Chapter 196 New Suspect

The next morning, the Municipal Bureau.

Chen Yi arrived relatively late. At this moment, Shi Shixin had already taken Zhuo Yun and the others to the hospital where Wu Yuanshan was located.

This is a very important direction of investigation. If there are results, it will bring significant progress to the case investigation and even lead to clues about the suspect.

"Team Chen."

"Team Chen."

Arriving at the case handling hall, Chen Yi hummed and prepared to enter the office.

"Team Chen, what you ordered yesterday has been completed, and the information is on your desk." Jiang Xiaoxin's voice came.

Chen Yi: "Okay, I understand, thank you for your hard work."

After saying that, he pushed the door open and entered the room.

When he came to his desk, Chen Yi sat down. The first thing he did was to light a cigarette out of habit, and then picked up the documents in front of him.

This is a very complete call record of Jiang Yu in the past month. It not only contains the phone number, but also the name of the call owner in front of it.

Wu Qianqian.

Shi Guangjian.

Cheng Yinghao.

Jiang Xueyi.


Except for Wu Qianqian and Jiang Xueyi, everyone else is unfamiliar to Chen Yi.

After looking at it for a while, Chen Yi placed his eyes on Jiang Xueyi's name.

Jiang Yu, like Wu Qianqian, is not a local. She has just been admitted to Yangcheng University. Naturally, her mother is also out of town.

After thinking for a moment, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Jiang Xueyi's phone number.

Jiang Xueyi is a very nice and amazing name, but I don’t know if her appearance matches her name.

After the sound of waiting for a connection continued for a while, the call was connected.


A woman's voice sounded on the other end of the phone. She didn't look middle-aged, but was light and mature.

Chen Yi: "Is this Ms. Jiang Xueyi Jiang?"

Jiang Xueyi: "It's me, who are you?"

Chen Yi: "Yangcheng City Bureau, Deputy Chief of the Criminal Investigation Detachment, Chen Yi."

Jiang Xueyi was surprised: "Criminal Investigation Detachment? Why did Yangcheng's Criminal Investigation Detachment call me?"

Chen Yi: "I have a few questions to ask you. Is it convenient? It's about Jiang Yu."

Hearing Jiang Yu's name, Jiang Xueyi suddenly became nervous: "What's wrong with Jiang Yu? What happened?!"

Chen Yi: "Don't be nervous. He is fine, but something happened to his friend, so we need to conduct a routine investigation."

Jiang Xueyi: "Friend? What happened to my friend?"

She doesn't care about the identity of Detective Chen Yi, nor does she care about the identity of Chen Yi, the leader of the Criminal Investigation Detachment. It can be heard from her tone that this is a very independent woman, possibly a strong woman.

Chen Yi: "It's not convenient for me to say more about this matter."

Jiang Xueyi: "Okay then, you ask."

Chen Yi: "Who is Jiang Yu's father?"

Jiang Xueyi was confused by the first question and she didn't say anything for a long time.

"Jiang Yu's father? Captain Chen, does this matter have something to do with the case you are investigating?" she asked.

Chen Yi: "It may be related, or it may not matter. If it's not convenient to say it, you don't have to say it. But if necessary in the future, we will investigate it ourselves."

Jiang Xueyi was silent for a while and sighed: "Well, it can be said that there is nothing to hide. I was abandoned back then."

Chen Yi: "Boyfriend?"

Jiang Xueyi hummed: "About 21 years ago, my boyfriend suddenly disappeared in my world. All contact information could not find him. Even his parents didn't know where he had gone. At that time, I was already pregnant. .”

Chen Yi: "Didn't you call the police?"

Jiang Xueyi: "I reported it and found him. He went abroad and left me alone."

Chen Yi: "Which country?"

Jiang Xueyi: "It seems to be the Lighthouse Country."

Chen Yi: "What's your name?"

Jiang Xueyi's tone was cold: "I'm sorry, I don't want to mention his name, and I don't want to recall anything related to him. He is already dead here."

Chen Yi: "If you hate him so much, why do you still have a child?"

Jiang Xueyi: "After I learned that he really abandoned me, the month was already very old. The child is innocent and I must give birth to him."

Chen Yi: "You haven't considered remarrying?"

Jiang Xueyi: "No, you can live well alone. Facts have proved that I can do it. I can raise my children without relying on men, and I can face life calmly."

Chen Yi was silent for a moment.

It seems that this is the reason why Jiang Xueyi is so independent.

It is indeed not easy for a girl who is pregnant out of wedlock to give birth to a child and raise it, and it requires a lot of courage to resist the gossip of relatives and friends.

The most important thing is the parents.

Chen Yi: "I would like to ask you what you do for a living."

Jiang Xueyi: "I opened several clothing stores."

Chen Yi: "How is your monthly income?"

