Chapter 119 Excited Qin Fei
Chen Yi regretted it as soon as he finished speaking. He felt that there should be a better way to answer.

Fang Songping smiled, naturally took out two sticks, and reached out to hand them over.

As a junior and subordinate, Chen Yi quickly took one of the sticks with both hands: "Thank you Fang Ting."

Fang Songping lit his cigarette and said, "Didn't I tell you to just call me Uncle Fang? I'm at home now, not in the provincial department, and I'm not at work."

"Chen Yi, relax."

Chen Yi agreed: "Okay, okay, Uncle Fang."

Fang Songping took a drag on his cigarette and said, "I admire you very much for solving major cases in a row in a year. It shows that you are born to be a criminal police officer, and you will continue to work hard in the future."

"You have just been promoted to deputy detachment leader. Do you have any plans for your future work tasks?"

Chen Yi said: "Of course I will do my best to coordinate and manage the criminal investigation..."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Songping waved his hand to interrupt: "There is no need to read this kind of red tape. I have listened to it for decades and am more proficient than you. Let's talk about common things."

Chen Yi was slightly silent and said: "We have no plans for the time being. We still need to study more, grow in learning, solve all the cases we see, especially murder cases, and make sure there are no unsolved cases in our hands."

"Zero unsolved cases?" Fang Songping chuckled, "It sounds loud, but I like your confidence and believe you have such ability."

"The police department issued a document some time ago..."

Chen Yizheng was listening carefully. When Fang's mother passed by, she suddenly said: "Songping, don't talk about work when you're home. There are plenty of opportunities to talk about work, so don't put too much pressure on Chen Yi."

Hearing this, Fang Songping smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I apologize, then we won't talk about this."

"Xiao Chen, tell me about your father. I remember meeting him in the early years. I wonder if he can still remember me now. Is he feeling well?"

Officials and businessmen are not separated. Chen Zhiyao has built such a big business, so it is impossible not to know the senior officials of Yangcheng. It is not surprising that he has met Fang Songping.

But I don’t know what position Fang Songping held at that time.

Chen Yi nodded: "It's pretty good. I'm just a little busy and have a lot of social activities."

Fang Songping hummed: "It is indeed difficult for businessmen to be idle, and your father has built such a big business and made outstanding contributions to the economic development of Yangcheng. If we have the opportunity to meet him, we must have a good chat."

"By the way, you became a criminal police officer. Your father didn't object, right?"

Normally, parents who have a business at home would still hope that their children can take over it. Chen Yi's admission to the municipal bureau seems to have taken a different path.

Chen Yi smiled: "No, no, he is very supportive and very happy."

"I'm not very interested in doing business, so in the future the Chen Group will be handed over to professional managers. I won't care about it anyway."

He didn't know if Fang Songping was testing him. Is it possible that he would resign in the future?The Chen family has a big business, and even if they resign with the small salary of a criminal police officer, it will not have any impact on their life.

When it’s time to take a stand, you still have to take a stand.

After hearing this, Fang Songping smiled more and nodded: "So that's it."

"Everyone has his own path to go. There is no right or wrong in this matter. Personally, I certainly hope you can keep wearing this police uniform."

"To be honest, I think you have a bright future."

Chen Yi: "Thank you Uncle Fang for the compliment. I will definitely continue to work hard."

The two chatted in the living room for more than an hour. The restaurant seemed to be ready and started calling people.

"It's time to eat, come here to chat." Mother Fang said with a smile.

Fang Songping stood up: "Xiao Chen, do you usually drink?"

Chen Yi replied: "Occasionally, I don't drink much. As a police officer, I don't have much time to drink, so I have fewer opportunities."

Fang Songping smiled: "How about drinking with me today and just drink the wine you brought?"

Of course Chen Yi would not refuse: "Okay."

Four people were seated at the dining table, and Chen Yi was placed next to Fang Songping, making it easier to talk.

When the liquor was filled, Fang Songping was surprised, picked up the glass and smelled it.

"I haven't smelled this kind of strong-flavor liquor in many years. Where did you get it?"

Chen Yi put down the bottle and smiled: "My friend's family is in the liquor business. I happened to have dinner with him a few days ago, so I asked for two bottles and he didn't take the money."

"Looking at the packaging, the wine doesn't look very good. It shouldn't be expensive, right? Do you know Uncle Fang?"

Fang Songping looked at the bottle packaging and said, "The taste is familiar, but I forgot the brand. It must be more than ten years old, and it should have been discontinued by now."

"Then thank you friend for me. I like the taste of this wine very much, and you are also interested."

