Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 146: 6 people are related, and they are in the right place

Chapter 146 The relationship between six people, they are in the right place

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the weather was sunny and there was a gentle breeze in the air, which felt very comfortable on people.

Beside the moat, the scenery is picturesque, with leaves flying down and dyed with the golden color of autumn.

The mirror-like water surface reflected the reflection of the table in the beverage shop. It was Chen Yi and Tao Shangli who had just met.

"Mr. Tao, hello, hello. This is my first time meeting such a young archaeologist. He is young and promising. He is young and promising."

Zhao Qiming said politely, and they seemed to know each other.

Tao Shangli has not changed much from half a year ago, except that his hair style is shorter, which adds a touch of strangeness.

"Captain Zhao is so complimentary, I don't deserve it."

Tao Shangli already knew the identity of the other party, and to be honest, he was still a little surprised.

The case jointly investigated by Jiangcheng Criminal Investigation Detachment and Yangcheng Criminal Investigation Detachment will probably not be a trivial matter.

After saying this, he turned to look at Chen Yi and said with a smile: "Officer Chen, let's talk about business directly. Which aspect is it specifically?"

Chen Yi had already thought about the direction of the inquiry, and now he said: "Shang Li, you are an archaeologist, you should know something about tomb robbing, right?"

Tao Shangli nodded: "Of course, different paths lead to the same destination. In fact, we have the same purpose as those illegal criminals."

"And in some aspects, they are even more professional than us."

"So in many cases, we will also learn about the methods of tomb robbers. To be honest, it is still very useful."

Chen Yi nodded.

Needless to say, the business of tomb robbing is indeed a technical job, and people without any ability really can't do it.

"So do these people have any special technical requirements? For example, what skills do they need to know? If they are laymen, is it possible to participate?"

Tao Shangli said: "This is relatively free. Anyone can go as long as they know the location."

"However, in so-called ancient tombs, dangers are inevitable, and these dangers do not only come from the mechanisms in the ancient tombs."

"If you don't understand anything, failure is a trivial matter, and you will probably die in it."

"So in theory, anyone can do it, but if you know some skills, you can increase the probability of success and safety."

Chen Yi: "Understood. For example, suppose I know an ancient burial site and want to see what good things are there, but I lack manpower. What kind of people should I find?"

According to previous inferences, if this case is related to tomb robbing, then there must be an organizer among the few people who gathered all the victims.

Therefore, the selection of partners should be targeted to a certain extent, and it is impossible to randomly recruit just a few people.

As Tao Shangli said just now, the risk is too great and the gain outweighs the loss. It is best to spend more time to find someone who satisfies you.

The basis for selection is more critical. It may be able to match the number of the victim.

Regarding this issue, Tao Shangli thought for a while and said: "The first thing is to find someone who understands identification and the route of the tomb. This is very important."

"Unless it is a very old tomb, there is a high probability that the items inside are fake. It requires someone who knows how to identify them to search selectively and make full use of the portable space to obtain maximum benefits."

Hearing this, Chen Yi pondered slightly and stretched out his hand to Zhao Qiming.

Zhao Qiming understood and took out a stack of character information from his bag and handed it to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi took it and rummaged around, finally placing Cao Maojun's name on the table.

Then, he looked at Tao Shangli and asked, "In Jiangcheng, which dynasty has more tombs?"

Tao Shangli said: "Cleaning the tomb, there is no doubt about it."

At this time, Zhao Qiming was curious: "There are also fakes in the tombs of the Qing Dynasty? Can the technology at that time support the forgery of cultural relics?"

Tao Shangli smiled and nodded: "Of course."

"There are documents that have detailed records of a cultural relic counterfeiting case in the late Qing Dynasty. The victim at that time was Zhang Zhidong. The counterfeit object was a clay pot, and the outer material was made of paper wrapped in wax, which could be mistaken for the real thing."

"The high imitation industry is extremely profitable, so it is common no matter which dynasty you are in."

Zhao Qiming suddenly nodded: "Oh... So that's it. I understand. I'll teach you."

