Chapter 161 A Ying, calm down

Fang Shuyu felt that she was being teased.

Of course, it's possible that I'm thinking wrongly.

Based on her understanding of Chen Yi, the possibility of teasing is relatively high. After a trip to Jiangcheng, people in Jiangcheng were already spoiled. Was it the captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Jiangcheng City Bureau who taught him?

(Zhao Qiming:????)
"Okay, what do you want to eat?"

Fang Shuyu calmed down Xiaolu's chaotic mood and left Chen Yi's arms.

Losing the soft touch, Chen Yi felt a little disappointed. He walked over and said with a smile, "Anything is fine. I think hot pot is just right in this weather."

As he spoke, he looked at the books and manuscripts on the table, which were all forensic-related materials.

"Did your master give it to you?"

He picked up the manuscript out of curiosity and looked at it.

Fang Shuyu poured water for Chen Yi from his own cup and handed it over: "Yes, that's what Master has at the bottom of the box. If I can learn and integrate them all, my professional level can be improved to a higher level."

Chen Yi took a sip of the water handed over by the other party, turned it over a little, nodded and said: "The former director of forensic medicine is indeed very experienced, especially in the early days of prosperity, and left a lot of valuable experience. You really should Study hard, including me."

At that time, the crime rate was relatively high, and criminal investigation technology was not perfect. DNA identification technology had just been introduced, and surveillance cameras had not yet been widely used.

In this case, whether it is an illegal case or a criminal case, it is very difficult to investigate.

Especially, more complex murder cases.

The profession of forensic medicine was very important at that time, and it can be said to be the key point in solving crimes.

How many clues the forensic doctor can find from the corpse often represents how much progress the case can make.

Things are different now. With the development of the Internet, the focus of criminal investigations is gradually no longer on the corpse. Although the autopsy report is still important, it is sometimes only an auxiliary.

More, it relies on modern criminal investigation science and technology.

Of course, when encountering corpse dumping cases with unknown identities and lack of on-site surveillance, the role of forensic doctors will be very prominent, which was even more obvious in the past.

For example, there is a case in this manuscript.

Seeing that Chen Yi was a little serious, Fang Shuyu came over to take a look and said: "The case 20 years ago, the headless female corpse, this case is the master's famous case. The autopsy provided a lot of clues to the investigators, and not only locked the case in a short time We found the identity of the deceased and quickly found the scene of the first crime.”

"The case process is not complicated. Finding the first crime scene is equivalent to finding the murderer."

"The difficulty is how to determine the identity."

Chen Yi nodded slightly, turned to the second page, and said: "There is no surveillance at the scene where the body was dumped, and there is no person with the right identity in the missing person report. Not to mention the DNA database, and the fingerprint database has just been established."

"The murderer chose to chop off the head of the deceased, obviously to conceal the identity of the deceased."

"Because he knew that once the police locked the identity of the deceased, they would immediately point suspicion at him."

Fang Shuyu said: "Yes, the facts prove that it is indeed the case. After the investigators found the scene of the first crime, they immediately found a large amount of blood stains on the scene."

"This case is rape and murder."

"After the murderer was caught, the murderer also defended himself as manslaughter. He caused the death of the deceased during the rape. He had no idea how the deceased died."

Manslaughter and intentional homicide are two concepts.

Chen Yi continued to scroll back: "Such situations exist. For example, the victim has underlying diseases or dies due to positional suffocation."

Orthostatic asphyxia refers to the body being restricted in an abnormal position for a long time, causing respiratory movement and venous return to be blocked, thus causing suffocation and death.

Some crazy rapists don't care whether the victim is comfortable or not during the crime, he only cares about his own comfort.

Therefore, if the victim remains in an abnormal position for a long time, he may suffocate.

Fang Shuyu said: "My master initially thought it was postural asphyxia, but after a long and careful examination, he finally discovered that there were microscopic venous spurts of blood at the separation of the victim's neck."

"This shows that the victim was dismembered by the murderer while he was still alive."

Chen Yi nodded: "I thought the victim was dead, but in fact he was not. When he was dismembering the body, he didn't stop when he found it. He just killed him without stopping."

Fang Shuyu: "Yes."

"Master provided valuable advice to investigators based on the autopsy results, including the victim's possible occupation and what he had eaten before death."

"As a result, investigators quickly targeted a seafood restaurant a few kilometers away from the place where the body was dumped."

"The murderer is the owner of the seafood restaurant."

Chen Yi closed the manuscript and praised: "The perfect criminal investigation process is impeccable."

The victim in this case worked the evening shift on the day of the incident and went to the seafood restaurant after get off work.

The owner of the seafood restaurant is the victim's friend and suitor.

