Chapter 107
"Yi'an, is it really you?"

Wu Xiong's hands were trembling a little, and he wanted to reach out and touch Tang Yian's face, but in the end he was still frozen in mid-air.

"Uncle Wu, it's me."

Seeing the elder Wu Xiong, Tang Yian's mentality collapsed, and he completely lost the indifference he had before.

Sure enough, elders are the ones who can best evoke memories and evoke softness of heart.

Seeing this scene, Chen Yi hesitated for a moment, let go of Tang Yian's hand and retreated to a distance, quietly looking at the flowing water in front of him.

After Chen Yi left, Wu Xiong immediately stepped forward and helped Tang Yian up.

"Yi'an, you are really not dead!"

"What happened all these years?!"

"Did you kill that bastard Tang Yiping?"

"Why didn't you come to see me earlier!"


Faced with a series of questions from Wu Xiong, Tang Yian didn't know how to answer.

After a long time, he sighed deeply and said, "Uncle Wu, please don't ask."

Wu Xiong glared: "I have to know!"

At this time, Zhou Zhiyue, Li Shengguo and Sima Jing walked over silently.

Wu Xiong turned his head and said angrily: "You three bastards, I..."

"Uncle Wu!"

Tang Yian quickly stopped him.

"Uncle Wu, they don't know anything. They don't know that Tang Yian is still alive."

"Do you understand?"

Although Wu Xiongren is old, his mind is still as shrewd as when he was young. He immediately reacted and subconsciously looked at Chen Yi in the distance.

Seeing this, Tang Yian continued to speak: "Chen Yi is a good policeman. In fact, I am very glad that I met him and not someone else."

"I must face the trial of the law. This is my final destination, and it is also...the tacit understanding between me and him."

Wu Xiong was silent for a while, nodded and said: "Okay, I understand."

"I won't ask anything else. I will find you a good lawyer."

"It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive."

After saying that, he raised his right hand and gently touched Tang Yian's face, feeling distressed.

What exactly had he gone through to cause such a huge change in the other person's face.

How did he get here after all these years?
Tang Yiping...

Thinking of this person, Wu Xiong couldn't hide his anger and showed it on his face.

"You deserve to die." He gritted his teeth and said.

Tang Yian said: "Uncle Wu, it's over. Let the past things pass."

"At least in my 20-year memory, he was a good brother to his younger brother."

Wu Xiong nodded and patted Tang Yian's shoulder: "Okay, life is long, don't worry."

"I have to live well until the day you are released from prison. Then we will have a good drink!"

"Besides, I have to attend your wedding with Zhiyue."

Hearing these words, Zhou Zhiyue, who has been in the business world for many years, rarely showed the shyness of a young woman on her face, and lowered her head.

It can be seen that she has a very deep feeling for Tang Yian. Even if more than ten years have passed, even if she has experienced a lot in the meantime, it will not affect her love for Tang Yian.

Tang Yian smiled: "Then I hope you will be given a life sentence. You will be able to break the world lifespan record."

Wu Xiong glared at him: "Crow's mouth."

"Okay, let's go quickly, we won't delay Officer Chen's business."

Seeing that Zhou Zhiyue and the others were not implicated, Wu Xiong's impression of Chen Yi changed a lot.

Based on the relationship between Zhou Zhiyue and Tang Yi'an, even if they were not involved in Tang Yiping's murder, they must have known about it. Wu Xiong understood this.

He didn't like the police before, but now he suddenly understands that there are actually all kinds of people in every industry.

It's the people who are wrong, not an industry.

Tang Yian hummed, then turned around and said, "Officer Chen, we can go."

Chen Yi put out his cigarette and left the cemetery with Tang Yian.

When the vehicle disappeared at the end of the road, Wu Xiong looked at Zhou Zhiyue and the others and was about to speak.

Sima Jing said quickly: "Uncle Wu, please go back first. We will go find you in the evening."

"What you want to know, tell me slowly when the time comes."

Wu Xiong said nothing and nodded: "Okay, then I'll wait for you."

After saying that, he got in the car and left. Only Zhou Zhiyue, Li Shengguo and Sima Jing were left here.

"It seems that Chen Yi is planning to let us go."

After a long time, Sima Jing's voice sounded.

Zhou Zhiyue and Li Shengguo nodded slightly.

Sima Jing sighed: "After all these years of working as a lawyer, this is the first time I have met a police officer like him."

"For being able to investigate this case in such a short period of time, Yi'an is really no match for him."

“The most important thing is, there’s temperature.”

