Chapter 113 Two months later
After three cups of tea, the atmosphere was lively. Everyone chatted and integrated into their own small circles.

It is impossible to drink alcohol during the Spring Festival, it is prohibited.

Chen Yiduo asked: "Team Zhou, Lao Hou has not been affected by the case, right?"

He didn't forget about it.

Ma Huiru's lawsuit against Tang Yian was investigated by Hou Guangyi. Knowing the truth 13 years later is not a trivial matter for a veteran criminal police officer, and it may be difficult to let go.

Zhou Yebin put down the tea cup: "It's okay, it's okay. I chatted with him, and he just sighed a few words, but he was full of praise for you."

"Chen Yi, what I just told you about the police station needs to be taken seriously. It's not just work for you."

Chen Yi thought for a while and said, "Do you want to go to the grassroots level?"

Zhou Yebin nodded: "It is very important to understand grassroots business. This is one of your resumes."

"The main office is at the Chengdong Police Station. The director's surname is Liu. He is an old friend of mine. He should have received the news."

"Don't have too much psychological burden when the time comes. Just do what you have to do just like in the detachment."

"The business work at the police station may be a bit boring. Gaining experience will lay a foundation for the future."

"If you have any questions, just ask Lao Liu directly and be more diligent."

"Especially for some veteran police officers, you must be modest and cautious. Don't think that you are superior to others because you are a detachment criminal police officer who is about to be promoted."

He said a lot. Although Chen Yi has super abilities in investigating major criminal cases, he still treats the other party as a junior. He has gone through a detour and does not want the other party to go through it again.

Of course, he knew that Chen Yi knew what he was doing, and he couldn't be arrogant because of his personality, so he couldn't help but remind him.

It's always right to say a few more words.

Chen Yi listened carefully and kept nodding: "Hmm... um... I know Captain Zhou, don't worry, don't worry."

The party lasted for a long time, everyone moved from chatting to work, and then went home.

Tomorrow is the official time to go to work.

On the way to send Fang Shuyu home, the other party said: "This time you may have to go for more than half a year to switch from criminal to public security. How do you feel?"

Chen Yi was surprised: "So long?"

Fang Shuyu: "It's not good for you to be seconded, just in the name of guidance and coordination. In fact, it's just to let you work at the grassroots level. Is that what Team Zhou said?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes, yes."

Fang Shuyu has been working as a police officer for many years and has more system experience than him.

"As long as there are no major criminal cases, I won't call you back." Fang Shuyu said, "It's okay to take a break. Patrolling, handling disputes, and putting up posters. What a good life. It's much less stressful than a criminal police officer."

Chen Yi tried to think for a moment and said, "It doesn't sound very suitable for me."

Fang Shuyu smiled and said: "That's why I took you to the Chengdong Police Station. That's the old city. The security cases are the highest in Yangcheng. Although there is no pressure, it is still very busy."

Chen Yi was helpless: "I understand, you won't let me help the neighbor find kittens and puppies, right?"

Fang Shuyu: "If the guarantee is not complete, you can let others do it."

"Suo Liu is not a fool. He must know your purpose of going to the institute. Just treat it as if you have just joined the job and put aside your identity as a criminal police officer."

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay, I understand. I feel like I have been assigned. Shuyu, come and see me when you have time."

Fang Shuyu smiled and said: "Okay."


The next day, Chengdong Police Station.

Chen Yi drove here and found a relatively remote parking space without trying to occupy a good spot.

There were a lot of police officers coming in and out of the gate, and they seemed to be in a hurry. It was normal for the first day of work after the New Year.

Chen Yi watched for a while and then came to the police reception hall.


The policewoman in front of the computer turned around and smiled. Next to her stood a young man wearing a police uniform with one hand in his pocket. The two were chatting just now.


Chen Yi stepped forward and was about to express his intention.

"Brother Chen?"

At this time, the young man next to the policewoman seemed to recognize Chen Yi. His eyes lit up and he quickly walked around the table and came closer.

"Brother Chen, it turns out to be you! I really didn't expect it! What a surprise!"

Chen Yi was suspicious and took out his hand that was grabbed by the other party.

No, who is your brother? Which one are you?

The young man didn't take it seriously and grabbed Chen Yi's hand again: "Brother Chen, we have been hearing about your crime-solving deeds years ago. It's like watching a movie. It's really amazing. You are my idol."

"Brother Chen, welcome to the Chengdong Police Station!"

After learning Chen Yi's identity, the policewoman quickly stood up and looked at Chen Yi curiously.

Suo Liu did say before that a criminal police officer from the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau would come to the office after the year. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Chen Yi, who had become famous in the past six months.

This is really unexpected.

