Chapter 15 Written Test Results
"Are you... buying a car?"

Wang Lihua raised his head and glanced at the brand name of the 4S store, with a look of surprise on his face.

Both Chen Yi and Jiang Fanlei are well-off, especially Chen Yi.

Why would the two of them come to a place like this to look at cars?Did you buy it for someone else?
Chen Yi smiled and replied: "Yes, buy a car."

Wang Lihua: "Who will buy it?"

Chen Yi: "I'll buy it."

Wang Lihua was surprised: "Didn't you just buy a sports car some time ago?"

Chen Yi: "Sold."

Wang Lihua: "Uh..."

He was silent for a while and said, "Is there something wrong with your company?"

Chen Yi blinked. He was extremely accomplished at capturing micro-expressions.

The regret shown on Wang Lihua's face was obviously fake.

Underneath the disguised regret is a hint of schadenfreude.

Everyone has different personalities. The Chen family's wealth is much greater than that of Wang Lihua's. When he was in middle school, Wang Lihua was always in the limelight.

This also led to Wang Lihua never being too cold towards him.

Although they are friends with each other, it does not affect Wang Lihua's evil intentions.

Everyone thought that if the Chen family had the possibility of bankruptcy, Wang Lihua would definitely be optimistic about the outcome.

"There is a problem in your family. Can you say something nice?"

Before Chen Yi could speak, Jiang Fanlei on the side spoke first.

He also knew Wang Lihua's virtues very well, so it was fine if it was directed at him, but he couldn't help but retaliate against Chen Yi.

Friendship depends on the details, this is the true friend.

Wang Lihua smiled apologetically: "Sorry, what are you doing?"

Jiang Fanlei chuckled and said: "Chen Yi supports domestic production, what's the problem? It's not like you, who worship foreigners and favor foreigners."

He was only half joking.

Wang Lihua glanced at Jiang Fanlei's Mercedes-Benz and wanted to be sarcastic, but gave up considering that Ding Zi was by his side.

"What is Chen Yi doing now?" He ignored Jiang Fanlei and was obviously more interested in Chen Yi.

Chen Yi said: "Currently, we are still homeless."

Wang Lihua was not surprised and chuckled: "Your family is rich, so you don't have to work hard. Hey, I really envy your life of picking up girls and enjoying yourself all day long."

"Unlike us, we still have to work hard."

"After all, this kind of life is more meaningful."

These words made Chen Yi raise his eyebrows.

No matter how low your emotional intelligence is, you can still hear the weirdness in the other person's words.

Does time travel come with the attribute of attracting enemies?

This is how it is written in novels. There will always be a few boring supporting characters who talk nonsense and then get slapped in the face.

But he is not qualified to slap him in the face now. He is indeed still unemployed.

Taken from the literal meaning of these words, there is actually nothing wrong with them.

By the way, I used to be a detective and will be a criminal police officer in the future.

If the plot develops according to the normal situation, your kid won't want to burp, right?

Chen Yi had a bad taste in his heart and couldn't help but smile.

Of course, he was just thinking about it casually. After all, this is the real world, not a novel.

Wang Lihua's words did not affect him, otherwise his life would be in vain.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Fanlei frowned.

He originally wanted to mention that Chen Yi was preparing to take the criminal police exam.

But the hope was slim, and he was embarrassed to say it.

Wang Lihua smiled and waved his hand: "No, no, I just said it casually, I don't mean anything else."

At this moment, Ding Zi also felt that what Wang Lihua said was a bit inappropriate and quietly pulled him.

Seeing this, Wang Lihua said goodbye: "Then you guys talk first, let's go over there and have a look."

"Today I mainly came to buy a car for Ding Zi. She lives at my place now, which is far away from the company."

"See you later. Let's have a drink together when we have time. We haven't gotten together for a long time." Chen Yi nodded with a smile: "Okay, okay."

When Wang Lihua walked away, he turned around and saw that Jiang Fanlei's face darkened and his fists were clenched.

Probably, it's because of Wang Lihua's words.

"Let's just live together. You and Ding Zi have been together for a long time?"

Jiang Fanlei snorted: "Of course it's not because of Ding Zi, who is she?"

"Don't you think this Wang Lihua is a bit awkward?"

"I mocked you first, but you didn't forget to give me a stick before leaving."

"Are you sick?"

Chen Yi patted Jiang Fanlei on the shoulder and said, "This is the situation. Don't be the same as him."

"Strictly speaking, you and I both have a grudge against him."

"I am richer than him, and he never raised his head in front of me when I was in middle school."

"What about you? If you chase Ding Zi, you're considered a half-love rival."

"Now that everyone has graduated and entered the society, of course he can't help but calm down when he gets the opportunity."

Jiang Fanlei said angrily: "When you become a criminal policeman, I curse him to become a victim!"

Chen Yi: "..."

These are really brothers, even the bad taste is the same.

"As a police officer, I hope you will never open your mouth."

Jiang Fanlei was speechless: "As a police officer, you have such a thick face."

"I just finished the written exam and now I identify myself as a police officer."

"Wang Lihua must know this. He will have to open champagne tonight to celebrate that Chen Yi has become a fool and celebrates the New Year in advance."

Chen Yi said earnestly: "Xiao Leizi, before the result is unknown, don't have full confidence in yourself."

"Dare to gamble?"

Hearing this, Jiang Fanlei's eyes lit up: "Okay, what are you betting on?"

Chen Yi pointed behind him and said, "I'm going to pass the exam. Please reimburse me for this car."

"On the contrary, give me twice as much."

Jiang Fanlei was amused: "Is there such a good thing? You're not joking, is this a real bet?"

Chen Yi: "A gentleman's words are hard to catch up with."

"Guaranteed by our 20 years of friendship!"

Jiang Fanlei was startled: "Good guy, this guarantee is strong enough, I will follow!"

Seeing this, Chen Yi was in a good mood.

I made more than 20 yuan in vain, I am really a clever little guy.

Soon, the two of them left the Auto City in a brand new Lin brand car.

It would take 20 days for the results of the written test to come out. During this period, Chen Yi had nothing to do and accidentally went to the library several times on the weekend.

As expected, he met the beautiful forensic doctor from the city bureau.

The other party's clothes are indeed good, and they always make Chen Yi's eyes shine.

Both of them are majors in related fields, so there are still some common topics. Chen Yi's conversation and knowledge made the forensic doctor refresh his level of surprise time and time again.

For those who didn’t know, they thought Chen Yi was an outstanding reserve police officer who graduated from the police academy.

The two didn't talk about the exam. For Chen Yi, the result was the most important.

I wanted to make a bet with this forensic doctor, but I felt that the relationship between the two was not that good, and the [-]% certainty was not authentic.

Jiang Fanlei was the exception, he was the one who was "tricked".

In this way, 20 days passed quickly.

Chen Yi logged into the query webpage and entered his name and ID number.

Sure enough, as expected, he saw himself ranked first.

The interview time is one month later.

There are still more than 30 days before Chen Yi becomes a criminal police officer.

This is his self-confidence, which is not enough to be compared to outsiders.

(End of this chapter)

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