Chapter 193 Visit, my name is Wu Lin

Wu Yuanshan's residence is in a corner of the old city. Looking at it, there are mostly old buildings. Most of the people walking around are middle-aged and elderly people in simple clothes.

The city center has gradually begun to develop this way. If you look down from a high altitude, you can clearly distinguish the new city and the old city through the buildings. The contrast is very obvious.

Maybe in another ten to twenty years, the old city will no longer exist.

At the same time, more and more households will be demolished, and the suspect Wu Yuanshan is one of them.

In the morning, Chen Yi took Zhuo Yun and others to the downstairs of Wuyuanshan and saw many men gathered around, some playing cards, chess, and mahjong.

Life after retirement is so simple and comfortable.

"Hello, brother." Chen Yi stopped a person and asked with a smile: "Do you know Wu Yuanshan?"

The man glanced at a few people and said, "I know him. Are you looking for him? He's in that building, but he should have gone to a taxi at this time, right?"

Chen Yi: "Are you familiar with him?"

Man: "It's okay, I'm not familiar with it, what are you doing?"

He sensed something was wrong, how could he ask someone like this.

Chen Yi said politely: "We are the police and want to know something about Wu Yuanshan."

After the words fell, Zhuo Yun behind him took out his ID and motioned to the man.

After learning the identity of several policemen, the man's attitude changed and he smiled: "It turns out they are comrades in the police. What happened to Wu Yuanshan?"

Chen Yi smiled and said: "That's not true, it's just that there is a case involving him."

The man yelled, "The taxi driver is out running around all day long, seeing so many people, no wonder."

"But I really don't know Wu Yuanshan very well. He knows Lao Zhang well. The two of them have a very good relationship. Did you see the one playing chess over there, the one wearing a hat?"

Following the direction the man pointed, Chen Yi looked over, and there was indeed a middle-aged man in a hat sitting there playing chess seriously.

"Okay, thank you for bothering me."

Man: "You're welcome."

Afterwards, Chen Yi and others came to the chessboard and watched the chess game with the people around them.

Lao Zhang's level seems to be very high. Judging from the chess game, he has already beaten his opponent to pieces, only missing the final kick.

The opponent's eyebrows were furrowed, while Lao Zhang was smiling broadly.

After a long time, the opponent hesitated and moved his horse, but Lao Zhang directly lifted the horse and sank to the bottom, and the game was over.

The opponent shook his head and sighed, giving Lao Zhang a thumbs up.

Lao Zhang laughed loudly and humbly said concessions, but his proud expression showed no humility at all.

"Who's coming?"

Lao Zhang glanced around.

Everyone looked at each other, and for a while no one dared to step forward.

Everyone who knows Lao Zhang knows that he is an amateur chess master. He often won the chess championship in community competitions in the past few years. Although he is not as good as professionals, he is already very famous in the amateur circle.

"Come on, let's have fun." Lao Zhang felt disappointed and pointed at a person and said: "Old Zhao, come on!"

The middle-aged man whose name was called quickly shook his head: "Forget it, forget it, I'm not your opponent, I'm looking for abuse."

Seeing this, Lao Zhang was depressed: "It's boring."

At this time, Chen Yi stepped forward and said, "Mr. Zhang, do you have time to ask you something?"


As soon as these words came out, everyone looked over.

Lao Zhang looked at Chen Yi: "Ask me something? Who are you?"

Zhuo Yun took out his ID again: "Hello, we are the police."

The identity of the policeman surprised everyone, but they didn't react much. If they didn't do anything bad, they wouldn't be afraid of the police coming to their door.

At this age, I have never seen anything.

"Police..." Lao Zhang held his chin, looked at Zhuo Yun, then looked at Chen Yi, then pointed at Chen Yi and said: "You come and play chess with me. If you win, I will tell you everything. If you lose, just leave." disturb me."

Zhuo Yun frowned.

Chen Yi didn't pay attention, smiled, turned around and sat down: "Okay, I'm not very good at it, Mr. Zhang, please be merciful."

Lao Zhang said with a smile: "Easy to say, easy to say, red first, then black, you do it."

Chen Yi raised his hand: "Then I won't be polite, I'll be the first to attack you!"

Lao Zhang: "Jump the horse."

Both of them played very quickly at the beginning, and the situation unfolded in ten seconds, and they were about to enter an offensive state.

At this time, Lao Zhang's speed gradually slowed down and he began to think. A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength. He will not underestimate anyone, lest he capsize in the gutter.

If he loses to a young man, the reputation he has accumulated for half his life will be ruined.

On Chen Yi's side, there is almost no pause and the speed is extremely fast. As long as Lao Zhang makes a move, he will immediately move out of his own piece in the next second, and every move is exquisite.

This scene fell in the eyes of the onlookers, making their faces look a little surprised, and they began to re-examine the young man sitting in front of Lao Zhang.

He is already considered a master, at least as good as them, or even better.

As time passed, Lao Zhang's brows began to frown, and he couldn't help but look up at Chen Yi.

In the middle and late stages of the game, Lao Zhang's playing speed became slower and slower, but Chen Yi still maintained the starting speed. As long as Lao Zhang made a move, he would immediately follow up.

