I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 88: Is it Uchiha’s savior or disaster?

Chapter 88: Is it Uchiha’s savior or disaster?

No matter how eager Uchiha Yuu is to concentrate on cultivating immortality, no matter how indifferent to fame and fortune, immortal cultivators cannot bypass the four important points of the Dharma and Wealth Couple.

Before this, Uchiha Yu felt that he had nothing but a Taoist companion, the law was unclear, the land was incomplete, money was hard to earn, and there were too many things he needed to work hard to pursue.

But I have to say that Uchiha Yuu is very lucky.

He fished and fished out Uchiha Shinyin from behind Uchiha Shisui, and got the Uchiha Revitalization Fund from the extremely wealthy village, so he was no longer short of money.

He rescued the ninja cats, taught immortality through Miwa Masashi, established a solid relationship with the ninja cats, and turned the cat castle into his own cave.

He had a breakthrough in the foundation-building period and had an epiphany. He merged into the world and had a glimpse of the future path, and obtained the rules of his own practice.

By the way, I also got the small transparent fish from the underground river and prepared the first extraordinary ingredient.

After going out for a run, Uchiha Yuu not only had a new positioning of his own strength, but also perfected his wealth and law couple.

He also confirmed through the transparent fish that there are so-called "treasures of heaven and earth" in the ninja world.

The magical effect of dried small fish and the promotion of spiritual practice made Uchiha Yu understand that compared to the money in circulation, transparent small fish are the real wealth.

In the future, he wants to concentrate on cultivating immortality. He needs to spend time traveling around the ninja world and looking for all kinds of treasures. It is impossible and unwilling for him to serve as the leader of the Uchiha clan for a long time.

But collecting heavenly materials and earthly treasures requires manpower, and treasures like transparent fish require long-term manpower investment. He also needs a powerful force to help him manage the resources of the entire ninja world.

No wonder the powerful immortal cultivators in the novel will establish sects, and the immortal cultivators will interfere in the mortal kingdom. These are the hard needs of the immortal cultivators.The time of a cultivator is so precious, how can it be wasted on something that a newcomer or even a mortal can do?
Uchiha Yuu's understanding of the importance of white gloves became deeper and deeper, and his attention to Shisui also increased.

To be honest, Uchiha Yuu is not at ease now that the transparent fish in the underground river is under the control of the Ninja Cat Clan.

The Ninja Cats are not the same kind as him. Except for the only special Miwa Masayo, he does not feel that the interests of himself and the Ninja Cats can be consistent for a long time.

Moreover, let a group of cats help you look after the fish pond...

It is similar to how the Jade Emperor arranged for Sun Wukong to guard the Peach Garden. If he didn't really have no choice, how could Yu Uchiha make such a decision.

It was precisely this helpless excitement that made Uchiha Yu determined that he must become the patriarch of the Uchiha family and control the highest power of the Uchiha family.

Except for a few perverts, Uchiha people are usually very simple and very grateful.

As long as Uchiha Yuu leads the Uchiha family out of trouble in a short period of time, even if he gives up the clan leader to Uchiha Shisui, he can still let the clan members continue to serve him.

From then on, he hid behind the scenes, providing the family with force and deterrence, ensuring the safety of family members, and ensuring that the Uchiha family had power and financial resources.

The family provides him with manpower, manages the production areas of various natural materials and earthly treasures, and collects and produces the various resources he needs.

This is the management model that Uchiha Yu wants. Only when all participants can benefit and there is no direct conflict between them can this model be maintained for a long time.

As a cultivator embarking on the path to immortality, all issues must be considered from a long-term perspective. Under the sustainable development model, Yuu Uchiha can get the leisurely and safe life he wants most, and devote himself to cultivating immortality.

Uchiha Nobuyin received a satisfactory answer and felt Uchiha Yu's sincerity. Naturally, he was completely relieved.

And he is now healthy and can live to at least 90 years old. He can watch Uchiha Yuu initially complete his plan and watch Uchiha Shisui grow up into a young man. What does he have to worry about.

Old man Xinyin suddenly asked loudly: "Where is breakfast? The old man is very hungry, prepare breakfast for me quickly, I want to eat meat! Get your best breakfast, I think I can eat a cow!"

"After we have eaten, I will go to Fugaku's house. Tonight, I will make you the president of the study club."

"A bunch of stupid boys just ignored me when they became elders. I treated my words like farts. Let them know today that I am still their uncle after all!!"

So, at the Uchiha family meeting, there was a magical scene of more than 80 old men beating a group of [-] or [-] old men.

Uchiha Nobuyin was the oldest and the most senior, and now he had a strong fist. When Uchiha Fugaku didn't say a word, his proposal was naturally approved in all aspects.

Fugaku even smiled and asked if he needed any more support.

Uchiha Shinyin made the request unceremoniously: "We need the clan leader's order, money and the spare time of some young ninjas from the security department, and finally we need Yashiro to come over and watch the children."

