I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 98 All bad things are Danzo’s own fault

Chapter 98 All bad things are Danzo’s own fault
Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was buried in a pile of documents, knew that Danzo Shimura was coming when he heard the unique and familiar walking sound.

He sighed slightly. He didn't know when this guy would start. As long as he took the initiative to come to him, he would definitely bring new troubles.

Some troubles are caused by external threats, and some troubles are caused by the intensification of conflicts within the village, but more and more troubles are caused by Shimura Danzo's unsuccessful attempts to create troubles, large and small, and look for him to wipe his own ass.

Sarutobi Hiruzen lit his pipe, took a deep breath, and sighed, hoping that Danzo wouldn't cause too much trouble this time.

Unlike what he had expected, Shimura Danzo did not bring trouble this time, but brought intriguing information.

After listening to Danzo's report, which was mainly about speculations and inferences, Sarutobi Hiruzen fell into deep thought. After a long time, he raised his head and asked: "You mean, the recruitment order I issued this time accidentally got the Uchiha family The key person?”

Shimura Danzo nodded and replied: "Yes, that's the chuunin named Uchiha Yu."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said doubtfully: "This doesn't make sense. I informed you of this list in advance, and every ninja has not been omitted."

"If this Uchiha Yuu is really so important to the Uchiha family, Fugaku would definitely have greeted me in advance and removed him from the list long ago. He shouldn't have come to me to modify the list now."

According to common sense, it really shouldn't be done. Shimura Danzo also felt that what his old classmate said was very reasonable. He thought about it distressedly and tried to ask: "Hiruzhan, where did you mention Uchiha in the announcement you sent out? Where’s the one named Yuu?”

"I need to check. The Uchiha Yuu had no name before. I have no impression of him at all..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen held his pipe in his mouth and rummaged around on his desk.

Copies of the Hokage's orders issued within a few days were all on the Third Hokage's desk. He rummaged through them according to the dates and found them quickly.

"Uchiha Yu, um... Yu, Yu, I found it, it's on the list."

Sarutobi Hiruzen found Uchiha Yu's name in the list of names in the document attached to the order. The name was on the third line.

This is a very conspicuous position. Anyone who reads this list will notice this name.

The Third Hokage looked at the list thoughtfully. Although it was hard to tell what he was thinking, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, proving that the Hokage was in a good mood.

Danzo Shimura sneered: "Okay, I don't remember the name of this position, which means that Uchiha Fugaku didn't know the importance of Uchiha Yuu before. Okay, that's great."

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not respond to Shimura Danzo's words, but his eyes revealed extremely complex emotions, even a trace of murderous intent.

Danzo Shimura knew what his old classmate was thinking at a glance. He was very satisfied with the current results, so he stopped wasting time here.

He picked up his crutches and left the Hokage's office. When he went out, he turned back to the Third Hokage and said, "I'll let Uchiha Fugaku come in. You tell him."

"We must let Uchiha Yu leave the village. I will naturally deal with him outside later and will not let him threaten the safety of Konoha Village."

"This kind of people who are very important to the Uchiha family, but Fugaku doesn't really care about, should be eliminated as much as possible."

Sarutobi Hiruzen waited until he could no longer hear Shimura Danzo's footsteps, and then he breathed a sigh of relief: "Fugaku, don't blame me, this is all for the Leaf Village..."

Having obtained the information in advance and being prepared, Hiruzen Sarutobi easily took advantage of Uchiha Fugaku.

The authority of the Hokage cannot be damaged, and the majesty of the Uchiha head should not be so fragile. Ninjas are also fighting troops who must abide by disciplines. Fugaku was stunned by all these principles and was speechless.

In order to emphasize the importance of Uchiha Yuu, the confused Uchiha Fugaku actually told the Third Hokage the reasons why he protected Uchiha Yuu, including 31 pairs of Sharingan eyes, including three that Yuu had when he was 18 years old. Magatama Sharingan.

