I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 86: The Cat Immortal who fainted due to teleportation, seasickness and landsickness

Chapter 86: The Cat Immortal who fainted due to teleportation, seasickness and landsickness

On the sea, Miwa Masashi vomited for two whole days and finally adapted to the sea environment.

Today, the waves on the sea are up to three meters high, and even wave crests as high as five meters can appear on top of each other. The snow-white spray on the top of the waves is very large, and will be blown away by the strong wind, just like clumps of reed flowers.

The boat controlled by Yu Uchiha rolled up and down, and could even throw things on the board high. However, the ninja and the Neko Sage stood firmly on the deck, staring attentively at a group of small buoys not far away.

Early this morning, Uchiha Yu discovered traces of swordfish, so he took out the small fish he had caught in advance, chopped up some of them and threw them into the sea, and put the rest through the dorsal fin with a fishhook and put it into the sea.

This is the bait used to hunt swordfish, except that the function is not to catch the swordfish, but to mark the location of the swordfish with a buoy so that the ninja can track it easily.

It’s not that you don’t want to fish, but that you don’t have a fishing line that can withstand the bite and drag of the swordfish. If you replace it with a thicker and stronger rope or steel wire, the bait fish will not be able to bear it, and the swordfish will find something abnormal and give up hunting.

Sometimes the swordfish will be frightened when seeing a thick rope, and the frightened swordfish will instinctively start to run away, and it is easy to fly thousands of miles in one breath.

Even the ninjas from Kirigakure Village would not do this to let ninjas chase their targets at sea for thousands of miles. After all, ninjas are not a suitable profession for roaming the ocean.

But Uchiha Yuu didn't expect that not long after the bait fish were put out, strong winds would come out of the sea, and big waves would rise on the sea surface. Many bait fish had their dorsal fins torn off in the big waves, and they were lucky enough to regain their freedom.

Miwa Masashi got used to the bumps of the sea, but she couldn't adapt to the crazy big waves. She asked worriedly: "Yu, will the swordfish really bite the hook in such big waves?"

Uchiha Yuu steadily controlled the rudder and replied loudly: "I have asked for relevant information. Sailfish can also hunt in big waves, and it will bite the hook."

"It should be..."

"Meow! The buoy has been dragged down!"

"One, five, ten, all were dragged down, meow, the swordfish really bit the hook!"

It took another ten minutes for Uchiha Yu to confirm in the heavy waves that the fish that bit the hook was indeed a swordfish.

But the sea with rough waves should not be insulted lightly. Uchiha Yuu tried several times to go into the sea to chase swordfish, but found that he was facing three-meter waves on the sea, and could only barely stand, unable to run at all.

And when he dives under the sea to avoid the impact of the waves, his speed can be outstripped by the swordfish, making it impossible to catch up.

In the end, he could only return to the boat, steer the boat to follow the signs of the swordfish, wait for the strong wind and waves on the sea to calm down, and then try to hunt in the sea.

A few hours later, the sea returned to its calm state. Even a few kilometers away, a dozen buoys clustered together were clearly visible, making the chase much less difficult.

At this time, the swordfish can only escape Uchiha Yu's sight by diving into the deep sea and dragging the buoy down, but deep diving is not the swordfish's strong point.

On the one hand, the buoyancy of a dozen buoys is a great obstacle; on the other hand, the deeper the seawater, the lower the oxygen content.

For swordfish with extremely small gills, the depth below 50 meters is considered difficult to breathe, and it will never stay at this depth for a long time.

The chase lasted for more than three hours. It was not until the afternoon that the swordfish's physical strength began to decline, and then Uchiha Yuu got close to 300 meters.

He couldn't help but sigh: "No wonder no ninja is willing to take on this task. If it is not a head-on collision but a chase like us, the efficiency will be too low."

Miwa Masato asked in confusion: "If that's the case, shouldn't the bonus be very high?"

"That's the problem. As long as you are lucky enough to get close enough when you encounter them, catching them is not difficult at all. Even ordinary people can catch them."

Uchiha Yu picked up the spare oar and said with a smile: "See if the capture method I asked about is as simple as described."

He jumped out of the boat, ran over through the water, aimed at the swordfish's head, which had just realized the danger and was about to dive, and hit it hard.

With just a crisp thunk, the swordfish floated up feebly.

Yes, it's that simple.

Years of high-speed swimming have prioritized the swordfish's body structure over its streamlined structure, so it has a fatal flaw on its head. As long as it is hit hard from top to bottom with a wooden stick, the entire fish will lose consciousness for a short time and it will die. .

It's not that it's dead, but it's that it's unable to swim after being comatose. This fish with very small gills will quickly die from lack of oxygen.

After hearing Uchiha Yu's explanation, Miwa Masashi looked at the swordfish being moved to the boat and couldn't help but worry: "The mission requires fresh swordfish. It will take us two days to go back now. There is no ice on the boat. You and I I don’t know how to escape ice, so this fish will rot, what should I do?”

