Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 158 Interrogation of Wang You, all the truth

Chapter 158 Interrogation of Wang You, all the truth
early morning.

six o'clock.

Wang You sat in the interrogation room with handcuffs on his hands. Four police officers stood around him, closely guarding him to prevent accidents from happening.

In 15 years, he killed six people in an extremely cruel way, which made every police officer wary of him.

Such a criminal can do anything.

In the observation room, Kong Hanyong has been standing here staring at Wang You for an hour.

During this hour, he remained motionless, with no expression on his face.

The murderer who had been looking for him for five or six years, who had made him confess and resign, who had tortured him for ten years, was now sitting in front of him.

Only he himself knows how he feels.

"A very... ordinary person, isn't he?"

Next to Kong Hanyong, the person speaking was Ge Quanshan.

Like Kong Hanyong, he was also woken up by a phone call in his sleep. After learning that the murderer of the case was arrested and brought to justice, he was extremely shocked and immediately got up from the bed and rushed to the city bureau.

Then, he and Kong Hanyong stood in the observation room, watching the murderer.

It was as if the murderer was a rare animal.

Kong Hanyong's voice was a little hoarse: "I've been looking for such an ordinary person for six years."

Ge Quanshan was silent for a while, raised his hand and patted Kong Hanyong's shoulder, sighing: "Old Kong, don't think too much. Now that the murderer has been caught, the case will be completely over, and you should feel relieved."

"Speaking of which, this boy Chen Yi... is really good. The Yangcheng City Bureau has recruited a genius this time, and judging from the attitude of the provincial department, he is being trained as a reserve cadre."

Mentioning Chen Yi, Kong Hanyong nodded and said: "I have to admit that young people are terrible. We are really old."

"I met Chen Yicheng once after he came to Jiangcheng. We talked about the case more than ten years ago. He gave me a strange feeling."

"You can't call him a genius. I think he should be called a geek. When thinking about things and doing things, he likes to take the wrong approach."

Ge Quanshan said: "Sometimes the sword can go astray and have unexpected effects."

"Well, isn't the man handcuffed inside a good example?"

Kong Hanyong hummed, took a deep breath, and said, "Jiangcheng Medical University, it turns out he is hiding there."

"Even if there was a thorough investigation back then, I'm afraid there would be no results."

"Do you know what the case is about?"

Ge Quanshan shook his head: "I don't know. Chen Yi has been leading the investigation himself. After all, it is a task force of the provincial department. I can't ask too many questions. Isn't it clear after a while?"

While talking, the door of the interrogation room opened.

The first person to walk in was Chen Yi, followed by Zhao Qiming and He Xin.

After a while, the door of the observation room also opened, and Pan Cheng, Zhuoyun and others walked in. After seeing the two of them, they quickly said hello.


"Team Kong."

Kong Hanyong waved his hand: "Don't call me Captain Kong, I've stopped calling you that long ago."

Several people didn't pay attention and stepped forward to look at the interrogation room.

Chen Yi sat opposite Wang You and sorted out the information on hand. During this period, he said, "Wang You, how can we talk?"

"Six lives, do you recognize them or not?"

Wang You looked indifferent: "I admit it. Why don't you admit it? It's all my doing."

"Sun Jianli, Tian Youwei, Liang Wu, Huang Baoxu, Yao Jing, Cao Yuning, I remember them very clearly."

"The only regret is that Cao Maojun died early, otherwise I would have to let him feel what it feels like to be buried alive on the brink of death."

Chen Yi nodded slightly: "Okay, in that case, I don't need to talk nonsense."

This was the first time he had seen a murderer like Wang You in this world, but he had seen many before.

These people have a common trait: stable psychological quality.

Without anything else, this alone is enough to give the police a huge headache. Even if they are caught, the interrogation will be a difficult process.

They are happy to plead guilty, but they are not necessarily happy to chat with you and choose to show off and refuse to answer any questions.

I just killed people, and they should be shot and killed. Don’t ask about the details and motives, I’m too lazy to tell.

I don’t know if Wang You is such a person.