The Third Hokage's smile became more friendly and bright. He even patted Uchiha Fugaku on the shoulder and said happily: "Uchiha Yu has awakened the three Magatama Sharingan at the age of 18. He is really an amazing genius."

"Each of the Uchiha family ninjas who possess the Three Magatama Sharingan are Konoha Village's elite jounin. As long as Uchiha Yu accumulates a few years of experience, a reliable and powerful member will be added to the village's jounin class. .”

"Konoha Village is getting stronger and stronger. This is good, very good."

"Fugaku, Uchiha Yu urgently needs training. Going to the front line is the most suitable choice. Only on the battlefield of blood and fire can he grow up as quickly as possible."

"And Uchiha Yu is so powerful, you don't have to worry at all. His safety on the front line is very guaranteed."

Uchiha Fugaku was speechless at this time, but thinking of old man Shinyin's words, he couldn't help but try to defend: "But..."

The Third Hiruzen interrupted him unceremoniously and said first, "I know you want to say that the Uchiha family will need him for their studies."

"But do you imagine that we really can't do without him? If he goes to the front line, this study meeting will stop functioning?"

Fugaku replied quietly: "That's not true."

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued: "So, if a young ninja like Uchiha Yuu is not allowed to go to the front line to shine, wouldn't it seriously limit the child's development and make him unable to hold his head high in front of his friends in the future?"

"Let him accumulate a few years of experience and meritorious service on the front line. When the famous Yuu Uchiha comes back, wouldn't he be the best next clan leader?"

The Third Hokage's instigation was done very logically, and he even used himself as an example:

"The Uchiha family has a successor, but it is much luckier than an old man like me. Neither the Sarutobi family nor the Hokage successor has a suitable candidate."

To be honest, when Sarutobi Hiruzen mentioned the heir, Uchiha Fugaku's heart "thumped", and his desire to protect Uchiha Yuu disappeared instantly.

The heir to the Uchiha family?The next clan leader?
He, Uchiha Fugaku, is only 28 years old, why does he need an heir?
Fugaku felt that even if he needed the next heir to the clan leader, it should be his son Uchiha Itachi. He was absolutely certain that Itachi was a genius that was rare to see in a century.When his physical strength declined at the age of 50, he just handed over the Uchiha family to the 22-year-old Itachi. This was called inheritance.

A ninja who is only 10 years younger than me, what kind of inheritance is this? This is inferior overcoming superior.

Next, Uchiha Fugaku didn't have the slightest intention to argue. He dealt with the Third Hokage's nonsense for a few words, and then left in a hurry, forgetting to even mention the terms of compensation.

When Uchiha Fugaku left, Sarutobi Hiruzen's smile completely disappeared, and Shimura Danzo also unknowingly walked in from the next door.

Seeing his old classmate, Sarutobi Hiruzen said coldly: "Danzo, this matter is your fault."

Shimura Danzo quickly explained: "Tsk, it is indeed my fault. Recently, my attention has been on the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Sichuan, and it is inevitable that I have relaxed some control over the Uchiha family."

"During this period when Uchiha Yu established a study group, Danzo, you were indeed very busy, and you were not in Konoha Village. It cannot be considered your responsibility..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's tone became stern and his voice became much louder: "But he has opened the three Magatama Sharingan. This cannot be the past month, but the information you gave me did not even clarify him. Have you opened your eyes?"

Upon hearing this information, Shimura Danzo was shocked and even blurted out: "What? Uchiha Yu has awakened the three Magatama Sharingan!"

"If you don't even know such important information, can you monitor the Uchiha family well?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at Danzo up and down with a scrutinizing eye, and the CPU in his mouth casually arranged for him: "If you can't do the intelligence work well, hand over the root to me, and I will choose another suitable minister!"

Danzo Shimura, who had put half his life into it, was angry when he heard that the Third Hokage threatened to take away the roots, but he was also afraid.

He knew that at this moment, he did not have the ability to fight against the Third Hokage, so he immediately swallowed his anger and bowed seriously with a cane.

