Chapter 140 Useful Information

In the living room, Chen Yi nodded: "Of course."

"Captain Kong has been investigating this case for so many years, and no one knows more about this case than you."

"I'm new here, so it's a bit one-sided to understand the case based only on the early files, so I hope Captain Kong can tell me everything that's not in the files."

"For example, the doubtful points that you personally think, the investigation directions that may yield results but have not been acted upon, and your new ideas in the past ten years."

"I think although Captain Kong has retired and left the investigation of this case, he should still think about it when he has nothing to do, right?"

Kong Hanyong sighed and said: "You are right. In the first few years, I thought about this case, the murderer, and the doubts almost every day, hoping to find the things I ignored at the time."

Chen Yi: "So, you have been investigating this case for 15 years."

"You have been investigating for 15 years, and I have only been here for two days. There is no comparison. I need Captain Kong to tell me everything he knows, even if it is just a guess."

Kong Hanyong nodded: "Yes, whether it's because I was responsible for the investigation of this case or because I was a criminal police officer, I am fully responsible for this matter."

"I hope my words will be useful to Team Leader Chen and the real culprit in this case will be caught as soon as possible."

"Team Leader Chen, please wait a moment."

After saying that, he got up and left the living room and entered the study. When he came out, he had several notebooks, a folded paper and a pen in his hand.

After placing the notebook in front of Chen Yi, he said: "This is my personal note. Whenever I have inspiration, I will write it down. Even if I dream about strange scenes related to this case, I will not ignore it." Let it fade into memory.”

Chen Yi picked up the top notebook and opened the first page, the second page, the third page...

There are things in it that are not mentioned in the dossier. There are speculations based on other clues and unrealistic associations. They are very detailed.

For example: Is the murderer a foreigner or a local? The reason why the investigation is inconclusive is because the murderer is a foreigner. However, the murderer is very familiar with Jiangcheng, and is most likely a local or a foreigner who has lived here all year round.

Also, why did the murderer stop committing crimes, two years, three years, four years... what the murderer was doing.

and, images.

These images should be the approximate movement trajectory of the victim before he was killed. Looking for intersections may reveal the scope of the murderer's activities.

Chen Yi understood that this was an attempt to find the murderer's psychological safety zone. If he was inside, he must live or work nearby.

In extreme crimes, the psychological safety zone is very important. When most serial killers choose the location to commit crimes, they will subconsciously choose within their own psychological safety zone.

A more intuitive example is that walking on a familiar road is naturally easier and safer than walking on an unfamiliar road.

There are many more besides these, and the information is quite confusing.

When Chen Yi was reading the notes, Kong Hanyong had already unfolded the folded paper. Only then did they realize that it was not a blank paper, but a map on the other side.

Jiangcheng map.

Then, he picked up a pencil and skillfully marked five circles on the map, writing them one after another.

"Qiming, where was the last deceased found?" Kong Hanyong said without raising his head during this period.

Zhao Qiming stood up and sat over. After looking at it for a while, he raised his hand and pointed to a place: "Here."

Kong Hanyong nodded and drew a sixth circle where Zhao Qiming pointed.

"Team Leader Chen, look." After doing all this, Kong Hanyong turned the map ninety degrees and faced Chen Yi. "These are the places where the victims were killed."

Chen Yi put down the notebook in his hand and looked up.

Kong Hanyong continued: "The six locations are all in the wilderness but are different from each other. Do you think the murderer did not dare to commit crimes in the same place and chose them randomly, or did he choose these places deliberately? Anyway, as long as he can bury people. "

Chen Yi glanced at it and said, "I'm not familiar with Jiangcheng. What does Captain Kong think?"

Kong Hanyong said: "Although I couldn't find anything in common between the victims, I thought about it later and found that the locations where the murderers committed the crime are actually very similar."

"Jiangcheng is an ancient city plain. There are many places where people can be buried. Take a look here."

