Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 170 The car is here but the people are not

Chapter 170 The car is here but the people are not
Chen Yi returned to the car.

The driver Qin Fei turned his head and the other party raised his hand and pointed: "Did you see that gate? Drive."

Qin Fei: "Yes."

The car started and the distance was very close. It took less than 2 minutes to arrive and the car was parked on the side of the road.

People get off.

"Chen Yi, what's going on?" Shi Xin asked, wondering what information the other party must have gotten.

Chen Yi did not answer immediately. He opened his mobile phone and called up the map to zoom in. Then he looked ahead and said, "This is the only place where the car can drive to the river, and the route is consistent."

"Since the police station couldn't find it after two days of investigation, and you are sure that the car must be nearby, it is very likely that it was pushed into the river."

"Go and have a look."

When is new: "Okay."

Several people parked their cars on the side of the road and entered the woods.

The channel river is not close to the roadside, it is estimated to be 100 meters, and the road is very difficult to walk.

After taking just two steps, Chen Yi stopped and looked down at the ground.

There were tire marks there, it was quite new.

"This should be it, hurry up."

Chen Yi quickened his pace.

What the fishing guy just said is right. Driving here is very damaging to the car, not to mention the tires, which are very likely to be scratched.

It's just a fish, it's not necessary at all, and it doesn't take much effort to park on the roadside and walk there.

Since there was a vehicle passing by, I'm afraid it really was Guo Jiayin's car.

After five or sixty meters, you can already see the Channel River ahead.

At this moment, Chen Yi focused his eyes and could clearly see a car parked on the bank of the river. Beyond that was the deeply dug channel river.

The model and color are undoubtedly Guo Jiayin's car.

Shi Xin also saw it. After being stunned for a moment, he said: "How did you check that such a big car can't be seen??"

While the pace continued to quicken, others also looked at each other. This was a mistake at work.

When he came to the car, Chen Yi's face suddenly turned ugly after confirming that the license plate was correct.

"Whoever is responsible, call me right away!"

"Brother Qiang, work."

"Qin Fei, notify the team to come and do a full salvage. The water surface is not big, so there is no need to find the salvage team."

Lu Yongqiang immediately stepped forward: "Okay."

Qin Fei: "Yes! Team Chen!"

Everyone is in high spirits. Now that they have found Guo Jiayin's car, they are not far away from finding Guo Jiayin.

Most likely, it's in the water ahead.

It's just... Chen Yi seems a little angry now.

Seeing that Chen Yi was unhappy, Ji Xin didn't say anything, and the two of them waited quietly.

Soon, the director of the nearby police station came with someone. When he saw the criminal police from the city bureau investigating a car, his expression changed immediately.

"Deputy Branch Chen!"

He said hello from afar and ran over quickly.

Chen Yi turned around, looked at the director who ran in front of him, and said in a dissatisfied tone: "Yang Suo, what's going on?"

Director Yang was very embarrassed and didn't know what to say: "This...I did have someone check it out, and according to what Deputy Chen said, we will check it carefully and not let go of any possible parking places."

Chen Yi glanced behind the other party: "Who is responsible for this?"

In the police team, there was a young man whose face turned pale.

The colleagues around him also looked at him.

"Chen... Deputy Branch Chen, I'm in charge." The young man took a few steps forward, "I... I thought..."

Chen Yi interrupted: "What do you think?"

"Suspend him first, take off his police badge, and then we'll talk about it after the case is investigated."

Director Yang was silent and sighed in his heart. The case must not be small, and this car is also very important. The other party is not disrespectful, and it can be seen that he is suppressing his anger.

You kid, how can you be so impetuous in your work? I really don’t understand.

He knew very well who Chen Yi was. He was promoted rapidly in one year. The provincial department valued him very much, and he did not dare to offend him.

If you mention this when you go to the provincial department for a meeting, it will have a great impact on you.

The other party is investigating the case at the moment, so if you want to apologize, you can only wait until the case is over.

The young man looked bitter and did not dare to speak.

He can remember this lesson for a lifetime.

After receiving the order, Zhuo Yun and Qin Fei immediately stepped forward and tore off the warning signal on each other's left chest.

Suspension is not expulsion. Chen Yi does not have the authority to expel. The city bureau will make a decision based on the subsequent review results.

If the delayed discovery of this car resulted in irreversible serious consequences in this case, then he would be in trouble.

After everyone left, Chen Yi raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.

When did Xin come over?

If something really happens, the other person is not as easy to talk to as it seems.

"I wasted two days, I'm really speechless." Chen Yi couldn't help complaining.

He Xin said: "It's okay, just find the car. I think... Guo Jiayin should be in the water, right?"