"I'm sorry, Hiruzen, I know I was wrong."

Danzo issued a military order loudly: "Before coming back, I have strengthened the monitoring of the Uchiha family, especially the intelligence collection on Uchiha Yu. I guarantee that no one will be missed next." The third generation of Hokage said to The old classmate was very satisfied with his attitude. He immediately changed his tone and began to comfort Shimura Danzo.

"Danzo, you are my most capable assistant. Only by working together can you and I protect the Leaf Village. You can't let me down. I can't be the Hokage on my own."

"I'll try my best, Hiruzen, I promise!"

"Well, external intelligence cannot be relaxed, but internal monitoring is more important. Any powerful village is the easiest to be breached from the inside. So you must first ensure internal control. You must not have such important information in the future. An oversight.”

"Stop talking, I will get things done, just wait for the results!"

Danzo Shimura became anxious when he was told that, and slammed the door with an angry look on his face. He left the Hokage Building angrily, and secretly swore in his heart that he must tightly monitor the Uchiha family and shut down Sarutobi Hiruzen. Mouth.

By the way, there's that bastard named Uchiha Yuu, he's dead!
Although he has the Sanmagatama Sharingan, he has been a patrol ninja in Konoha Village for six years. How much combat experience does he have?

Moreover, every time the Uchiha family's Sharingan awakens, it happens when they encounter a major psychological blow. Yuu Uchiha must have encountered something during the mission completed last month, and then the three Magatama Sharingan awakened. .

In other words, his awakening time is very short, and his strength is definitely still very limited. He is completely capable of surrounding and killing him.

Danzo Shimura's footsteps suddenly stopped, and he thought of a question: Even if the three magatama awakened recently, what about the two magatama that opened eyes and were promoted before?

It is impossible to patrol for six years, and can only be awakened in the mission team in the first two years, which means that the 14-year-old Uchiha Yuu is a two-magatama.

"Uchiha Yu actually hid it for six years, and it wasn't until he awakened the Three Magatama Sharingan that he showed up. He is really a cunning and cunning guy to the extreme."

Shimura Danzo murmured to himself: "For the sake of Konoha, Uchiha Yu cannot be allowed to live anymore. He must be killed as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, such an insidious guy will become a serious problem for us. Yes, he is a serious problem for Konoha Village!"

"Have to kill him!!"

Danzo Shimura's pace became faster, rushing to the root base eagerly. He had to seize the time to arrange a siege plan.

Just as Danzo was walking further and further away, the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen came to the balcony of the Hokage's office without knowing when.He smoked his pipe and waved to the passers-by and ninjas who saluted him, but his eyes were fixed on Shimura Danzo until his back disappeared into the crowd.

[I never said anything about killing Uchiha Yu. All actions are your own initiative. I hope you do it cleanly, so that it will be easy for me to speak for you. 】


Late at night, Yuichiro Uchiha held an emergency clan meeting as an elder. Yuu Uchiha attended this gathering of the three Magatama Sharingans for the first time. He was also the only Uchiha who was not a jounin present.

As soon as the party started, Uchiha Shinyin introduced Uchiha Yu to the jounin of the whole clan. When they heard that Uchiha had awakened the three magatama sharingan at the age of 18, the jonins were surprised and very happy at the same time. .

The Jonin were in a good mood, but the atmosphere in the venue was very strange.

Yuichiro Uchiha, the convener of the group meeting, sat in the center, waiting for the clan leader with a solemn expression. As time went by, his expression became more and more ugly. He was so frightened that none of the jounin dared to speak, and only dared to talk to each other. Exchange glances.

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku, who had arrived late, was outside the door. He huddled in a shadow, his face twisted strangely. If possible, he really didn't want to enter this conference room.

Since negotiating with the Third Hokage, Uchiha Fugaku's attention has shifted to the succession of the clan leader. He has spent the entire afternoon thinking about how to appease Uchiha Yuichiro and Uchiha Nobuyoshi.

