Chapter 122 Cause of Death



Dong Yubo reacted and screamed like crazy. He was so scared that his soul flew away. In a hurry, the bed frame lost its support and fell down.

Dong Yubo fell to the ground, and the bed frame also fell on him, taking his body with him.

He could even feel the stiffness and coldness coming from the contact with the corpse.


Dong Yubo howled again, not caring about the pain at all, and moved his body desperately, rolling and crawling in an extremely awkward manner.

When he finally got out, his first reaction was to rush out of the house, and then he took out his cell phone with his trembling right hand.

"Hello, this is the alarm command center."

"I, I, I, I..."


Chen Yi was busy late today. At this moment, he closed the file, stretched, got up and left the office.

Only people working overtime and on duty were left in the case handling hall, and Zhuo Yun and Fang Shuyu were also there.

It is worth mentioning that Qin Fei still sat motionless all day long, constantly flipping through the files and the study materials given by Lu Yongqiang.

Regardless of the outcome, this attitude is still worthy of recognition.

"Chen Yi, would you like to treat me to today's supper?" Zhuo Yun turned his chair and spoke with a smile.

Chen Yi: "Okay, what would Shuyu want to eat?"

Fang Shuyu said it didn't matter, she was just waiting for Chen Yi and had already left work.

"Qin Fei, let's come too." Chen Yi looked over.

Qin Fei subconsciously raised his head and was about to respond when the phone rang.

The policewoman reached out and picked it up: "Hello? City Bureau Criminal Investigation Detachment."


"okay, I get it."

The sudden change in tone made everyone turn their heads.

"Team Chen! We received an alarm and a body was found in Haiyun Apartment!"

Hearing this, Chen Yi's eyes narrowed and he immediately said: "Brother Yun, Shuyu, set off immediately!"

"Good to know!"

The atmosphere in the entire case-handling hall suddenly became tense. The technical department and the forensic department immediately put into preparation work, and one after another ran out of the case-handling hall.

"What are you doing? Hurry up!"

A police officer patted Qin Fei, and when he came to his senses, he quickly followed the team.

Five minutes later, piercing sirens sounded, and several police cars roared out of the city bureau gate, then sped through the streets of Yangcheng at night.

Passing private cars knew something serious was going on at a glance and quickly gave way.

"Don't be nervous, it's always like this the first time."

In the car, Luo Wenshan turned to look at Qin Fei, whose expression was frozen, and said.

Qin Fei nodded: "Okay, okay, thank you, Brother Luo."

When the criminal investigation detachment arrived at the scene, a cordon had been set up downstairs, and the nearest police station arrived as soon as possible to maintain order and not let anyone get close.

"Deputy Branch Chen."

"Deputy Branch Chen."

Seeing Chen Yi arriving with the criminal investigation detachment, the police quickly opened the cordon.


Chen Yi hummed and quickened his pace, followed by trace examiners and forensic doctors.

Entering the apartment hall, you can see a man squatting there, his whole body shaking slightly, obviously in a state of shock.

There were policemen accompanying him.

"Deputy Branch Chen."

Chen Yi kept walking: "Should you call the police?"

The policeman nodded: "Yes, the body was found in his home, under the bed."

Chen Yi: "Brother Yun, go ask about the situation and bring him back after a while."

Discovering a dead body in your own home is not a trivial matter and requires focused questioning and investigation.

Zhuo Yun left the team: "Okay."

Chen Yi continued to walk forward quickly, when his cell phone rang, it was Zhou Yebin calling.

When he was in the car just now, he had called Zhou Yebin, but the other party didn't answer. Now he called back.

"Hello? Captain Zhou, a body was found in Haiyun Apartment. I've already brought people there."

"Okay, let me check the situation first. You don't need to come over."

The phone was hung up and everyone entered the elevator. The floor where the crime occurred was not high, so the remaining people chose to take the stairs.

The door to the crime scene was open and police were guarding it. After putting on shoe covers, Chen Yi took the lead and walked in.

The smell in the air made everyone frown. Experienced detectives knew that this was obviously corpse odor.

The mattress was still standing there, the rest of the bed frame was skewed, and the environment looked very messy.

"Turn the bed frame over, be careful."

Chen Yi waved, and several police officers stepped forward and gently lifted the bed frame.

