Chapter 104 Two more people are involved
"Oh?" Zhuo Yun looked serious, "Tell me more specifically."

If we could know how Tang Yiping died, it would be a major breakthrough for the entire case investigation.

Maybe the suspect can be found based on the murder method.

"Sit first."

Chen Yi moved a chair and several people sat down casually.

Fang Shuyu said: "Hydrogen fluoride is an inorganic compound. Under normal conditions, it is a colorless and pungent odor toxic gas. It is very hygroscopic."

"If the human body comes into contact, it can easily burn skin tissue and eyes. In severe cases, it can lead to sudden death from cardiac arrest."

"The main role is the fluoride ions."

"After it penetrates into human tissue, it will combine with calcium ions and magnesium ions in the human body, destroying the body's balance, causing a decrease in calcium and magnesium in the blood, and then causing hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, arrhythmia and convulsions, as well as Severe tissue necrosis and metabolic circulation disorder."

Hearing this, Zhuo Yun said: "But aren't Tang Yiping's autopsy results very normal? What's the only thing? Oh yes, the right coronary artery is blocked."

Fang Shuyu: "I haven't finished speaking yet."

"Hydrogen fluoride is easily soluble in water and dissolves to form hydrofluoric acid, which is highly corrosive."

"I mentioned to Chen Yi before that there were slight traces of suspected corrosion near the ventricular blood vessels of Tang Yiping's heart. We didn't understand it before, but now it seems clear that it should be a very small amount of hydrofluoric acid."

"If Tang Yiping is affected by hydrofluoric acid for a long time, calcium fluoride and magnesium fluoride will remain in the blood vessels, which will cause blood vessel blockage."

"This is just one of the hazards. After fluoride ions enter the heart blood, they can also combine with hemoglobin to form fluorine, which inhibits succinate dehydrogenase, directly leading to a decrease in oxygenation and affecting cellular respiration."

"In this way, the probability of cardiac arrest is very high compared to normal people."

Zhuo Yun seemed to understand, but the result was that Tang Yiping had a heart problem under the influence of external forces.

After speaking, Fang Shuyu looked at Chen Yi.

"What's left is to figure out how this thing got into Tang Yiping's heart."

Chen Yi was deep in thought at this moment, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes: "Acupuncture."

"I was still thinking about how acupuncture kills people. The key point turns out to be here."

"Tang Yiping has been in and out of Qingyuantang for two years. Each time he ingested extremely small amounts of hydrofluoric acid, he could not feel it at all in a short period of time."

"Furthermore, the smell of Chinese medicine in the room was messy, and the amount was so small that it was almost negligible. He couldn't smell anything unusual during the process."

"Over time, there will be heart problems."


Fang Shuyu was surprised, is this actually the case?No wonder there are no wounds on his body.

Zhuo Yun also had a serious expression on his face: "So Tang Yiping suffered from chronic poisoning, and his heart was overwhelmed and led to sudden arrest?"

"Then he was falsely accused and came to the city bureau. Is it a coincidence in time?"

Chen Yi shook his head and stood up slowly: "No, it's definitely not a coincidence."

"That phone call from an unknown black card was the last straw."

"Originally, Tang Yiping was already on the verge of cardiac arrest. If strong stimulation was applied at this critical moment..."

"Theoretically, even for normal people, severe psychological stimulation may cause cardiac arrest."

"When mechanical stimulation of internal organs occurs, it causes nerve excitation through reflexes, which inhibits the sinoatrial node and other forms of pacemaking points. The result is cardiac arrest in the stimulated person."

"And Tang Yiping already has heart problems, so this straw is extremely heavy."

"Although the success rate cannot be achieved, we have seen that the murderer did succeed."

Zhuo Yun felt goosebumps all over his body. After two years of planning, Tang Yiping was killed in the air with just a phone call? ?

"Chen Yi, we must control everyone in Qingyuantang immediately!"

Chen Yi stopped: "Wait, calm down, calm down."

"At this time, you must stay calm. We will go to the prison immediately."

Zhuo Yun glared: "You still have the intention to go to prison?!"

Chen Yi said in a deep voice: "Brother Yun, listen to me!"

Zhuo Yun's tone was choked: "Uh... ok."

Afterwards, the two people immediately left the city bureau and rushed as quickly as possible to the prison where Tang Yian had served his sentence.

Facing the arrival of the criminal police from the city bureau, the warden was very polite. After learning the other party's intention, he happily called the prison guard who was in charge of the cell.

Chen Yi didn't have many questions, only one: Who had the best relationship with Tang Yian during his eight years in prison.

He got the answer: Feng Shanhai.

At the same time, the warden also helped obtain all information about Feng Shanhai.

When Chen Yi finished scanning quickly, his expression changed.

"Brother Yun, ask Sister Jiang to locate Feng Shanhai immediately!"

Seeing Chen Yi's rare seriousness, Zhuo Yun immediately took out his cell phone without asking any further questions: "Okay, I understand."

After thanking him, Chen Yi took the information and left the prison.

This clue is really fatal: Feng Shanhai is a Chinese medicine doctor!
The crime is selling drug raw materials.

The motive is to save his sick daughter.

It’s Chinese medicine again.

There is definitely a connection here.

