Chapter 137 The whole file
At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, the vehicle drove into Jiangcheng City Bureau and stopped next to the steps in front of the building.

There are already many people waiting in advance, most of them are people from the Jiangcheng Criminal Investigation Detachment, and Zhao Qiming is among them.

Standing at the front is Ge Quanshan.

A task force sent by the provincial department to investigate a major case was not similar to an imperial envoy in ancient times, but it must still be taken seriously and at least come out to greet it.

What's more, Fang Songping made it clear that Chen Yi can mobilize all police resources in Jiangcheng and has great power.

In other words, before this case is concluded, all Jiangcheng must cooperate with the task force as long as it is related to the investigation work, and there must be no reason to refuse.

Chen Yi and others got out of the car.

"Team Leader Chen, welcome to Jiangcheng. Everything is ready and ready to start investigation at any time."

Ge Quanshan stepped forward and shook hands with Chen Yi.

Chen Yi said politely: "Hello, Director Ge, I'm new here. I hope that with our joint efforts, this case can be solved as soon as possible."

"Excuse me, who is Captain Zhao?"

Hearing this, Zhao Qiming hurriedly stepped forward: "Hello, Team Leader Chen, I am Zhao Qiming."

While talking, he couldn't help but look at Chen Yi carefully. He looked much younger than he thought. As rumored, Yangcheng had a young crime-solving prodigy, and the provincial department also valued him very much.

Leaving such a big case to the other party shows trust.

Chen Yi smiled slightly: "Captain Zhao, we are all our own people, so we don't have to be polite and just look at the files."

Seeing this, everyone looked at each other. This young deputy captain was really resolute.

Zhao Qiming nodded: "No problem, we sorted it out yesterday and there was nothing missing."

"Go to the conference room or the case handling hall?"

Chen Yi: "Let's go to the conference room. Are there any vacancies for people to participate in the case?"

Zhao Qiming: "Yes, the identity of the deceased has been determined. I have arranged for investigators to visit and give feedback by phone at any time. Do I need to call him back?"

Chen Yi: "That's not necessary, let's go."

Zhao Qiming: "Okay."

At this time, Ge Quanshan said: "Team Leader Chen, you didn't have lunch, did you? I'll ask the restaurant to make some and send it to the conference room."

"Your body is the capital of investigation. You can chat while eating."

Chen Yi did not refuse, nodded and said: "Okay, then it will be troublesome for Geju."

Ge Quanshan smiled and said: "Since you are one of our own, why are you so polite?"

After a brief chat, several people entered the city bureau and went directly to the conference room.

Not long after, the place was filled with police officers, each holding a small book in hand, ready to record the content of the meeting and the next step of the investigation work.

"Team Leader Chen, the files are here. You should take a look first."

Zhao Qiming brought a stack of documents and placed them in front of Chen Yi.

"Okay, please wait a moment."

Chen Yi distributed the dossier to Ji Xin and others, exchanged it with each other and began to study it carefully.

The conference room became quiet. Zhao Qiming and the others were not in a hurry and waited quietly. This process took a long time.

During this period, simple meals were delivered from the restaurant, and Chen Yi and the four of them ate and watched.

As time went by, Chen Yi finally gained a very intuitive understanding of the serial murder case more than ten years ago.

The time of committing the crime, the place of committing the crime, the manner of committing the crime, the occupation of the victim, interpersonal relationships, etc.

He did not look at the recent case immediately. Instead, he started from the beginning, starting from the first murder case 15 years ago and working backwards.

Doing so prevents preconceptions and facilitates intuitive judgment.

The police cannot rely on intuition when handling cases, but it has a certain reference value, especially for extremely experienced criminal police officers.

Chen Yi has such experience, and in most cases, he trusts his intuition.

Intuition is not a blind guess, but the result of experience and subconscious inference.

No.1 deceased, died 15 years ago.

Name: Sun Jianli, age 37, farmer.

No.2 deceased, died 14 years ago.

