Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 116: The whole city was arrested, the provincial department was shocked

Chapter 116: The whole city was arrested, the provincial department was shocked

two months later.

Chengdong Police Station.

Three computers stood side by side. The screen displayed a map of Yangcheng with many light spots flashing on it, probably hundreds.

The light spots were located in all districts of Yangcheng, and the police stations in each jurisdiction responsible for surveillance jointly acted, and the number reached [-].

This number is quite coincidental, and it feels like one hundred and eight generals in Water Margin.

Among them, there were colleagues from the branch assisting in the command behind the scenes. All personnel formed a line, and the bus head pointed directly at the Chengdong Police Station.

At this moment, all the police officers already knew what kind of case they had been investigating day and night for the past two months.

A huge wine trust fraud gang!

This group of people traveled all over Yangcheng, with five or six strongholds in each district, totaling 28. The number of people involved in the case, including bartenders and keyboard players, directly exceeded three digits, totaling more than 120 people.

Before, every order was issued by the team leader or director. They had no idea who was behind the case.

Now that colleagues from the branch have joined, they understand.

Municipal Bureau Criminal Investigation Detachment, Chen Yi.

The genius detective who solved several major criminal murders was a ruthless character who sent the famous entrepreneur Bai Guoxiang directly to the "guillotine".

Originally, the name Chen Yi was just something they talked about after dinner. Unexpectedly, just a year later, he actually joined the other party's secret investigation operation without knowing it at first.

Perhaps because of the sudden addition of colleagues from the branch, the smell of gunpowder is in the air today. Even if they haven't received the order yet, many people seem to have a premonition: it seems that the network is about to be closed.

They didn't know where Chen Yi was, or what he was doing, or even whether other colleagues were waiting for orders.

What we can do is to manage a certain area and a certain point within our jurisdiction.

When all parties take action, it will be an unprecedented large-scale joint arrest.

That scene has not been encountered once in many years. Just thinking about it makes everyone's heart boil with excitement and they are proud to be a part of this action.

It is foreseeable that as long as the action is a big success, it will surely alarm the provincial department and even spread throughout the country through the Internet, and it will have both credit and fame.

The more they thought about it, the more excited they became.

It's a bit too much to say it's a great success.

Which police officer doesn't want to leave a mark in his career?
This is a resume, a memory, a record of achievements, and a capital that can be proudly told to future generations.

At this moment, every policeman on the field at the [-]th Police Station couldn't help holding his breath, looking at his team leader or director from time to time, waiting for the other party's order.

To be precise, waiting for Chen Yi's instructions.

"Chen Yi, is it okay?"

Jiang Xiaoxin turned to look at Chen Yi, and even her heart was beating rapidly at this moment.

Two months of hard work have brought about today's results, and Chen Yi deserves a lot of credit.

Chen Yi stared at his phone and said, "The colleagues who are going to other provinces are not in place yet, wait a minute."

These keyboard players are very well-informed. If they notice something is wrong and run away, the difficulty of catching them will skyrocket.

Jiang Xiaoxin nodded slightly and waited to continue.

10 minutes.

Two 10 minutes.

half an hour.

When the screen of Chen Yi's mobile phone lit up and a message came, his eyes flashed and he raised his head suddenly: "Notify everyone to launch an arrest operation immediately! Raid interrogation!"

Jiang Xiaoxin was shocked: "Okay!"

In an instant, the signal was transmitted, and outside a coffee shop in Yangcheng, a police station leader wearing headphones focused his eyes and immediately waved his hand: "Arrest people!!"

As soon as the voice fell, the smiles on the faces of a passerby who was walking, a young man who was buying milk tea, and two friends who were stopping to chat suddenly faded and became extremely cold.

Then, he suddenly turned around and rushed into the coffee shop next to him.

"Don't move! Police! Hold your head with your hands and squat down!!"

"Police! Don't move!!"

The expressions of the boss and waiters changed drastically. Some were knocked down directly in the circle, while others who were brave enough to react quickly turned around and rushed towards the back door.

However, this arrest operation had been going on for two months and was extremely well prepared. As soon as the man ran out of the back door, several policemen who had been waiting for a long time swarmed him and pinned him to the ground.


The handcuffs were stuck on his wrists.

"Don't move! Be honest!!"

The same scene happened in dozens of places in Quanyang City at the same time. After the undertide erupted, it brought about a thunderous impact.

