I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 95 Konoha Village’s war strategy has three strategies: upper, middle and lower.

Chapter 95 Konoha Village’s war strategy has three strategies: upper, middle and lower.
When confronting the enemy, the Ninja Army set up a defensive formation and could not move.

If you don't move you can live, if you move you die.

What Ohnoki needs is for the Sunagakure ninja to take the initiative to attack, no matter who he attacks.

When the Sunagakure ninjas attack the Earth Country, they will inevitably be defeated by the Iwagakure ninjas who are well prepared and good at defense, and can then calmly adjust their formations to launch a counterattack.

It would be even better if the Sunagakure ninjas attack the Land of Fire. The Iwagakure ninjas can adjust more calmly, and then decide which family to attack based on the situation, or even kill both families at the same time.

But before the action of Sunagakure Village is clear, the eight thousand Iwagakure ninjas cannot move at all. If they move, they may be attacked by Sunagakure ninjas, and then be defeated during the state transition.

Ohnoki, who was waiting anxiously, could only bite the bullet and wait, and remained alert to the Kumogakure ninja behind him, lest Kumogakure use a surprise attack to start the war.

Just when Ohnoki was in a dilemma, the change he wanted finally arrived.

On October 10, using the murder of the Third Kazekage in Konohagakure as an excuse, they launched a raid on the Land of Fire in Sunagakure Village, officially starting the Third Ninja War.

The Sunagakure ninja's raid on the Land of Fire completely exceeded the expectations of the Third Hokage.

Of course, the fact that we are allies is not worthy of trust, not to mention that the so-called alliance is a product of the last war. It was killed by the White Fang of Konoha and forged with half of the lives of Sunagakure Village.

As long as the Sand Hidden Village still has a little pride, as long as there is a chance, they will naturally launch a revenge war against Konoha. No Konoha ninja has any illusions about the peace of wind and fire.

But the two sides are jointly investigating a mysterious figure. The provocation of the natural fairy made both sides very embarrassed, and also made the two villages temporarily share the same hatred.Peace will indeed not last long. At least until this mysterious figure is killed, everyone must exercise restraint under such an urgent and realistic threat, right?
You can't just start fighting without caring about an enemy who is coveting you. Are you really not afraid of two tigers fighting?
You must know that there are five major countries and five major ninja villages in the ninja world, not only Sunagakure Village and Konoha Village.

But this was Hokage's idea, not Sunagakure's idea.

Sunagakure Village currently does not have a person who can coordinate the overall situation. Although Rasa has ascended the throne of the Fourth Kazekage, he has no direct lineage of his own, so he has naturally become the puppet of the powerful elders, issuing the seal of the final decision.

Sunagakure Village has actually entered a republican system. The public opinion of ninjas has been amplified, and their tolerance for the negative effects of policies has decreased.

The other four major ninja villages are still under the dictatorship of Kage. Their senior officials did not realize that the republican Sunagakure Village's losses in August and September had a huge impact, and they even had to ignore the mysterious person who could not be found at all, and Determine the final time to start the war if you can't find it within a month.

Even if the mysterious Nature Sage is a great threat, as long as he does not blatantly attack Sunagakure Village, Sunagakure ninjas will ignore him and eagerly start a war with the Land of Fire.

The surprise attack on Sunagakure Village achieved an absolute psychological surprise, and in one fell swoop defeated the ninja army deployed by Konoha on the front line of the "neutral country", and invaded the Land of Fire from the north and south.

The Leaf Village was stunned.

But for the fact that Konoha Village is the strongest ninja village with a strong family background, the loss of thousands of ninjas on the front line was quickly made up by the reserve troops on the second line.

On the contrary, the Sunagakure ninjas quickly became chaotic. They formed small groups based on various relationships, and began to go their own way on the basis of maintaining two major strategic groups.

The lack of unified management in Sunagakure Village was exposed to the entire ninja world.

How strong Konoha Village has been in 43 years, and the loss of nearly 4000 people has not affected the life of Konoha Village. People do what they should do, and the mission center is even still busy.

Uchiha Yu still led the ninjutsu and tactics study sessions steadily, but the content he taught the genin involved more chunin knowledge.How to organize three- and four-person teams, and master the various rhythm changes during search, defense, and retreat.

Part of the knowledge he taught came from his practice in the ninja world, and part came from the teachings of his jounin captain, but most of it came from the summary of the warlike genes in the bones of the fighting nation.