The name is Tian Youwei, 41 years old, a vocational middle school history teacher.

No.3 deceased, died 13 years ago.

Name is Liang Wu, 42 years old, professional Sanda training coach.

No.4 deceased, died 12 years ago.

The name is Huang Baoxu, 43 years old, a doctor in an occupational clinic.

No.5 deceased, died 11 years ago.

Name is Yao Jing, 38 years old, working as a laboratory technician in a factory.

The time of death is not the standard one year. Some are three months apart, some are more than six months apart, and the average is one year.

Finally, there is the latest victim ten years later, named Cao Yuning, 36 years old, and a university psychology professor by profession.

There were six deceased persons in total. They died in the same way but had different occupations.

The only things we know so far are that they have the same gender and are barely close in age.

According to the investigation, these five people who died more than ten years ago have no relationship with each other as relatives or friends. They can't even find any common friends. It can be said that there is no connection at all.

The file was very long. After more than an hour, Chen Yi closed the file and took out his cigarette case out of habit.

After lighting a cigarette, he turned to look at Zhao Qiming.

"Captain Zhao... participated in the investigation of this case?"

He didn't see Zhao Qiming's name on the file and needed to ask.

Zhao Qiming nodded: "Yes, Team Leader Chen, he participated. He followed Team Kong to investigate. This investigation lasted for five or six years."

Chen Yi: "I read in the file that the anesthetic used by the murderer was a medical anesthetic. So after the investigation reached a deadlock, Captain Kong gathered all the police forces that could be assembled and launched a comprehensive investigation into the channels of anesthetics."

"In addition to Jiangcheng, surrounding cities were not spared. Even Yangcheng was investigated. The tracks were all over Dongzhou, but in the end there was no harvest."

Zhao Qiming: "Yes, we were running outside for several months."

"Narcotics are strictly controlled by the state and cannot be sold to individuals, so Team Kong has always wanted to find out how the murderer obtained them. Even if they were stolen, there should be records."

"The dose that can kill five people is not small."

Chen Yi was silent for a while and said, "Before resigning, what was Captain Kong's last suspicion?"

Zhao Qiming: "Doctor."

"The sources of syringes and anesthetics cannot be found. The easiest person to do this is a doctor."

"What do you think, Team Leader Chen?"

Chen Yi focused his eyes on the file in front of him and said, "After reading the file, my judgment is consistent with Captain Kong's. It is indeed possible that he is a doctor."

"But among Huang Baoxu's interpersonal relationships, all of his medical-related friends have been ruled out of suspicion, right?"

Huang Baoxu is a doctor in the clinic. This is the suspected breakthrough point. Kong Hanyong did not let it go at that time. It can be said that he checked everything that could be investigated.

Zhao Qiming nodded: "Yes, no one with the conditions and time to commit the crime was found."

Chen Yi took a puff of his cigarette and said, "What about this case? I see there was light rain in the weather forecast when the case occurred. Will it have a big impact on the on-site investigation?"

The case had just happened and many things had not been sorted out yet. He needed to ask directly.

Zhao Qiming replied: "A very small drizzle cannot even wash away the blood on the face of the deceased, so it will not have a great impact on the on-site investigation."

Chen Yi: "How did the murderer get to the crime scene?"

Zhao Qiming said: "There are no residential areas around the crime scene. He must have driven there, but there were only footprints and no ruts at the scene. I judged that the murderer parked the car on the asphalt road and then carried the victim on his back on foot. Or the way he was carried, he was transported to the place of murder.”

"This can be used as a basis for judgment based on the different depths of footprints at the scene."

Chen Yi nodded: "I understand."

"It seems that the murderer considered that the tire tracks might reveal vehicle information. He is a very smart person, but he does not care about the footprints."

"Cao Yuning weighs 160 kilograms. The asphalt road is more than 100 meters away from the crime scene. It is not easy to transport him there manually."

Zhao Qiming said: "Yes, so we judge that the murderer should be a male. The footprints left at the scene are also supporting evidence. Because the soil around the crime scene is relatively soft, the code number can only be said to be about 43."

