Chapter 17 Join the job immediately! !
This is playing with yourself.

Chen Yi complained in his heart.

It seems that sometimes it is not a good thing to prepare too much and think too much, and it is easy to cause embarrassment that is superfluous.

Advantages will turn into disadvantages in certain situations, so you should pay attention to it in the future.

Seeing that Chen Yi did not answer immediately, Zhang Jingang said, "Of course, you can refuse. This has nothing to do with the exam."

"Whether your answer satisfies me or not, it will not affect the results of this exam."

Chen Yi slandered, you have said this, can I refuse?

If you refuse, I won't let you look down upon me, and even Zhou Yebin will be affected.

Zhang Jingang would inevitably have this thought: Who did you recommend to me?I don't even have the guts to accept my additional examination. After joining the job, I'll sort out the files for a few years!
"What if Director Zhang is satisfied?" Chen Yi thought about it and said with a smile.

Zhang Jingang was surprised by these words, but he was not dissatisfied. On the contrary, he appreciated it even more.

Knowing what level he is, yet being so neither humble nor arrogant, and even having the courage to make demands, at least shows that the other person is a very calm and calm person with a strong psychological quality.

After thinking for a while, he said: "It depends on the degree of satisfaction."

“If you are joining the workforce, you may consider significantly shortening your internship period.”

Chen Yi said nothing.

Shortening the internship period has its benefits.

There is a one-year internship period for criminal police officers. They are trainee police officers. After the period, they can become full-time officers. This is a normal regulation process.

Shortening this period does not appeal to him.

Zhang Jingang was silent for a while and then continued: "If you are very satisfied, I will be promoted directly from the third-level superintendent to the second-level superintendent."

Chen Yi's eyes brightened slightly, this is not bad, there is some useful information.

The five examiners all looked over with surprise in their eyes.

The promotion is directly awarded to the second-level superintendent. The credit must be given, and it must be not small.

What is so special about this Chen Yi?Zhang Jingang can be so committed and valued.

Having said that, judging from Chen Yi's interview performance and written test results just now, he is indeed a rare and outstanding talent.

I haven't encountered a reserve police officer like this for many years.

For every additional outstanding criminal police officer in the criminal investigation detachment, Yangcheng's crime detection rate will increase by one point, which will indirectly affect the city's crime rate in the future.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Zhang Jingang attaches great importance to it, but they do not know other inside information.

"Okay, Director Zhang must keep his word." Chen Yi said with a smile.

The look of anticipation on Chen Yi's expression made Zhang Jingang smile too, but not very obviously.

Driven and capable, this is the kind of detective he wants.

Then, he took out his cell phone, flipped through it for a while, and handed it to an examiner next to him.

"Show him."

The examiner took it, stood up, and handed it to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi took it doubtfully.

Isn't it an additional test?Why did you give me your cell phone?
When he looked down, he understood immediately.

This is a complete and detailed half-dossier, but it only contains the investigation of the scene and surroundings, as well as the identification results of the victims.

The interview results and key clues do not exist.

Criminal case.

But it wasn't a murder, it was intentional injury.

The victim was seriously injured, hospitalized and nearly died.

"Ju Zhang...want my criminal profile?" Chen Yi raised his head slightly.

Criminal profiling, that is, criminal psychological profiling.

By analyzing the modus operandi, scene layout, criminal characteristics, etc., we can outline the criminal's criminal mentality, thereby further predicting his gender, age, professional background, appearance characteristics, personality characteristics, and even his next move.

Profiling can help the police narrow the scope of the search and catch the real culprit in time.

To do this, one must be proficient in criminal psychology, without limitations.

This is the top ability after the integration of multiple professional technologies.

Because of this, good profilers are very rare.

At present, there is no professional profiler profession in China. Generally, police officers who investigate crimes have their own profiling skills, but there are some abroad.

Having qualified profiling skills does not mean that the detection rate can reach [-]%. After all, there are errors in speculation.For Zhang Jingang, criminal profiling is the most direct way to fully examine Chen Yi's investigative skills from multiple angles and aspects.


Faced with Chen Yi's inquiry, Zhang Jingang only said two words.

Chen Yi understood. No wonder the other party gave the promise of a second-level superintendent.

It is not easy to achieve high accuracy in criminal profiling.

Even he would not dare to easily create a profile for investigation when faced with a complex case, missing clues, and a suspect with a high IQ.

Step by step, peeling off the cocoon is the right way.

If you make a mistake, it will only waste valuable time and indirectly increase the probability of the suspect going unpunished.

Unless he is certain.

"okay, I get it."

Chen Yi's words were equally concise. After his voice fell, he began to look through the files in his hand.

The examination room was quiet at this moment.

The examiner secretly looked at Zhang Jingang and then at Chen Yi. At this moment, he was no longer surprised, but a little surprised.

For a newbie who has not yet joined the job to try criminal profiling, the test questions are too difficult.

Can he describe it accurately?

I am afraid that even an experienced criminal police officer would not dare to give this guarantee.

In terms of difficulty, it is not difficult to accept Zhang Jingang's proposal to become a second-level superintendent.

If he really has such a genius, he must be recruited into the criminal investigation team.

Not to mention the second-level superintendent, the first-level superintendent must also seriously consider it.

There is a saying that goes well, what is lacking most in the 21st century?Talent!

Chen Yi read it very slowly. It took him 10 minutes to read the brief information.

After 10 minutes, he put down his phone and looked up.

Seeing this, Zhang Jingang was surprised and couldn't help but said: "Is that okay?"

The second 10 minutes is very slow for Chen Yi.

In Zhang Jingang's opinion, 10 minutes is too fast. At most, he just understands the situation, right?

"Has this case been solved?" Chen Yi asked.

Zhang Jingang nodded: "It has been solved, and the suspect is serving his sentence."

Criminal investigation files are confidential, and he knew that it was impossible for Chen Yi to know the inside story in advance.

Even if Zhou Yebin Xicai wanted to cause trouble, it was impossible to know his plan.

What's more, there are so many files in the city bureau, and this is what he selected temporarily today.

Seeing the thoughtful look on Chen Yi's eyebrows, Zhang Jingang continued: "Just say whatever you want, as long as you can..."

"Male, aged between 30 and [-] years old."

Chen Yi's voice sounded, interrupting Zhang Jingang.

The first sentence made Zhang Jingang's eyes immediately freeze.

"He is about 1.7 meters tall and weighs about [-] kilograms."

"The left leg is slightly disabled, which does not affect walking, but it can be clearly seen from the walking posture."

"The educational level is low and the physical fitness is very strong. They should be engaged in heavy physical work, such as construction sites, transportation, etc."

"Irritable personality, calm mentality, may have a criminal record."

"Major changes have occurred in family or work in the near future. Judging from the motive of committing the crime, it is speculated that it has a lot to do with the victim."

"In this case, by investigating the victim's interpersonal relationship, the suspect can be immediately identified based on the profile."

As soon as the voice fell, the five examiners were stunned.

Such a professional, detailed and clear portrait, is it real or fake?
They subconsciously looked at Zhang Jingang.

At this time, Zhang Jingang stared straight at Chen Yi, who had a calm expression, and suddenly stood up with fists clenched without any warning.

“Join immediately!!”

Five examiners: "????"

(End of this chapter)

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