I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 91 Sharingan can also be produced wholesale

Chapter 91 Sharingan can also be produced wholesale
The eyes of all genin are developing rapidly, but some genin are older, and their blood inheritance limit development has already reached the end.

Today, the sudden jump of mental power in Zhijing Shouxu, the pupil power stimulated became the last kick to open the door of talent.

Perhaps this force was a little too strong, smoothing out the differences between several genin and making their breakthroughs concentrated in just half a minute.

Pair after pair of Sharingan eyes were awakened continuously, and the awakening brought a greater amount of eye power and more powerful chakra. The newly awakened genin could not control this new power.

They involuntarily released surging eye power, and several people joined together. The movement caused was naturally amplified many times, and many genin who were not immersed enough were awakened.

The awakened genin were first confused, then shocked, then excited, and finally hesitant.

[The Sharingan actually broke through directly during practice. Doesn’t it mean that only by experiencing the most tragic encounter and exchanging one’s most precious feelings can the Sharingan be awakened? 】

[This uncle (this beauty) was cheated! 】

Within 30 seconds, during the Ninjutsu and Tactics Study Meeting, among the hundreds of genin who were judged by the Uchiha family's senior officials to be unable to awaken the Sharingan, five captains and one team member opened the Sharingan one after another.

In fact, at this time, there were at least six or seven other subordinates who had endured great stimulation and were also on the verge of opening their eyes.

After they witnessed their partners opening their eyes, they couldn't help but feel unwilling to be disappointed in themselves, as well as strongly jealous of their partners' success. Driven by the strong negative emotions, a large amount of cold and cold thoughts burst out of their brains. Eye power.

Such Yin pupil power is the "orthodox" eye-opening power of the Uchiha family, so their eyes will turn red and they will open their eyes at the same time.

But Uchiha Yu couldn't accept such a result, and directly interrupted everyone's state of silence and emptiness, knocking off their high mental state.

After receiving a devastating blow from Uchiha Yuu, even if the Uchiha were more disappointed, their mood became more negative, and their stimulated mental strength could not reach the level of opening their eyes, and the process of opening their eyes was aborted.

This process was very fast, almost in an instant, and even the six or seven genin did not notice their changes.

Uchiha Yu quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Only he understood how dangerous the situation just now was.

Awakening six pairs of Sharingan eyes at once, the Uchiha family will rejoice, the Third Hokage will murmur, and Danzo will be furious. This is all within the range of his strength.

But suddenly awakening twelve or thirteen pairs of Sharingan, the Third Hokage will inevitably become murderous, the power struggle within the family will suddenly become acute, and other ninjas who were originally indifferent will be stimulated from passers-by to enemies.

It can be said that except for the Uchiha clan members at the bottom, he is the enemy of almost everyone in the village, and there will be no way to end things later.

Moreover, the negative energy stimulated by such negative emotions is absolutely harmful. While it opens people's eyes, it will most likely change their personality and extreme their emotions. From then on, they will become aloof, irritable, extreme, and easily Get into trouble.

Uchiha Yu didn't want a younger brother like this, they were too prone to bad things.

Although only six people awakened the Sharingan due to his intervention, it was still shocking enough.

There are only more than 300 blood-eye ninjas in the Uchiha family, but this is the accumulation of nearly 30 years.

Including those ninjas who unfortunately died in battle, there are only over 30 ninjas in the Uchiha family who have been able to awaken their Sharingan eyes in the past [-] years. On average, only about thirty ninjas can open their eyes every year.

In fact, the distribution of sharingan's awakening timing is very uneven. During the two ninja wars, more than [-] pairs of sharingan were awakened, accounting for an absolute majority.

There are only more than sixty pairs of Sharingan that can be awakened in peacetime, and the average is only six or seven pairs per year.

Tonight, six pairs of Sharingan were awakened at once, which is equivalent to the number of awakenings in a year.

The Sharingan is the pride of the Uchiha family, the strongest bloodline in the ninja world, and the greatest desire of every Uchiha ninja.

Uchiha Yu fulfilled his grand promise to the genin of the Academy and showed them miracles. The history of the Uchiha family has indeed opened a new page.

Miracles prove that according to Uchiha Yu's training methods, these Uchiha genin who were sentenced to death can also awaken the Sharingan, and the probability of awakening is even higher than that of elite ninjas.

The genin went crazy. They were completely conquered by Uchiha Yu, and all the elders and patriarchs were forgotten.

If the clan leader dares to say no to the guild leader in the future, the genin will definitely think that the clan leader is farting. If Uchiha Yu orders an attack, they will rush forward and fight the clan leader without hesitation.