"It's very simple, just don't let it die."


Uchiha Yuu didn't explain, but tied up the swordfish and fastened it tightly to the side of the boat, so that the swordfish's head was in the same direction as the bow of the boat.

Then he began to use the ninjutsu of wind and fire to create a powerful impact on the water, pushing the boat to run wildly like flying, or to jump forward crazily.

The mouths of swordfish cannot be completely closed by nature. Driven by the high speed of the boat, a large amount of seawater is poured into the mouths of the swordfish side by side, and then flows out through the gills, effectively ensuring the oxygen supply.

Although it was tied to the side of the bouncing boat, the swordfish was passively watered from time to time, but it survived well in the end and kept its precious meat fresh.

The civet cat has now completely gotten rid of the pain of seasickness, and instead likes the excitement and bumps at high speed.

The high speed that Uchiha Yuu used to use his Wind and Fire Elements made the civet cat feel unprecedentedly excited. She hugged the fixed board of the boat tightly and shouted: "Meow meow meow, hurry up! Hurry up!" !”

After six hours of crazy sailing, Uchiha Yuu completed the two-day voyage and returned to the port of Kawanoto, but the port was full and he had to queue for several hours to enter.

Fortunately, you can already buy ice at this time, so you don’t have to worry about the swordfish getting smelly during this time.

Masato Miwa felt bored without the speed. She patrolled around the boat. When patrolling the side of the boat, she found a long thing hanging from the pointed mouth of the swordfish, which was still twisting and turning.

After being reminded, Uchiha Yu hurried over to check, and suddenly said with surprise: "It's a conger eel, what an unexpected harvest!"

The unlucky eel was impaled on the swordfish's beak at some point, but it was still alive and struggling vigorously. Uchiha Yuu immediately stepped forward to capture it.

Moray eel, this is a good thing. I just arranged it now that I am bored of queuing.

After removing the head, deboning, bleeding and skinning, with the flexible use of the Wind Escape Blade, Yuu Uchiha obtained two crystal clear eel meats, which were then chopped into minced meat in the air.

The smooth and translucent eel paste showed the highest quality. Uchiha Yu couldn't help but regretted: "Alas, I only have flour but no starch, so I have to make rudimentary fish balls."

Take out the flour you carry with you, add a little fresh water to the eel paste, and after vigorously kneading and stirring, you will get an eel paste with a suitable viscosity.

Then prepare a portion of pork filling and wrap it with fish paste. After kneading, the fish balls will jump out from the tiger's mouth, and then jump into the slightly boiling water to solidify and cook.

Eel balls are so simple that there is no fancy food. The umami taste of fish and the mellow flavor of pork are combined in the mixture of fish juice and pork fat.

Use a spoon to cut the meatballs while they are hot, and the delicious and fragrant gravy will explode, bursting with unlimited delicious taste.

This is a delicacy whose best flavor can only be experienced when it is too hot to be eaten directly.

Miwa Masayo was not afraid of scalding, so she tasted the exquisite texture and umami that humans could not taste, and she was deeply intoxicated by it.

"How strange. You made it once in Konoha Village, but it didn't taste so delicious."

"It's natural. The eels we bought at that time were already dead and were transported to Konoha Village in ice. Most of the freshness and freshness were lost."

"If the pork wasn't fresh enough to make up for some of the umami, the gap would be even bigger."

Miwa Masashi ate heartily, but for Nekosennin, the most regrettable thing was that he would not feel full because of this "ordinary" delicacy.

Even after swallowing a body-weight of fish balls, the civet cat didn't feel any roundness in her belly. She felt that she could still eat it, so she couldn't help but complain:
"It's delicious, but it can only trick your mouth. It doesn't give you the happiness of having a full stomach with dried fish, meow."

"The transparent little fish is already an extraordinary animal, while the moray eel is just an ordinary fish, incomparable."

"It would be great if there was an extraordinary eel. It would be delicious and full to the point of happiness. That would be perfect, meow."

"When we get things done in Konoha Village, we will travel around the Ninja World. The Ninja World is so big, and since there are small transparent fish in the underground river, there must be other extraordinary ingredients." "Well, it's settled, nya."

After waiting for a few minutes in boredom, Miwa Masato suddenly asked: "Yu, if there is starch, what kind of delicacy will you make from eel?"

Yuu Uchiha counted with his fingers: "Ravioli wrapped in transparent eel dough, eel noodles as delicate as hair, and crispy eel pieces marinated in sauce and then coated in starch and fried."

Just the name and the simplest description made Miwa Masayo fall into a state of leisurely fascination.

Want to eat meow.


When Uchiha Yu's boat entered the port, the live swordfish on the side of the boat was still alive because it purchased a lot of ice to cool down.

The rare sight of live swordfish in the port caused a small sensation. The mission poster came to Yu Uchiha's boat immediately, confirmed on the spot that the mission was completed, and gave an additional bonus.