That night, the boss was very surprised by the victim's arrival. He was about to close the door, so he cooked a lot of delicious meals and took the opportunity to express his love again.

Unfortunately, it was still rejected.

The victim's long-term unclear emotional attitude angered the murderer, and the two had a quarrel that night.

Some people's motives for committing crimes are actually as simple as this. This case is a crime of passion.

The occupation was judged by the details of the corpse, and the food eaten was judged by the stomach contents. The seafood restaurant was quickly identified, and the murderer was finally suspected of intentional homicide.

The important role of forensic medicine is vividly demonstrated in this case.

This manuscript contains the valuable experience of the former director's forensic work throughout his life, as well as some special and classic cases, which are extremely precious.

No wonder Fang Shuyu looked so serious in his spare time.

After being fully absorbed and digested, her professional skills will definitely rise to the next level.

It's just that at this time, it depends on Fang Shuyu's understanding. Chen Yi is quite confident in her.

Hearing Chen Yi's praise, Fang Shuyu smiled and said, "Yes, my master is very powerful."

Chen Yi raised his hand and tapped her forehead: "You are also very powerful. I believe you can become a better forensic doctor than him in the future."

Fang Shuyu was angry and gently knocked Chen Yi's hand away.

"That's for sure! I can't... hold you back, right?"

She felt more and more that Chen Yi's ability to investigate crimes was definitely beyond her imagination.

As a forensic doctor from the Yangcheng City Bureau and Chen Yi's girlfriend, she needs to become better.

At least he can keep up with Chen Yi's footsteps, and there will no longer be a situation like Bai Guoxiang's case, where he was unable to start with a scalpel.

Technically and mentally, she still has a long way to go.

Unlike Chen Yi, he seemed to be at his peak just after joining the job, like an old detective rejuvenated.

"What are you holding back? What are you thinking about? It will never happen." Chen Yi said with a smile, "By the way, we still have to see Director Zhang. You should go ahead and talk later in the evening after get off work."

Fang Shuyu hummed obediently.

After leaving the forensic room, Chen Yi came to Zhang Jingang's office and knocked on the door.

No movement.

Keep knocking.

Still nothing.

After the third knock, Zhang Jingang's salty voice sounded in the house: "Come in."

Chen Yi was slightly stunned. He thought there was no one there. He didn't seem happy to hear the other party's tone?Are there any recent cases in Yangcheng?

Thinking in his mind, he opened the door and walked in, only to find that Zhou Yebin was also there. The two of them seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"Zhang Ju, Team Zhou." Chen Yi spoke.

Zhang Jingang looked at Chen Yi in front of him and said quietly: "I mean, Vice Captain Chen, when he came back from Jiangcheng and the provincial department, he didn't report his work to me first, but instead went to find his girlfriend, right?"

Chen Yi: "Uh..."

Zhang Jingang turned around and said, "Lao Zhou, let me tell you, office romance is a bad idea because it will affect your work and future development, right?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yebin coughed and was unable to express his opinion.It also depends on who you are dating.

Talk to Fang Shuyu about influencing future development?I think what you said is somewhat nonsense.

"Zhang Ju, you're wrong." Chen Yi quickly admitted his mistake, not wanting to suffer the immediate loss.

Zhang Jingang smiled and waved: "Just kidding, sit down."

"Thank you Zhang Bureau."

Chen Yi took a step forward and sat next to Zhou Yebin.

"The case has been solved, what did Fang Ting say?" Zhang Jingang asked.

Chen Yi told the truth: "It's just...criticism plus affirmation, and then the reward will take a while, I guess a month or two."

Zhang Jingang caught two of the words: "Criticism?"

"Did anything go wrong during the investigation of this case?"

Mentioning this matter, Chen Yi hesitated and said: "I chose the trap when I arrested the murderer. The murder weapon was potassium cyanide in a syringe. Fang Ting thought it was dangerous, so he criticized it."

After hearing this, the two people's expressions became serious.

"Chen Yi, you're a bit messy." Zhou Yebin frowned.

The lethality of potassium cyanide is actually similar to that of guns, both of which can kill in one hit.

It wouldn't matter if Chen Yi fought with the murderer, but anyone who cares about Chen Yi's safety would be worried if he comes into contact with such a dangerous thing at close range.

Zhang Jingang remained silent for a while and said, "Chen Yi, this situation should be avoided if possible in the future."

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes, Zhang Ju."

"Don't tell the forensic doctor about this matter, Fang Ting will definitely not say anything."

Zhang Jingang snorted: "I know."

"Chen Yi, the case has been solved. This time our Yangcheng City Bureau has shown its face in Dongzhou. After all, it is a provincial and city bureau, so it should be different from other places. You have done a good job."

"I felt from the beginning that you had to come to this case."