The spies arranged by Uchiha Fugaku and the spies arranged by several other elders were conquered by Uchiha Yu. When they witnessed six people awakening the Sharingan at the same time, they all decided to betray and turned to Uchiha one after another. Boyou told everyone about their respective tasks.

After all, who would have imagined that the awakening of the Sharingan can be carried out wholesale. For the people of the Uchiha family, this shock is too much.

There were seven ninjas in total who were high-level spies. They said guiltily and worriedly: "President, please allow us to withdraw from the study meeting."

"The Study Club is the hope and future of the Uchiha family and must not be destroyed by the incompetent and greedy upper class."

"Please believe us, even if we die, we will never leak the information in the study group!"

Uchiha Yuu just wanted to laugh when he heard this. These genin who had become high-level spies turned around and became filled with extremely strong distrust and hatred towards the high-level people.

He stretched out his hand to stop the speculations of the seven people and said: "Don't be so anxious. The Ninjutsu and Tactics Study Club was originally set up by the family. No one will destroy the study club."

"But the president, the clan leaders/elders will definitely covet the standing practice method. They will definitely want to monopolize this practice method that promotes the awakening of the Sharingan."

"Since I have publicly taught you the knowledge of zhanzhuang, I naturally have no intention of keeping it secret. If the clan leaders and elders want it, then give it to them."


"What's there to worry about? I'm willing to teach it openly. How can the clan leaders keep it exclusive?"

"President, aren't you worried about assassination?"

"My dear brothers, how come you underestimate me, Yuu Uchiha, so much? I am so weak in your eyes?"

"The most important thing is that you were wrong in your judgment that the clan leader is an enemy."

"Of course the clan leaders and elders have selfish motives, but they are also members of the Uchiha, part of our Uchiha family, even the most elite part. They sincerely hope that the Uchiha family will prosper."

"The relationship between me, the patriarch, and the elders is not a sworn enemy, but a competition within the family in different directions and methods."

"Believe me, no one, whether they are clan leaders or elders, will make the decision to kill their own clan."

[Of course, Uchiha Obito will do this kind of thing, and Uchiha Itachi will do it too.In order to stop them from destroying the Uchiha family, I, Uchiha Yu, will do the same. 】

Uchiha Yu's reasoning was very convincing, and more importantly, this was the truth that Uchiha was most willing to accept, and the genin were convinced without any surprise.

He even said with a smile: "And don't worry, everyone, the matter may not be serious enough to require you to withdraw."

"Tell me the details of your mission, especially who you received the mission from. Who was present when you reported the mission?"

After carefully listening to the details of the mission of the genin, Uchiha Yu shook his head and said: "I understand, don't quit, and don't report to the superiors anymore. Let me see how the clan leader and elders will react next."

"I don't think they will do what 'relatives hate, enemies will be happy'. After all, they are the leaders of the Uchiha family." "Even if the Fugaku clan leader forces you to withdraw regardless of the fundamental interests of the family, there is no need to worry. Leave the follow-up matters to me."

"I am not alone. I have your support and Lord Xinyin's support. I am not that easy to bully."

"Even if it really doesn't work anymore, you have to persist as long as possible. Maybe everyone can awaken the Sharingan. Isn't it a pity that after practicing so hard, you don't get the greatest results in the end?"

The spies were moved to tears and became Yu's loyal followers from then on, completely cutting off contact with their superiors.

A strange thing happened. The spy contact arranged by the family's senior officials was interrupted, and no one noticed.

It can only be said that the elders and clan leaders really don't care much about these "waste" genin. As long as they don't take the initiative to appear in front of them, they will never remember the existence of these genin.

Coupled with the interference of various more "important" affairs, the attention of Uchiha Fugaku and the elders had long been diverted, and they had forgotten about the spies they had selected from the genin on their own initiative.

The people in the study group were highly united, coupled with the indifference of the elders and clan leaders. After only three days of training, such a shocking thing as awakening six pairs of Sharingan eyes in 30 seconds did not reach the ears of the higher-ups for several days. inside.

The silence from the top management made the genin of the study club feel their hearts drop back in their stomachs. At the same time, it also made them even more disappointed with the top management and completely alienated from them.

A self-deprecating saying became popular among genin: "The clan leaders and elders really don't care about us."

The senior management didn't know that something big would happen during the study, but Uchiha Shinyin, who kept the greatest attention, naturally knew it. During the 30 seconds when six genin awakened their Sharingan at the same time, old man Shinyin was hiding on the edge of the training ground and saw it with his own eyes. That was a miracle that would make any Uchiha stunned.