But Uchiha Yuu's most important teaching is when to retreat and when to run away at all costs.

How could the Uchihas who were encouraged by him accept such a guiding ideology? They all spoke out to express their dissatisfaction and confusion.

"President, isn't this right? We are the strongest Uchiha ninjas. We are the ninjas of Konoha Village, the strongest ninja village. How can we always think about escaping?"

Uchiha Yu sneered: "The strongest ninja village in the ninja world...the strongest Uchiha?"

"The strongest ninja village that has a war on its own land? The strongest ninja clan that is being tortured by its own village?"

"What about the ninjas of Uchiha? What about the ninjas of Konoha? You all have to live to protect Konoha Village and prove that Uchiha is the strongest ninja clan."

"If you die, the enemy will just stand on your corpses and proudly declare that Konoha Village is nothing more than this, and the Uchiha family is nothing more than this!"

"Is this the result you want?"

The series of questions made the children in the study group faint. They muttered dejectedly: "No..."

Uchiha Yu's face relaxed and he said patiently: "Only alive can we protect Konoha, and only alive can we defeat the enemy. If you die, no one will protect Konoha Village and your family."

At this time, Uchiha Shisui, who also joined the study meeting, asked: "Brother Yu, if you don't complete the task, won't the ninjas be severely punished?"

Uchiha Yu asked: "Who stipulated it?"

"That's what everyone says."

"Did the ninja manual say that if you don't complete the task, you will be punished?"

A group of little guys were stunned. Yes, where is the rule? There are dozens of prohibitions in the ninja manual, but there is really no clause prohibiting failure to complete the task.

As a profession that licks blood with its blade, it is okay to require that tasks must be completed, but it can only be said that rewards will be given for completing the tasks, and there will be no rewards for not completing the tasks.

The reason why the mission cannot be completed is because it is extremely difficult, or even the enemies are extremely strong. Even if you try, you will die. Is there any punishment more severe than death?
No leader would be so stupid, otherwise their ninjas would not want to die, so they would give up all difficult tasks.And if the leader forces the arrangement, no matter who he arranges to go, that ninja will defect immediately, and there is nothing to say.

In the last war, because the death rate against Hatake Sakumo was too high, the Sunagakure ninjas had a large number of missions that were left unfulfilled, forcing the Third Kazekage to give the order to give up missions immediately when encountering Konoha White Fang.

Not to mention punishment, not even a failure record.

This stabilized the military morale of the Sunagakure ninja and continued to resist for a long time.

Speaking of the name Hatake Sakumo, someone questioned: "President, didn't Konoha White Fang commit suicide because he gave up on a key mission and caused huge damage to Konoha Village?"

"No, Hatake Sakumo-senpai committed suicide not because of the mission. He committed suicide because of his disappointment in Konoha Village and his despair about the collapse of his ideals."

Uchiha Yu sneered and asked: "It is said that senior Hatake Sakumo gave up a key mission and caused huge losses to Konoha Village, but do you know what the mission is?"

"That's a secret mission. How can we know?" "A secret mission should be a secret that no one knows from beginning to end except the person involved and the Hokage. Why did Hatake Sakumo-senpai's 'secret mission', even ordinary villagers all know?"

The children were dumbfounded. There was obviously a contradiction in the secret mission that everyone knew about.

"And what is the 'huge loss' that makes everyone angry?"

"Apart from Hatake Sakumo-senpai, are there any other losses from this secret mission?"

"So, my dear brothers and sisters, on the battlefield, your top priority is to save your own lives. Do not challenge the strong ones who cannot fight. They are not your enemies, but the strong ones in the village to deal with. enemy."

Although the attack on Sunagakure Village did not directly affect the life of Konoha Village, senior leaders like Uchiha Fugaku had many things to deal with.

At this time, even the daily reports of Yashiro Uchiha were completely terminated, and ninjutsu and tactics were learned in a small organization forgotten by the top management.

As a result, Uchiha Yuu became bold and began to spread treacherous thoughts and facts, which caused the entire study association to alienate the senior officials of the family and the senior officials of Konoha Village.

This is a necessary condition for him to monopolize the resources of the study club and become the patriarch of the Uchiha family.


After the study and gathering were over, everyone naturally dispersed, but there were a few new little carrots who needed to be sent back by Uchiha Yu himself.

These are all Uchiha who are about to enter the ninja school, and they are also the direct geniuses of the Uchiha family. They are all the core members of the small group of Uchiha Yu gathered by the elders.