As expected, he has a specialization in the art field. When it comes to investigating crimes, the other party is definitely not good at it. When it comes to archeology, he doesn't know anything.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Chen Yi stared at Cao Maojun's information for a while, and then said: "Shang Li, please continue talking."

Tao Shangli: "Okay."

"After the people who know how to identify are found, the rest are the people who do the work."

"Officer Chen, your role, in jargon, is the supporter, that is, the organizer who holds the intelligence."

"The person who knows how to identify is Palm Eye."

"After the eye of the palm and the support of the pot, you will be a knowledgeable engineer."

"Of course, they don't call them engineers. That's what I mean. To put it more intuitively, it's like the position of a project manager."

"This position is also very important as a link between the past and the future. It is best to have some skills and be able to solve unknown and known dangers, which is called obstacle elimination."

"In addition to troubleshooting, if he encounters competition from peers along the way, he is also responsible for solving it."

"The palm eye is responsible for writing, and the engineer is responsible for martial arts."

Hearing this, Zhao Qiming and others looked at Chen Yi.

Chen Yi turned over the information in his hand, then took out Liang Wu and placed it on the table.

Tao Shangli continued: "Then, there are coolies."

"When you go to a tomb, you must have someone to excavate it. In the past, in the tomb robbing business, the tomb robbers usually found honest farmers to take charge of this task. They paid the wages in advance and did not participate in the distribution of antiques."

"Of course, if the coolie has some skills, he is not a coolie, but a digger."

"Excavators need to be familiar with the structure of hard soil and stone layers, find weak points and dig out holes in the shortest possible time, getting twice the result with half the effort."

Chen Yi listened carefully and took out Sun Jianli's information. There were already three people.

Tao Shangli also stopped speaking at this moment.

Chen Yi waited for a while, then raised his head and said, "Is it gone?"

Tao Shangli: "This is the simplest structure. Four people are enough. Some uncomplicated and low-risk places can be entered smoothly and left safely."

Chen Yi asked: "If it gets more complicated, what kind of people are needed? Think about it from the perspective of needs and expertise."

Tao Shangli thought for a while and said, "Doctor, preferably a doctor who is proficient in detoxification."

"It is inevitable to get injured when entering a tomb. There are many poisonous weeds and insects in the tomb, and the people who built the tomb will also deliberately set poisonous traps."

"It will be safer if you bring a doctor who can detoxify and treat injuries."

Chen Yi nodded slightly, took out Huang Baoxu's information and put it on the table. This was the fourth person.

Tao Shangli looked at Chen Yi's movements and didn't ask any questions, let alone take the initiative to look. He knew what he should do and what he shouldn't do.

"Is there any more?" Chen Yida said.

Tao Shangli: "Then there's the blaster."

"Some ancient tombs are very difficult to enter. The structure of the stone layer and soil layer is complicated, and the tomb door is so strong that even the excavators are helpless."

"In this case, explosives need to work."

"Bringing a blaster will ensure that the operation is foolproof. This is a very professional team. It shows that the support team has considered everything comprehensively to ensure that it will not be in vain."


Chen Yi looked at the information in his hand and focused on Yao Jing's occupation: factory laboratory technician.

Then, he shifted his gaze to Yao Jing's technical secondary school major: chemistry.

The next moment, he also put Yao Jing's information on the table. It was already the fifth one.

Finally, what remains is... history teacher Tian Youwei.

Will this Tian Youwei play the role of "supporting the pot"?Is he the organizer?Or does it have other effects?
On the other side, Zhao Qiming was shocked as he looked at all the personal information placed on the table by Chen Yi.

To be honest, before they left, they really didn't expect that every time Tao Shangli described the characteristics of the tomb robbers, they would be able to match one of the victims.

Now that the case has advanced to this point and the clues have been investigated, it is basically certain that the case is related to tomb robbing.

If Captain Kong had been 15 years ago...

It is meaningless to say this now. At that time, there was no basis for it. Who would not rely on this for no reason.

Chen Yi took out a cigarette and lit it, placed Tian Youwei's information on the table, and then scanned it.

There are six, there should be more.

Who is the role played by the murderer?
"Shang Li." After pondering for a while, he looked up at Tao Shangli, "Are there any other members?"

Tao Shangli was confused: "What else?"