Jiang Xueyi: "It's not bad. The annual income is 50 million. In good times, it can be over a million. I don't know for sure."

This annual income is not low. Jiang Yu can be regarded as a second-generation young rich man. At least he won't worry about money.

No wonder he had so many girlfriends during his freshman and sophomore years. There is a certain connection between love and money.

Chen Yi: "Does Jiang Yu have any relatives in Yangcheng?"

Jiang Xueyi: "No."

Chen Yi: "Except for your classmates, you don't know anyone, right?"

This question made Jiang Xueyi silent for a while, and then said: "I know someone."

Chen Yi: "What's your name?"

Jiang Xueyi: "Shi Guangjian."

Hearing this, Chen Yi looked at Jiang Yu's call records. There was indeed a person named Shi Guangjian on it. Although the number of contacts was not many, it was definitely not that few.

Chen Yi: "What's his relationship with Jiang Yu?"

Jiang Xueyi: "My friend from my youth lives in Yangcheng. Because Jiang Yu is going to Yangcheng University, I asked him to help take care of her."

Chen Yi: "Is this the only one?"

Jiang Xueyi: "Yes, that's it. We have never been to Yangcheng before, including traveling. It was Jiang Yu's first time at the beginning of his freshman year."

Chen Yi: "Can you tell me about Jiang Yu's character?"

Jiang Xueyi noticed something was wrong and asked, "Captain Chen, do you suspect that something happened to Jiang Yu's friend and is related to Jiang Yu?"

Chen Yi: "I didn't say that. I would ask everyone around her that. You don't have to be sensitive. This is the investigation process."

These words made Jiang Xueyi's tone soften: "Of course I know the personality best. How should I put it? Captain Chen also knows what a single-parent family is like. When he was a child, I was busy with work and rarely paid attention to him, which caused him to always be very... Rebellious.”

"Fortunately, his academic performance has always been very good, so I will let him go."

Chen Yi: "What is your education method like? Is it strict?"

Jiang Xueyi: "It's quite strict. He is very afraid of me. Basically he will listen to whatever I say, otherwise he wouldn't be admitted to Yangcheng University."

Yangcheng University is ranked among the country's double first-class universities, and it is not easy to get into the exam. Jiang Xueyi is proud of her son's admission to Yangcheng University.

Chen Yi had a deeper understanding of Jiang Yu and continued to ask, "Have you been in contact with him this month?"

Jiang Xueyi: "No, does it count to ask occasionally on WeChat?" Chen Yi: "He doesn't usually go home during holidays?"

Jiang Xueyi: "If I don't go home, since I went to college, this kid has been like a wild horse running wild. I can't control it anymore. I don't care. Anyway, he has been admitted to college. He can do whatever he wants."

Chen Yi: "Okay, thank you Ms. Jiang for your cooperation. I have no questions. Is there anything you need to know?"

Jiang Xueyi quickly asked: "Is this case serious?"

Chen Yi: "It's quite serious."

Jiang Xueyi: "Isn't it a murder case?"

Chen Yi: "The severity is the same."

Jiang Xueyi was startled: "Captain Chen, are you really investigating my son? Do I need to go there?"

Chen Yi: "It shouldn't be necessary now, because we are investigating and everyone is a suspect, and Jiang Yu's suspicion is relatively... very small."

Only then did Jiang Xueyi feel relieved: "That's fine, that's fine. My son is not very courageous, how can he possibly break the law and commit crimes."

Chen Yi: "Do you still have any questions?"

Jiang Xueyi: "No, thank you very much, Captain Chen. If Jiang Yu does anything inappropriate, you can criticize him, hit him or scold him, it will be fine."

Chen Yi: "Ms. Jiang, I am a criminal police officer, not a teacher. Your words are a bit exaggerated, so let's leave it at that."

Jiang Xueyi: "Okay, okay, you're busy."

The phone hangs up.

Chen Yi put his mobile phone on the table. In a blink of an eye, he saw that two-thirds of the cigarette between his fingers had burned by itself.

He raised his hand to flick the cigarette ashes, put it in his mouth and took a puff.

As the smoke filled the air, he picked up Jiang Yu's call records again and focused on the name Shi Guangjian.

"Shi Guangjian..."

"Shi Guangjian..."

Chen Yi leaned on the chair and raised his head slightly to look at the white ceiling.

After he was in a daze for half an hour, his cell phone rang.

Chen Yi came to his senses, picked up the phone and found that it was an unfamiliar number.


The other party: "Hello? Is this Deputy Chen?"

Chen Yi: "It's me."

The other party smiled and said: "Hello Deputy Chen, I am Qin He, Criminal Investigation Corps of the Imperial City Bureau."

Hearing this, Chen Yi subconsciously sat up straight and said politely: "Captain Qin, hello."