Chen Yi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the other party's affirmation.

It’s okay, just like it.

"Okay Uncle Fang, I will definitely bring you your message."

After three drinks, Fang Shuyu and Fang's mother had already finished their meal and went to the living room to watch TV and chat. Chen Yi and Fang Songping had already opened the second bottle.

I don't know if it's because Fang Songping was in a good mood today, and he didn't hold back his drinking capacity, so he started talking.

Chen Yi agreed with some words, but Chen Yi agreed with some words on the surface, but had other opinions in his heart, but did not show them.

"Xiao Chen, a person with a hard heart cannot be a detective, and a person with a soft heart cannot be a detective. Your uncle and I have seen too many things along the way. On some issues, we must keep the bottom line, understand?"


"Xiao Chen, you are a law enforcement officer. Everything must be based on the law. What kind of punishment the suspect will receive has nothing to do with you. Just leave it to the court. Your mission is to arrest the suspect and bring him to justice. That's all. That’s all.”


"Xiao Chen, let me tell you about some things I encountered in my early years..."


"Xiao Chen..."


Chen Yi listened silently and hesitated several times, but he held back.

People are different. There are no two identical people in the world. Even twins can have very different personalities.

Fang Songping is in a high position, so he naturally has to consider the overall situation when considering problems, and it is also for his own good.

What he said was basically dry stuff, as if he had to arrange his own life from now on.

There must be some small differences, but fortunately they are in the same general direction, otherwise Chen Yi would really have a headache.

For example, some people are guilty, but it cannot be said that they are really guilty. Chen Yi prefers to think that the city is guilty.

Looking down from a high altitude, there is light in the city, but there are always corners where the light cannot shine.

This is the flaw of the city.

Regarding these flaws, Chen Yi does not quite agree with Fang Songping's statement. He has his own way of dealing with them and will definitely take action.

He believes that there is no conflict between following one's heart and ensuring the fairness of the law. It all depends on man-made efforts.

Of course, it's too early to consider this now, and he hasn't reached that level yet.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Chen Yi said goodbye to Fang Shuyu's parents, and the two drove on the road.

"What are you and my dad talking about? It's so exciting." Fang Shuyu asked curiously.

Chen Yi rubbed his tipsy head and chuckled: "About some things about criminal police, your dad is really a great person."

He had to admit this. Fang Songping's experience along the way was legendary. His merit book was spread out on the floor, and he could even lie down on it and sleep.

Several of the dangers sounded frightening. Compared with the other party, he was still far behind and worthy of admiration and learning.

Fang Shuyu was slightly silent and said: "I didn't understand him when I was a child, but now I understand. He is not only my father, but also the policeman who protects Yangcheng and Dongzhou."

"It's fine now, I can count as fighting alongside him."

"And you." Chen Yi lowered the window, lit a cigarette, and said, "My mother wants you to come to my house next week."

Fang Shuyu almost didn't react to the sudden change of topic. After a long pause, she smiled and said, "Okay."

Chen Yi was surprised: "I agreed so happily."

Fang Shuyu explained: "My mother talked to me about this just now, so I am mentally prepared."

"What kind of wine does your dad like to drink?"

Chen Yi felt that this sentence sounded familiar: "Learn from me, right? I think you should forget it. The wine he drank is really a bit expensive. I'll ask Xu Can for two more bottles for you."

Fang Shuyu raised the corners of his mouth: "You're looking down on me, right? Your dad may not be able to buy the wine I can get."

Chen Yi: "..."

He somewhat understood what Fang Shuyu meant. Sure enough, sometimes, money is not everything.


The next morning, Chen Yi, who came to work at the city bureau normally, immediately pulled Zhuo Yun away.

"Brother Yun, I have something to ask you." Chen Yi was mysterious.

Zhuo Yun was surprised: "What's going on?"

Chen Yi: "Do you know who Shuyu's father is?"

Zhuo Yun was stunned for a moment, then held back his smile: "I know."

Chen Yi said quietly: "Then why didn't you tell me?"

An expression of confusion and surprise appeared on Zhuo Yun's face: "Ah? You don't know? No way? That has nothing to do with me, and you didn't ask."

"How can I tell you this kind of thing if you don't ask me, right?"

Chen Yi thought for a while, nodded and said, "Well, what you said makes sense."

"By the way, my body has been rusty recently. Come with me to the combat teaching and research room to practice for a while. Otherwise, if there is an unexpected mission, you may get cramps easily."

"Let's go."

After saying that, he took Zhuo Yun and left the case handling hall.

