Chapter 199 Set out to bring people
In the room, as time passed, even a "battle-hardened" person like Jiang Xueyi became a little embarrassed, and her expression showed a hint of embarrassment.

Because Chen Yi was still watching, and he was very fascinated, as if he was attracted by her appearance.

It would be fine if this kind of thing happened in normal times, but Chen Yi was much younger than him, no matter how old Jiang Yu was, he was considered a junior, and there were other policemen in the room.

This makes the atmosphere... not quite right.

However, this was just Jiang Xueyi's illusion. Based on Chen Yi's reaction, He Xin guessed that it should be a photo of Jiang Xueyi when she was young, and indeed she looked very similar to Wu Qianqian.

Not to mention coincidence, then this incident may have a certain relationship with her death, or even a direct relationship.

"It won't be another Bai Guoxiang..."

Zhuo Yun muttered something in a low voice, but Ji Xin didn't hear it clearly.

"Ahem." Seeing Jiang Xueyi becoming more and more embarrassed, Shi Xin coughed.

Chen Yi came back to his senses, returned the phone to Jiang Xueyi with a smile, and said, "Thank you, Ms. Jiang was pretty when she was young, and she is also graceful now."

Jiang Xueyi took the phone and said with a smile: "No, no, Captain Chen thanks you."

Fortunately, this is the city bureau, and Jiang Xueyi has something to do with this case. Otherwise, Shi Xin and the others would have thought that Chen Yi was flirting with Jiang Xueyi, and the level of flirting was still very high.

"Captain Chen, is my son okay?" Jiang Xueyi asked this question again.

Chen Yidao: "Ms. Jiang, I actually made it very clear on the phone. If something happens to his good friend, of course we have to conduct a routine investigation on him. At present... there is no evidence or clue pointing to something wrong with him."

"So, you don't have to come here in a hurry."

Hearing this, Jiang Xueyi breathed a sigh of relief, and then said helplessly: "After all, he is his son. I was really worried after receiving Captain Chen's call. I apologize for disturbing him."

Chen Yi: "It's okay, I understand."

"Ms. Jiang, since you are here, can you talk to us in depth about Jiang Yu?"

Jiang Xueyi: "Okay, in what way?"

Chen Yi: "How is your relationship between mother and son? She is a single-parent family and she should be very dependent on you, right?"

Jiang Xueyi nodded: "Yes, I am very dependent on him. When he was young, I had to work hard to make money, so I didn't go back often and I lacked a sense of security."

Chen Yi: "Then who will take care of the child?"

Jiang Xueyi: "I found a nanny, and my parents come over occasionally."

When she mentioned her parents, she sighed: "When I chose to give birth to Jiang Yu, my parents couldn't accept it at all. It wasn't until Jiang Yu was almost one year old that they..."

After hearing this, Chen Yi was silent for a while and said: "Parents are parents after all. You have to accept it if you can't accept it. Jiang Yu's status in your heart is just like your status in theirs."

Jiang Xueyi nodded slightly, the topic was a bit heavy.

Chen Yi glanced at him and said, "When you chose to give birth to Jiang Yu, there must be some reason why he was his father, right?"

Jiang Xueyi trembled slightly and did not answer the question.

Chen Yi: "Ms. Jiang...loves him very much?"

Jiang Xueyi shifted her gaze: "I'm sorry, Captain Chen, I don't want to talk about this topic. I only know that he abandoned me and never took care of me. This is a fact and cannot be changed."

Judging from the other party's reaction, Chen Yi probably understood Jiang Xueyi's attitude towards Jiang Yu's father.

Do you have feelings?

Of course there is, and it's very deep, otherwise I would never have chosen to give birth to Jiang Yu.

Even in this day and age, having a child out of wedlock without a father is still a huge blow to a girl.

Is there any hatred?

There are also.

I hate the other person for abandoning me, leaving me alone to face the blank stares and secret sarcastic comments from my relatives and friends.

This is just mental torture.

It is very hard for women to be pregnant for ten months. They have regular prenatal check-ups. In the third trimester, the belly is getting bigger and bigger, making it difficult to move. In the end, they have to bear the severe pain of childbirth.

Outsiders would feel sorry for Jiang Xueyi. Is Jiang Yu's father so cruel?
"Did Jiang Yu's father not know that you were pregnant?" Chen Yi asked.

Jiang Xueyi was silent for a moment and nodded slightly: "Well, he doesn't know, but it's still unforgivable."

Several people sighed secretly, it was a bit tragic.

No matter why Jiang Yu's father left back then, if he knew that Jiang Xueyi was pregnant, he might not leave.

Even if he leaves, he must at least deal with this matter before leaving.

The man who can make Jiang Xueyi fall in love with her so much shouldn't be a scumbag who is worse than a pig or a dog, right?
Jiang Xueyi later chose to give birth to Jiang Yu. Do you think there was a last resort reason for Jiang Yu's father's departure?