"Yeah, that's what I said?"

Chen Yi was slightly stunned by these words, and then became suspicious: "Zhang Ju, you..."

Zhou Yebin quickly touched him and signaled the other party not to expose him. Zhang Ju had always been very thick-skinned and could not be cut through with a knife.

In the current situation, Chen Yi couldn't help laughing and changed his words: "Yes, Zhang Ju, that's what you said at the time."

"I would like to thank Director Zhang for his trust and support for being able to solve this long-lasting case."

Hearing this, Zhang Jingang nodded with satisfaction: "Of course, the main thing is the reflection of your personal ability."

Chen Yi wanted to roll his eyes, but didn't dare.

Zhang Jingang continued: "Fang Ting should have told you to take a few days off, so I will grant you a leave and come back to work on Thursday."

"The premise is that there can't be any cases in these days."

"If Lao Zhou is too busy here, you can come back at any time."

Chen Yi: "Yes! Zhang Ju!"


That night, Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu went to a beef hotpot restaurant for dinner. After taking off the burden of investigating the case, Chen Yi had a relaxing meal.

Although Zhang Jingang gave him a holiday, it was not a real holiday after all, so he did not dare to drink.

He is addicted to cigarettes but not alcohol. He can drink or not drink.

While eating, Fang Shuyu couldn't help but asked about Jiang Cheng's case out of curiosity.

Chen Yi didn't hide anything. He probably talked to the other party and didn't mention the details of the entrapment operation.

There was no one around where they were, so they were not afraid of being overheard.

After learning all the reasons, Fang Shuyu was surprised: "I didn't expect it was really because of the internal strife of the tomb robbers. This plot is a bit familiar. It is like this in many martial arts movies. The soup is changed without changing the medicine, but it actually happened in reality."

Chen Yi had discussed this issue with him on the phone before in Jiangcheng. At that time, the other party speculated that it was revenge, but now the results have been confirmed.

Chen Yi nodded: "It is indeed rare. Such a case has not been encountered for many years."

"If the murderer hadn't chosen to kill the last person, it would still have taken a lot of effort to find him."

Fang Shuyu said: "Six people have been killed, including an outsider. I really don't care about one more."

"The murderer's mentality at that time must have become extremely cold-blooded."

Chen Yi: "Yes, revenge has become everything in his life, and Cao Maojun's deception was the final trigger."

"Loneliness is terrible. This is one of the causes of his psychological distortion."

After chatting about the case for a few words, Fang Shuyu mentioned the other party's rare vacation.

"I can't accompany you anymore, what are you going to do?"

When Chen Yi was full, he picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth, and said, "I don't know yet. Let's rest at home. I'm really tired from investigating the Jiangcheng case."

"By the way, let's go see what Jiang Fanlei and the others are busy with recently and exchange feelings."

"You can call me anytime after get off work. I won't leave Yangcheng anyway."

Fang Shuyu nodded: "Yes, okay."

After dinner, the two of them went home.

Shen Ying was very surprised by her son's return, after all, she hadn't seen him for forty days.

"You're back, what kind of case has it been taking so long?"

Shen Ying personally made Chen Yi a drink to replenish his brain and strengthen his body.

In the eyes of a mother, a son will always be a child and will not change as he grows up.

Chen Yi smiled and said: "It's a small case. I also studied and exchanged there for a few days and made some new friends."

Shen Ying: "It's good to meet new friends. At your age, you should socialize more."

On the other side, Chen Zhiyao, who was sitting in the living room, added: "It's time to move out at this age. Didn't I buy you a house? If you're not satisfied, I'll change it to another one. You can choose it yourself."

Shen Ying turned her head and said dissatisfied: "What did you say? Drive your son away?"

Chen Yi also didn't expect what was going to happen.

Chen Zhiyao was silent for a moment and said politely: "You and Shuyu will also have a place to go by then."

"She's embarrassed to go home to eat together. We can't always eat out. It's more cozy for you to eat at home, and it can also enhance our relationship."

Chen Yi's eyes widened.

Old Chen, you have a lot of ideas!

Only then did Shen Ying react and began to seriously consider the matter.

Seeing this, Chen Yi quickly said: "Mom, there is definitely something wrong with my dad. Most people can't think of such an idea."

"Did he use it when he was young? Go and ask."

Chen Zhiyao's face changed slightly, his hands trembled with fear, and he said angrily: "You brat..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Yi had already slipped away.

What she faced was Shen Ying's suspicious gaze.

"I think what my son said makes sense." As he said that, Shen Ying came over, very oppressive.

Chen Zhiyao's mouth twitched slightly, and he said quickly: "Aying, calm down, this bastard is full of evil."

(End of this chapter)

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