To be honest, Old Man Shin-yin's tone was harsh, but his request was not exaggerated. For the Uchiha family's financial resources, it was not a problem at all.

Uchiha Fugaku thought for a moment before nodding his head and readily agreed: "You are very thoughtful and everything will be done according to your request."

Uchiha Nobuyin's request was fully met, but when he laughed, no one noticed that the disappointment and regret in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

[Why did I originally think that Uchiha Fugaku could be the clan leader? 】

Uchiha Fugaku's reaction was all guessed by Uchiha Yu, including his refusal to get involved at the beginning, his smoothing things over after the situation became clear, and his smoothing things over.

Because he had the rehearsal described by Yu Uchiha in his mind, Fugaku's actions seemed particularly stupid and ink-stained in the eyes of old man Shinyin.

As the head of a large family, Fugaku had to pretend to be confused on many matters.

As the saying goes, "If you are not deaf or blind, you are not worthy of being in charge of the family." The patriarch must not be serious about all details, otherwise it will easily arouse conflicts within the family, causing discord among the people, fighting for power, and unrest.

But this is only a necessary means to maintain daily peace, and it does not mean that patriarchs must pretend to be confused everywhere.

The patriarch must distinguish what matters are important. For key and important matters, he must be able to spend every penny and have full control.

Uchiha Yu believes that there are only three things that the Uchiha family needs to pay attention to at present. The first is to improve the law enforcement methods of the security forces, the second is to deal with war, and the third is to educate the younger generation of ninjas.

The first thing is that the Uchiha family is old and stubborn. It cannot be moved without sufficient prestige. The current Uchiha Fugaku also does not have enough prestige to implement relevant reforms.

And what is needed most during the war is stability. Everyone can understand that only ruthless law enforcement can protect the safety of the village to the greatest extent.

The villagers will not say strange things during this period. Even if some people have complaints, the Third Hokage will take the initiative to help resolve these individuals.

Therefore, this matter is not suitable for resolution at the moment. We must wait until the war is over and the environment of Konoha Village changes before we can find a solution.

The second thing was very important and had already come to an end. Uchiha Yuu was definitely not qualified to intervene as a transparent member of the family, but he told Uchiha Shinyin his opinion.

He believes that whether it is the preparation for war in Konoha Village or the Uchiha family, the most important thing is to determine the goal of the war, or the purpose of the war.

In the Leaf Village, the Third Hokage needs to consider who to fight, how far the fight will go, and then end the war in a timely manner.

For the Uchiha family, Uchiha Fugaku needs to consider what kind of benefits the family wants to gain. After having a specific goal, he can then consider how to do it.

Uchiha Yuu just said that at the time, but Uchiha Nobuyin had an ugly expression.

Because the Uchiha family held many meetings, but no one said what collective benefits the family wanted to gain. Everyone was thinking about how to become famous when discussing.

Even Uchiha Nobuyin himself had never thought about what the Uchiha family needed from the war.The third thing is also very important. These children will all go to the battlefield in this war. It is very important for the Uchiha family to strengthen their education and teach them combat and war life-saving skills.

Increasing the survival rate of young ninjas is the most important measure to protect the family's vitality.

For Uchiha Yu, this is an important step to win the hearts and minds of the younger generation of the family and expand his influence and power. It is even a key step in overthrowing Uchiha Fugaku's position as patriarch.

This is what he said to Uchiha Nobuyin:

"If I were the leader of the Fugaku clan, I would strongly support the study association and personally serve as the president of the study association. Even if I don't have time to teach in person, I would show up often and get to know all the young ninjas."

"The Third Hokage did very well in this regard. He went to the ninja school every now and then to give lectures on the spirit of fire. He was able to let go of the Hokage's airs and approach the students, and he naturally gained the admiration of the students. To this day, it can be said that he has formed The general trend.”

“Education is a major matter that captures people’s hearts and must not be left to others.”

Then Uchiha Yu predicted with a smile: "Unfortunately, our Fugaku clan leader does not have this consciousness. I guess what he wants is to put a stable trusted ninja in and watch over me to prevent me from causing any trouble and causing trouble for him." trouble."

"But if Chief Fugaku ignores it, I will be more relaxed in the future."

"So, if you directly propose to let Captain Yashiro participate when the time comes, Chief Fugaku will definitely accept it happily."

"Among the four captains of the security department, Captain Yashiro is my old boss and the one who most agrees with my ideas. Captain Yashiro's participation in the study meeting is more beneficial to me than others."

Uchiha Nobuyin made the suggestion based on Uchiha Yuu's guess, and indeed got Fugaku's heartfelt approval.

Looking at Uchiha Fugaku who had been tricked to the bone without realizing it, looking at his contented and happy smile, and then comparing it to Uchiha Yuu who was calm and calm with the pearl of wisdom in hand, Uchiha Shinyin suddenly had an idea: even if he fights Even at the risk of his life, he must help Young Boy Yu ascend to power and take down this clan leader who appears to be strong and shrewd but is actually weak and confused as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the Uchiha family will be in danger! !
The old man is not a time traveler, nor does he have the ability to foresee. Of course, he could not have imagined that the fate of the Uchiha family was rushing towards destruction.