Chen Yi picked up the cigarette case: "Then let's start from... 25 years ago."

"Do you smoke?"

Wang You glanced at the cigarette case in Chen Yi's hand and said quietly: "No."

Chen Yi: "Good habit."

He took out one himself and then handed the cigarette case to Zhao Qiming and the others.

"Tell me why you want to kill Sun Jianli and the others."

This question made Wang You sneer: "You have found the tomb, which means you have deduced everything. Do you still need to ask me?"

Chen Yi lit a cigarette and said: "An inference is an inference. To put it bluntly, it is actually a guess. Can a guess be used as evidence in court?"

"I told the judge that these were my inferences and that they were true. What would he think?"

Wang You was silent for a while and said, "I'm a little tired and don't want to talk."

Chen Yi: "Wang You, we are rivals after all. I respect you. Can you please respect me as well?"

Wang You smiled: "Opponent? This word is used well..."

"Okay, what else do you want to know? You have found Hong Guangyan. He should have told you everything. Is there anything else you want to add?"

Chen Yi slowly exhaled a puff of smoke: "Of course."

"How did Tian Youwei find Wang Ziyang, and how did you find Sun Jianli and the other six? Is your mother's death from illness due to Wang Ziyang's disappearance? How did you know that Wang Ziyang participated in tomb robbing."

"Also, why did you stop ten years ago, and why did you kill Cao Yuning ten years later."

"How each person was killed, what was the process, where was the anesthetic obtained, and where was the potassium cyanide obtained."

"Wait, there's a lot."

"If you feel tired and sleepy, I can have someone make you a cup of coffee."

The last sentence made Wang You more energetic: "That's a good suggestion. Let's have a drink. No sugar or milk."

Chen Yi raised his finger. The police officer understood, turned and left the interrogation room.

Soon, a cup of steaming hot coffee was placed in front of Wang You.

Wang You went up and smelled it, enjoying it quite a bit, but didn't drink it.

At the same time, a voice sounded.

"That year, I was 15 years old. I had no idea where my father had gone. I only knew that he had been away for a long, long time and hadn't come back."

"I didn't even know that he was once a master of tomb robbing."

"These are all what my mother told me later."

"When I was seven or eight years old, my mother was seriously ill and needed to take medicine for a long time to maintain her life. The medicine... was very expensive."

"So in my memory, my family has been living in poverty since then. Even during the Chinese New Year, I couldn't afford meat-filled dumplings. As for sweet candies, I couldn't even hope for them."

"Later, when I was 15 years old, I came home from school one day and found that my father had gone out. I thought he would come back soon, but after leaving, he never came back."

"Do you know what that means?"

"It means that a 15-year-old child needs to support a family, take care of his seriously ill mother, and take care of himself."

Chen Yi listened carefully and did not interrupt.

Wang You continued: "Three years later, I was admitted to university. Because of my mother's illness, I applied for Jiangcheng Medical University."

"It was at this time that my mother's condition became more and more serious, and she... finally told me something."

"It turns out that my father was a tomb robber in his early years, but he stopped when I was seven or eight years old."

Hearing this, Chen Yi interjected: "Why did you stop?"

Wang You chuckled: "Why did you stop? Because he felt that this was a job that would result in retribution."

"He is right. Isn't my mother a living example? Retribution did not fall on my father, but on my mother."

Chen Yi stopped talking, and Wang You said: "At that time, I finally knew why my father left home when I was 15 years old."

"He wants to do something. If he succeeds, he will have food and clothing for the rest of his life. Maybe he can go to the best hospital in the country and cure my mother's disease."

"It's a pity that he didn't succeed and even got involved himself."

"So, in order to find out what happened, I was going to get to the bottom of it."

"I definitely don't believe it was an accident. My mother and I were both at home. How could he be so relieved? Something must have happened."

"Fortunately, my mother met Tian Youwei by chance. He has a Jiangcheng accent. This gave me a very important clue. Although there is only a rough description, it is enough."

"How to check? It's very simple, just blend in."

"I began to use my free time to frequently visit antique markets and auctions in Jiang City, and even found a location in the black market."