Chen Yi habitually took out his cigarette case, but in the end he put it back without smoking and said, "It's most likely in the water or in the car."

"If Guo Jiayin's body is fished out later, Du Caibin will be taken into custody immediately."

There is currently insufficient evidence to make an arrest, but temporary detention is still possible.

Shi Xin hummed and turned to look at the vehicles on the shore.

If Guo Jiayin's body is found in the water, then Du Caibin will be suspected of committing a major crime.

"The car didn't push into the water, why? It went in no matter how hard I tried," he said.

Chen Yi glanced at it and did not answer the question.

Subsequently, support from the city bureau arrived. The police officers put on life jackets and waterproof suits and immediately began salvage work.

While waiting, Chen Yi and He Xin came to the car, and Lu Yongqiang and others were still working.

After turning around in a circle, Chen Yi walked to the main driver. At this moment, the trace inspection was trying to extract fingerprints from the steering wheel. There had been no movement for a long time, and he carefully repeated the same action.

"No fingerprints?" Chen Yi asked.

The police officer turned around and said, "Team Chen, there is indeed no trace of fingerprints found."

Chen Yi hummed: "Continue to check the entire car."

Next to him, He Xin said: "The driver was not wearing gloves at all during the surveillance. He should have been cleaned up."

"In this case, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find effective clues elsewhere in the car."

"The suspect's anti-reconnaissance capabilities are not weak."

Chen Yi said nothing and turned to look at the water, where a group of police officers were entering the water.

Time passed little by little.

10 minutes.

Two 10 minutes.

half an hour.

One hour.

As time passed, Chen Yi's frown deepened.

The water surface of the Channel River is so small, and the water has not been released years and years ago, and it doesn't look very deep. If there were corpses in it, they would have been discovered long ago.

"Team Chen! No!"

"I don't have it here either!"

"Me too!" Finally, the Hanoi police officer looked towards the shore one after another and shouted to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi narrowed his eyes: "Expand the scope and continue searching downstream!"

Everyone: "Yes!"

It was getting dark, but the salvage police officers began to have no harvest.

The search range has been expanded to the downstream shoal, where there are many rocks blocking it. When the reservoir is released, it will definitely be submerged and most of the sediment can be washed away.

However, the water release time is usually after April and before August. You can tell by looking at the dry channel walls on both sides that the reservoir has not released water for at least several months.

Therefore, if it cannot be found, it means it does not exist.

There were no bodies in the water.

This result made Chen Yi fall into a long silence. Shi Xin was also very surprised and didn't understand why the results were so different.

What they thought was that if a body could be found in the water, it would definitely not be Guo Jiayin who was driving.

Who is it if it’s not Guo Jiayin?
Du Caibin.

However, now that there is no body in the water, it is debatable whether the person driving the car is Guo Jiayin.

At this moment, everyone had stopped working and looked at Chen Yi.

Everything that needs to be done has been done, and we need to wait for the next instructions from the captain.

Chen Yi stood on the shore and silently lit a cigarette. After thinking for a long time, he took the flashlight handed by the police and searched carefully around the car.

No footprints were found in the previous trace inspection, which indirectly proves that there was no behavior of dumping the body.

There is mud on the shore, which is very soft. It is impossible to leave footprints as long as you pass by, unless...

Chen Yi took pictures everywhere, walked back in the direction of the vehicle, and finally came to the grove.

There are long gaps between the trees in the grove, so if you drive carefully, you can drive over from the roadside.

The ground here is very hard and overgrown with weeds, so it is unlikely to leave footprints.

Chen Yi looked at the surrounding environment and the vehicles by the river not far away.

The position I was standing on was slightly higher, and in front of me was a long slope that connected to the shore.

At this moment, a picture began to form in his mind.

A man drove Guo Jiayin's car here. He got out of the car before it got close to the river, and then pushed the car out hard.

Because of the inertia and the acceleration of the slope, the vehicle slowly slid down, not very fast, and finally stopped due to friction and inertia.

The other party didn't go down and continued to push. Maybe it didn't matter whether the vehicle entered the river or not, or maybe... it was to prevent leaving footprints.

The person driving the car might be Guo Jiayin or Du Caibin.

If it was Guo Jiayin, why would she do this?Did you bother to wipe off your fingerprints?
If it was Du Caibin, why would he do this?
The disappearance case seems to have... become a little more complicated now that it's been investigated.

"Close the team!"

"Tow the car back!"

After shouting, Chen Yi turned around and left without going to the shore.

That night.

City Council.

After careful inspection of Guo Jiayin's car, the fingerprint inspection finally extracted half of a fingerprint near the trunk of the vehicle.