Zhuo Yun's expression changed.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute...Chen Yi, Chen Yi! No, Captain Chen, Captain Chen! You really didn't ask me, this has nothing to do with me..."

"No, slow down, slow down, I still have work to do... Hey! Is that wrong? Don't drag me..."

When they heard Zhuo Yun's screams coming from the combat teaching and research room, many police officers shrank their necks.

In fact, everyone had a share in this matter, and Zhuo Yun was deceived.

I have no choice but to silently say, "You can't see me, you can't see me."


Four days later, Chengdong Police Station, Liu Hansheng’s office.


"Come in."

Qin Fei walked up to Liu Hansheng and said, "Liu Suo, you are looking for me."

At the desk, Liu Hansheng looked at the documents in his hand and said, "You're lucky."

Qin Fei didn't know why: "Huh?"

Liu Hansheng raised his head and smiled: "The city bureau documents, you will be seconded to the Criminal Investigation Detachment to work under Deputy Captain Chen."

Hearing this, Qin Fei was stunned for a long time, and then he looked delighted: "Really?!"

Liu Hansheng nodded: "Really."

"You're a good boy. You don't have to think about it to know that this was recommended by Chen Yi. You will be useful after following him for half a year. If you do well, you might be able to stay in the criminal investigation detachment of the city bureau in the future."

After receiving the affirmative answer, Qin Fei was so excited that he could not speak, and he unconsciously thought of Chen Yi in his mind.

In the past few months, he has never asked for anything, nor has he given any hint. He just does his job seriously.

When investigating the wine trust fraud case, he stayed awake for up to forty hours and strictly followed every instruction given by Chen Yi.

He didn't ask for anything in return, but he didn't expect that his efforts would eventually impress Chen Yi and he would get such an opportunity.

In addition to excitement, his expression became determined. His wish suddenly came true, and he knew that he must work harder in the future!
Liu Hansheng glanced at him, knowing his mood at the moment, and said with a smile: "Chen Yi is a part-time worker here. Now he has returned to the city bureau for a promotion, but you are from the Chengdong Police Station, so you can never give it to me. It’s embarrassing, let alone embarrassing to the institute, you know?”

"After you go, work hard, talk less and do more, and just listen to Chen Yi on everything."

"It's okay to come back after your term is over. If you are deported midway, I will make sure you look good. Then just wait and see!"

Qin Fei looked serious and stood at attention, saluting: "Yes! Liu Suo! I will never disappoint your expectations!"

Liu Hansheng waved his hand: "Okay, go get ready. I'll give you another day tomorrow and report directly to the city bureau next Monday."

Qin Fei: "Yes!"

He came to the police reception hall and couldn't hold back his excitement and told Li Xue about the incident.

Li Xue was very surprised by the news, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt it was normal.

Over the past six months, she has also noticed Qin Fei's efforts, and she believes that Deputy Chief Chen values ​​Qin Fei's rare qualities.

Persevere, work hard, have dreams, love learning, and most importantly, have a heart to fight against illegal crimes.


Li Xue smiled, and she was also happy that Qin Fei could realize his ideal.

This incident spread quickly in the institute, and more colleagues came to congratulate Qin Fei. As long as there were no mistakes, the work arrangement of the other party should be improved to a higher level.

"Deputy Chen, thank you!" Qin Fei said sincerely, while his eyes became firmer.

This is another world for him and a new beginning.


It's another weekend. As agreed last week, Fang Shuyu will go to Chen Yi's house today.

Both sides are ready.

However, Chen Zhiyao has a contract to sign, so he is in the company conference room at the moment and has not gone home.

"Director Chen, I think this... is still not appropriate."

In the conference room, the middle-aged man sitting next to Chen Zhiyao pointed to the contract on the table, frowning and hesitating.

The man's surname is Li. Like Chen Zhiyao, he is also the chairman of a listed company in Yangcheng. The two parties are currently discussing cooperation.

The future would involve tens of figures in business, so both of them took it seriously and decided to have an interview in person.

Chen Zhiyao said: "Director Li, we have been discussing this issue for two days. Are you tired?"

"This is how we cooperate with other companies, but you have a problem? Do you not believe me, or do you not believe the Chen Group?"

Director Li was helpless: "Director Chen, I also have my own difficulties. Let's discuss this matter again."

Chen Zhiyao shrugged and said it didn't matter: "Okay, let's talk about it later."

"I have to go home for dinner today, so I can't accompany you. Let other people in the company accompany you. I have made arrangements."

Director Li put away the contract and asked curiously: "Go home for dinner?"

"Seeing that Director Chen is so happy, is there something happy at home?"

(End of this chapter)

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