The crisis he saw was none other than Yuu Uchiha.

The Uchiha family has a history of producing strong men and lunatics, and the two groups are highly overlapping.

Xinyin has lived for more than 80 years, and this is the first time he has met a tribesman like Uchiha Yu.

Compared to Uchiha Kagami and Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Yuu is the guy who really doesn't look like an Uchiha. He is too smart, too self-aware, and has a wisdom that scares the old man.

There has never been such a person in the Uchiha family for generations. The only person who looks like him is... Senju Tobirama. Even their personalities are extremely similar. They both appear to be gentle but are actually cold, and they will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

Uchiha Nobuyin's intuition told him that if Uchiha Yuu could not control the Uchiha family, he might turn around and become the biggest threat to the Uchiha family.

The old man's intuition is very accurate.

As a time traveler, Uchiha Yu is also a consultant within the Uchiha family. He doesn't care about the Uchiha family at all.

But he will never accept the future of annihilation of the clan. After all, the eggs will not be destroyed if the nest is overturned.

If the Uchiha family is destroyed, as one of the few remaining survivors, no matter how strong Uchiha Yu is, he will not be able to stop the endless harassment from the five major ninja villages and various organizations.

Unless he goes deep into the mountains to become a savage and completely cuts off contact with human society.

However, pursuing tranquility and going into the mountains to practice with concentration, and being forced to hide in the mountains and not dare to see people, are two completely different situations, and the impact on the mentality of the cultivators is very different.

The former is enjoyment, the latter is a dead end.

Uchiha Yuu doesn't care about his surname and has no sense of belonging to Konoha and the Country of Fire. He only cares about his own safety and cultivation.

He is extremely tolerant of the Uchiha family's demands.

Thinking at the best, Uchiha Yu hopes to run the Uchiha family well and become one of the foundations and even the most important part of his climb to the immortal world as a secular force in the ninja world.

Thinking from the lowest point of view, all Uchiha Yu wants is for a large group of Uchiha to live well so that he will not become the target of all ninjas in the world and can live a contented and peaceful life.

If the Third Hokage wants to destroy the Uchiha family, rather than every living Uchiha clan member, Yu Uchiha's plan is to actively destroy the Uchiha family.

He would make the Uchiha family as fragmented as the Senju clan, and even voluntarily give up the name Uchiha, allowing this bloodline to be completely integrated into the Leaf Village.

If the Third Hokage wanted to eliminate the Uchiha bloodline instead of eliminating the threat of the political group of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Yu's plan was to tear the Uchiha family apart and lead some of the lower-level clansmen to rebel from Konoha Village.

Uchiha Yu would not consider joining the Little Ninja Village because the Uchiha family is too strong. Even if only half of the ninjas escape, they will still be stronger than the Ame Hidden Village.

The Xiao Ninja Village is too weak and will be dominated by the Uchiha family. After a chaos, it will become the servant of the Uchiha family.

The Uchiha could not gain enough power to resist the inevitable revenge of the Leaf Village, nor could it prevent the other four major ninja villages from coveting the Uchiha bloodline.

In the end, the Uchiha family will fall apart under the continuous attacks and completely disappear from the ninja world.

Maybe Uchiha's bloodline will not be cut off, but Uchiha Yu's purpose of hiding himself will only fail completely.

Therefore, after betraying Konoha Village, Uchiha Yu could only lead his tribe to one of the four great ninja villages.

Sunagakure Village is in decline, and the future is getting even worse. It has no time to take care of itself, and even dogs don't want to go.

There is fierce fighting in Kirigakure Village, and Uchiha Madara covets him. The Mud Bodhisattva crosses the river and cannot protect himself.

Kumogakure and Iwagakure are strong enough and have a large population to protect the remnants of the Uchiha family.

Among them, Iwagakure Village is the most suitable.

The Iwagakure village, which has few blood inheritance boundaries and specializes in earth escape in ninjutsu, was perfectly suppressed by the thunder escape popularized by its old enemy Kumogakure village.

During the two developments of the ninja world, the Iwagakure ninjas were bullied by the Kumogakure ninjas on the battlefield. They could only repel the Kumogakure village's attack at the cost of numerical superiority and more lives.

If the Uchiha family joins Iwagakure as a whole, it will be equivalent to getting a ninja force that can defend Kumogakure on its own out of thin air. Tsuchikage Onoki can laugh out of his dreams.

The troops in the east of Iwagakure Village are liberated, and if they can concentrate more than five times the force to attack the Kingdom of Wind, they will definitely win a decisive victory, and even annex the Kingdom of Wind.

Ohnoki would never refuse the Uchiha family's surrender.

 It exploded 3/3 the day after it was put on the shelves
  PS: continue tomorrow

  Update time remains unchanged
  Chapter 0:[-] in the morning

  Chapter 12 noon

  Chapter 20:[-] p.m.

(End of this chapter)

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