Old man Xinyin was extremely excited. He no longer had any worries about the future of the Uchiha family. He was even more proud of his ability to discover and select Yuu Uchiha.

He has no regrets in his life. From now on, he will eat well, drink well, take good care of his body, and provide the greatest support to Uchiha Yu.


Five days later, Uchiha Yashiro mentioned in a routine report that there were great changes in the training subjects arranged by Uchiha Yu. The queue training was cancelled, and the physical training was increased a lot.

Uchiha Fugaku scanned the report and couldn't help but sneered: "Training ninjas to do queue training is really baffling. It's not too bad if you can correct it in time."

When he wanted to know the detailed information, he discovered that the spy he arranged did not report to him on time, which made Uchiha Fugaku a little angry.

But then Fugaku was embarrassed to find that he couldn't remember the name of the spy, and he didn't know how to contact the genin. He had never arranged contact information from the beginning.

The spy arranged by the Uchiha clan leader himself was obviously a ninja in the family he selected, but he lost contact completely because he didn't take the initiative to contact him.

It's really embarrassing.

Uchiha Fugaku's frustration and disappointment didn't even have time to ferment. More and more "important" matters came flooding in, overwhelming him, and he soon completely forgot about this matter.

The six elders were basically in a similar situation to him. They were deeply ashamed of their mistakes in arranging spies. They made a tacit agreement not to mention the topic of the study meeting, hoping that this embarrassing incident would be over as soon as possible.

But not all elders are so confused and careless.

Uchiha Yuichiro is the neutral representative of the Uchiha family. He is cautious and suspicious by nature, and is good at reading people's hearts.

No one in the study meeting was missing, but his spy lost contact. Elder Yuichiro concluded that the spy took the initiative to cut off contact, and he had taken refuge with Yu Uchiha.

Although Uchiha Yu has awakened the three Magatama Sharingan, he is still a chuunin without any foundation. Why would he let a spy abandon him and seek refuge with him?

What exactly happened at this ninjutsu and tactics learning meeting?
Uchiha Yuichiro's curiosity about Uchiha Yuwa's study club reached a whole new level.

However, as soon as he started a new action, Uchiha Shinyin blocked him at home.

Seeing the 80-year-old man blocking the door, Yuichiro Uchiha's eyes twitched, and then he couldn't help but let out a hissing sound in pain.

As people get older, their resilience cannot keep up. The black eyes that were beaten by the old man have not yet subsided.

When he was beaten a few nights ago, after all, there were more than thirty jounin watching. It was impossible for old man Xinyin to completely open his hands and feet, and there were five old guys helping to share the damage.

Now I am at home alone.

But the old man is a serious elder. When Uchiha Yuichiro was born, Uchiha Nobuyin had followed the old patriarch Shimada to kill people for more than 20 years.He came to the door in person. As a junior, what could Yuichiro do? He had to bite the bullet and receive him.

After serving hot tea and snacks, the two old men sat opposite each other in the white mist and remained speechless for a long time.

In the neon spirit culture, the first person to speak loses.

But Uchiha Shinyin had retired long ago, but Uchiha Yuichiro had many things to deal with. In the end, he gave up and asked cautiously: "Uncle Shinyin, why did you come to see me?"

Uchiha Shinyin looked at Yuichiro's scars and chuckled, "I want you to shut up about Yuu."

"I can……"

"Don't open your eyes and tell lies. I know you arranged for someone to get information."

"People, I have driven them away for you. I will tell you the matter now."

Yuichiro Uchiha bowed his head respectfully and said, "Please speak."

"Just last night..."

As Uchiha Shinyin narrated, Uchiha Yuichiro's eyes became bigger and bigger, and he seemed to be completely unable to feel the pain caused by the black eyes.

When he heard that the six genin had awakened the Magatama Sharingan last night, Yuichiro Uchiha suddenly stood up, completely ignoring that he had knocked over the teacup on the table, and the dark green and fragrant tea flowed everywhere.

"This is real?"

"Really, I was watching from the side."

Uchiha Nobuyin's tone was a little erratic: "It's really unbelievable. Uchiha Yuu said that he wanted genin to witness the 'history of Uchiha', and it turned out to be true..."

Yuichiro's face was full of shock. He was so excited that he couldn't sit down at all. He walked around the tea room and murmured: "It's incredible."

 Outbreak 3/3 on the third day after release
  PS: continue tomorrow

  Update time remains unchanged
  Chapter 0:[-] in the morning

  Chapter 12 noon

  Chapter 20:[-] p.m.

(End of this chapter)

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