Chapter 111 Conclusion
The destination is a car repair shop next to a long national highway. You can see bungalows and tile-roofed houses around it. It is a village.

When Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu drove here, it was already past nine in the morning.

Looking from a distance, there is a mountain road at the fork of the national highway that winds straight up, disappears into the jungle, and leads to a certain mountain village.

Chen Yi checked the information and found that mountain villages are rich in traditional Chinese medicine. If you buy directly, there will be no middlemen to make profit, and the price is relatively low. It is the choice of many traditional Chinese medicine clinics.

It's a pity that there is no express delivery channel, so you can only go there in person, otherwise it would be much more convenient.

The place where Tang Yian had a car accident was at a corner of that mountain road.

Tang Yiping's car was coming from the opposite direction. There must be a positioning system in Tang Yian's car, otherwise it would be impossible for the former to control the position so accurately.

So, after hitting Tang Yian, will Tang Yiping come here to repair his car?
Looking at the repair shop sign in front of them, Chen Yi and Fang Shuyu walked in.

"Hello, do you want to fix the car?"

There were repairmen working in the courtyard. When they heard the footsteps, they turned around and asked.

Chen Yi said politely: "Hello, I want to meet your boss."

As he spoke, he took out his ID.

For ordinary people, the identity of the police is still very useful and can save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Seeing the police badge on the ID, the repairman quickly stood up and said, "Oh, okay, the boss is in the house, please come with me."

Chen Yi put away the certificate: "Thank you."

Repairman: "You're welcome."

After entering the room, the middle-aged boss had a very good attitude after learning the purpose of his visit. He led the two of them to sit down and made tea.

"Police officer, is there any case?" the boss asked hurriedly.

He has been running a repair shop for more than ten years. He has heard everything and seen many things.

When customers drive their cars here, they are responsible for repairs. It is impossible to ask how the car crashed unless the problem is very serious.

For example, when he was repairing his car a few years ago, he found blood oozing out of the trunk bag. He was so frightened that he almost called the police. In the end, he found out that it was an error and contained freshly killed and unwashed chickens.

Now the criminal police from the city bureau suddenly came to the door. He said that he was not worried, which was a lie.

This is just like collecting second-hand mobile phones. Sometimes it is difficult to tell whether the person selling the mobile phone is selling it for personal use or stealing it.

Chen Yi did not answer the boss's question immediately, but took out a photo of multiple cars and handed it over.

"Boss, take a closer look to see if these cars have been repaired by you."

"The time was August 20, four years ago, around [-] o'clock in the morning."

Tang Yiping had more than one car. Li Shengguo also said that Tang Yiping had not secretly purchased any black cars in recent years, so the car responsible for the accident was most likely among them.

"Okay, okay, let me take a look." The boss quickly took it and stared at the photo, frowning and recalling it seriously.

After a long time, his eyes fixed on one of the cars, and then he pointed it out to Chen Yi: "This one, I have an impression of this one because the owner of the car was very generous and allowed me to complete the repairs in the shortest time."

Chen Yi was shocked and looked over.

It was a black SUV owned by Tang Yiping.

"Is the license plate correct? Is it really this car?" Chen Yi asked.

The boss hesitated: "This..."

"Officer, I'm so sorry. It's been four years and I really can't remember it. Besides, we don't pay attention to the license plate when repairing cars."

Chen Yi: "Only focus on the damage, right?"

The boss nodded: "Yes."

Chen Yi took out his mobile phone and looked up Tang Yiping's photo: "Is it him?"

The boss stared at the photo and recalled it for a while, then nodded and said, "It's him."

Chen Yi: "Is there any maintenance information at that time? For example, photos."

The boss said sarcastically: "No... it will be fine as long as it is repaired. We can't take pictures or record it."

Chen Yi: "Who repaired this car?"

The boss replied: "I, I repaired it. The customer's request was very urgent, so I went to work personally and finished it in two hours."

Chen Yi: "Do you think it was damaged in a car accident?"

Boss: "You mean... hitting other people's cars?"

Chen Yi: "Yeah."

The boss hesitated for a moment and said, "It's not necessarily certain. It could be like that if it hits other places."

After speaking, he pointed in the direction of the mountain road and said: "This car came from the mountain road. The mountain road is rugged and easy to bump into, so I opened a repair shop here, and the business has been very good."

Chen Yi knew there was nothing wrong with what his boss said, so he took out another photo: "What if we add this one?"

"This car travels from west to east, and the car you repaired travels from east to west."

The boss looked down and saw several photos of cars that had been burned into frames, from various angles.