Sweat gradually appeared on Lao Zhang's forehead.

"This brat came out of nowhere..." Lao Zhang cursed in his heart, "Isn't he from a professional team looking to mess with me? No, he's a policeman."

Someone teased: "Old Zhang, hurry up and get off."

Lao Zhang looked ugly: "Gungungun, watching the chess without saying a word!"

He raised his hand to touch his cannon, and then raised his hand to touch the remaining car, not daring to move.

A strong intuition told him that he would finish the next step.

After 2 minutes, Lao Zhang finally took a step forward. Chen Yi immediately moved his horse, and the situation became a pre-final victory.

No matter what Lao Zhang does next, he will "die".

Lao Zhang saw this and his expression hardened: "Uh..."

He stared at the chessboard and thought for a long time, and finally raised his hand to touch the chess piece, but instead of moving the chess piece, he had no choice but to turn the chess piece upside down.

Knocking a piece upside down means admitting defeat in chess etiquette.

"Young people are awesome, they are awesome, I lost." Lao Zhang straightened up, shook his head and smiled.

At this moment, everyone looked at Chen Yi with admiration, obviously not expecting that this young man could actually beat Lao Zhang in the end.

Zhuo Yun, Qin Fei and the others were also surprised. Does their captain still have this skill? ?
But playing chess is inherently linked to IQ, which is understandable.

"I accepted Mr. Zhang." Chen Yi said with a smile, "Then can we have a chat?"

Lao Zhang was helpless. He usually said the word "acceptance" to others, but today he let a young man teach him.

"Okay, keep your word, come with me."

Lao Zhang got up and left with Chen Yi.

After a few people left, someone took over the chessboard again, and the carnage and artillery killing began again.

At the entrance of a small shop not far away, Lao Zhang moved some chairs and handed them to Chen Yi: "Sit down."

Chen Yi took the stool and sat down, looking up at the small shop in front of him: "Mr. Zhang, is this your shop?"

Lao Zhang smiled: "Yes, I will have nothing to do after retirement and open a shop in front of my home, not to make money."

"What do you call a police comrade?"

Chen Yi: "My name is Chen Yi."

Lao Zhang nodded: "What a good name. What do you want from me?" Chen Yi: "It's for Wu Yuanshan."

"Wu Yuanshan?" Lao Zhang was surprised, and then his expression changed, "What happened to Wu Yuanshan? He is dead?!"

Chen Yi was equally surprised: "Why does Mr. Zhang ask this question?"

Lao Zhang said: "He has cancer and may die at any time."

Chen Yi snorted and said, "No, no, he is still alive."

Only then did Lao Zhang feel relieved: "What's that for?"

Chen Yi: "It's not convenient for us to say more about this matter."

Lao Zhang stopped asking and waved his hand: "Okay, okay, what do you want to ask?"

Chen Yi: "Wu Yuanshan, he has a wife and a son, right?"

Lao Zhang nodded: "Yes, Wu Lin is amazing. He was admitted to Imperial City University back then. There was a lot of commotion at that time, and leaders from the district came to express their condolences."

"I'm so envious. It would be great if my son was so good."

Wu Lin is the name of Wu Yuanshan's son.

Chen Yi: "What kind of person is his son?"

Lao Zhang: "He is very sensible and polite. I respect him every time I meet him. Even though he was admitted to Imperial City University, he is not arrogant at all."

"What's the word? Oh yes, Heaven's Proud Son, Heaven's Proud Son, it's definitely not an exaggeration."

Chen Yi continued to ask: "Is this family harmonious?"

Lao Zhang: "Of course we are harmonious. Otherwise, how can we teach the students of Imperial City University?"

"Wu Yuanshan cared about his son very much. When the college entrance examination was approaching, no matter how busy he was, he would come back on time to cook for his son. Chatting with his son reduced his stress. His son was also very filial and always told Wu Yuanshan not to be too tired."

"What a boy."

Chen Yi was slightly silent and said, "What about...the relationship between husband and wife?"

Lao Zhang: "It's also very good. They are a model couple here. We rarely see them quarreling."

Chen Yi: "Is it the same after being diagnosed with cancer?"

Hearing this, Lao Zhang glanced at him and said: "Young man, you are too young. Don't be so gloomy. What does this have to do with cancer? Illness will not affect couples who have a good relationship. Occasionally, I see Wu Yuanshan's wife secretly wiping Tears.”

"Hey." At this point, he sighed deeply, "What a trick of fate. My son is so outstanding, but he is terminally ill. Good people don't live long. Oh, by the way, his son doesn't know about this. How can you? You can’t let anything slip.”

Chen Yi was slightly stunned: "Wu Yuanshan's son doesn't know that Wu Yuanshan has cancer?"

Lao Zhang nodded: "Yes, I don't know. Only Wu Yuanshan and his wife and I know about this matter. We are keeping it secret. We are worried that it will affect the children's studies. We will talk about it after graduation."

"I actually disagree. I'm afraid Wu Yuanshan won't be able to wait until his children graduate. How much will the children blame themselves and feel guilty?"

Chen Yi: "Did he demolish two units along the street some time ago?"