As he spoke, he pointed to another location: "For example, here, it is more remote, quieter, and deserted. It would be nice to see animals around. The murderer can be more relaxed, more unscrupulous, and more unsuspecting to appreciate the death of the victim."

"There are many places like this all over the city, but he didn't choose any of them."

"The locations he chose to commit crimes are all places with relatively beautiful scenery, close to mountains and water. Although this kind of place is not a tourist area, people still go out for outings occasionally, but the murderer doesn't care. He is taking a certain risk."

"Team Leader Chen, do you think what I said is correct?"

After listening to Kong Hanyong's words, Chen Yi's face became serious. He leaned over and took a closer look, then nodded slowly: "Yes, Captain Kong is right. This matter is very important. Thank you very much."

Kong Hanyong: "You're welcome, Team Leader Chen. I thought of this without any clues, but I don't know if it will help the investigation."

Chen Yi stared at the map for a while and said, "Let's imagine a picture."

"The murderer used medical anesthesia to control the victim, took him to the crime scene, buried the body, placed a mirror, and then waited for the victim to wake up."

"When the victim opened his eyes, he immediately saw himself in the mirror."

"At this time, the murderer waved his arms and pointed at the country, laughing wildly: I won't let you be wronged. How about this Feng Shui treasure land? Do you like it?"

After the words fell, a dynamic picture was formed in the minds of several people, which was very intuitive.

In a daze, he could even travel through time and space and hear the murderer's crazy laughter.

Kong Hanyong looked at Chen Yida and said, "Team Leader Chen reacts much faster than me and thinks more. In this case, the location of the crime is likely to be deliberately chosen by the murderer."

"Then why would he do it?"

Chen Yi thoughtfully said: "It's still the motive for the crime."

"The murderer's motive runs through the entire case. We can't figure out his motive. We can't get the answer to all this."

"Actually, this case has the last door left, but it is a very strong door. As long as this door is pushed open, the case can be solved."

"We need the key to open this door, the accurate clue."

"My intuition tells me that this key is the common denominator between the deceased."

Kong Hanyong nodded, put away the map, placed it on top of his notebook, and prepared to give it to Chen Yi to take away with him.

"Captain Chen, there is a term called criminal profiling. I wonder if Captain Chen has this skill?"

These words made everyone present turn their attention to Chen Yi.

Hearing this, Chen Yi took out a pack of cigarettes: "Captain Kong, can I smoke?"

Kong Hanyong: "Of course, Leader Chen, please feel free to do so."

"Thank you."

Chen Yi took out a cigarette and lit it, and said: "Criminal profiling is an auxiliary investigation method and should not be abused, because it is very likely to arrest the wrong person."

"As far as this case is concerned, the outline of the murderer is not clear at present. I can tell you something for your reference."

"Male, between 35 and 45 years old, calm personality, extremely stable psychological quality, with a fixed occupation, a stable source of income, single parent or no relatives, who suffered great stimulation in childhood or adolescence, including but not limited to death of relatives, physical and mental abuse, etc. ,"

"If it is a revenge killing, the working condition must be comfortable, the working environment is simple, and the working hours are relatively free."

"One more thing I didn't add is that for medical or medical-related workers, the possibility is about [-]-[-]. If someone is really studying medicine, then the reason for him studying medicine is likely to come from external factors."

Kong Hanyong thought carefully about Chen Yi's words and found that they were indeed inferences based on clues, which were very reasonable and credible.

"Why is the age 35 to 45 years old?" Zhao Qiming asked.

Chen Yi said: "I made my judgment based on the cases ten years ago. Whether it is psychological distortion or vendetta, the period from 15 to 35 is the period of high crime incidence. 45 years later it will naturally be [-] to [-]."

"Actually, to be precise, it should be between fifteen and 29, but the murderer's method of committing the crime is very special, and the tools and transportation required to commit the crime are not available to people who are too young, so from a probability perspective, it is judged that he is over 20 years old. "

Zhao Qiming nodded to express understanding.

He knew this data: between fifteen and twenty-nine, the highest incidence of crime was between the ages of fourteen and below and above fifty.