"Finally, the year after I graduated, I found out about Tian Youwei and Sun Jianli."

"The first person to die was Sun Jianli."

Chen Yi: "Why kill Sun Jianli first?"

Wang You said calmly: "There is no reason. You have to kill someone first. I want to kill Tian Youwei first. Do you want to ask why?" Chen Yi: "Continue."

Wang Youdao: "I majored in anesthesiology at the Medical University. It was very easy to secretly get some anesthetics. And at that time, you could work as a counselor after graduating from a bachelor's degree, which was even more convenient."

"After taking control of Sun Jianli, I started asking about what happened back then. At first he didn't tell me... Haha, it's not up to him."

"Pain can make people clear their minds."

"I finally understood that my father... was killed by these people."

"Okay, since you can kill my father, I can also kill you, fair and square."

"Since my father died in a burglar's cave, I can dig a hole too."

"Since my father died because of a broken mirror, I can also let you look at yourself in the mirror and how you slowly died."

Having said this, he lowered his head and approached the coffee cup and took a sip of coffee.


He praised and continued: "I got the location of the tomb, then dug out my father, and took away a fragment of the Tang Haishou Grape Mirror."

"My father died because of this family. I want to leave a souvenir and always tell myself that this is not over yet."

"It's not just Sun Jianli who should be damned, there's also Tian Youwei, Liang Wu, Huang Baoxu, and Yao Jing!!"

"These people deserve to die! I'm going to make them die miserably!"

Wang You's mood became a little excited at this moment.

After realizing this, he quickly calmed down and regained his previous composure.

The police officer in charge took detailed notes.

From the murder of Sun Jianli, to the murder of Tian Youwei, to the murder of Yao Jing, nothing was left out.

After talking about the five murder cases more than ten years ago, the coffee in front of Wang You was empty.

Chen Yi basically understood.

Over the course of six or seven years, using Tian Youwei as a breakthrough, they followed the clues and slowly uncovered Sun Jianli and others.

It was not easy, but he did it.

"How did Tian Youwei find Wang Ziyang?" Chen Yi asked.

Wang You: "It was because he was inquiring. He probably found three or four people. In the end, only my father agreed and paid tens of thousands of yuan in advance."

"Let's have another cup of coffee."

The police officer looked over, and after obtaining Chen Yi's consent, he immediately left the interrogation room and made another cup of coffee for Wang You.

Looking at Wang You smelling the aroma of coffee, Chen Yi said: "So as of ten years ago, you found six people, and the only one whose whereabouts are unknown is Hong Guangyan."

Wang You: "Yes, I didn't want to kill him, so there is no need to investigate."

"The wrongdoer has his debtor, and since he and that old Geng...oh no, it should be Cao Maojun, since he and Cao Maojun were not involved in killing my father, they can live well."

Chen Yi's eyes were cold: "Then why did you kill Cao Yuning!"

Mentioning Cao Yuning, Wang You's indifferent expression flashed with coldness: "Because two years ago, a friend came to my house as a guest, and I suddenly learned that the fragment of the sea beast grape mirror I had kept in the box was fake!"

“My friend just attended an auction and he saw what it’s really like!”

"It's fake, haha..."

"Well, it seems that this Cao Maojun is not a good person. I thought it was really because of the filter pit that there were no genuine items in the tomb, or maybe he was not good enough and made a mistake?"

"No, I started investigating Cao Maojun. The bottles in his house are real, right?"

Chen Yi: "Yes, it's true."

Wang You grinned, and his smile was a little scary: "I understood at that time that there was only one genuine item in the tomb. He, Cao Maojun, had deceived everyone, including my father."

"The imitation of the bronze mirror was so realistic that even my father was deceived by the rush of time."

"Can you understand that feeling? My father! He was killed because of a fake!"

"Isn't this funny?!"

Chen Yi didn't say anything. He did think this was ironic and... funny, but he couldn't say it out loud.

Wang You continued: "If it weren't for this piece of shit Cao Maojun, my father would not have died."

"According to the predetermined rules, he could have taken the Longquan celadon from the two Song Dynasties in exchange for a large amount of money."