There's no way of knowing, unless he comes out and says it himself.

Chen Yi stopped mentioning the matter and changed the subject: "Ms. Jiang is planning to stay in Yangcheng in the past few days?"

Jiang Xueyi hummed: "I won't leave until the case is completely over. I won't feel relieved."

Chen Yi: "Where do you live?"

Jiang Xueyi: "Let's go to the hotel."

Chen Yi: "Don't you plan to meet Shi Guangjian?"

"Shi Guangjian?" Jiang Xueyi frowned slightly when she heard the name, "Why did Captain Chen mention him?"

Chen Yidao: "The victim is an acquaintance of Jiang Yu, and Shi Guangjian is an acquaintance of Jiang Yu, so according to the investigation process, we also need to find him to understand the situation. During the process, we talked about Ms. Jiang."

Hearing these words, Jiang Xueyi hesitated to speak, and finally said: "What did he say?"

Chen Yi: "I said that I chased Ms. Jiang when I was young. Unfortunately, you are married to a famous woman. In addition, he has celibacy ideas, so he has remained single to this day."

Jiang Xueyi said oh and stopped responding.

At this time, Chen Yi's cell phone rang. It was Qin He. He stood up and said, "Ms. Jiang, please talk to my colleague first. I'll answer the phone."

Jiang Xueyi also stood up and said: "No more chatting, I'm leaving first. Captain Chen, you are busy."

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay, Qin Fei, send Ms. Jiang off."

Qin Fei: "Okay."

The two left the reception room, and Chen Yi finally answered the phone.

"Hello? Captain Qin."

Qin He: "Deputy Branch Chen, I personally went to the school to ask. It was Imperial City University that Denton University contacted, but they didn't mention who arranged for Wu Lin to attend. Look..."

Chen Yi: "It's okay, it's okay. I'm sorry to trouble Captain Qin. I'm trying to find a way to investigate, and we should have results."

Qin He: "That's good. Is there anything else you need help with?"

Chen Yi: "No, thank you Captain Qin, I wasted your time."

Qin He: "You're welcome, Deputy Chen. We're all one of our own. If you have time to come to the Imperial City in the future, be sure to give me a call."

Chen Yi: "Of course, of course, definitely."

The phone hangs up. "Who?" Shi Xin asked.

Chen Yi put down his cell phone and said, "Qin He from the Criminal Investigation Corps of the Imperial City Bureau."

Shi Xin was surprised: "He has been helping with the investigation these two days?"

Chen Yi nodded and said, "Old He, which one do you think is more suspicious, Shi Guangjian or Jiang Yu?"

Shi Xin: "From the clues we have so far, of course it is Shi Guangjian. Jiang Yu does not have the motive to commit the crime. Do you want to say substitution? If you can't get Jiang Xueyi, you will extend your claws to Wu Qianqian?"

Chen Yi: "This is a more reasonable inference."

"The victim Wu Qianqian is Jiang Yu's girlfriend, and Shi Guangjian is the only elder Jiang Yu knows in Yangcheng, the only interpersonal relationship outside of school."

"Theoretically, as long as we find Jiang Yu, we will find Shi Guangjian. That's why he is so anxious to let Wu Yuanshan jump out."

Shi Xin: "Well, if that's the case, then after Wu Qianqian left the hotel on the morning of the [-]rd, she was taken away by Shi Guangjian, right? That's not right. Shi Guangjian was with Jiang Yu all the time on the [-]rd. Could it be that Wu Qianqian was also taken away by Shi Guangjian on the morning of the [-]rd? exist?"

Chen Yi thought for a while and said, "I can't say for sure. There is a time difference. Jiang Yu returned to Yangcheng University first, and then left the school to go to Shi Guangjian's manor. This is true, and the taxi driver can prove it. "

"So, when he and Wu Qianqian were apart for an hour or two, where did Wu Qianqian go? She also drank. Her call records that day did not contact anyone, including No. [-]."

This thing is indeed strange. Wu Qianqian did not contact anyone on the [-]nd and [-]rd, but she mysteriously disappeared. She always felt that something was not right and that she had overlooked something.

Shi Xin: "If Wu Qianqian really went to Shi Guangjian's manor on the [-]rd, it means that both Shi Guangjian and Jiang Yu lied."

Chen Yi: "Yes, then why did she disappear outside the hotel?"

When was new: "Maybe it happened to be a blind spot for surveillance. Just as we analyzed before, she was in a car on the service road and sat in the back seat. The main driver's seat or the passenger seat just blocked her view. body and therefore the surveillance did not capture it through the windshield.”

Chen Yi frowned: "Is it such a coincidence?"