In less than 5 minutes, more than 28 suspects from [-] dens involved in the crime and those who stayed home, including two young college students, were all arrested and brought to justice.

Outside the province.

The door was kicked open, and a man who was chatting in front of the computer was so frightened that he suddenly turned his head.

"Don't move!! Take your hands off the keyboard!!"

Several police officers shouted coldly, rushed in quickly to control him, and then started searching for evidence on the computer.

The same scene was also staged in various places outside the province.

Chengdong Police Station, police reception hall.

Compared with the vibration outside, it seemed a lot quieter here. Chen Yi sat silently at the door, smoking a cigarette out of boredom.

The smoke rose and slowly dissipated in mid-air.

On the other side, Li Xue was still at her post, looking at Chen Yi's back not far away with reverence.

In two months, such a large-scale arrest operation was organized in an orderly manner without any omissions or oversights. In the eyes of a female police officer who had just graduated a few years ago, she was like a god.

His height is even higher than that of director Liu Hansheng.

So, is this a criminal police officer from the Municipal Bureau’s Criminal Investigation Detachment?People who are always fighting on the front line of vicious crimes are simply incomparable to the police.

No wonder Qin Fei yearns so much to become a criminal policeman. This is the hero who fights against illegal crimes regardless of danger.

After smoking a cigarette, Chen Yi looked at the time, got up and went to Jiang Xiaoxin's temporary office area.

Neither of them spoke, and waited silently.

The surprise interrogation should have started by now. All we have to do now is wait for news.

The wait didn't last long. Ten minutes later, Chen Yi's cell phone rang.

He answered immediately without any hesitation.

"I'm Chen Yi, say."

"okay, I get it."

After two short sentences, the phone was hung up. Chen Yi turned to look at Jiang Xiaoxin and said a name: "Xu Shichang."

Jiang Xiaoxin immediately typed on the keyboard, picked up her mobile phone and dialed the bank number, and quickly found out the information one by one.

"Xu Shichang, 48 years old, was arrested and imprisoned for fraud in his early years..."


"In the past six years, there have been multiple payments to the bank card every day, with a total amount of 300 million..."


"I have three properties under my name, but no commercial street shops. They should be in other people's names..."


"The real-name mobile phone number has been located. The address is Jinye Garden. There is a car in the name, and the license plate number is East A58920."


After hearing the last sentence, Chen Yi immediately rushed out of the police station, got into the car, stepped on the accelerator, and drove out quickly.

On the way, Chen Yi made a call.

"Hello? I'm Chen Yi. My destination is Golden Leaf Garden. I'll set up a card to intercept it immediately. The license plate number is East A58920. As soon as I find a suspect vehicle, I'll stop and arrest it immediately."

"Repeat, Golden Leaf Gardens, East A58920."


Half an hour ago, Golden Leaf Garden, the second floor of a townhouse.

In the room, Xu Shichang, who was sitting on the sofa, rubbed his eyebrows, always feeling that something bad would happen today.

Nothing happened in the past two months, but he intuitively felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what went wrong.

"It should be fine. There are so many places, even if you were detained for a short time, you wouldn't be able to find me."

After comforting himself, he stood up and was about to get some water.

Suddenly, the harsh ringtone of his cell phone made him tremble.

Xu Shichang frowned, cursed secretly, and picked up the phone to answer the call.

"Hello? What's going on!"

It's very noisy over there on the phone.

"Brother Chang, Brother Chang! The place has been seized! The police came too suddenly without any warning..."

"Don't move!! Put down the phone! Be honest!!"

Xu Shichang's face suddenly changed, he stood up suddenly, quickly packed his things and left the room without any hesitation.

Arriving at the garage, he opened the door and got into a black luxury car. With the roar of the engine, he disappeared at the end of the road.

It can be seen that the license plate number is East A58920.


In the car, Chen Yi pressed the car phone button.

"Hello? Sister Jiang."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Chen Yi, Xu Shichang ran away. I will give you a synchronized location. It is nearby, not far from you. To the north of the city, there are few cars in that place."

Chen Yi: "Okay, I understand. I will send it to the pursuers at the same time."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Okay." After hanging up the phone, he recalled the map of Yangcheng in his mind. He made a gorgeous drift at the intersection ahead and rushed to the northern provincial highway, which is the closest to the national highway.