Lu Yongqiang is trying to identify who it belongs to.

In the conference room, everyone was discussing the suspicious points of the case and what to do next. Guo Jiayin's car appeared inexplicably by the river, which was really weird.

Maybe she drove there by herself, but logically this possibility is not very high.

If Du Caibin drove past, what was his purpose?

"Chen Yi, if the body was thrown into the reservoir and the vehicle drove to the Channel River, is it true?" On the seat, He Xin held a cigarette between his fingers, and the smoke slowly rose.

Hearing this, Chen Yi said: "First of all, you have to be very familiar with the wire fences around the reservoir and know where you can enter and where you can't. This is not difficult. You just need to check the spots in advance."

"It is reasonable to then dump the body in the reservoir and drive the car to other places to make the police investigation more difficult."

"It's not difficult to be sure. Just gather people to salvage the edge of the reservoir. There are wire fences around the reservoir. There are not many places where people can pass through. You can search in a targeted manner."

"If it is really Du Caibin who is driving the car, and there is really Guo Jiayin's body in the car, then this is the only possibility now."

"I'm wondering if it's time to interrogate Du Caibin now."

Shi Xin: "I'm afraid it's useless. There are not many clues. The most important thing is that there is no evidence."

"Unless it can be proven that the person driving the car was not Guo Jiayin."

"Otherwise, we should salvage it first and then review it after the salvage is completed."

Chen Yi: "Only the absence of a single fingerprint on the steering wheel, gear, door, etc. is enough to interrogate Du Caibin, but judging from the course of the case, he will not tell the truth."

"If he really killed Guo Jiayin, he must have been planning it for a long time and thought of a plan that he thought... was perfect."

Shi Xin nodded: "That's true, but what do you mean? To trial or not to trial?"

The role of preliminary interrogation is still considerable. Some suspects who cannot bear the pressure will confess quickly, which can save the police a lot of trouble and save investigation time.

Chen Yi thought for a while and said: "Don't make a decision in a hurry, there is one more question."

"If the person driving the car was Du Caibin, how did he get back? It's more than ten kilometers away, so he can't walk back, right?"

When did a new possibility come up: "Taking a taxi?"

Chen Yi: "If you take a taxi, you should have the order record on your phone, or be smart and contact a driver in advance."

"These two methods can definitely be found in call records and mobile phones."

Shi Xin: "As long as it is something that has existed in the phone before, I can call it out. It will be useless even if I delete it. Don't worry."

Chen Yi took a look at the time and made a decision: "Brother Yun, bring this person back."

Zhuo Yun stood up: "Okay, I'll go right away."


An hour and a half later, interrogation room.

Du Caibin sat there with a confused face, looking around constantly. When he saw Chen Yi coming in, he quickly said: "Captain Chen, this... this is the interrogation room. Didn't you ask me to come over and cooperate with the investigation? "

Chen Yi said as he walked: "Yes, we are cooperating with the investigation. You are now a suspect. Please feel sorry. This is a necessary process."

"Suspect?!" Du Caibin was startled, "I...what did I do?!"

Chen Yi sat down and said, "Don't be excited or nervous. Once your suspicions are eliminated, you can leave immediately."

"If the suspicion cannot be ruled out and there is no evidence to prove your suspicion, you can leave after 24 hours."

"The suspicion I'm talking about is Guo Jiayin's disappearance."

Hearing this, Du Caibin was stunned: "Do you suspect that her disappearance is related to me?"

"She...she drove away by herself, what does it have to do with me!"

Chen Yi: "Whether it is related or not, we need to further confirm."

"I'll ask you one last time, you were at home from the afternoon of March 26th to the morning of March 27th, right?"

Du Caibin: "Yes, I have always been at home and never gone out!"

Chen Yi: "Think about it, if there is evidence that you have been out, then you won't be able to leave."

"Now, it's the Internet age."

These words made Du Caibin pause for a second, and then he still affirmed: "I really have never been out."

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay, we want to check your mobile phone. Is that okay?"

Du Caibin was unhappy: "Captain Chen, isn't checking your cell phone an invasion of privacy?"

Chen Yi: "According to the investigation regulations of criminal cases, we can investigate. Are you afraid of investigation?"

Du Caibin spread his hands: "Of course not, I'm psychologically awkward... Okay, okay, you can check if you want."

"It's really baffling. What does her disappearance have to do with me? She drove off by herself and went to who knows where."

Chen Yi looked at him: "Mr. Du, this is the third time."

Du Caibin was confused: "What's the third time?"

Chen Yi smiled and said, "We have met twice, and this is your third time. You emphasized that Guo Jiayin drove away by herself."

(End of this chapter)

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