He didn't expect that the captain of the Imperial City Bureau's Criminal Investigation Team would call him personally.

The Municipal Bureau and the Yangcheng City Bureau are not the same concept. They have provincial departments above them, but above Qinhe is the Imperial City Police Department.

Qin He: "Deputy Branch Chen, you have completed the investigation of the matters that you Yangcheng needed to assist in the investigation. The man named Wu Lin did not return to Yangcheng before going abroad at the beginning of this month. I can be sure of this."

"I don't know what case you are investigating, but I think...he didn't have time to commit the crime, unless he hired someone or was an accomplice involved in other ways."

Chen Yi: "Thank you very much for Team Qin's help. We have basically eliminated his suspicion."

Qin He: "Oh, it's been ruled out. That's good. It means that the investigation of the case has made progress. Is there anything else you need help with? Deputy Chen can just say that we are all one of our own, so don't be polite."

Chen Yi: "Indeed...there is one thing."

Qin He: "It doesn't matter if Deputy Chen says so."

Chen Yi: "Imperial City University has already received the news in advance about Wu Lin's going abroad. I want to know who informed Imperial City University and who is controlling this matter."

Qin He: "What role does this person play in this case?"

Chen Yi: "It's very possible that he is the murderer."

Qin He: "Murder case? Okay, I know it. I'll take people to investigate right away. You wait for me for news."

Chen Yi: "Thank you so much, Team Qin."

Qin He smiled and said: "Didn't I say that I don't have to be polite, and in the future... maybe I will have to ask Deputy Chen for help."

Chen Yi: "As long as I can do it, I will try my best to help."

Qin He: "Okay, I remembered it, haha, the phone number is mine, please save it."

Chen Yi: "Okay."

The two chatted for a while and hung up the phone.

After Qin He's name was saved in the address book, Chen Yi looked strange. Qin He called him personally and said he still wanted to make friends. Was he so proud?

He shook his head without thinking much, got up and left the office to the case handling hall.

At this time, Jiang Xiaoxin was following Chen Yi's orders to contact Jiang Yu's taxi driver and conduct a comprehensive investigation into Wu Qianqian's interpersonal relationships.

As long as the family is rich and the status is not low, they will be recorded.

"Sister Jiang." Chen Yi came over.

Jiang Xiaoxin turned around: "Huh?"

Chen Yi put Jiang Yu's call records on the table, pointed at one of the names and said, "Shi Guangjian, check who it is."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Okay."

She didn't ask why. Maybe Chen Yi thought of it or found a new clue.

"This Shi Guangjian is quite famous." Jiang Xiaoxin said after searching for a while.

Chen Yi sat down and said: "How famous is it? Why haven't I heard of it? What are you doing?"

Jiang Xiaoxin said: "He runs an education and training institution, and it is a chain. He has franchise stores in major cities across the country. There are news reports that his assets exceed one billion."

Chen Yi: "Adjust personal information."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Okay."

"Shi Guangjian, male, 58 years old, unmarried, from Rongcheng, another province. He worked in Dengta State in his early years, and later returned to China to create an education and training brand, headquartered in Yangcheng, Dongzhou."

Chen Yi: "Lighthouse national worker? What kind of job does he do?"

Jiang Xiaoxin: " can't be found."

Chen Yi: "Which school did you graduate from?"

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Yangcheng University, maybe it is because of this that he set the company's headquarters in the city where his alma mater is located."

Chen Yi: "What major?"

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Education."

Chen Yi stood up, took away Jiang Yu's call record, and said, "Continue to find the taxi driver and find out where Jiang Yu went after leaving school on the morning of the [-]rd."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Okay."

Chen Yi did not go back to the office. Instead, he found a place to sit down in the case handling hall and continued to stare at the call records in his hand.

Lighthouse country, coincidence?
Based on the clues we have now, why does Shi Guangjian become more suspicious the more we look at him?

If you have money, have stayed in a lighthouse country, and are an education and training chain, you may be able to arrange study abroad in Denton.

He knew Jiang Yu, so he was an acquaintance of Wu Qianqian's acquaintance.

It is not impossible to help a friend take care of his friend's son and meet his friend's son's girlfriend.

For a person of this status, the motive for committing a crime is the most difficult to ascertain. If money can buy 90.00% of what he needs, why would he commit a crime?

Female college students like Wu Qianqian, even if they are a little more pure and beautiful, are still everywhere.

To be honest, if you are already worth a billion, it is just a matter of moving your fingers. There is really no need to take risks.

Unless, the situation is the same as Bai Guoxiang, with hidden trauma in his heart.

But it only happens once. It shouldn’t happen a second time, right?

It's just a matter of suspicion at the moment, and the facts need to be investigated.

(End of this chapter)
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