He raised the speed to over [-] and picked up the police cluster intercom.

"I'm Chen Yi. I'm on the national highway north of Golden Leaf Garden. The moving target has been sent to you. Intercept it at full speed."

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

"Roger that!"

In normal mode, the communication distance of police walkie-talkies is within five kilometers.

As for police cluster walkie-talkies, because they are supported by radio networks, the communication distance is relatively long, and the effective distance can reach ten kilometers.

The roar of the engine echoed around, and Chen Yi drove the vehicle away at high speed.

On the national highway, the police from the nearby police station have set up a checkpoint here and are waiting quietly.

Not long after, a black car was seen approaching quickly from the front, with the license plate number being East A58920.

"it's him!!"


Xu Shichang's expression in the car changed, his expression flickered, he gritted his teeth and continued to press the accelerator, his speed not decreasing but increasing.

Upon seeing this, the policeman responsible for the interception stared blankly.

"Flash away!!"

The car broke through the roadblock, knocked over the police car, and fled into the distance.

"Get in the car! Chase!"

They knew that this man was the leader of the gang and had to be caught, so they immediately got into the car and pursued him.

"How the hell is that possible? How long have you been staring at me? Why didn't you catch me before?"

Xu Shichang's face was gloomy and he was puzzled. He didn't believe that he was found just today. How could there be no news at all.

There are more than a hundred people in Quanyang City!There has to be some movement.

Time passed, and 10 minutes later, more sirens sounded. Xu Shichang glanced through the rearview mirror and was immediately startled.

There are more than a dozen police cars, which is very spectacular.

"Holy shit! I'm just a fraud, not a terrorist!!"

Xu Shichang's hands shook. He had been arrested by the economic investigation before, but the policemen in the economic investigation were very kind. How could they be like this?

He continued to run as fast as he could, relying on the performance of the vehicle he could not catch up for a while.

Another 10 minutes later, Chen Yi drove towards him. Xu Shichang slammed on the brakes at a speed of more than 100 miles.

Chen Yi also slammed on the brakes and turned the steering wheel.

The tires slid on the ground, and the car drifted and hit the black car, which was stuck on the guardrail.

From behind, more than a dozen police cars followed. After braking hard, more than [-] police officers quickly got out of the car.

Chen Yi closed the car door and walked slowly, raised his hand and moved his index finger: "Come on, he's running pretty fast."

Xu Shichang in the car swallowed, looking desperate.

Police officers gathered around.

"get off!"

"get off!"

Seeing himself surrounded, Xu Shichang sighed and opened the car door.

In an instant, several police officers swarmed him, pulled him out and pinned him to the car, with handcuffs blocking his wrists.

"Just lightly..."

Xu Shichang's face was pressed against the car window and he kept talking.

Most fraudsters seek money without harming human life, so they are generally timid, at least not violent.

"stand up!"

Xu Shichang was pulled up and stood in front of Chen Yi.

Chen Yi looked at him and said, "Brother, with your temperament, I would believe you even if you say you are a university professor."

"I've been tired these past two months, you're really good at it."

Looking at the young man in front of him, Xu Shichang was confused: "You...what two months?"

Chen Yi didn't say much, waved his hand and said: "Take it away and send it directly to the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment."


Chen Yi turned around, looked at his damaged vehicle, and muttered to himself, "I just bought it half a year ago. Is this a work-related injury?"

"Anyway, it's the money Jiang Fanlei spent. If I make a bet with him next time, maybe he can buy me another one."

A policeman came forward and said, "Brother Chen, let us take care of your car. Take a police car."

Chen Yi did not refuse: "Okay."


At the provincial department, Wei Jianfeng quickly got the news. He was stunned when he heard Chen Yi's name, and immediately got up and went to Fang Songping's office.

In addition to him, other people in the provincial department also knew about this and were immediately shocked.

Hundreds of joint investigations, with tacit cooperation and strict prohibitions, successfully uncovered a large-scale fraud gang. This is an unprecedented feat.

"Fang Hall!"

Fang Songping at the desk raised his head, looked at the furious Wei Jianfeng, and frowned: "What's wrong? Is there any big case?"

Wei Jianfeng came forward quickly and spoke faster: "Fang Ting, the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau has just solved a large-scale wine trust fraud case, destroying 28 fraud locations all over Yangcheng, and arrested the people involved, including local and municipal officials in Yangcheng. There are a total of 120 five people from outside the province and outside the province, and the total amount involved is at least 300 million!"

