Chapter 134 Meeting tomorrow

Reporting to the provincial department is a matter for later. At this moment, the crime scene still needs to be carefully investigated.

Forensic and trace inspection work has already begun, and necessary work such as footprint extraction has been completed long ago to prevent damage.

The chief forensic doctor of the Jiangcheng City Bureau is He Zhinian, a middle-aged man wearing glasses. After carefully examining the deceased's head, he turned to look at Zhao Qiming.

"Same as more than ten years ago, those who were smashed to death had various wounds, including small depressions and large-scale bone fractures. They were still similar to shovels."

He was also involved in that serial murder case, and was deeply involved. He stayed in the forensic room day and night, just to get more clues from the corpses.

Unfortunately, in the end, no direction was found that was conducive to the investigation by investigators.

Zhao Qiming has not yet recovered, and his face is still very ugly: "In other words, the murderer used a shovel to dig a hole, buried the victim in it, and then used the shovel to hit the victim's head hard, causing his death, right?"

He Zhinian nodded: "Yes."

"If it was the same murderer, then the anesthetic components and pinholes should also be detectable in the deceased's body."

More than ten years ago, this serial killer's killing methods were surprisingly consistent. Each time, he used a syringe to anesthetize him, then transported him to the countryside, used a shovel to dig a hole, bury people, place mirrors, and kill people.

Except for the different locations and the different identities of the deceased, there is no other difference, and there is even no growth.

In other words, every case is the same, no clues are left, and the process remains unchanged. Trying to find a breakthrough through the roughness of the murderer's first case has already failed.

Listening to He Zhinian's words, Zhao Qiming sighed deeply: "I'll have a chat with Ge Ju when we get back. Then we'll see what the provincial department says."

"Looking at the murder cycle... forget it, what kind of murder cycle? This murderer has no murder cycle at all."

More than ten years ago, there was an average of one death per year, which was considered a cycle. Now it has started again ten years later. It is not clear what the murderer was thinking, what his motives were, and why he had to wait ten years to continue his attack.

He Zhinian thought for a while and said: "Captain Zhao, it shouldn't be possible for him to imitate the murder, right?"

Ten years ago, the murderer's murder rate was traceable. He committed a crime about once a year and disappeared after the fifth time.

Generally speaking, such a crazy serial killer should not remain silent for such a long time.

There must be a very special reason for the sudden stop, and the possibility that the murderer is not the same person cannot be ruled out.

Zhao Qiming was silent for a while, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Recalling the memories of that year, everything that should be analyzed has been analyzed and everything that should be checked has been checked. His mind is a little confused now.

This case is highly confidential, and there should be no copycat killings, but now he feels that nothing is reasonable and everything is reasonable.

In short, it's a mess.


Jiangcheng City Bureau.

When Ge Quanshan learned that the serial murders from more than ten years ago had reappeared, he was shocked without any hesitation and immediately prepared to notify the provincial department.

This matter is quite serious. No one knows if there will be another victim or when the next victim will appear.

If people continue to die, the entire Jiangcheng City Bureau will have to face accountability, along with the "old accounts" from more than ten years ago.

The next day.

Yangcheng, Provincial Department.

After hanging up the phone, Wei Jianfeng knocked on the door of Fang Songping's office with a solemn expression.


"Fangting." Wei Jianfeng said as he walked: "Something big happened. Do you still remember the huge serial murder case in Jiangcheng more than ten years ago?"

Hearing this, Fang Songping's face changed slightly and he put down the pen in his hand: "Remember, keep talking."

Wei Jianfeng walked closer and said in a deep voice: "It's here again!"

"The same murder method and the same murder scene are no different from those more than ten years ago."

Fang Songping stood up slowly, stared at Wei Jianfeng and said word by word: "What...what did you say?!"


Yangcheng, Municipal Bureau.

Chen Yi needs to be on duty today and has been in the office all morning. At the moment, he is sitting in the case handling hall, chatting with his colleagues and eating a box lunch.

The canteen was closed today due to special reasons. This incident caused the police officers on duty to complain for more than 20 minutes, including Chen Yi.

It's not really about complaining, it's mainly just chatting and looking for topics.

The food at the city bureau is still very good, much better than the box lunches.

Throwing the lunch box into the trash can, Chen Yi picked up the water glass and thought about taking a nap for half an hour.

It's okay to sleep a little longer, no one will care about you today anyway.

"Captain Chen, the 2000 yuan I lent you last time was transferred to you. Please take it." A police officer who was having a meal said.

Chen Yi looked over and said with a smile: "I know, actually, don't worry, you can tell me if you need it later."

Everyone knows Chen Yi's family background, and after more than a year of getting along with him, they have learned about his free and easy personality. Therefore, if money is tight, they will borrow money from Chen Yi for emergencies, and then pay it back after their salary is paid.

It's their business to have money, and lending it to you is already a matter of affection. If you don't pay it back, it's a problem with your character.

Even Zhuo Yun has the same attitude on this issue. If you have money, you must pay it back.

It was Chen Yi's generosity to treat guests to dinner. Borrowing money was borrowing money, which were two different things.

The police officer smiled and said, "Thank you, Captain Chen."