"My mother's illness will be cured, I will have a happy family, and my life will be completely different!"

"It's all this Cao Maojun, he is the culprit!"

"He died, right? He deserves it! He deserves to die! If he dies, his son must die too!"

"Officer Chen, do you agree with what I say?"

Chen Yi snorted coldly: "Grave robbing is an illegal and criminal act. I won't tell you more about your father, but...Cao Yuning has nothing to do with this matter. You kill innocent people indiscriminately, and you shamelessly ask me if I agree?"

Wang You said angrily: "What about me!! Am I wrong?! Can you understand how much harm Cao Maojun has done to me?!"

Chen Yi: "Ten years ago, I could barely understand something, but my behavior was too extreme. Ten years later, I can't understand it."

"Tell me, how did you kill Cao Yuning!"

Wang You said coldly: "I waited for him at the school gate for several days, and used what Cao Maojun did back then to trick him into a rental house."

"What I didn't expect was that he actually... knew about this!"

"Haha, it seems that the old guy told him when he died."

"Officer Chen, when Cao Yuning woke up and found himself buried in the soil, do you know his expression?"

"Frightened, bitter, helpless, sighing, reluctant to give up, but he didn't beg for mercy. He didn't even beg for mercy."

"Well, since he didn't beg for mercy, then I'll let him die quickly..."

These words made everyone watching the interrogation frown deeply.

You can imagine Cao Yuning's despair at that time. What he was desperate about was not his own death, but what should his wife do, what should his son do, and what should his mother do after his death!
Unexpectedly, the retribution for what my father did 25 years ago would fall on me 25 years later.

If he didn't care, he would admit it, but he has a family and he can't let go of his son or his wife.

"Dad, you have really gone crazy, and you have caused harm to our whole family."

This may have been Cao Yuning's last thought before he was killed.

So what if he switched to psychology, he redeemed himself, but in the end he still did not escape the fate of being retaliated against.

I am your son, and I am also my father’s son.

You directly caused someone else's father to be killed, and now someone else comes to kill your son. Is this considered... a cause and effect that cannot be escaped?

"You are really crazy."

Looking at Wang You with a ferocious expression on his face, Chen Yi bent his fingers and spoke softly.


He would not comment on the five lives taken more than ten years ago, but Cao Yuning did not deserve to die.

Wang You's face turned rosy because of his excitement. He said coldly: "Am I crazy? The crazy people should be Sun Jianli and the others, and they should be Cao Maojun!"

"Even if I'm crazy, they forced me to do so!"

Chen Yi gritted his teeth cryptically, his face muscles twitching, and his voice was calm: "What about Hong Guangyan? He didn't do anything."

Mentioning Hong Guangyan, Wang You shrugged and said matter-of-factly: "Everyone who deserves to die is dead anyway, he is the only one left."

"He is dead and all the participants have been punished. I can go to see my parents with peace of mind."

"Do you think they would be proud of me?"

This statement made Chen Yi stunned for a moment, as if he didn't hear clearly.

Is this what a 40-year-old mature man should say?

"What did you say? Proud? Are you sure??"

Wang You: "What?"

Chen Yi: "I can tell you this very seriously. As long as your parents are normal parents, what they want to see is not you who has become crazy."


"If you single-handedly found out everything that happened back then, and then decisively called the police, and cooperated with the police to bring all the criminals to justice, then your parents, Izumi Izoshita, will definitely be very proud of you."

"This is their good son, an excellent son, with a good life and no worries about food and clothing. This is what they want to see."


"I guess they'll vomit blood under the fountain."

Wang You stared at Chen Yi: "What did you say!!"

Chen Yi snorted: "Where did the potassium cyanide come from?"

Wang You also snorted coldly: "I don't know! Check it out yourself!"

Chen Yi shook his head helplessly.

Mature age, childish mentality.

"We will check with Jiangcheng Medical University later to see if any dangerous drugs are missing. If not, check his mobile phone, computer, and bank transaction records."

Shi Xin nodded: "Okay."

(End of this chapter)

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