"The leader Xu Shichang was arrested."

After hearing what Wei Jianfeng said, Fang Songping was surprised: "When did this happen? How come I didn't hear anything about it?"

Each municipal bureau has its own autonomy in investigating cases. Non-serious criminal activities will generally not be reported to the provincial department.

However, this case involves so many people and so many places, and there are arrests outside the province. Although there is no need to go through the provincial department as long as the procedures are formal, it cannot be so quiet. It will only be known after the investigation is completed.

Wei Jianfeng said: "In the preliminary investigation of this case, only the police from various police stations participated, and there were [-] police stations throughout the city."

"They spent two months following and investigating, and finally launched an arrest operation today at the same time, without letting anyone go offline!"

Fang Songping's eyes widened: "Good guy, one hundred and eight institutes? Hundreds of institutes joint investigation, Zhou Yebin did it?"

When mentioning this matter, Wei Jianfeng's tone was slightly choked: "Uh... no, Chen Yi is in charge. He is the commander-in-chief and gives all the instructions behind his back."

Hearing this, Fang Songping stood up suddenly: "Chen Yi?!"

“Didn’t you ask him to go to the police station at the grassroots level??”

Wei Jianfeng nodded helplessly: "Yes, he was originally asked to work at the grassroots level, and he did a good job at the Chengdong Police Station."

"Two months ago, the Chengdong Police Station received a dispute. It should be that the victim of the liquor trust felt something was wrong and went to the police. Then Chen Yi took over the case, and then... this joint investigation was launched."

"The large-scale wine trust fraud gang that has been entrenched in Yangcheng for six years was uprooted in two months."

Fang Songping: "..."

"Ask him to go to the police station to gain grassroots experience, and he directly mobilized all [-] police stations, right?!"

Wei Jianfeng smiled bitterly: "Yes."

"The smashing of such a huge liquor trust fraud gang not only recovered people's losses, but also prevented more victims from appearing in the future. This is not a small contribution, and I am afraid it is a first-class personal merit."

"Also, the police stations in each jurisdiction that participated in the operation performed very well. In the follow-up, they will definitely be awarded second-class merit to individuals, second-class collective merit, third-class individual merit, and third-class collective merit."

"One hundred and eight institutes, how much is that? And it's all thanks to Chen Yi's careful arrangements."

"After this incident, Chen Yi's reputation in the Yangcheng police force, especially at the grassroots level, may explode."

"Oh, by the way, he also caught a Class A wanted criminal before."

Compared with this case, catching a Class A wanted criminal doesn't seem that surprising.

While talking, he even got goosebumps, as if no matter where he placed Chen Yi, criminals there would be in bad luck.

If you're not careful, you'll get a big one.

After listening to Wei Jianfeng's words, Fang Songping was silent for a long time and said: "What a... what a talent!"

Wei Jianfeng was stunned and said suspiciously: "Fang Ting, this is the first time I've heard you say dirty words."

Fang Songping waved his hand: "This case was handled very beautifully! After the trial is concluded, rewards will be given based on merit. No one who participated in this operation will be left behind."

"Those with outstanding individual performance will be awarded individual third-class merit or individual second-class merit as appropriate."

"The rest will be awarded meritorious service collectively."

"As for Chen Yi... let's talk about it later, we still have to go to the police department."

Wei Jianfeng said quickly: "Fang Ting, we can't talk about it later."

"Take advantage of the opportunity that he has not yet returned to the city bureau at the grassroots level, and quickly transfer him to the provincial department. What are you waiting for?"

"Isn't it a waste to serve as deputy captain for Zhou Yebin?"

Fang Songping: "How can you talk? Why don't you waste your time by following you? What's so great about you?"

"Speaking of Jianfeng, you don't want Chen Yi to work for you, do you? Or are you not confident in the challenges ahead?"

"Decades of service and medals, all in vain?"

Wei Jianfeng: "..."

Is this a thing?
He felt more and more that something was wrong. If he had encountered such a talent a few years ago, the other party would have brought him to the provincial bureau. How could he keep it for the city bureau?

He didn't dare to ask any more questions. After hesitating for a while, he said, "Well, if I need it, I can always call him, right?"

Fang Songping: "That's no problem, I agree."

Only then was Wei Jianfeng satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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