Knowing that it was ninjutsu that made the boat go so fast and saved the life of the sailfish, the fishermen could only shake their heads in envy, while the thoughtful ninjas began to think about how to do it. After all, live swordfish can definitely be sold for higher prices. price.

After completing the mission, Uchiha Yu rowed the rented boat to the anchorage and fixed it, completed the return procedures, and then jumped to the dock.

Miwa Masashi followed him and jumped from the bow of the boat to the pier, but the moment she landed, she meowed and fell to the ground unable to get up.

She once again felt the world spinning, especially the earth swaying from side to side.

The civet cat panicked. Her limbs and tail were swinging at extremely fast speeds, but she couldn't find a proper balance.

"Don't panic."

Uchiha Yu followed closely and reached out to press the tabby cat tightly to the ground.

He smiled and explained: "You have been on the boat for a long time, and you are used to the rocking of the boat, but you are not used to the stable ground. Just lie down and don't move, and you will soon regain the feeling you had a few days ago."

Hearing Uchiha Yu's explanation, Miwa Masayo felt relieved. She asked dullly: "Did I faint again?"

"You guessed it, it's called land sickness."

"Teleportation sickness, seasickness, land sickness, what else can cause fainting? Make me faint to death..."

"Yu, you can't tell any ninja, you promise nya!"

"Pfft, I promise."

"It's so embarrassing, meow..."

The tabby cat held her head with both paws and twisted around. She was embarrassed.


Ebizo is responsible for the communication with Konoha Shinobi, because he is the top person in charge of intelligence work in Sunagakure Village, and he will not waste time when talking to Danzo.

In less than six hours, Shimura Danzo left Sunagakure Village with all the information.

In addition to the information, he also took away a belly full of anger and a face full of spitting stars. Damn Ebizo deliberately took out his anger on him and used the information as bait in exchange for him being slandered and scolded for a full six hours.

If it weren't for Konoha...

Danzo still didn't dare to attack Ebizo. Sunagakure Village should not be underestimated. Konoha Village needed to use all its strength to face this behemoth, and it would not be provoked if it could be avoided.

Otherwise, if Shimura Danzo becomes Hokage in the future, it will be difficult to handle bilateral relations.

Before the Third Ninja War, Danzo Shimura had not yet obtained the usable Wood Release, nor did he have abundant Sharingan resources. He was not crazy enough to think that he could suppress the ninja world, and he was rude to the five major ninja villages.

But, I'm still very angry.

After Danzo Shimura walked a few hundred meters out of Sunagakure Village, he looked back at the ninja village in the desert and said bitterly: "One day, I will ascend to the position of Hokage and lead the Konoha ninja army to attack Sunagakure Village. "

"On that day, I will definitely cut Hai Lao Zang's corpse into thousands of pieces to repay today's humiliation."

The two root ninjas looked at each other. They lowered their heads and whispered comfort: "Thank you for your hard work, Danzo-sama."

Shimura Danzo nodded: "Everything is for Konoha Village, let's go."

Shimura Danzo looked at Sunagakure Village. On the wall of Sunagakure Village, Chiyo and Ebizo were also looking at him.

Chiyo asked: "How is it?"

Ebizo vented his anger, and the pain of losing his son was relieved a lot. He forced a smile and said: "Konoha Village is unaware of our preparations, and the war can proceed as planned."

"Has there been any progress on the information about the natural immortal?"

"My people found the battlefield where Keisuke died, and also found a village called Kusen Village."

"Kiusen Village was massacred. It was our ninjas who did it. All the ninjas were killed. Five corpses were found on the battlefield, and four more were missing. Alas."

Ebizo's mood dropped visibly to the naked eye, and he said in an angry tone: "I have taught him more than once, and I must never make things irrelevant. He just thinks I am verbose. This time I really hit the wall."

"In the end, I lost my life once, alas——"

"No trace of that guy?"

"Absolutely not."

"So, his coming to Sunagakure Village to cause trouble was really an accident caused by Umino Keisuke. This is the best result."

"elder sister……"


"How can you be so calm? Xia and Sandai disappeared together, and Umino Keisuke is also dead. How can you..."

Chiyo's guard suddenly broke, and she asked sternly: "Then what do you want from me? Do you cry? Do you want to die?"

"You think I don't want to die?"

"My mind is full of scorpions, and I can't help imagining him suffering. And Umino Keisuke, this child died so miserably, he didn't even have a complete body."

"Brother, you and I are the only two old guys left in our family. We have no children..."

"How could I not want to die? It wouldn't be so painful if I died."

"But no, Xie is just missing. I believe he is not dead. He must not be dead. He will definitely come back to see me..."

"So I can't die, I have to persevere."

"I have to be busy, I can't think about the kids."

"I'm sorry, sister..."

"Go ahead and be busy. Your heart won't hurt so much when you're busy. I can be sure of this now."


 It exploded 1/3 the day after it was put on the shelves
(End of this chapter)

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