Chapter 12 Going through the back door?
City Council.


Zhou Yebin held the fragrant cup and handed it to Chen Yi who was sitting there.

"Thank you."

Chen Yi took it and said, "Isn't it tea? Why did it turn into coffee?"

Zhou Yebin sat down casually and said with a smile: "Drinking tea is not literal. Just have something to drink. Just be content."

"To be honest, I haven't made coffee in a long, long time."

Chen Yi picked up the cup and took a sip, and said: "It seems that I am quite honored to taste the coffee brewed by Captain Zhou himself."

"Is this a thank you?"

Zhou Yebin's face was slightly serious: "Of course!"

"For assisting the police in solving major criminal cases, I must say thank you."

"And... your inference is very accurate."

"Oh?" Chen Yi put down the cup and turned to look at Zhou Yebin, "What did Fan Zhonglin sell to Liu Ge?"

Zhou Yebin: "A self-written software."

"Fan Zhonglin spent a year and a half developing this software, and it can be said that he poured his heart and soul into it."

"What a pity. It was originally a win-win situation, but now it has reached this point."

"Both computer talents lost their promising lives."

Chen Yi asked: "Did Liu Ge promise a high balance or dividends?"

Zhou Yebin: "Dividends."

Hearing this, Chen Yi frowned: "This Fan Zhonglin is really crazy about software. He doesn't sign a contract for such an important matter?"

When this matter was mentioned, Zhou Yebin leaned forward and said, "Your judgment on this matter is wrong."

Chen Yi stared at Zhou Yebin: "It's not that I didn't sign the contract, I signed it, but there are obvious loopholes in the contract. Fan Zhonglin can't get the money or can only get a small part."

Zhou Yebin was stunned and said speechlessly: "You are really a bit too smart, and your reaction is too fast."

Chen Yi leaned on the sofa and raised his head slightly to look at the ceiling above.

"Liu Ge is a business man, and Fan Zhonglin is a technology man. If we join forces, the company will have bright future prospects, and a lot of money is waiting for them to make."

"Fan Zhonglin was deceived because he used his weaknesses to counter Liu Liuge's strengths."

"This Liu Ge... his brain was really kicked by a donkey!"

Chen Yi couldn't help but curse.

One thought led to a tragic disaster.

Liu Ge was killed, and Fan Zhonglin's life was also ruined.

No matter how you look at it, this is not something that normal people can do.

But criminal cases are like this. Many times, the reason why the victim was killed and the suspect’s motive for the crime are difficult to understand.

People are different. The world is so big, anything can happen.

Zhou Yebin said: "From this incident, Liu Ge is a profiteer at heart. You are not careful in making friends."

Chen Yi did not respond to this sentence, and instead asked about the case: "Did Fan Zhonglin plead guilty quickly?"

Zhou Yebin nodded: "He didn't carry it to death, he just admitted it."

"The surveillance camera captured him in Liu Ge's community before and after the incident. The surveillance camera at Liu Ge's home was also secretly installed by him before."

"Also, the murderer's footprints at the crime scene analyzed by the technical section exactly match his pair of shoes and were not thrown away."

"Besides that, he has new injuries."

Chen Yi: "What about the fingerprints?"

Zhou Yebin: "He smeared high-strength glue all over his hands, and he hasn't even washed them off yet."

Chen Yi grinned: "It's really hard work."

The hands are covered with glue, let alone fingerprints, and there are no palm prints.

Fan Zhonglin was well prepared and even found a scapegoat. Unfortunately, the criminal investigation was not as simple as he imagined.

Interpols are not just for a living.

Zhou Yebin smiled and said: "Anyway, the case is over. I am going to apply for a personal commendation and bonus for you..."

"no need."

Chen Yi waved his hand to interrupt the other party.

"We will all be colleagues in the future. This is my responsibility. I don't need any reward."

"If you really want to give it, after I join the job, you can give me second-class or third-class merit or something like that. It's reliable." Zhou Yebin: "..."

He's a little off guard.

When facing the case, Chen Yi is a very serious person with a clear mind.

But when it comes to casual chatting, things get lost in formality.

Will we all be colleagues in the future?

You are really good at blowing.

If you don’t brag, you will die!

Chen Yi glanced at him sideways and said calmly: "Why, Captain Zhou doesn't believe it?"

"I've helped you solve the murder case, can't you see your ability?"

Zhou Yebin was helpless: "These are two different things. Those who can teach students may not be able to be admitted as teachers."

Chen Yi took out his cigarette case, took one out and handed it to Zhou Yebin, saying, "You passed the written test, can you help me with the interview?"

Zhou Yebin subconsciously reached out to pick it up, but when he heard these words, his hand trembled and he put it down again.

There was also caution in his eyes.

"I said Chen Yi, I can't do that through the back door."

He was not embarrassed to say that the other party was thick-skinned.

Even if we already know each other and helped him solve the case, your sudden request is really too presumptuous.

Chen Yi chuckled and said, "I'm just kidding because I scared you."

Zhou Yebin then took the cigarette, took out the lighter from his pocket and lit it.

"I have never smoked such a good cigarette before."

Slowly exhaling a puff of smoke, Zhou Yebin stared at the cigarette between his fingers and opened his mouth.

Chen Yi rolled his eyes: "Captain Zhou, you changed the topic too deliberately."

Zhou Yebin sneered, a little embarrassed.

"The interview is the job of the Human Resources Department and has nothing to do with me."

"In addition to the personnel department, there are also professionals. I really can't help."

Hearing this, Chen Yi thought for a while and asked, "Are the frequency of criminal cases in Yangcheng high?"

This question made Zhou Yebin silent for a while, then nodded and said: "Not low."

“The city is developing rapidly, there are a lot of immigrants, and the quality of the locals has not improved.”

"It should be fine in a few years."

Chen Yi coughed lightly, adjusted his posture and waved to Zhou Yebin: "Come on, come on."

Zhou Yebin was suspicious: "What are you doing?"

Chen Yi repeated: "Come on."

Zhou Yebin did not refuse and leaned forward.

Chen Yi leaned into his ear and whispered something, which made Zhou Yebin's pupils widen slightly.


Chen Yi straightened up and said with a smile: "Isn't this a back door?"

Zhou Yebin hesitated for a moment and felt that Chen Yi was indeed a rare talent, so he agreed: "Okay, I will do it."

"But I can't guarantee the result."

"And even if he comes forward, you have to let him see your ability, otherwise anything you say will be useless."

Chen Yi: "Of course."

In the exam next month, he must hit it with one hit. Wouldn't it be a waste if he didn't become a detective with all his skills?

Then again, although I am confident, no one can say for sure about the exam.

If you are prepared with both hands, you will never suffer a loss.

Looking at the confident Chen Yi, Zhou Yebin murmured in his heart.

It's just an interview, can you really pass the written test?
By then, the ratio of incoming noodles is likely to reach hundreds to one.

Even if you exclude the accompanying runners, there are definitely not a few elites left.

The phrase "thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge" is not something you say casually.

(End of this chapter)

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