He picked it up and looked at it carefully and said: "There are impact marks on the left fronts of both cars. It is indeed consistent, but I am not [-]% sure."

"This car is quite badly damaged. Where did it fall?"

"Eh? I did hear that there was a car accident on the mountain road a few years ago. The car fell off the cliff and the people and the car were burned."

Chen Yi nodded slightly: "It was the car accident."

Hearing this, the boss's face changed: "No...didn't you fall by yourself? Did someone else hit you?"

Chen Yidao: "Boss, don't make random guesses. You just need to answer what you know."

Boss: "Okay, okay."

He compared the photos again and said: "The vehicle was hit many times when it fell. It seems difficult to tell whether it was hit by rocks or cars in some places?"

Chen Yi: "We will conduct multiple accident 3D recovery simulations based on the falling terrain, and we will know when the time comes."

The boss didn't understand and said cautiously: "What do you mean?"

Chen Yi: "We hope you will appear in court to testify."

The boss was surprised: "Huh? This..."

Witnesses have the obligation to testify, but they do not have the legal responsibility to testify. Those who encounter rejection can only do ideological work.

Many people don't want to cause trouble for themselves, and there is no benefit to it, so why not choose to have nothing to do with them?
Chen Yi understood this and said, "Boss, let me tell you the truth. This case is a murder case, and it is also a revenge murder case. The process is very complicated and I can't say more."

"Your testimony will be very important to the defendant and will affect his sentencing, likely for several years."

"Personally, I very much hope that you can testify in court and let the truth come to light."

Boss: "I..."

He was still hesitant.

I was living a good life running a car repair shop, but I really didn't want to be involved in a criminal case, let alone a murder case.

"I...can I refuse?" he asked tentatively.

Chen Yi was helpless: "Okay."

Boss: "Then I...won't go?"

He didn't want to offend the detective, but he really didn't want to go.

Chen Yi was silent for a while, then stood up and said, "Okay, sorry to disturb you."

The boss also stood up: "I won't disturb you. I'm sorry for your hard work. I couldn't be of much help."

Chen Yi stopped at the door for a while, turned around, took out a piece of information and handed it to his boss.

"Just take a look and listen to a story."

The boss subconsciously took it: "Huh?"

Chen Yi and the two left the repair shop.

Standing at the gate, Chen Yi lit a cigarette and looked at the vehicles coming and going on the national highway in front of him, saying nothing for a long time.

Fang Shuyu patted him gently and said, "Just do your best if you have nothing to do. As a criminal police officer, it's enough to find out the case clearly, not to mention you helped him find a lawyer." Chen Yi: "I'm not just here to help him, this case The car accident is very important to the case and the details cannot be missed.”

When he finished smoking a cigarette, he put it out and waved: "Let's go."

Just as the two were about to leave, the owner of the repair shop ran after him with the information Chen Yi had just given in his hand.

"Officer! Officer!"

Chen Yi stopped and turned around.

The boss pointed at the information and said, "Is this true?"

Chen Yi nodded: "Of course, as a criminal police officer, I assure you of its authenticity."

After being affirmed, the boss took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Then I am willing to testify in court."

"That person who came to repair the car is a bastard! I bear witness!"

Chen Yi smiled: "Thank you."


A month later, Tang Yian's case officially opened in court. It was not open to the public and all suspects and witnesses involved in the case were present.

The case was complex and long-standing, with numerous details and clues. As a result, the trial lasted for three days and still yielded no results.

Zheng Yang was very responsible and did not slack off in the process. He studied the files until late at night every day to prepare for the next court session.

Finally, 20 days later, the case was pronounced.

Tang Yian was convicted of intentional homicide and frame-up, and was sentenced to eight years in prison for several minor crimes.

Zhou Zhiyue, Li Shengguo, and Sima Jing were found guilty of harboring the crime and were sentenced to one year in prison, suspended for two years.

Both parties said they would not appeal.

The law stipulates that those who commit intentional homicide shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years. So in which cases are the circumstances considered to be relatively minor?

There are about five kinds.

First, intentional homicide caused by excessive defense.

If the suspect kills the victim with excessive force during the process of being unlawfully violated, it meets the criteria for a relatively minor crime.

Second, killing out of righteous indignation.

The victim was so guilty that his behavior reached an unbearable level, and he was executed privately by the suspect.

This kind of situation is still very common in history, and it often occurs between parents and children. For example, parents deal with unfaithful and unfilial children, and children deal with parents who commit heinous crimes.

Third, passion kills.