As the situation under the bed was slowly revealed to the public, the expressions of everyone present changed dramatically.

A male corpse was clinging to the bottom of the bed, with his eyes closed and his face pale, mixed with blood. This scene still had a strong visual impact even for an experienced criminal police officer.

The possibility of homicide is extremely high.

This is too weird!

Regardless of how this person died, what is the situation under the bed? ?

"Slow down, slow down."

The police officer who moved the bed frame had a good psychological quality. Although he was extremely shaken, he still continued to do his work in an orderly manner until the bed frame was turned over safely.

Behind Chen Yi, Qin Fei's eyes widened, he clenched his fists tightly, and his throat kept rolling.

He found that there is a big difference between ideal and reality. Compared with the photos in textbooks, seeing such a horrifying death scene with one's own eyes can bring dozens or hundreds of times more psychological stimulation.

Of course, there is also physical stimulation.

Qin Fei gritted his teeth and persisted for a few seconds, his face became paler and paler, and finally he couldn't bear it anymore. He suddenly covered his mouth, bowed his head and left the room.

Chen Yi looked back and shouted: "People outside will take care of you."

He was not dissatisfied with Qin Fei's performance. The newcomers had just arrived at the criminal investigation detachment and saw the murder scene for the first time. They had different reactions, which were all normal. Just get used to it.

Luo Wenshan's voice sounded: "I'll go to Team Chen!"

Chen Yi looked away and watched Fang Shuyu come forward with the forensic assistant, and then took the gloves handed by the police officer beside him.

"Technicians survey the scene, be careful."


After saying that, he walked over to the body and looked up and down carefully.

The deceased was very young, no more than thirty, possibly no more than 25. He was dressed casually and sportily, with slightly long hair that covered half of his ears.

There was coagulated blood on his forehead, but there were no wounds visible on the surface, so it must have flowed from his head.

The specific cause of death still needs to wait for the autopsy results of the medical examiner.

"Team Chen, it's strong glue. The exact ingredients and brand need to be tested."

The forensic assistant gently lifted the deceased's arm and found that it could not be lifted at all. When he looked closer, he saw a slight string-like condensation.

To firmly bond an adult man to the bottom of the bed, the quantity and quality of glue required must be very high.

Chen Yi nodded slightly, missed the body and came to the window.

This is the fifth floor, and the windows are locked from behind. Such a strange method of committing a crime is really bizarre and rare.

The deceased was stuck under the bed, and it was also under the bed of the person who called the police. There might be some connection here.

do you know it?
After looking around for a while, Chen Yi went out and left the scene.

Qin Fei was still vomiting there, so he took the mineral water from Luo Wenshan.

"Are you okay?" Chen Yi asked.

Hearing Chen Yi's voice, Qin Fei quickly straightened up and said: "'s okay, Captain Chen, I'm sorry!"

He had a look of shame on his face, and a few days ago he had promised the other party to go to the front line!Go to the front line!
The results of it?If you really get to the front line, you will be knocked back to your original shape. Let alone investigating the case, you can't even stay at the scene of the murder, and you have to waste police power to take care of yourself.

Thinking of this, his face turned red due to the frustration of his self-esteem.

Chen Yi didn't care: "It's okay, it's normal. Let's recover."

"After you have recovered, you can enter the scene again and wait until you stop vomiting before you come out again, but do not affect the work of trace examination and forensics."

"If you destroy the crime scene, come back to me immediately."

Hearing this, Qin Fei's face changed slightly, and then he nodded heavily: "Yes!"

Luo Wenshan next to him glanced at him, and he seemed to see a shadow of himself in the other person, but he was not so miserable at that time, and he had to go in after vomiting.

"Wenshan, help him get used to it," Chen Yi said.Luo Wenshan nodded: "Okay, Captain Chen."

Not long after, the elevator door opened, and Zhuo Yun came up with the caller.

The other party still had a look of fear on his face. He walked away from his home as soon as he got out of the elevator door. He refused to come near him at all. He was obviously very frightened.

"Chen Yi, I've probably asked clearly." Zhuo Yun said, "His name is Dong Yubo, he is a bartender in a bar, and he is back today on leave."

"According to what he said, he smelled an unusual smell in the house, so he searched around and finally found it under the bed."

"But this smell wasn't just there tonight, it was there in the morning, but it was a lot lighter and he didn't notice it."