Chen Yi: "The murderer also left footprints more than ten years ago, with a code number of 42, and the soft soil will increase the error in the footprint data, so... is this a person?"

This question made Zhao Qiming hesitate: "It looks like this from the footprints, but we can't be [-]% sure. However, the murderer's method of committing crimes is highly consistent with that of more than ten years ago. It can be considered that the murderer is very likely to be the same person."

"Does Team Leader Chen mean to merge the case directly?"

Chen Yi did not answer immediately. Now no one dares to say that this was done by the same murderer.

During the meeting at the provincial department in the morning, Fang Songping only said that the murderer was likely to be the same person, but he could not be sure. The only thing that could be determined was that there must be a connection between the two cases.

Copycat crime is also one of the connections.

The task force was sent here to find out the connection. If it was two murderers, they might both be caught.

At this time, He Xin, who was still browsing the files, looked over and said: "Six dead people, six mirrors, each mirror has a different style and size, which means that the key point is not the mirror, as long as it is a mirror."

"The purpose of the murderer is to let the victim see clearly the whole process of his murder. What kind of psychology is this?"

"To be honest, I smell anger in it."

"Is the murderer very angry? Is it possible that it was a vendetta? But it feels unreasonable to have vendettas against so many people, and there was a gap of ten years."

"Ten years ago, Cao Yuning was only in his twenties."

Chen Yi: "I agree with what Deputy He said, and I feel it too."

"The perpetrators of serial murders are all middle-aged men. This is indeed quite rare. The possibility of grudges cannot be ruled out, but Captain Kong did not find any connection at that time."

"I have grievances with so many people, how come I can't find out at all? Isn't there any intersection between them?"

"In other words, the murderer has a grudge against a certain type of person, and the motive for committing the crime comes from the vent of psychological substitution."

"In that case, what is the point of anger?"

"I handled a case in Yangcheng last year. The murderer's anger came from the psychological shadow caused by his ex-girlfriend, which was passed on to the victim."

"This matter can be answered by analyzing the common points of the victims." "However, I can't see any effective common points among the six deceased. If they are middle-aged men, the range is too large."

"This is probably the reason why Captain Kong gave up the investigation of the victims' commonalities back then."

Zhao Qiming nodded: "Yes, we can't find any common ground. We can only investigate based on the clues left at the scene, but with little success."

"I am afraid that normal criminal investigation methods will not bring progress in this case."

"What does Team Leader Chen mean, how should we investigate next?"

Chen Yi leaned on his chair, slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and said: "New cases are always easier to investigate than old cases. Naturally, we should investigate Cao Yuning first."

"It will take three days to find out everything about Cao Yuning, and we will take a look at it then."

It has to be said that in five years, Kong Hanyong's investigation scope has been very wide, and almost no possibility has been missed.

For example, the source of anesthetics, the source of mirrors, the source of shovels, and even a certain range of footprint comparisons.

The scope of comparison comes from the murderer's possible psychological safety zone, and the target occupation is a doctor or related worker.

Unfortunately, there are many men with size 42. This method is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, and there is no other way. It can be indirectly seen that Kong Hanyong was very anxious at the time, so anxious that he lost his original patience and sought medical treatment in a hurry.

In this case, there is no need to rush into restarting the investigation of the case from that year. You can first clarify the case at hand before proceeding, and maybe you can gain something.

There was no contact with the victim more than ten years ago, but now there is one more, maybe there is contact?

Zhao Qiming had no objection: "Okay, everything will follow the arrangements of Team Leader Chen, what about now?"

Chen Yi thought for a while and said: "Captain Zhao, save the police force. Just a few of us are enough to investigate Cao Yuning."

"In the next few days, let other members of the criminal investigation team figure out the current family situation of the five deceased more than ten years ago, including their previous addresses, the current living conditions and current addresses of their wives and children."

"When we restart the investigation, we can start directly."