It's great to have a captain like this. He can lead everyone to solve crimes, take everyone to a big meal, and even borrow money when money is tight.

What a dream leader.

At this time, the phone rang, and it was Chen Yi. He touched the phone, took a look, and pressed the answer button.

"Hello? Brother Yang." Zheng Yang: "Chen Yi, how long have you been dragging out lawyer Fei? Can you do it?"

Chen Yi coughed lightly: "I knew it would be bad if you called me during the weekend."

"That's not right, Brother Yang, you have to pay for the legal fees from Huatong Company, not me."

Zheng Yang: "I'm just asking you for it. Give me the money quickly! Otherwise, I'll ask Director Chen for it."

Chen Yi: "Then you go."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and Zheng Yang's voice rang out: "Chen Yi, you are not authentic."

Chen Yi: "You are the one who is dishonest. After I treated you to dinner last year, you later sold me out. I haven't settled the account with you yet, but you still have the nerve to ask me for money."

"No, not a single point."

Zheng Yang said awkwardly: "Isn't this for your own good? Look, I just told Director Chen and Director Chen about this matter, and now you are with the forensic doctor."

"Strictly speaking, I am your matchmaker, a Yuelao-level figure."

Chen Yi looked strange: "Brother Yang, you are so shameless, do your parents know?"

Zheng Yang: "I know."

Chen Yi: "..."

"Brother Yang, the lawsuit you filed is only worth 100 yuan. I will transfer it to you later."

Zheng Yang: "Don't cheat me. If you don't give me money, you can just have a meal. Bring some good wine and let me try it."

"Otherwise, I won't care about you if anything happens in the future."

Chen Yi: "We can consider this and wait until the holidays, okay?"

Zheng Yang: "How can we have a holiday? The next holiday is the New Year's Eve! Are you inviting me to a New Year's Eve dinner?"

Chen Yi: "What's wrong with this? It's far away for you to go home during the Chinese New Year. You can just go to my house to spend it."

Zheng Yang: "Uh..."

Celebrating the New Year together requires an extremely good relationship. Chen Yi's words moved him inexplicably.

"Okay, then contact me when you have time. Actually, I mainly want to ask you how you are doing as the vice-captain."

When he found out about this, to be honest, his worldview was almost shattered. Then he secretly went to find someone to inquire about it, and finally heard about Fang Shuyu's identity.

Ability plus merit plus background led to continuous promotions.

To be honest, he has begun to admire Chen Yi now and is happy for him.

Chen Yi: "Not so good. You see, I'm still on duty during the weekend."

Zheng Yang: "Okay, don't talk nonsense. Let the leader hear what to do. Then go about your business. See you later."

Chen Yi: "See you later."

The phone hung up and he just put down the phone and wanted to go to the toilet when the ringtone rang again.

This time it was Zhang Jingang calling.


Chen Yi turned back and quickly answered the call.

"Hello? Zhang Ju."

Zhang Jingang: "Chen Yi, something happened over there in Jiangcheng. Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, go to the provincial department for a meeting on time. All the criminal investigation detachment captains from all over Dongzhou will come."

These words made Chen Yi's eyes narrow: "Quan Dongzhou?! What happened to Jiangcheng?"

Zhang Jingang: "You may not know about the huge serial murder case, but you will know it when the time comes."

Chen Yi's expression changed and he said, "Okay, I understand."

Zhang Jingang: "By the way, I have something to remind you. This serial murder case spans a long time and is very difficult to investigate. I guess a task force will be set up to recruit people from all over Dongzhou to Jiangcheng."

"During the meeting tomorrow, let's understand the case first and try our best to..."

At this point, he paused for two seconds before continuing: "Try not to be the first person."

The task force, as the name suggests, is composed of personnel temporarily assigned to a specific case. After the case is solved, it will be disbanded and each member will return to his or her own unit.

Generally speaking, the task force is responsible for very serious criminal cases, and serial murder cases that keep killing people are one of them.

Chen Yi was slightly silent and said: "Okay Zhang Ju, I understand."

He knew that Zhang Jingang was thinking about him. The pressure faced by the task force was considerable. Once the case could not be solved, the subsequent accountability and credit would be unimaginable.

If the case is solved, the merit is great. If the case is not solved, he may be suspended. It mainly depends on how the provincial department mobilizes.

Generally speaking, risks equal opportunities, so Zhang Jin just reminded Chen Yi to keep a low profile.

There are many excellent criminal investigation detachment captains in Dongzhou, and Wei Jianfeng is still on top, so it is not Chen Yi's turn to take the lead.

Zhang Jingang: "Okay, let's do this first."

Chen Yi: "Okay Zhang Ju, goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yi stood there for a while holding the phone, frowning.

A huge serial murder case?Why didn't you hear any movement?Is it an internal confidential investigation by Jiangcheng?There can't be no news at all.

Even if the details cannot be clear, you must know that there is such a thing.

Just now Zhang Jingang said that the time span was long. If the internal investigation was not strictly confidential, it would have been that the case had been sealed for a period of time, and the murderer would show up to commit crimes again many years later without any warning.

It’s useless to think too much, we’ll know tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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