Chapter 186 Searching the City
Municipal Bureau, case handling hall.

After receiving Chen Yi's order, Qin Fei immediately began to contact all his colleagues who were on weekend break, and the phone calls were almost full.

Suspicious discovery of body parts is not a trivial matter. Once it is confirmed that it is really a human being and not an animal, it means... A very vicious corpse murder case has occurred in Yangcheng!
Killing and dismembering the body is an extremely cruel killing method, and the sentencing will be more serious.

And most importantly, social impact!
The caller told the police that she found two bags in a garbage pile at the base of the wall. She originally thought they were leftovers from the restaurant, but she didn’t expect that when she opened them, she found a pile of meat pieces, which looked very human!

This frightened her and she immediately called the police. There was also a faint noise on the phone, which must have alarmed the people around her.

Once word spreads, the incident will become more serious. Even if media reports are banned, word of mouth cannot be banned.

Now is the information age, and the speed of network communication is quite fast.

At present, the nearest police station has gone to control the scene. We hope that no evildoers will spread nonsense online.

Soon, everyone started to move and ran out of the gate one after another and got into the police car.

Qin Fei was walking while making a phone call, and the last one to come out. By coincidence, he happened to bump into Lin Chen who was coming to the city bureau.

Lin Chen didn't know what happened and was confused.

"Lin Chen? Why are you here?" Qin Fei hung up the phone and was about to get in the car. When he saw Lin Chen, he shouted.

Lin Chen walked over quickly: "Fei...Brother Fei, where are you going?"

Qin Fei saw from the other party how cautious he was when he first came to the city bureau.

Unknowingly, he had completely integrated into the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment, followed Chen Yi, and became a qualified criminal police officer.

"Someone called the police and we were about to show up." He replied, "Didn't you just come here on Monday? Why are you here today?"

Lin Chen: "I...I have nothing to do at home, so I wanted to come over and take a look first."

Qin Fei said, "Okay, then go in and take a look around, we're leaving right away."

After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave.

At this time, Lin Chen hesitated for a moment, thinking of how much Chen Yi valued him, and mustered up the courage to shout: "Brother Fei!"

Qin Fei stopped, turned around and said, "What's wrong, Lin Chen?"

Lin Chen said: "Brother Fei, I... I am also a member of the criminal investigation detachment, right?"

Qin Fei nodded: "Since I'm here, of course it counts."

Lin Chen: "Then I also have to show up."

Hearing this, Qin Fei frowned: "You are not in the field, so you don't need to be present, and..."

He didn't finish.

The place they are about to go now may be quite scary and bloody, and they may not be able to stand it, let alone the timid newcomer Lin Chen.

If something goes wrong, Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu will definitely skin him.

Therefore, how could he be allowed to go.

Lin Chen walked over and insisted: "Brother Fei, just take me there. I also want to be brave like you!"

He has two mentalities now, one is to prove himself, and the other is... curiosity.

Fear is one aspect, but it does not affect curiosity.

Qin Fei hesitated, and in order to save time, he simply called Chen Yi.

"Hello? Captain Chen, Lin Chen came here for a walk with nothing to do. He said he wanted to show up too."

"Okay, I see, go right away."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Fei waved his hand: "Get in the car."

Lin Chen was delighted: "Yes! Brother Fei!"

On the other side, Chen Yi, who was driving, hung up the car phone and said, "Lin Chen is going too, I agree."

The co-pilot, Fang Shuyu, was a little worried: "Lin Chen is too timid. If it is really a corpse dismemberment case, it may leave a psychological shadow."

Chen Yi: "Since you have decided to come to the Criminal Investigation Detachment, you have to go through this process."

"As long as he gets through it, he will have a lot of room for development in the future. I believe that under your guidance and mine, he will be able to achieve the best of his career as a portrait artist."

"Skull portraits, face restoration, etc. are all goals he must achieve."

Fang Shuyu was silent for a while and said, "You are very optimistic about him."

Chen Yi: "I can't be wrong about people. It's a coincidence this time. Fortunately, Lao Zhou called me over with a phone call, otherwise I wouldn't be able to discover Lin Chen's talent until the year of the monkey."

Fang Shuyu smiled and said, "I now believe that Chollima and Bole are attracted to each other."

Chen Yi smiled: "I now believe in inheritance. Your Fang family and Lin family are really talented people."

Fang Shuyu: "So are your Chen family."

Yes, the business exchanges have begun.