Subjectively, there is no intention to kill, but under the stimulation of the victim, he loses his mind and loses control and kills the person.

In this case, several conditions must be met.

First, it must be the victim's serious fault that causes the suspect to have strong mood swings.

Secondly, the suspect must have been under strong mental stimulation, lost his mind, and lost or weakened his ability to identify and self-control.Finally, the crime must be committed in an agitated state of mind and committed on the spot rather than after calming down.

Fourth, due to the long-term persecution of the victims.

There are cases of this kind of situation, where a wife has suffered severe domestic violence from her husband for a long time, and she kills her out of anger.

Fifth, being entrusted with killing someone or helping others commit suicide.

Euthanasia is not allowed in the country. Even if the victim strongly requests the suspect's assistance and the suspect has no choice but to take action, it is still a crime and intentional homicide.

In this case, the circumstances can be considered to be relatively minor.

Tang Yian's case meets the criteria of relatively minor circumstances.

In the courtroom, at the moment when the verdict was read, Tang Yian seemed very surprised and subconsciously looked back at the spectator seats.

There were Wu Xiong, Chen Yi and others there, and their focus was on Chen Yi.

He knew that Chen Yi should have been busy working on his case during this period.

In fact, the task of the criminal police is over after arresting the person and interrogating the person. The subsequent events have nothing to do with them, and they have no control over it no matter how they are sentenced. Chen Yi's move has personal subjective factors in it.

"Thank you."

In the past 13 years, there have been so many people who have been kind to him, and I am afraid that I will never be able to repay him in my lifetime.

Zhou Zhiyue, Li Shengguo, Sima Jing, Wu Xiong, Feng Shanhai, Feng Rui and so on.

There is also Wang Yan.

Although he took the initiative to take advantage, he would not let the other party suffer. If he could not get the 200 million stolen money, there would naturally be other ways.

The days ahead are long, and the second half of my life has just... just begun.

Everyone walked out of the court.

"Chen Yi, come to my place for a meeting?"

Wu Xiong is also grateful to Chen Yi. He feels that he should do something for Tang Yian.

Although the other party is not short of money, there are many ways to express gratitude.

Chen Yi smiled and said, "No, I've made an appointment with a friend."

Wu Xiong: "Oh? Forensic medicine?"

Chen Yi hummed.

Wu Xiong smiled and said: "It's a perfect match. You must tell me when you get married. I must drink this wedding wine, or I will die in peace."

His character is too rough. Even at the age of 70, he often puts the word "death" on his lips. He is very free and easy.

Chen Yi said perfunctorily: "No, no, colleagues, just colleagues."

Wu Xiong didn't dwell on the matter, and patted Chen Yi on the shoulder: "Then I won't disturb you, and you must come and sit at my place when you have time."

Chen Yi: "Okay."


In the provincial office, Wei Jianfeng pushed open the door and placed a document in front of Fang Songping.

"Fang Ting, this is the detailed investigation process of this case. This kid Chen Yi is not as simple as having something. I still underestimated him."

"Take a look and then talk."

Fang Songping nodded slightly and opened the first page of the document.

Time passed slowly, and when he finished reading the last word, he could not hide the surprise on his face.

" this a case that a normal person can do?"

"Also, is this a case that a normal person can investigate in a short time?"

Wei Jianfeng said: "Fang Ting, Chen Yi's ability is exactly what we need. It would be a pity to leave him in the city bureau. You'd better follow me."

"The responsibility of the Criminal Investigation Corps is to guide and coordinate the detection of criminal cases across the province, as well as directly investigate extremely serious crimes, group crimes, cross-regional crimes and even transnational crimes. Its stage should be in the provincial department."

"In my hands, I guarantee he will get better."

Fang Songping closed the document and glanced at him, saying, "What should we do? I already promised Lao Zhang."

Wei Jianfeng hesitated: "It's just a verbal agreement. We can go through the process and download the documents directly. I think Lao Zhang will..."

Before he finished listening, Fang Songping cursed: "What a bad idea you have!"

"If you really do that, how can you meet Lao Zhang in the future? He's not your old comrade anyway, so there's no point in being embarrassed, right?"

Wei Jianfeng felt embarrassed and said, "Okay, okay, pretend I didn't say anything, then..."

Fang Songping thought for a moment and said, "First we'll go to the city bureau, step by step, and then we'll talk about him and... uh."

Wei Jianfeng was surprised: "Huh? With what?"

Fang Songping waved his hand: "Nothing, nothing, you go ahead."

Wei Jianfeng was suspicious, there was probably something going on here.

(End of this chapter)

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