The leader was naturally Uchiha Shisui, followed by Elder Yuichiro's grandson Chino, and two other children aged three or four.

By the way, the son Uchiha Yuichiro is most worried about and worried about is his youngest fourth son and his only living son. Uchiha Tomino is the child of his eldest son who died in the mission.

But as an uncle, Uchiha Seto did not listen to his old father's words. He was determined not to join the study group. He even looked down on Uchiha Yu and tried to understand the Sharingan between life and death.

The 14-year-old boy happened to be in his rebellious stage. His age that was hated by others and the strength of a senior genin not only made him extremely destructive, he even had independent financial capabilities. Yuichiro Uchiha really had no way to deal with him.

Uchiha Yuu smiled and comforted him at that time: "It's okay. When Chino awakens his Sharingan, Seto will have passed puberty and will know the seriousness of the matter."

Yuichiro Uchiha was worried: "But the war is coming next. He is my last son. I have no confidence in whether he can survive to a mature age."

"For ninjas in war, life and death depend on luck. No matter how strong they are, they still depend on luck. Whether you study here or not is not the most important thing."

Uchiha Yu knew that what he was talking about was bullshit. The stronger the ninjas in the war, the more situations they could deal with. Their survival rate was higher than that of the weaker ninjas.

Yuichiro Uchiha also knew that Yuu was comforting himself with nonsense words, but after hearing such nonsense, he did feel much relieved.

This was not the time to be reasonable. As a father who was almost 50 years old, all he needed was comfort.

After regaining his sanity, Uchiha Yuichiro gave up all hope for the survival of his last son, and turned all his energy to his grandson.Considering his grandson's age and talent, Uchiha Yuichiro resolutely sent him to the study group. He could learn different knowledge with his peers and might be able to save his life on the battlefield.

Seeing these children being sent home one by one, only Uchiha Shisui was left with him. This was a tacit understanding between the two of them, and this last stretch was their time to communicate.

"Brother You, you have been teaching too many things recently, and I feel that many people cannot understand them."

"Can you understand?"

"Neither can I. I have zero ninja experience and I can't understand a lot of knowledge."

"In other words, you have memorized everything."


"That's good. Remember, if you study hard in the ninja school, you will be able to draw parallels. When the time comes, you will experience a feeling of enlightenment."

"Brother Yu, are you going to the battlefield too?"

"Shisui, why did you think of this?"

"Because the information about Sunagakure Village's attack on us came out, what you taught suddenly became based on actual combat experience, and you taught more and faster. I guess you are running out of time."

"You are very sharp, boy. Time is indeed running out, not just for me, but also for the older children in the study group."

"Compared to younger ones like you, I'm more worried about those guys. They have been ninjas for several years, but now they have no official positions or jobs. They are the ninjas most likely to be recruited. But they were all on guard duty before. Working as a handyman, or even as a servant in the house of the clan leader and elders, there is no chance to practice with real swords and guns."

"Although I taught them ninjutsu and tactical skills, the time was too short. I don't know if they can convert the knowledge into abilities."

"Brother Yuu, my brothers and sisters will be drafted. Are you not optimistic about the prospect of war?"

"Well, the Land of Fire is located in the middle of the ninja world. It is also the country with the flattest terrain and no natural geographical barriers in the ninja world. As long as there are no powerful ninja troops attacking from all sides, it will definitely be besieged from all sides."

"Sunagakure Village is just the first one to pounce on us. Iwagakure Village, Kumogakure Village, and Kirigakure Village will all start fighting against us later. Konoha Village is destined to fight on all sides, and no matter how many troops there are, it will not be enough."

Uchiha Shisui remained silent, slowly digesting what Uchiha Yuu said.

When he was about to reach Zhisui's house, he suddenly asked: "Brother Yu, in your opinion, what is the best war strategy for Konoha Village to implement?"

Uchiha Yu said without thinking: "Shisui, you have to remember that there is never the best strategy, only the most suitable strategy."

Uchiha Yu raised his index, middle and ring fingers with his right hand. He didn't know what he was thinking of, but he couldn't help laughing.

"If we don't consider the actual situation, I think Konoha Village's strategy for dealing with the war has three strategies: upper, middle and lower."

"Of course the best thing to do is to have someone like the First Hokage appear. One person can intimidate the entire ninja world. No one dares to speak loudly to the Leaf Village."

"Like I said, subduing the enemy's troops without fighting is the best thing to do."

 1/3 broke out on the fifth day of release
(End of this chapter)

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