Zhou Zhiyue: "Yes, I was surprised that he could analyze that Yi An was alive and immediately locked onto Qi Jie. I really don't know how he did it."

"I admit, he is an excellent policeman."

Sima Jing was silent for a while and said: "The law is greater than emotion, otherwise the law will lose its fairness and rationality."

"Chen Yi plans to expose this matter, but I don't want to cause trouble to him. This is one of the reasons."

"Secondly, Tang Yian is my brother. If anything happens, we will bear it together. I can't let him face everything alone."

"I helped him voluntarily. Now you want to kick me away. Do you have my consent?"

"Zhiyue, Shengguo, Huatong will be left to you."


After saying that, he took steps to leave.

Not far away, Li Shengguo caught up and said with a smile: "I have died once. Brother Yi'an saved my life and gave me a high salary that I could not even imagine before."

"It's not my style to abandon him like that."

"He is your brother, so who am I?"

"Let's go together."

"Zhiyue! Huatong is left to you!"

After shouting the last sentence, the two stopped in surprise. Seeing Zhou Zhiyue walking quickly, they said quietly: "You are brothers, what about me?"

"My wife is my family, do you understand?"

"Huatong has professional managers and doesn't need me."

"Yi'an and I are of the same mind as husband and wife."

The two looked at each other, both helpless.

You are not married yet, what a perfect couple.



"Let's go then."

The three of them got in the car and followed the trajectory of Chen Yi and Tang Yian.

The law stipulates: The penalty for the crime of harboring is fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or surveillance. If the circumstances are serious, the penalty is not less than three years but not more than ten years of fixed-term imprisonment.

Zhou Zhiyue, Li Shengguo, and Sima Jing, knowingly knowing who the criminals were, lied to the police in the face of questioning, seriously disrupting the police investigation process, and trying to cover up the crime for the suspect and help him escape guilt, which is consistent with the crime of harboring identification standards.


inside the car.

Tang Yian looked at the scenery outside and remained silent for a long time.

Chen Yi didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, he already knew everything he wanted to know. What was left was the formal interrogation process.

"Tell me, can I still come out before the age of 50?" Tang Yian said suddenly.

Chen Yi looked at the road ahead and said, "Okay."

"Sima Jing seems to be a very capable lawyer, but Wang Yan was only sentenced to six months' detention."

At the mention of Wang Yan, Tang Yian frowned and then sighed.

Chen Yi chuckled: "Six months of detention in exchange for 200 million, nine out of ten people will agree."

"In her opinion, she earned it and doesn't need to blame herself."

"By the way, has false accusation become your inner demon? You must let Tang Yiping go through this process."

Now everything is clear. The reason why Tang Yiping was in a bad mood on the day of his death was because of the false accusation.This reminded him subconsciously of Tang Yian, so he locked himself in the study after returning home.

At this time, he suddenly received a call from Tang Yian. In the end, in extreme shock and astonishment, he suffered cardiac arrest and was scared to death.

Everything is logical.

Although Chen Yi is a criminal police officer, he has to admire Tang Yian's planning. The process is indeed very "wonderful".

Most importantly, no evidence was left behind.

Without the tools to commit the crime, there would naturally be no evidence, unless he still had the acupuncture needles and hydrogen fluoride.

"Inner demon? That's right."

Tang Yian spoke with a smile, as if he was not a murder suspect at this moment, but Chen Yi's friend.

"By the way, have you found out the cause of Tang Yiping's death?"

Chen Yi: "The forensic doctors in our city bureau are not just for a living."

Tang Yian nodded: "It's really amazing. It seems I want to keep things simple."

"The things are in Qingyuantang, you can ask someone to find them."

Chen Yi was surprised: "Didn't you throw it away?"

Tang Yian: "No."

"You helped me, so I can help you too."

One of the most important functions of the evidence chain is to prevent the suspect from retracting his confession in court. For Tang Yian, the necessity is much less.

Chen Yi was quiet for a while and said, "Do you want me to reward you for being my friend?"

Hearing this, Tang Yian turned his head in surprise, then smiled and said: "Of course, Officer Chen is giving me face, how could I not want it?"

"Let's drink together if we have a chance."

During the chat, the vehicle sped away.

When they arrived at the city bureau, Chen Yi and Tang Yian were about to walk into the main entrance, when Zhou Zhiyue and three others got off the car one after another at this moment.


Hearing the sound, Tang Yian's body trembled and he turned around suddenly, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.


The three of them passed through the retractable door and came to the foot of the stairs side by side.

"Now that things are like this, let's carry it together, brothers."