During the chat, the vehicle sped away and arrived at the scene of the reported crime an hour later.

They were relatively far away, so most of the people had already arrived, and a long cordon was set up at the scene to prevent any unrelated persons from approaching.

After learning that this was likely to be a corpse dismemberment case, people from nearby police stations and sub-bureaus came to control the order at the scene.

After all, this is a downtown area.

"Deputy Branch Chen."

"Deputy Branch Chen."

Chen Yi hummed and walked quickly. A police officer on guard quickly set up a cordon to let everyone in.

Seeing Chen Yi's arrival, the police team leader ran over and quickly explained the situation: "Deputy Branch Chen, a middle-aged woman found a bag containing suspicious body parts while rummaging through cartons and discarded bottles in the morning. She reported it in a panic. police."

"When we arrived, there were already onlookers pointing and pointing, but fortunately no one dared to get close."

Hearing this, Chen Yi asked as he walked: "Is anyone taking pictures?"

The team leader said: "Yes, they have been checked and deleted. They were also warned not to talk nonsense, otherwise they will face security penalties."

He is a veteran policeman and has more experience.

Chen Yi nodded: "Well done, thank you for your hard work."

Team leader: "Yes, then let's go and maintain order."

Chen Yi: "Okay."

While talking, Chen Yi and others came to the base of the wall. There were two black plastic bags on the ground.

Chen Yi took the gloves handed by Qin Fei, put them on, and stepped forward to open them.

What came into view was a pile of blackened pieces of meat. The rotten smell assaulted his nostrils. The visual and taste impact was so powerful that even Chen Yi frowned at this moment.

He reached out and turned it over. The cutting surface was rough, like a machete or an axe.


Seeing these corpses, Lin Chen couldn't stand it for the first time. His face turned pale with fright, and he turned around and vomited wildly.

Qin Fei was not much better. He clenched his fists tightly and felt his stomach churning, but he resisted vomiting.

He is no longer the little policeman he used to be.

"Check it." Chen Yi stood up.

"it is good."

Fang Shuyu came forward with a forensic assistant. The expressions of several of them were not very good. After all, they were all young people. They had never seen real broken corpses.Chen Yi came to Lin Chen and watched him vomit.

Lin Chen vomited for a long time. In the end, his face turned blue and he even vomited out bile.

After he had almost vomited, Chen Yi turned around and said, "Bring some water!"

Soon, Qin Fei handed over a bottle of mineral water, and Lin Chen quickly took it and drank it in his mouth. From the corner of his eyes, he saw the forensic doctor examining the body parts. He couldn't hold it back and started vomiting again.

Chen Yi sighed and patted his back.

After a long time, Lin Chen regained consciousness, and his face was already covered with sweat.

Chen Yi said softly: "Do you regret it?"

Lin Chen shook his head: "No... I don't regret it."

Chen Yi: "Want to know which bastard did it? Do you want to catch the murderer yourself?"

When Lin Chen recalled the appearance of the corpses, he seemed to be able to picture the misery of the victims before and after their lives. At the same time, he was also angry at the cruelty of the murderer.

"Think!" Lin Chen nodded heavily.

Chen Yi: "If you want to, stay here. If you don't, just go back to the branch."

After saying that, without waiting for Lin Chen to respond, he left and went to Fang Shuyu's side, watching the forensic doctor at work.

Seeing that Lin Chen drank up all the water in his hand, Qin Fei handed over another bottle: "It's like this the first time. The first time I appeared on the scene with Captain Chen, it was worse than you. The deceased was intact and I was vomiting. Yes, you performed better than me."

He was just comforting, but it was not impossible.

If the first time he appeared on the scene was to see the mutilated corpse, he might have vomited directly into the hospital.

Lin Chen whispered: "Thank you, Brother Fei, I'm fine."

Qin Fei hummed.

While surveying the scene, Fang Shuyu took out a small piece of something and looked at it, then raised his head and said, "Female."

Chen Yi nodded slightly, expressionless, not knowing what he was thinking.

Fang Shuyu continued: "These two bags are obviously not everything. We must find the rest as soon as possible."

"I'll take it back to the bureau first. We need to confirm whether these body parts come from the same person."

This matter requires solid testing evidence and cannot be taken for granted. No one can guarantee that these body parts come from one person, two people, or even more.

Chen Yi: "Okay, are you okay?"

Hearing this, Fang Shuyu hesitated for a moment and said: "This is my first time encountering a corpse, so I'm not absolutely sure. Be on the safe side and give Master a call when I get back. You need to investigate the case, but you can't help me. "

Chen Yi: "Okay, okay."