Shi Xin: "The surveillance couldn't find it. It can only be explained by coincidence. This is not weird. How about... check all the vehicles that left the service road during that time period? Anyway, there is no direction now. "

Chen Yi raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. This case gave him a weird feeling.

Wu Yuanshan has a problem, Shi Guangjian has a problem, and Jiang Yu seems to have a problem too.

He even felt that there was something wrong with Wu Qianqian.

Right now, a major clue is urgently needed to continue to advance the case.

"Don't check aimlessly yet." After a while, Chen Yi said, "Bring up Shi Guangjian's call records and let us study them."

When is new: "Okay."

When the time came in the evening, Shi Guangjian's call records before and after No. [-] and No. [-] were reviewed, and no problem was found for the time being. He had no contact with Wu Qianqian.

As he said, he has been staying in the manor to enjoy his retirement life, and the management of interpersonal relationships is relatively simple. Apart from occasionally contacting Jiang Yu, the rest are people from educational institutions.

"What are you thinking about?"

Seeing Chen Yi in a daze, he asked Xin.

Chen Yi raised his head slightly: "I was wondering, why didn't he contact Jiang Xueyi?"

There is no Jiang Xueyi’s mobile phone number in Shi Guangjian’s call records.

In the past six months, there has not been a single phone call. Chen Yi thinks this is a strange point.

Aren't you helping the goddess who pursued fruitlessly in her early years to take care of her son?Don't you usually contact me?
Even if Shi Guangjian didn't contact him, Jiang Xueyi wouldn't call to ask?Even expressing gratitude is fine.

New when: "In today's terms, unilaterally licking the dog?"

Chen Yi lit a cigarette and said: "I was chatting with Jiang Xueyi in the afternoon, and when I mentioned Shi Guangjian, it can be seen from her attitude that she really doesn't catch a cold, which is in line with the goddess's attitude towards dog licking."

"In other words, she is just using Shi Guangjian to take care of her son, doesn't she want to have too much involvement with him?"

The so-called licking a dog until there is nothing left. You are almost 60 years old, and you still haven’t changed your “original intention”?One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer?
Shi Xin: "I think it should be like this. Jiang Xueyi is not simple at first glance. I'm afraid ordinary men are not his opponents. Even Shi Guangjian is not the only one. I don't know who was so charming back then that she could give birth to her willingly." Next son."

At this time, the mobile phone on the table rang. Chen Yi subconsciously turned his head and glanced at it. It showed [Dad].


Chen Yi was shocked and quickly connected the phone and turned on the speakerphone.

"Hello? Dad."

Chen Zhiyao laughed and said: "Son, I found out what you asked me to check. Are you happy? Older people are still hotter, right?"

Chen Yi: "Dad, tell me the important point."

Chen Zhiyao: "Okay, I contacted a friend in Lighthouse Country. He has shares in Denton University and is very familiar with the president of Denton. I went to ask the president directly. Guess what?"

Chen Yi was dissatisfied: "Dad, I'm in a hurry, don't show off."

Chen Zhiyao coughed lightly: "The person you mentioned who arranged for Wu Lin to enter Denton is also a friend of Principal Denton, and he also asked him not to tell about it, but is it useful? No, it depends on the relationship. The relationship is in place..."

Chen Yi interrupted: "Dad, I'm angry."

Next to him, He Xin touched his nose and looked a little weird. Chen Yi's father was really a little...cute, as if he was showing off his achievements with his son.

Chen Zhiyao: "Okay, okay, it's a guy named Adri. I don't know his real name, but I'll send the photo to your phone later. You can see it yourself."

Chen Yi: "It's dead."

There is no need to say much between father and son.

After hanging up the phone, he opened WeChat, and Chen Zhiyao quickly sent a photo.

Seeing this photo, Chen Yi and Shi Xin's expressions changed at the same time.

Shi Guangjian!
"Let's go and lead the people!" Chen Yi stood up immediately without any hesitation.

Soon, three police cars roared out of the city bureau gate with their sirens on.



Shi Guangjian did not wear pajamas, but put on formal clothes. He was standing next to the TV cabinet in the living room, holding scissors and carefully pruning the potted plants in front of him.

He moved very slowly and cut very carefully, and green leaves kept falling during the process.

Outside, a piercing siren soon sounded, but his expression did not change and he was still pruning.

When the last extra leaf was cut off, he straightened up and took two steps back. He looked at the brand new potted plant in front of him and smiled.

"Perfect and pleasing to the eye."

Shi Guangjian put down the scissors and turned to look outside the house. Through the window, he could faintly see red and blue lights flashing.

He took a deep breath, straightened his clothes, and strode forward to open the door.

Chen Yi led the people into the fence gate without stopping, and finally stood in front of him.

"Shi Guangjian, you are suspected of a major criminal case, please come with us immediately!"

Shi Guangjian smiled slightly: "Okay, I told you during the day that you can do it at any time."

(End of this chapter)
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