Just data, not absolutes.

Kong Hanyong said: "I don't know if the accuracy is high, but Team Leader Chen's words gave me hope of solving the case."

"You're right, common ground is important."

"Team Leader Chen, regarding this recent new case, does the deceased have anything in common with the five deceased people more than ten years ago?"

Chen Yi: "There is one."

Kong Hanyong: "Huh? What?"

Chen Yi: "The deceased No. 2, Tian Youwei, was a history teacher by profession. The latest victim also studied history, and his father was a history professor."

Kong Hanyong heard something was wrong: "Once?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes, once, after the victim's father passed away, he chose to major in psychology, and he did so while still a graduate student."

Hearing this, Kong Hanyong frowned: "This is quite strange. Maybe there is some connection?"

Chen Yi shook his head: "I don't know yet. This matter does not rule out the possibility of coincidence. After all, the occupations of other victims are different."

"Before restarting the investigation, you can put it aside for a while. Maybe during the investigation, there will be some clues to connect it." "Captain Kong, can I take these notes with me?"

Kong Hanyong: "Of course, I took it out and gave it to you. Even if one sentence or even one word in it helps solve the case, I can be considered comforted."

Chen Yi: "Thank you."

"Captain Kong, then we won't disturb you further."

After speaking, he stood up.

Kong Hanyong also stood up and said: "Team Leader Chen, if the murderer is really caught in the future, can I... go and have a look?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay."

Kong Hanyong smiled: "Thank you, Team Leader Chen."

This case has become a concern for him, and when the case is solved, he has many questions he wants to know.

Who is the murderer, what does he look like, tall or short, fat or thin, why he killed, why he chose such a special way to kill...and so on.

He needs to know, he must know.

Several people left Kong Hanyong's home and came downstairs. Zhao Qiming looked back at the window of the other party's house and sighed again.

Back then, he had been following Kong Hanyong in investigating this case, so he naturally felt the same way and understood the other person's mood.

Now that the provincial department's task force is here, and the team leader is a talented young investigative expert, I think the other party must have expectations.

Who will win and who will lose in this confrontation, everyone is watching.

"Team Leader Chen, where should we go next?"

Zhao Qiming asked.

According to Chen Yi, the current focus of the investigation is still on Cao Yuning, so the next step should still be related to Cao Yuning.

Chen Yidao: "A person's information mainly comes from his wife and friends. What his friends know, his wife may not know."

"Let's go meet Cao Yuning's best friend. Do you have this information?"

Zhao Qiming nodded: "Of course, I must have mastered it. I haven't had time to visit yet. The previous visits were mainly focused on schools."

Chen Yi: "What friend?"

Zhao Qiming: "I guess it's a small amount."

Chen Yi hummed: "Call him and find a suitable place to meet."

Friends who talk about everything, friendships are basically cultivated from childhood until college.

It’s hard to open up to people you’ve met after college, unless you meet someone special to talk to.

As the old saying goes, it starts from junior high school.

The lack of complete self-awareness and understanding before junior high school, and the utilitarianism after college are not suitable for the cultivation of heart-to-heart friendship.

Zhao Qiming: "Okay."


In the afternoon, Chen Yi and others met Zhu Yulei at a certain street office in Jiangcheng.

Zhu Yulei is the person Zhao Qiming mentioned. Chat and call records show that this Zhu Yulei has a very good relationship with Cao Yuning, so good that he can get rid of the constraints of money.

Don't talk about money these days. If borrowing money and repaying it is just a matter of words, it basically means that the relationship is very strong.

Zhu Yulei and Cao Yuning were classmates since elementary school and kept in touch until they separated after high school graduation.

We are all from Jiangcheng, so we can get together at any time if we want.

After undergraduate studies, Cao Yuning chose to take the postgraduate entrance examination, while Zhu Yulei chose to take the public education entrance examination. Now he is a street office worker, but he is still a small leader.

After learning the identity of the city bureau's criminal police officer, Zhu Yulei politely brought Chen Yi and others to the office. Tea was also poured, but his polite refusal had no effect.