The one who spoke was Sima Jing. He smiled slightly and turned his attention to Chen Yi.

"Officer Chen, we surrender."

Chen Yi looked at the three of them without much surprise, but he just looked at them a little more highly.

Repaying kindness, brotherhood, and deep love between husband and wife indirectly prove that Tang Yian's charm is indeed not small.

Judging from the circumstances of the crime and the act of surrender, a suspended sentence is possible.

"You..." Tang Yian frowned tightly.

However, after seeing the smiles on the faces of Zhou Zhiyue and the others, he quickly became relieved from his initial anger.

He also smiled and said, "Okay, let's carry it together, brothers."

Zhou Zhiyue was dissatisfied: "What about me?"

Tang Yian was embarrassed for a moment: "Uh... when the case is raised, the husband and wife are of the same mind."

Li Shengguo and Sima Jing looked at each other, good guys, they are really a couple.

When Zhou Zhiyue faced Tang Yian, she was very thin-skinned and blushed again.

Chen Yi felt it was unnecessary and coughed softly a few times.

This case...

You are committing a crime, not a commendation. Why are you showing off your affection like it's the Chinese New Year?

"Okay, come in with me."

Chen Yi spoke seriously.

Arriving at the case handling hall, the four of them were taken directly to the interrogation room.

Zhuo Yun and others, who had been waiting for a long time, quickly gathered around.

"Chen Yi, what's going on? Qi Jie..."

Chen Yi poured a glass of water: "He is not Qi Jie, he is Tang Yian."

Everyone: "!!!!"


In the interrogation room, Chen Yi sat in front of Tang Yian.

"Do you need anything? Smoke? Water?" Chen Yi asked.

Next to him, the police officer in charge of recording turned his head strangely. He had never seen the other party be so polite to the suspect before.

Tang Yian smiled and shook his head: "No, let's get started."

Chen Yi nodded: "Name."






"Did you kill Tang Yiping?"


"How did you kill it?"


"Why kill him?"

In the observation room, as time passed, Zhuo Yun and others who were watching the interrogation were shocked and stunned one after another before they could recover from the fact that Tang Yian was still alive.

The first is the method of killing: acupuncture.

Huang Dalin was responsible for treating Tang Yiping, but he was very busy and needed to sit in the clinic for a long time, so the acupuncture and massage work was occasionally left to Tang Yian.

For two years, Tang Yian used acupuncture to leave trace amounts of hydrofluoric acid near Tang Yiping's ventricle again and again, laying a solid foundation for the final killing.

What made everyone most silent was Tang Yian's motive for committing the crime.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yiping actually had multiple lives in his hands, and they were all the most important people to Tang Yiping.

If you think about it from his perspective, anyone who has experienced Tang Yian's pain will probably fight against Tang Yiping.

At this moment, no one thinks that Tang Yian is a vicious murderer, but a poor man who avenges his father, brother and himself.

Resurrection from a car accident and low-key return announced the countdown to Tang Yiping's life.


Some police officers couldn't help but sigh.

This is what criminal police officers are like. They have to face not only the pressure of solving crimes, but also the various situations in the world, as well as the difficult emotions that are difficult to accept.

When you are in the light, all you see is darkness. Trying to shine, but eventually you find that there are even more disgusting things in the darkness.

This requires a very strong heart, otherwise sooner or later you will go crazy and choose to resign.

"Does Li Shengguo know what you are going to do?"

In the interrogation room, Chen Yi asked.

Since the three of them chose to surrender, he was naturally prepared to investigate thoroughly and not let go of any details.

If Li Shengguo knew what Tang Yian wanted to do, then he was not simply covering up, but an accomplice.

Accomplice and cover-up are two completely different concepts, and there is a big difference in sentencing between multiple crimes.

Tang Yian shook his head: "He doesn't know."

"Whether it is Zhou Zhiyue, Li Shengguo or Sima Jing, they are all outside the case."

"They had no knowledge of the entire crime process, and it was impossible for me to tell them."

Chen Yi: "Then why did he deliberately mention Qingyuantang in front of Tang Yiping."

Tang Yian: "I told him that I wanted to meet Tang Yiping."

"After seeing it, and based on what he learned, Tang Yiping had to visit Qingyuantang many times to treat his hidden diseases."

"Everyone is in a sub-healthy state now. As a Chinese medicine practitioner, it is not difficult to achieve this."

Chen Yi: "Is there anything else you want to say?"

Tang Yian nodded: "Yes."

He looked at Chen Yi and smiled slightly: "Let's have a cigarette. I may not be able to smoke in the next few months."

(End of this chapter)

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