Feng Shanhai is not in Qingyuantang. Is Qingyuantang just a cover?Use other opportunities to get close to Tang Yiping?
Did Zhou Zhiyue lie?

There are too many questions at the moment, and I need to check Feng Shanhai before talking about it.

After returning to the city bureau, Chen Yi went straight to Jiang Xiaoxin and said as he walked: "Sister Jiang, how is the investigation going?"

Jiang Xiaoxin said: "It hasn't been found yet. We are working hard. I'm afraid it will take time."

"The mobile phone number under Feng Shanhai's name has been deactivated. It's the same as Ma Huiru's situation. I don't know if it was someone else's secondary card or black card. The ID card has no trace of use in recent years, and the bank card is also silent."

"Originally, he had a traditional Chinese medicine clinic under his name, but now it shows that it has been cancelled." "If you want to find someone, you need to visit."

"By the way, he has a daughter in Yangcheng. Do you want to call and ask?"

Listening to Jiang Xiaoxin's words, Chen Yi's expression changed slightly: "No, I'll go see her."

"Sister Jiang, can you give me all the information about Feng Shanhai's daughter? The more detailed the better, including her medical records."

When all the clues were put together, he thought of a possibility.

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Okay, no problem, give me half an hour."

Half an hour later, Chen Yi took the document handed over by the other party, turned around and left.

When he arrived at the door, he stopped Zhuo Yun: "Brother Yun, I'll go by myself. Now you take people to visit Qi Jie's hometown in Qingyuantang immediately. We need to know this person's complete information."

Zhuo Yun saw something was wrong with Chen Yi and asked, "Did you think of something?"

Chen Yi: "I'm not sure yet. Let's check it out. Call us anytime."

Zhuo Yun nodded: "Okay, I understand."


Chen Yi was not in a hurry while driving on the road. He drove slowly.

In this way, you can quickly browse Feng Rui's information while waiting for the traffic light.

He directly ignored other irrelevant information and focused on Feng Rui's medical records.

Acute leukemia, requiring bone marrow transplant.

In order to raise money for treatment, Feng Shanhai took risks and chose crime, using his professional convenience and methods to sell illegal raw materials.

Unfortunately, he was caught quickly.

The law stipulates that those who sell drug raw materials shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or control, and shall also be fined. However, Feng Shanhai was eager to use money and was involved in a large number of cases. He was eventually sentenced to eight years in prison.

Feng Shanhai was released from prison first, and Tang Yian was released from prison soon after.

Strangely, Feng Shanhai's imprisonment did not affect Feng Rui's treatment. She quickly raised the money six months later and the operation was successful.

Love donation?

State subsidies?

You will know when you see it and ask.

After putting down the materials, Chen Yi stepped on the accelerator, accelerated his speed, and finally slowly stopped in front of a clothing store in Yangcheng.

Feng Rui is the owner of this clothing store.

When Chen Yi got off the car and came to the door, he looked inside and saw Feng Rui, who was over thirty, sitting there playing with his mobile phone.

There are no guests now.

Chen Yi walked in.

Seeing a customer coming to the door, Feng Rui subconsciously raised his head, put down his phone and stood up, with a smile on his face.


Looking at Feng Rui in front of him, Chen Yi remained silent for a while and then said, "Can you tell me where Feng Shanhai is?"

When Leng Buding heard the name, the smile on Feng Rui's face suddenly froze and her brows furrowed: "Who are you?"

Chen Yi: "Interpol."

Feng Rui's face changed slightly, she didn't speak and sat down silently.

Chen Yi repeated: "Can you tell me where Feng Shanhai is?"

Feng Rui took a deep breath and shook his head: "I don't know."

Chen Yi: "You are his daughter, don't you know?"

Feng Rui snorted coldly: "What happened to my daughter? Does my daughter have to know?"

Chen Yi did not continue to ask, and asked the second question: "Where did you get the money for medical treatment back then?"

"You can't lie about this, we can investigate."

Feng Rui was quiet for a moment and said, "A sister gave it to me."

Chen Yi: "Zhou Zhiyue?"

"Huh?" Feng Rui raised his head suddenly, a little surprised: "How do you know?"

Chen Yi continued: "So, not long after your father was imprisoned, Zhou Zhiyue suddenly came to find you and helped you pay all the treatment expenses."

"is it?"

Feng Rui didn't answer and lowered his head again.

Chen Yi's brain was running rapidly at this moment.

After being imprisoned, Feng Shanhai and Tang Yian quickly became good friends because they got along well.

After learning about Feng Shanhai's daughter's plight, Tang Yian said he could help and took advantage of the opportunity to visit the prison to seek help from Zhou Zhiyue.

Therefore, Feng Rui recovered.

Feng Shanhai, who no longer had any worries, was filled with gratitude to Tang Yian. The relationship between the two took a further step, and their friendship was extremely strong.

and then?
What happened after the two were released from prison?
"Do you know Tang Yian?" Chen Yi suddenly said.

Feng Rui's shoulders shook and she replied, "I don't know him."

Chen Yi: "Are you sure? He and your father should be very good friends."

Feng Rui shook his head: "Sorry, I really don't know him and have never heard of him."

Chen Yi didn't want to force the other party, but in order to thoroughly investigate the case, he stepped forward and bent down, stared at Feng Rui and said, "Is Tang Yian really dead?"

(End of this chapter)

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