After hearing this, Chen Yi probably judged the time of death of the deceased, which should be early this morning.

The cause of corpse odor is that putrefactive bacteria in the intestines multiply and grow, begin to produce putrefactive gas, and emit putrid odor. It begins to appear three to six hours after death and is affected by temperature.

It's summer now, even if the air conditioner is turned on, it won't last more than six hours.

"Do you know each other?" Chen Yi asked the key question.

Zhuo Yun glanced at Dong Yubo and said, "We know him."

Chen Yi raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

Zhuo Yun continued: "The deceased's name is Peng Mo, he was his colleague, and he also worked in the bar as a bartender."

The nature of the work of bartenders and bartenders is actually similar. Both can bartend wine and are responsible for selling wine. However, bartenders are more inclined to professional bartending, while bartenders have more complex tasks, including cleaning.

Hearing this, Chen Yi focused his eyes on Dong Yubo and said, "Mr. Dong, I'm afraid we have to trouble you to come with us tonight."

A colleague died at Dong Yubo's house and was stuck under Dong Yubo's bed with strong glue. There must be something wrong here.

Strictly speaking, Dong Yubo is suspected of murder.

To take a step back, even if the person was not killed by Dong Yubo, he might still be an insider.

Taking a step back, even if we don't know anything, the possibility that the murderer is within their interpersonal relationship is relatively high, and he needs to be taken back for careful questioning.

Dong Yubo didn't react much to this and agreed: "Okay... okay."

He was just afraid of corpses, but not afraid of going to the city bureau.

Chen Yi nodded slightly, turned around and came to the door, staring at the fingerprint lock above for a while.

"Mr. Dong, do you live alone?"

Dong Yubo replied: "Yes."

Chen Yi: "Besides you, who else has the fingerprint of the electronic lock? Or knows the digital password, or has the key to the spare mechanical lock cylinder."

Although electronic locks are unlocked with a fingerprint and password, they generally come with a key to prevent accidents such as power outage, fingerprint failure, and forgotten password.

Hearing this question, Dong Yubo was silent for a while and said: "Peng...Peng Mo knows the password."

"Peng Mo?"

Chen Yi turned back to look at Dong Yubo.

"Peng Mo knows? Do you two have a good relationship?"

Normally speaking, except for family members and loved ones, the door lock password should not be disclosed easily. It is necessary to guard against others, and everyone has privacy.

Dong Yubo sighed and said sadly: "We do have a good relationship. It's not easy to hang out in the bar, so we need to join a group to keep warm. We are not only colleagues, but also good buddies in private."

Chen Yi: "Even so, you wouldn't tell him the door lock password, right?"

Dong Yubo: "I didn't tell him specifically. One time I asked him to help me come back to get something, so I told him the password. Later... I didn't even think about changing it."

Chen Yi nodded and didn't ask any more questions. This was not a strange thing. It was normal for good friends to share passwords.

"Anyone besides him?"

Dong Yubo shook his head: "No, I only told Peng Mo, not anyone else."

Chen Yi came over: "Why did you suddenly ask for leave tonight and come back?"

Dong Yubo: "I am lovelorn and unhappy."

Chen Yi: "What's your girlfriend's name?"

Dong Yubo: "Hong Shanshan."

Chen Yi: "Does she know Peng Mo?"

Dong Yubo: "Of course I know him."

Chen Yi: "How is the relationship between the two of you?"

Dong Yubo: "It's pretty good."

After saying that, his expression changed slightly: "You...what do you mean by this?"

Chen Yi: "It's not interesting. It's just a routine inquiry. Brother Yun, please take him down first and return to the city bureau with the trace inspector later."

Zhuo Yun nodded: "Okay."

After the two left, Chen Yi came to the door again and stared at the combination lock thoughtfully.

He only watched it for a while and then stopped paying attention and entered the scene. It was useless to think too much at the moment. After the time of death came out, he would check the surveillance first. Maybe he could find something.

"Chen Yi, the glue is difficult to handle." Fang Shuyu said when he saw Chen Yi returning.

Chen Yidao: "Then just carry it back. Has the cause of death been found?"

Fang Shuyu shook his head: "No, we need to check the back of the body, but the glue is very sticky."

Chen Yi: "Okay, take it back. Call me and give me the cause and time of death as soon as possible."