The sudden enthusiasm made Chen Yi feel a little uncomfortable, but since everyone was praising him, he couldn't say anything, so he could only smile politely: "Thank you, thank you. Where is Liu?"

The young man said quickly: "Yes, yes! Go in from there and turn right to the third room."

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay, then I'll go find him."

Young man: "Brother Chen, walk slowly."

When Chen Yi was about to disappear from sight, he added: "Brother Chen, my name is Qin Fei. Please take good care of me in the future!"

The policewoman looked at Qin Fei with interest: "Are you okay? Do you still want to be a criminal policeman?"

The two were classmates at the police academy. After graduation, they passed the national joint examination and were admitted to the Chengdong Police Station.

At first, Qin Fei's target was actually the criminal investigation team, but unfortunately he failed and could only settle for the next best thing.

"What, Li Xue, do you have any objections?" Qin Fei reluctantly looked away and grinned.

His dream was to be a criminal policeman, but unfortunately he encountered construction work on the way to pursue his dream. A brick fell down and he was thrown into the Chengdong Police Station.

Now I have met someone who is likely to become a legend in the police force in the future, so of course I am excited.

Several major cases were solved in half a year, how can we solve them in a few years?

This is a real ability. If you don’t accept it, you can be admitted to the criminal investigation detachment of the city bureau, and you are not from the police academy.

Li Xue smiled and said, "Okay, then you should be nice to me. When Officer Chen becomes the director, I can transfer you to the criminal investigation detachment."

These words made Qin Fei's smile fade: "Li Xue, I am not flattering, but I really admire you. It is impossible to get into the Criminal Investigation Detachment or Criminal Investigation Brigade by flattery."

"You have to rely on ability to get in. I don't want to beg for it."

Li Xue was stunned for a moment, then said after a moment of silence, "I'm sorry."

Qin Fei waved his hand: "Why do you apologize to my old classmate?"

On the other side, Chen Yi, who disappeared, did not leave, but stopped and heard the conversation.

At that moment, his impression of Qin Fei changed. It seemed that he was not a guy who only knew how to make noises.

Then, he came to the director's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Chen Yi pushed the door open and entered.

Liu Hansheng, who was at the desk, turned around and saw that it was Chen Yi. He quickly stood up and said, "Deputy Chen, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

This title made Chen Yi stop in place: "Liu Suo, what did you call me?" Liu Hansheng reacted and quickly changed his words: "Sorry, sorry, wrong, wrong, Chen Yi! Haha, come and sit down."

Chen Yi was surprised. Did someone call the other party and say something?Team Zhou or Zhang Bureau?

Deputy Branch is the honorific title for the deputy captain. For example, in order to distinguish the branch captain from the captain, branch bureaus and police stations sometimes call Zhou Yebin Zhou Zhi.

As for people inside the city bureau or outsiders, they just call Team Zhou directly.

In fact, they are all the same, there is no difference, just feel comfortable.

The two sat down, and Liu Hansheng poured Chen Yi a cup of tea.

"Chen Yi, come and drink tea."

"Thank you Liu Suo."

Out of politeness, Chen Yi took a symbolic sip from the tea cup, then smiled and said: "Liu Suo, I'm here to report today. If you have any work tasks, just ask me, just treat me as a new employee."

Liu Hansheng smiled and said: "What about reporting in and not reporting in? You are from the criminal investigation detachment here to guide and coordinate the work. Logically speaking, we should listen to your opinion."

"Heavy words, heavy words."

He definitely knows more things than Chen Yi. Even though the other person is just an ordinary criminal policeman now, he will not be anymore soon.

And in the next few years, given the other party's ability, as long as he continues to make contributions and nothing unexpected happens, his position will rise very quickly.

When the time comes, you will have to be polite even when you see him.

Chen Yi: "Liu Suo, you're welcome. I really don't know much about the work in the institute, and I need to learn more from you."

Liu Hansheng waved his hand: "Learn from each other, learn from each other."

"Well, there's nothing to do today anyway. Let me first tell you about the jurisdiction of our Chengdong Police Station and the areas that need special attention."

"Also, you usually deal with big cases, and you may not have dealt with some trivial matters. If you have any questions, just ask me directly."

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay, thank you Liu Suo."

In the evening, Chen Yi spent a day getting to know the colleagues and business processes of the Chengdong Police Station. At this moment, Liu Hansheng was taking him to a nearby entertainment venue.

"In this place, fights often happen. The guests drink too much and can't control their impulses."

"When there is nothing normal, the institute will often come to check, and we also have to take into account the issue of pornography, gambling and drugs."

In the car, Liu Hansheng explained.

Chen Yi kept nodding his head, going in one ear and out the other, bored.