"Act in multiple directions and be as fast as possible. No one can figure out the psychology of a serial killer. It is impossible to judge whether the murderer will continue to kill and when."

"Today? Tomorrow? This year? Or next year? You can't gamble."

Chen Yi's words made Zhao Qiming look solemn, nodded and said: "Okay, Team Leader Chen, I understand, make arrangements immediately."

Chen Yi hummed and stood up: "I'm going to take a look at the body. What is the name of the chief medical examiner?"

Zhao Qiming: "He Zhinian."

"Who is that? Xiao Li, tell Forensic Doctor He to prepare, and then take Team Leader Chen over."

The police officer whose name was called immediately stood up: "Yes, Captain Zhao."


Forensic room.

Chen Yi and the other four walked in. The forensic assistant had already placed the body on the forensic operating table and stood aside.

Qin Fei walked at the back. This time his performance was much better than last time. It cannot be said that he was very calm. At least there was no abnormality on the surface. Moreover, the corpse that had been processed by forensics did not look that strong on the surface. visual impact.

"Group Leader Chen."

He Zhinian nodded to Chen Yi, with curiosity and surprise in his eyes.

I am curious about what a guy who can solve many murder cases and get promoted quickly looks like, and I am surprised by his age.

This seems to have become a rule. Ever since Chen Yi was promoted to deputy captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Yangcheng City Bureau, every new person he meets will be surprised by his youth.

"Hello, Dr. He."

Chen Yi nodded, then stepped forward and placed his eyes on the corpse.

Cao Yuning's face had been cleaned very clean. He lay there quietly with his eyes closed, and the expression before his death still remained on his face: panic.

If someone were to be buried in the soil, and then watch their head being smashed open, with blood flowing down their forehead and all over their face, the visual horror would be unbearable.

Chen Yi looked at it for a while, then bent down and came closer, only a few centimeters away from Cao Yuning.

This action surprised He Zhinian. Such a young detective faced the corpse at close range without any emotion, which shows his strong psychological quality.

Not to mention young detectives, even many old detectives now only investigate cases based on autopsy reports, and they have a certain respect for corpses.

After all, this is the job of forensic doctors. In most cases, criminal police officers only meet at the scene of the crime.

"Why does it feel like he is smiling?"

He Zhinian was stunned by the sudden words, and He Xin stepped forward behind him.

"Laughing? No way?"

He Xin gently covered his nose, took a look and stepped back again. He was not afraid of dead people, but he could not be as calm as Chen Yi, as if he was facing just a sculpture.

Zhuo Yun and Qin Fei, on the other hand, were a little frightened.

Is the victim laughing?
Don't make trouble, Captain Chen. Who can laugh in that situation? It's better if you don't cry.

Chen Yi straightened up: "Maybe I saw it wrong. The expression is a bit rich, and it seems a bit different from the five victims more than ten years ago."

After saying that, he stepped over to the body and stared at the wound for a while.

"Why put a mirror, why do you have to bury it?"

Chen Yi said to himself.

When is new: "What did you say?"

Chen Yi's voice became louder: "Judging from the investigation results from more than ten years ago, the murderer has strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities. He left no clues on the body or the scene, but only left footprints."

"Even if the suspect cannot be found through footprints, it is considered as one of the indirect evidences, and it is relatively easy to avoid it."

"Whether the murderer is too confident or indifferent, he still wants to tell the police: Yes, it is me, I just want to kill them, come and catch me, follow the footprints to find me."

Hearing this, when did he become suspicious, why did he suddenly say so mysteriously.

Chen Yi continued: "Actually, my first reaction was that it was histrionic personality disorder, but the crime cycle was not right."

Histrionic personality disorder, also known as attention-seeking personality disorder, is characterized by an overly emotional personality and exaggerated words and deeds to attract the attention of others.

This method of killing is indeed very much like a performance, showing off one's achievements like a work of art.