Just when he was worried about this, a ninja informed him that Elder Yuichiro held an emergency clan meeting.

Uchiha Fugaku felt guilty about being a thief, and his heart suddenly became confused.

He knew why Uchiha Yuichiro held the clan meeting, but he really couldn't think of how to explain it.

Persuading one person is completely different from persuading a group of people. Many arguments that are very persuasive to an individual from the perspective of interests will appear very clumsy and morally corrupt when told to the jounin of the entire family.

Therefore, although Uchiha Fugaku arrived early, he was still unable to take the final step into the conference room.

Although he knew in his heart that the longer he delayed, the worse things would get.But his character is very easy to hesitate, especially when faced with a dilemma, he always chooses the third option.

That is to do nothing, give up the initiative, and wait for the decision of the enemy or fate.

On the way Uchiha Yuu came, he said to Yuichiro: "I think with the clan leader's rotten character, he would go outside the conference room but not enter, causing the clan meeting to not start properly."

Uchiha Nobuyin stared blankly and asked, "That's not true. If Fugaku doesn't enter the venue, wouldn't it look like he has a guilty conscience?"

Yuichiro Uchiha felt that something was very wrong. He looked at Yuu Uchiha in embarrassment and said, "I have to say, if he really loses his temper and doesn't show up, my efforts to convene the clan meeting... will really be in vain."

"If he hadn't persuaded the Third Hokage to change the order, you would have to leave tomorrow, which means that after today, you will not be able to appear at the clan meeting. If I mention your matter again, the effect will be greatly reduced."

Uchiha Yuu laughed loudly: "Haha, elder Yuichiro, don't worry, the clan leader is not that powerful, otherwise he will definitely be able to convince the Third Hokage. How could our Uchiha family be in such a dilemma now?"

"If you get impatient by then, you can shout loudly. I'm sure the clan leader will be embarrassed because you shouted his name, and he will take the initiative to enter the venue."

Yuichiro Uchiha thought about Yu's assertion. As time passed before the clan meeting started, the hesitation in his heart became weaker and weaker, and his anger became stronger and stronger.

Finally, his sanity was burned away by anger.

Uchiha Yuichiro shouted loudly: "Uchiha Fugaku!! As the clan leader, you are hiding outside sneakily, what do you look like!"

"Come in yet!!"

Hula, the sliding paper door of the conference room was opened. Uchiha Fugaku walked into the conference room with a gloomy face. Under everyone's weird and surprised gaze, he walked to his seat with regret and grievance, and remained silent. He sat down loudly.

The jounin of the Uchiha family were really shocked now. It was the first time they saw the young clan leader break his defense, and he was so embarrassed and so weak.

These jounin of the Uchiha family are all elites. They are all survivors of two wars. In the future, in the third ninja war, most of them will die in the battles of Kirigakure, Kumogakure and Iwagakure. .

Unlike the group of Sanmagatama jounin who grew up during peacetime 15 years later, the pride of these real hardcore ninjas is based on large-scale killings. They are all confident and strong, and have no superstitious emotions towards elders and clan leaders.

Not only are most of them unorganized neutral factions, even if they belong to the influence of a certain elder, the jounin still has his own independence and will not let the elder speak for his own opinions.

The existence of these jounin checked the power of the elders and gave Uchiha Fugaku a considerable space of power. He did not become a figurehead puppet leader like the Fourth Kazekage.

But no benefit is absolute. When Uchiha Fugaku shows his cowardice under Uchiha Yu's design, the Jonin will naturally re-evaluate the ability and status of the clan leader in their hearts.

Uchiha Yuichiro's lungs were about to burst with anger at this moment.

He yelled according to Yuu's idea and actually called Fugaku out. Fugaku actually jumped into the most unfavorable situation.

Yuichiro clearly had an absolute advantage and had won the clan meeting in advance, but he was not happy in his heart. Instead, he was so angry that he could hardly control himself.

【I really deserve to die. 】

(End of this chapter)

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