Nowadays, fights are not as serious as before. Everyone knows the severity of each other's attacks. After all, one punch may result in hundreds of thousands of compensation. Few people are so stupid.

In the end, mediation is the main thing.

As for pornography, gambling and drugs, they are banned repeatedly across the country, and most of them are minor incidents that can basically be solved by the police station.

The police car stopped in front of the gate. The club manager had already received the news and hurried out to greet him.

Wearing a suit, he looked very flattering in front of Liu Hansheng, nodding and bowing.

"Liu Suo, why are you here? It's a rare visitor. Please come in quickly. Please come in quickly."

While talking, the manager shook hands with Liu Hansheng.

Liu Hansheng didn't like it very much. Entertainment venues are high-security areas, and they can't be forced to close, so they can only keep an eye on them.

"Routine inspection, I'll be leaving in a moment."

"Oh, by the way, this is Officer Chen from the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Municipal Bureau. He will be working in the office for a while, so we may inevitably meet him in the future."

Hearing this, the manager was shocked and turned to look at Chen Yi.


Their relationship with the police at the police station is actually similar to that of neighbors. If there is a problem, they will solve it. When there is no problem, they can say hello. This is also the normal working status of the police, who go deep into the grassroots level.

But criminal police officers are different. They deal with major criminal cases, go in and out of murder scenes, deal with dead people, and may even have the blood of vicious criminals who resist arrest on their hands.

The two were completely different, and he felt terrified.

When a criminal police officer works in a police station, does he work at the grassroots level?Is this a promotion?

"Officer Chen, hello, hello." The manager shook hands politely.

Chen Yi chuckled: "Hello, I just followed Liu Suo out for a look, and pretended I didn't exist."

The manager had a smile on his face, but he cursed in his heart: Can this be treated as if it doesn’t exist?

A few people had an attitude of not disturbing other people's business, and they did take a casual look and then left, which could be considered as building a relationship between the police and the people.

This kind of thing will happen frequently in the future. Chen Yi quickly got into the role and truly regarded himself as a film police officer. Occasionally, when he encountered minor security cases, he handled them well as appropriate.

Two months later, the weather was sunny and sunny, and Chen Yi and Qin Fei were busy putting up promotional posters on the bulletin board.

Since Chen Yi came to the Chengdong Police Station, Qin Fei has become more diligent, following him all day long, like a follower.

The two of them can be seen on patrols and handling disputes.

"Brother Chen, what is a real murder investigation like?" While busy, Qin Fei couldn't help but ask.

Chen Yi patted the posted poster and said: "You must have the psychological quality to face the murder scene, the ability to observe clues carefully and sensitively, the ability to accurately analyze doubts, and the courage to face the murderer. How many do you have?"

Qin Fei hesitated: "This..."

"I've never been to the scene, so I don't know."

Chen Yi chuckled: "Then just do your current job well and don't think too much."

"Some things cannot be forced. If you really have the ability in this area, I believe you will have opportunities in the future."

Qin Fei nodded silently.

At this time, two cars parked nearby, the doors opened, and Zhuo Yun and the others got out, and Fang Shuyu was also there.

"Chen Yi, are you busy?" Zhuo Yun walked over with a smile, looking at the bulletin board and nodding, "The posting is very good. I will leave the posting work in the bureau to you from now on."

Chen Yi was surprised: "Why are you here?"

Zhuo Yun: "I was passing by to investigate a case, and the forensic doctor just happened to get off work and insisted on following me. You two are really connected as a couple."

Fang Shuyu smiled and handed over a bottle of water, and at the same time handed the other bottle to Qin Fei.

Qin Fei subconsciously took it and looked at several people in surprise.

These should be Chen Yi's colleagues in the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment, and...among them is Chen Yi's girlfriend?

Brother Chen’s girlfriend is a forensic scientist. Is she so cool?He also looks like a celebrity.

"What case?" Chen Yi asked.

Zhuo Yun shook his head: "The case is confidential. I can't disclose it to you unless necessary. I'm sorry."

Chen Yi: "..."

What he said made sense, but he felt that the other party was messing with him.

"During the investigation, I stopped to chat with my colleagues. Brother Yun, you are a bit dangerous."

Zhuo Yun: "Uh... aren't I just looking at you and missing you? Can't I just allow the forensic doctor to miss you?"

Hearing this, Fang Shuyu glared at him and shook his head helplessly.

Chen Yi took a sip of water and said, "Stop talking nonsense and get to work quickly. I have to work overtime now."

Zhuo Yun: "See you later."

Chen Yi: "See you later."

Before leaving, Fang Shuyu smiled at Chen Yi, said nothing, and followed Zhuo Yun away.

(End of this chapter)

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