People with histrionic personality disorder have extremely emotional characteristics, and at the same time, they have antisocial potential traits. Therefore, killing is not a serious matter for these people, and they can do it if they want to.

The performance needs an audience and reflects the motivation of the murder, but the cycle is not right. Ten years is a bit long, and five people have been killed in a row, unless something happened in the middle.

For example, getting injured, going to jail, getting married, having children...etc.

"Historic personality disorder?" Ji Xin thought thoughtfully, "It does look a bit like it, but isn't it a little less selective to choose an audience in the suburbs? Oh, yes, it would be difficult and dangerous to dig holes and kill people in urban areas where there are many people. , Bury it vertically, how long will it take to dig?"

Chen Yi did not respond. He walked around the body twice with his chin in his hand, and then said, "Forensic Doctor He, can you tell which blow caused the fatal injury?"

He Zhinian replied: "It wasn't the first time anyway. The murderer was not in a hurry to let the victim die. He seemed to enjoy the process."

This sentence made Zhuo Yun and the others secretly curse: What a perverted lunatic.

Chen Yi shook his head: "No, there is another possibility. The murderer wanted the victim to enjoy the process."

He Zhinian was surprised: "Isn't this the same meaning?"

"The process that the murderer enjoys is the process of suffering for the victim."

Chen Yi: "Maybe it's not the same thing. The murderer doesn't enjoy this process. He just wants the victim to go through this process."

"If you think about it from this perspective, it fits the characteristics of a vendetta."

He Zhinian was silent.

More than ten years ago, all possibilities for this case were considered, but after targeted investigations, there was no breakthrough.

At this time, Hexin said: "Team Leader Chen, if it is a vendetta, the relationship between them must be very close, so it shouldn't be impossible to find out."

Chen Yi glanced at him and said, "I'm just talking about theoretical possibilities. Let me give you a simple example."

"Zhang San and Li Si are strangers. By coincidence, they were hiking up the mountain and saw 100 yuan at the same time."

"Over 100 yuan, Zhang San and Li Si had a dispute, and then Zhang San pushed Li Si off the cliff."

"But Li Si did not die. After he recovered from his injuries, he sought revenge on Zhang San and killed him."

"How to check interpersonal relationships in this situation."

When is it new: "Uh..."

He understood what Chen Yi meant. This situation was indeed possible in theory.

However, the probability of being enmity with six people at the same time is almost negligible.

Chen Yi continued: "If Zhang San is regarded as five or six people, and the murderer is Li Si, wouldn't it explain the current situation?"

"Don't think about how low the probability is, no matter how low it is, it's not zero."

He Xin frowned: "If this is really the case, it would be difficult to handle."

Based on the examples given by Chen Yi, divergent thinking can be extended to a variety of scenarios. The core is that several people do not know each other, but they get together.

Then, there was a series of murder cases.

Difficult to check, very difficult to check, no different from finding a needle in a haystack.

Chen Yi didn't say more, waved his hand and said: "Let's go, I'm just raising a possibility. Let's see what clues Cao Yuning can get."

"Meet his family first."

Several people left the forensic room.

Zhao Qiming was arranging police officers to investigate the fifth family more than ten years ago. After that, he took Chen Yi and others to Cao Yuning's home.

It's almost dinner time and it's not appropriate to come to the door, but there's no need to pay attention to these details now.

What's more, if Cao Yuning dies, how can his family still have food to eat?

On the way, Zhao Qiming learned about Chen Yi's hypothesis about Zhang San and Li Si. This is a new possibility, but the probability of it happening is relatively small, and it is quite difficult to investigate.

However, it is simpler than an antisocial personality who kills people randomly. At least there is some basis for the police to make inferences.

"How is Cao Yuning's reputation?" Chen Yi asked in the car.

Zhao Qiming said: "What we know so far is pretty good. He stayed in school after graduate school and later took the doctoral examination. His lecture style is unique and students are very willing to listen."

"His elective courses are almost full."

Chen Yi nodded slightly and sighed: "Hey, what a pity."

(End of this chapter)

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