He subconsciously glanced at the character information in front of the other person, but quickly looked away.

“This is pretty comprehensive.”

Chen Yi was silent for a while, shook his head and said, "No, there must be more."

Seeing this, Tao Shangli also fell silent.

Chen Yi said: "Think again and see if there is anything missing."

He had already understood that the organizers back then were very well prepared. It could be said that they had gathered all the characters that could be used, and they were still strangers.

If this is the case, it is impossible to bring an irrelevant guy, and it will definitely have an effect. "Um……"

Tao Shangli frowned and fell into thought.

The atmosphere quieted down.

After a long time, Tao Shangli said: "There is another possibility. Zhiguo only determined the approximate location of the ancient tomb, but was unable to pinpoint the exact location. In this case, a tomb locator is needed, which is called a cave fixer."

"This work requires a very high technical content and is also a very deep knowledge."

"Observe the color of the grass, look at the traces of mud, and set up a pergola with your hands to determine the acupoints at a glance. These are all based on science."

Hearing this, Zhao Qiming couldn't help but said: "What does the pergola mean?"

Tao Shangli smiled and said: "It's just an ordinary action. When looking out, put one hand flat on your forehead to block the sun. It's like building a pergola with your hands."

"Grave robbers with rich experience and skills can do this."

Zhao Qiming said oh twice: "I understand, I understand, is it so powerful? That's not the same as the novel."

Tao Shangli: "The novels are not all fiction."

Zhao Qiming nodded slightly.

Chen Yi said at this time: "Is there any more?"


Tao Shangli was stunned for a moment.

"and also?"

"Officer Chen, I really can't think of anything else."

Chen Yi smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, it may not be reasonable. Just tell me whatever comes to mind."

"Based on what you know, do you think there's anything missing in the team?"

“The icing on the cake is fine too.”

Tao Shangli thought for a while and said: "If you want to ask that, then there are some. For example, it needs financial support, so it needs someone to provide funds, it also needs technical support, it needs modern equipment, and it needs people to provide it."

"For example, ground-penetrating radar, metal detectors, gas analyzers, etc., these things are of great help when going to the grave."

Chen Yi: "Were these things... available 25 years ago?"

Tao Shangli was surprised: "25 years ago? So long."

"Yes... yes, there is. Whether it is ground-penetrating radar, metal detectors or gas analyzers, they were all invented in the last century. The earliest ones were at the beginning of the last century, but the time when they were introduced to the country is uncertain."

"But as long as you have the money and connections, you can definitely buy it."

After speaking, he paused and continued: "I personally think it was impossible 25 years ago. Ordinary tomb robbers are not that professional. There is no big tomb in Jiangcheng. Why waste time and energy here."

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay, thank you, I understand."

After saying that, he looked at Tao Shangli with a flash of doubt in his eyes.

I got too much information from Tao Shangli today. He seemed to know everything and had a deep understanding of the tomb robbing business.

Although archeology and tomb robbing reach the same goal by different paths, after all, one is legal and the other is illegal. There is a chain of contempt within the same industry, let alone different classifications.

Do archaeologists still specialize in studying this stuff?

The most important thing is that from Tao Shangli's tone, one can hear praise and affirmation for the tomb robber's technique, rather than attack and anger.

Kind of weird.

Is it normal?he does not know.

This was just a doubt that Chen Yi had, and he was too embarrassed to say it. After all, Tao Shangli came here to help today, and he really helped a lot.

My own doubts are a little bit like a villain and burning bridges.

"You're welcome, that's right." Tao Shangli smiled, "Officer Chen, is there anything else you need help with?"

Chen Yi pondered for a while and said, "Shang Li, do you know about cultural relic appraisal?"

Tao Shangli nodded: "Of course I understand, this is a necessary skill, but... I'm not a master."

"As an archaeologist, we can still identify the authenticity of general antiques, but if the imitation is more realistic and controversial, we need experienced experts to come forward, and their experience will be richer."

"In my opinion, it still depends on the category. Like us archaeologists, everyone has his own research field, such as calligraphy and painting, jade, bronze, etc."

"They are all good at identifying impossibilities. After all, human energy is limited."

