not there, after questioning, he learned that Jiang Yu was in the teaching building, so he quickly left the diversion teaching building.

Still in class?
When Shi Xin and the others knew that Chen Yi had ordered his arrest, Jiang Yu would probably never have a chance to go to class again in his life.

10 minutes later, on the second floor of a certain teaching building.

Jiang Yu walked out of the classroom with his textbook, chatting and laughing with the classmates he met. At this time, he looked up and saw He Xin and a group of policemen walking quickly.

He was stunned for a moment, his face changed drastically, and he turned around to run away, but found that there was also a group of police behind him!
"Jiang Yu!!"

When is the new big drink.

Jiang Yu was frightened. When he was in a dilemma, he didn't know where he got the courage. He climbed over the railing in two steps and jumped directly from the second floor.

The cushioning of his body prevented him from being injured, and he got up and ran wildly.

Unfortunately, he happened to bump into Chen Yi who was coming from a distance.

Seeing that Jiang Yu was about to run, Chen Yi's face darkened, he sped up and took a shortcut to catch up. He stepped on the trash can in front of him and leaped into the air, kicking Jiang Yu away.

Jiang Yu fell to the ground and wanted to run after he got up. At this time, the criminal policemen surrounding him swarmed him and pinned him to the ground.

"do not move!!"

"be honest!!"

Jiang Yu was in a very embarrassed state, with one side of his face pressed against the ground, causing his face to become distorted.

"Let me go! Why are you arresting me! I didn't do anything!"


The handcuffs were stuck around his wrists.

Chen Yi walked over with an ugly expression and said coldly: "Pull him up!!"

"stand up!"

Jiang Yu was pulled up.

Chen Yi stepped forward and stared at Jiang Yu, whose face was covered in dust, with anger in his voice.

"You two, father and son, are very good at playing. You deceived the police once, and you want to deceive the police a second time! If you don't act, you will be underestimating your talents!"

Crowds gathered around, and this scene was comparable to a TV show.

(End of this chapter)
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