Fang Shuyu: "Okay."

Later, police officers came to help and the body was covered with a white sheet.

Because the bed frame was too wide to lift out of the door, they chose to dismantle the bed frame and then lift it out.

The on-site investigation was still continuing. Chen Yi came to the bathroom, where technical police officers were extracting suspicious traces. He looked at it for a while and then backed out.

An hour later, Lu Yongqiang squatted in front of the coffee table in the living room and looked carefully. He seemed to have discovered something. He then took out a bottle of reagent and lightly sprayed it.

After about 30 seconds, a light blue light began to appear on the wooden coffee table.

Seeing this, Lu Yongqiang's eyes narrowed and he continued to spray around, while shouting: "Chen Yi!"

Chen Yi, who was still checking the environment, heard this and immediately came over. After seeing the reaction of Luminol on the coffee table, he frowned: "The first crime scene?"

Lu Yongqiang squatted there, looking at the luminous coffee table in front of him and said: "There is not a lot of blood, but it has been carefully cleaned. I just saw that there was no major bleeding on the body. It was concentrated on the forehead and face. I think the injured position should be... the head. Bar?"

Chen Yi didn't answer and turned to look at the sofa.

The sofa is very close to the coffee table, which should be for aesthetic reasons. If it is further away, it will feel fragmented.

At this moment, a picture flashed in his mind.

Peng Mo was sitting on the sofa. The murderer used the crime tool behind his back and hit Peng Mo hard on the back of the head. The huge force made Peng Mo instantly fall on the coffee table.

The first blow probably didn't kill him, but the murderer might have hit him a second time, or a third time...

The arteries in the head mainly include the carotid artery and the branched vertebral artery, so the brain will not bleed too much after a heavy blow. Generally, it will cause intracranial hemorrhage. If the injury is serious, it will lead to death.

This can also explain that the deceased did not have any injuries when viewed from the front.

Then, the murderer cleaned up the scene and used strong glue to stick Peng Mo's body under Dong Yubo's bed.

Is that right?

The murder was violent and the body was moved, including heavy mattresses and bed frames. The murderer is more likely to be a male.

Choosing someone else's home to kill is a really unpredictable idea.

"Go on, Brother Qiang, footprints, fingerprints, biological tissue." Chen Yi said, "By the way, don't forget the password lock."

Lu Yongqiang nodded: "Okay, I know."

Two hours later, the on-site investigation work came to an end, and technicians began to withdraw from the scene and return to the city bureau. The clues obtained so far include blood stains of suspected victims on the coffee table, footprints on the ground, and unknown fingerprints everywhere.

These need to be returned to the city bureau for comparison.

Dong Yubo was also taken away, but Chen Yi, Zhuo Yun and others have not yet left, and subsequent investigation work must continue.

For example, visit.

Because Haiyun Apartment is a rental apartment, the mobility of people is relatively high. The neighbors actually don't know each other and don't pay attention to them, so there is actually very little information that can be obtained by visiting.

It wasn't until around twelve o'clock in the evening that news came from Fang Shuyu.

The body had been separated from the bed frame, and the fatal injuries and time of death had been determined.

"The deceased was struck on the head with a heavy object, causing his skull to be severely fractured, and he died on the spot with massive intracranial hemorrhage. It should have been a hammer or hammer."

"There were five hits, and the murderer hit him five times."

"The time of death was between two and three o'clock in the morning."

"No trace of resistance was found."

After hearing Fang Shuyu's results, Chen Yi hung up the phone.

"How's it going?" Zhuo Yun looked over.

Chen Yidao: "It was a homicide. He was directly smashed to death. He was hit five times. It should have been an attack from behind. The two of them probably knew each other."

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun took a breath and said, "It's a bit cruel, a vendetta, right? It's around two o'clock in the morning... Why are the deceased and the murderer gathering at Dong Yubo's house this late at night?"

Chen Yi raised his hand: "Don't think so much, Sister Jiang, let's go check the surveillance right now."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Okay."

Haiyun Apartment is a commercial residential area, and the monitoring equipment is relatively complete. There are cameras not only at the entrance and exit, but also in the corridors of each floor.

Therefore, as long as there is no problem with the surveillance, the suspects, including the victims, will definitely be found.

(End of this chapter)

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