Chen Yi: "I understand."

Antiques still need time to immerse yourself in to improve your level, unless you enable plug-ins.

"Can things like porcelain bottles be authenticated?" he asked.

Tao Shangli: "Yes, this is within my technical scope."

Hearing this, Chen Yi asked, "Can you go with me to a place to identify a few things?"

Tao Shangli: "No problem. I have already spared all my time today. I will follow Officer Chen's arrangements."

Chen Yi said sincerely: "Thank you very much. I really caused trouble for you."

Tao Shangli smiled and said: "We are all friends. Officer Chen doesn't need to see anyone outside. Do you want to go now?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Well, let's go now."

"Captain Zhao, call Mrs. Cao and make arrangements."

Zhao Qiming took out his mobile phone: "Okay."


Two hours later, the group arrived at Cao Yuning's father's house and stood in front of the bookcase in the study.

Tao Shangli's face was a little solemn. After looking at it for a while, he carefully picked up one of the porcelain bottles and studied it carefully.

As time passed, Tao Shangli's face became more serious.

Chen Yi and others stood aside without speaking, waiting quietly.

After an unknown period of time, Tao Shangli took a deep breath and said slowly: "Officer Chen, this is Longquan celadon from the Song Dynasty, worth tens of millions."

Hearing this, Chen Yi's eyes narrowed slightly.

Zhao Qiming and others were also surprised. They did not expect the price of this item to be so high.

"Are you sure?"

Tao Shangli nodded: "At first glance, I am very sure. Open the door wide."

After saying that, he started studying it again, as if he had seen something rare and couldn't put it down.

Chen Yi looked up slightly at the other ornaments and asked, "Where are the others?"

Tao Shangli was still studying the porcelain vase in his hand and said: "The others are from Qing Dynasty kilns and are not very valuable. The price ranges from hundreds to thousands to tens of thousands. The exact number requires more professional appraisal."

Compared with the tens of millions of Longquan celadon, a few thousand dollars seems very shabby.

After looking at it for a while, Tao Shangli smacked his lips and reluctantly put the porcelain bottle back.

"Whose thing is this? Can I ask?" He couldn't hold it back.

Chen Yi apologized: "I'm sorry, I can't talk about this yet."

Tao Shangli hesitated: "Is this... stolen?"

Chen Yi had been asking about tomb robbing before, and he couldn't help but think about it.

Chen Yi smiled: "Shang Li, don't ask anymore. If it is really stolen, we will hand it over."

Tao Shangli nodded: "Sorry, I said too much."

Chen Yi: "It's okay, I understand."

The other party is an archaeologist, and it is normal to be excited after finally seeing a rare thing.

"Thank you so much for your hard work today. Let's have a meal together."

Tao Shangli declined politely: "If nothing happens to me, I'd better go back. When I go back to my hometown next time, I will definitely inform Officer Chen and let's have a good drink."

Chen Yi did not insist: "Okay, then it's settled."

Downstairs, Tao Shangli drove away, and Chen Yi waved and smiled goodbye.

When the opponent's vehicle was out of sight, Chen Yi put down his hand and took out the cigarette case out of habit, and his smile faded.

"The tomb has been cleared... It seems that the tomb has been cleared."

Tao Shangli said that most of the tombs were cleared in Jiangcheng. In addition, a large number of Qing kiln porcelain was found in Cao Maojun's house, so the tomb robbing incident 25 years ago should be the result of the tomb clearing.

Is there only one genuine item in the entire tomb?The rest are not very valuable?

While he was thinking, Zhao Qiming said at the side: "This Cao Maojun is unreasonable. He took the most valuable things and then gave the fakes to others. Is this what Cao Yuning said, going crazy?"

Shi Xin's face was solemn: "This issue is not important now. What is important is that we seem to have determined what the case is about, and we have also found the common ground and connection between the six people."

"Also, Team Leader Chen's previous inference is correct. The murderer may not really want to kill Cao Yuning. It is most likely that the father's debt is repaid by the son."

"I don't know if Cao Maojun was obsessed, but the murderer must have been driven by some kind of motive and was completely obsessed."

(End of this chapter)

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