The forensic doctor left quickly, but there were still onlookers in the distance.

He Xin handed over a cigarette and said, "This is the first time I encountered a corpse dismemberment case. I didn't expect there are still people doing this. It's so crazy."

Chen Yi took the cigarette and lit it: "The purpose is not to cut the body into pieces, but to cover up the crime. It can not only destroy all traces on the body, but also conceal the identity of the victim. It kills two birds with one stone."

He Xin nodded and said, "Yes, the next thing to do is to quickly find other body bags."

"When I get back, I'll check the missing persons report and the screening will be based on women."

Chen Yi hummed and said: "Brother Yun, you are responsible for this matter. Search the whole city. Mobilize the entire city's police force to find all the body bags in the shortest possible time. The wider the scope of the investigation, the better. Don't let it go in the river." .”

"Judging from the size of the bags, I'm afraid there must be more than a dozen."

Zhuo Yun: "Yes! Team Chen!"

He looked serious. When handling a case, Chen Yi was their captain, especially such a serious case.

How many years have I not heard of it?

At this time, Qin Fei and Lin Chen came over.

Chen Yi turned around and asked, "Are you okay?"

Lin Chen forced himself to speak: "It's okay, brother-in-law... No, Captain Chen, is there anything I can do to help?"

Chen Yi stared at him for a while and said, "What you have to do now is to go back to the city bureau immediately, learn the knowledge of criminal investigation profiling, and integrate all criminal investigation and forensic theories into your skills. Do you understand?"

"When can you touch the bones and restore the human figure? Come to me again."

Nowadays, computer three-dimensional restoration of portraits is still not accurate. It is more of an assistance and requires human intervention.

Not to mention anything else, at least the degree of fatness and thinness of a person is unknown, and other factors need to be combined to achieve the greatest accuracy.

Chen Yi hopes that Lin Chen will not only be a portrait artist in the future, but also be qualified for the task of skull restoration.

As soon as he said this, Lin Chen hesitated and said: "Captain Chen, I can do it now."

Chen Yi looked over again: "What?"

Lin Chen repeated: "I can now restore the skull to the human figure. I have practiced it before."

This made Chen Yi confused. After being silent for a while, he said, "Why are you practicing this thing when you have nothing to do?"

Lin Chen replied: "What I like most is painting portraits of human faces, but generally there is no challenge. Skulls were originally an introduction to painting. Later, I wanted to improve myself and tried to paint portraits by looking at skulls. Over time, I became proficient. .”

Hearing this, He Xin and others were immediately surprised. Chen Yi really dug a genius this time.

"Then... learn some forensic knowledge and criminal investigation knowledge. You don't need to participate in the investigation of the case. I will come to you if necessary." Chen Yi said.

Lin Chen stood at attention: "Yes!"

Afternoon, City Bureau.

While Shi Xin was sitting in front of the computer searching for missing persons report records, Jiang Xiaoxin was also checking the surveillance cameras near the body dump site, starting from the time when the bag was found.

If nothing else, it should be early in the morning or last night. This time period is the safest.

Chen Yi has nothing to do now, so he just sits back and waits.

"There have been no missing reports that meet the requirements recently." At a certain moment, when did Xin Xin turn around.

Chen Yi frowned: "No??"

In fact, this kind of situation is rare. It was a rare case that no one reported the disappearance of Geng Wen and Qu Pinglei before.

When a living person disappears, relatives and friends around him should always be concerned, but it may only be for a short time.

"Wenshan!" Chen Yi shouted.

"Here comes Captain Chen!"

Hearing Chen Yi calling him, Luo Wenshan ran over quickly.

Chen Yi: "Notify all branches and police stations. From now on, whenever someone calls the police saying that a certain woman cannot be found, report her immediately."

Luo Wenshan: "Yes! Team Chen!"

Just because no one calls the police now, doesn't mean it won't happen in the future. This can happen at any time and requires constant attention.

There are only two things that need to be done in this case.

First, determine the identity of the deceased.

Second, find all the bags.

As for whether the surveillance camera could clearly capture the suspect's appearance, Chen Yi had no hope.

He could even do things like dismembering corpses. He couldn't be stupid enough to stand under the surveillance camera openly. At least he had to disguise himself, such as wearing a mask or something.

 Thank you readers for your monthly votes!Thank you so much!
(End of this chapter)
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