"Police officers, please have tea." Zhu Yulei sat down and said with a smile.

"Thank you."

Chen Yi nodded, picked up the tea cup and took a symbolic sip, and then said: "Director Zhu, in order to save your time, I will go straight to the point."

"I came here this time mainly because I wanted to know something about Cao Yuning."

"Cao Yuning?" Zhu Yulei wondered: "What's wrong with Cao Yuning? Did something happen to him?"

Chen Yi: "Director Zhu, this question involves confidentiality, we cannot answer you."

Hearing this, Zhu Yulei smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, I said too much, please continue."

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay."

"Director Zhu, when was the last time you saw Cao Yuning?"

Zhu Yulei thought for a while and replied: "One weekend in half a month, when I had nothing to do, we made an appointment to have a meal and drink some wine together."

Chen Yi: "Was his condition abnormal at that time?"

Zhu Yulei: "What are you referring to?"

Chen Yi: "Such as my mood, is there anything strange about it?"

Zhu Yulei said: "I don't think so. Just like before, we met to chat casually about how we were doing recently, and then left after eating."

Chen Yi continued to ask: "Has he had any conflicts with anyone?"

Zhu Yulei said decisively: "No."

"Cao Yuning is a very homely person with an introverted personality. He rarely makes friends after college. This is why he chose to take the postgraduate entrance examination and stay in school."

"If you stay in school and become a teacher, you don't have to go into society and deal with new interpersonal relationships. It's very comfortable. These are his exact words."

"Except for the students, we are all acquaintances in the school. After so many years, there can be any conflicts. Anyway, I have never heard him mention it."

"The occasional rant is just a trivial matter at work, and it's not really a conflict."

Chen Yi: "Not before?"

Zhu Yulei: "No."

Chen Yi nodded: "Let's talk about his change of department. Do you know about this?"

Hearing this, Zhu Yulei perked up: "I understand, I understand very much. He told me immediately when he wanted to change departments. Even his girlfriend was not the first to know."

"Later, everyone around him objected, including his girlfriend, and I was the only one who supported it."

Chen Yi: "Because we have a good relationship, do you support me?"

Zhu Yulei: "Yes, as a buddy, of course I must unconditionally support all his decisions. It's not something illegal, so just do whatever you want."

"In life, happiness is the most important thing. Since he doesn't like the history major, what will he do even if he gets a doctorate? He might as well stop the loss and change the direction in time."

Chen Yi: "What did he tell you at that time and why he wanted to change his major?"

After talking about this, Zhu Yulei sighed and said: "It should be because his father passed away."

"When he was young, Cao Yuning was influenced by his father and was always very interested in history. He scored very well in each subject. Later, when he was admitted to university, it was a natural choice for him to study history."

"Then what? His father passed away and his spiritual support was gone. He began to hate history, and finally decided to switch departments and give up."

Chen Yi said: "Is it just because his father passed away that he changed his major? If he respects his father and respects the history major, he should turn his grief into strength. Are there other reasons?"

Zhu Yulei: "Who knows, anyway, he only told me that he wanted to change departments."

Chen Yi was silent for a moment and continued: "Director Zhu, please recall how you and Cao Yuning talked at that time. Are there any special words or fragments that involve other reasons?"

Zhu Yulei thought about it: "Let me think about's been a long time."

Chen Yi: "Okay, don't be in a hurry."

He picked up his teacup.

After a long time, Zhu Yulei looked over and said, "He did say something special, I can't understand it."

"The content is roughly like this: I want to change my major to study psychology, understand human nature, sublimate others, and redeem myself."

"At that time, I asked him why he was crazy, and he said that it was not me who was crazy, but my dad. My dad was obsessed."

Chen Yi's eyes narrowed and he felt that the door to the truth was showing signs of loosening.

It's always right to check and ask more, and now I finally asked for a piece of information that seemed to be useful.

If something is abnormal, there must be a demon.

(End of this chapter)

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