Lao Zhang: "Yes, it was demolished, but I didn't pay much money. The location is very bad. I heard him say it's only about one million, but it's still an unexpected surprise."

Chen Yi thought for a while and said, "In other words, it will be difficult for him to buy a house for his son in Imperial City."

Lao Zhang smiled and said: "That's for sure. What is the concept of housing prices in the Imperial City? It's good to be able to pay the down payment by selling iron."

"I don't think his son will settle in the Imperial City, right? Otherwise, Wu Yuanshan and his wife would be under great pressure. He is a very filial child."

Chen Yi: "Have Mr. Zhang and this family known each other for a long time?"

Lao Zhang: "Yes, we have known each other decades ago. I watched his son grow up."

Chen Yi: "During his growth stage, nothing happened to his son, right?"

Lao Zhang was confused: "Young man, what do you mean?"

Chen Yi: "For example... I suffered a major blow because of something."

Lao Zhang shook his head: "No, no, absolutely not. I watched him grow up, how could I not know? This kid loves to study, and he was admitted to Imperial City University all the way."

At this time, Chen Yi suddenly said: "Do you think it is possible for Wu Yuanshan to kill someone?"

"What? Murder?" Lao Zhang was startled and almost stood up. "Impossible, absolutely impossible! You... are you investigating a major murder case?! Did Lao Wu be involved?"

Chen Yi did not answer.

When the other party acquiesced, Lao Zhang Quan frowned and said: "This... police officer named Chen Yi, right? I use my personality... no, I guarantee you with my life. No matter what the reason is, he will never commit murder. .”

"If I made a mistake, come find me!"

Chen Yi changed the subject: "Mr. Zhang, has Wu Yuanshan met any unrelated people recently?"

Lao Zhang recalled for a moment and said: "I don't know about this. I haven't seen it anyway. You have to ask him. If he is really involved in a murder case, can't he tell the truth? Oh my God, we can't unjustly accuse him. Otherwise, what will Wu Lin do in the future? It will be difficult for his father to develop a murder case."

What he said was right to the point.

If the father has a murder record, the child's future development will be limited unless he does some work that does not require a background check.

Wu Lin is a student at Imperial City University and his future is limitless. No one knows what opportunities he will have in the future. If the opportunity comes and he is unable to take it because of his father, it will be quite embarrassing.

This is the cost of crime, not only for oneself, but also for future generations.

Chen Yi and others left the old city. After the visit just now, it further increased the possibility that Wu Yuanshan did not kill anyone.

As for his son...

Still have to check.

The evaluations of outsiders are only for reference. The police need to see real evidence.

In the afternoon, the results of the new investigation of the bank cards in the names of Wu Yuanshan and his wife came out, and it was confirmed that there was no large amount of money.

The surveillance is still under investigation, and the scope has been expanded at this time. Currently, Wu Yuanshan's taxi has not been found, let alone him dragging Wu Qianqian out of the city.


"This is the surveillance near the gate of Yangcheng University on the morning of the [-]rd. Team Chen, look, this is Jiang Yu. He has indeed returned to school."

In the case handling hall, Jiang Xiaoxin pointed at a figure in the surveillance camera and said.

Chen Yi came closer and after confirming that it was Jiang Yu from all angles, he said, "Continue to check back to see if he has come out again."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Okay."

Subsequently, the investigation feedback from the Imperial City Police was transmitted in real time. It was confirmed that Wu Yuanshan's son Wu Lin had been with his classmates during the holidays in the first few days of the month. Several people could testify against him.

What happened after school started and before going abroad is still under investigation, and the results will not be available until tomorrow.

In the early morning, the criminal investigation detachment was still working, and the autopsy was continuing. Now Fang Shuyu was mainly in charge, hoping to find more clues. The investigation of the broken body could not be completed in a day or two. This is not the same as the difficulty of the intact body. a concept.

At this moment, Chen Yi was sitting in front of the whiteboard in the case handling hall, turning the marker in his hand and analyzing the case based on the clues he had so far.

He still prefers acquaintances to commit crimes.

If the suspicion of Wu Yuanshan and his son is ruled out, then the next focus of the investigation will be Wu Qianqian's classmates, especially Jiang Yu. However, Jiang Yu's current suspicion is very small. They have all gone to rent a house. There is no reason for the boyfriend to rape his girlfriend. As for murder... …Needs to investigate further to see if there is a motive.

If you take the blame for outsiders, it's just because of money, and it's a lot of money.

But all bank cards show normal, is it cash?However, there is a limit on how much cash you can carry out of the country, with a maximum of [-].

Twenty thousand people to cover for murder?What a joke.

At the same time, the city bureau gate and guard box.

A taxi drove from a distance and stopped at the door. The door opened and a handsome-looking young man got out.

His face was extremely solemn, and he strode to the guard box.


The police officer on duty opened the window: "Hello, what can I do?"

Young man: "Excuse there a police officer named Chen Yi working here?"

Hearing Chen Yi's name, the police officer stood up quickly: "Yes, he is here, who are you?"

Young man: "My name is Wu Lin. Has he come home from get off work?"

(End of this chapter)
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