I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 83: Full of momentum and intimidation to the 4th Kazekage

Chapter 83: Full of momentum and intimidating the Fourth Kazekage
As the human fireworks exploded, terrible ashes covered the Sand Hidden Village. The smell of burning protein, which represented death, and the weird stench also spread out in the Sand Hidden Village.

Just like in Konoha Village a few months ago, the ordinary villagers and young genin who smelled the stench began to vomit. The senior ninjas immediately thought of the truth. They all looked gloomy and furious and formed a search team and immediately launched a search.

At this time, the senior officials of Sunagakure Village were also alarmed, but the old guys who were senior officials in the last war did not move.

What's wrong with just a few fireworks, what's wrong with the dead people in the fireworks, using this kind of action without any real harm proves that the enemy is weak and doesn't dare to challenge Sunagakure Village head-on.

In other words, Sunagakure Village is at most a bit embarrassed, but none of the old guys have been tempered to be thick-skinned. The shame is Sunagakure Village's business, and it has nothing to do with Chiyo/Ebizo/Uemura Yoshitoki/...?

The old guys didn't care about the enemy, but turned their attention to the other two top brass, the two young upstarts.

Because Sand Hidden Village is about to launch a war, a leader who can make emergency decisions must be elected, and the battle between Luo Sha and Ye Cang has entered the final stage.

Everyone has tended to master Luo Sha, who has mastered magnetic release. His abilities and close relationship are similar to those of the Third Kazekage, which is most conducive to the inheritance of power and conducive to uniting the hearts and fighting power of Sunagakure Village.

Therefore, old people like Ebizo have quietly revealed the news to Rasa. The candidate for the Fourth Kazekage will be determined within two days, and then the new Kazekage will announce a war against the Leaf Village.

He didn't directly say that Rasa was the Fourth Kazekage, but he told the village all the details of the war plan, which was obvious enough.

The excited Luo Sha stayed up all night, watching the stars on the roof of his home, so he saw the fire and fireworks for the first time, and was covered in ashes.

While enjoying the happiest moment of his life, when he was suddenly treated in such an insulting way, Luo Sha became furious and used the golden sand to hold him up and rush towards the direction of the fireworks.

On the other side, Ye Cang was a person who didn't think much. She had already slept peacefully. After being awakened by the explosion, she quickly dressed and got up.

After Ye Cang came out, what he saw was Luo Sha riding the golden sand and rushing up the cliff outside the village.

Without any hesitation, she immediately chased him in that direction, crossed the cliff as fast as possible, and rushed out of the village.

After Yuu Uchiha set off the fireworks, he immediately moved away from Sand Hidden Village. Because the sand was very soft, and with the blessing of earth's natural energy, he could move underground no slower than he could run.

So, he simply stayed underground and escaped quickly and covertly.

Uchiha Yuu didn't have any specific destination. He only needed to delay for another 5 minutes and wait for the reverse channeling from Miwa Masashi, and he could reach the South China Sea thousands of kilometers away in an instant.

No matter how powerful the ninjas in Sand Hidden Village are, they can't possibly catch up.

But for the first time against a large ninja village, Uchiha Yu maintained the utmost caution. Not only did he change his face, height, makeup, contact lenses, and mask, he also restrained all his chakra and deliberately used only natural energy.

The main thing is to camouflage the details in place.

Purely using natural energy has a particularly big advantage, that is, it is not easily detected by ninjas.

Uchiha Yu felt that some particularly fast ninjas, or ninjas riding some kind of flying props or ninja beasts, passed by him or above him, but no one noticed that he was under their feet.

Soon, the 5-minute timer was up, and Uchiha Yu simply stopped and pushed away the sand around him, forming a spherical space with a diameter of two meters, waiting for the reverse channeling from Miwa Masashi.

Uchiha Yu even had time to count the last 30 seconds in his mind: [28, 27,...]

【3, 2, 1...】

【Um? 】

Uchiha Yuu unexpectedly did not feel the familiar counter-psychic call on time. More than three years after signing the contract with Miwa Masashi, this was the first time that the contract was broken after the agreement was made.

Uchiha Yu took a breath. If the counter-psychic plan failed, he would have to find a way to break out.He immediately began to check to rule out various possible reasons for the failure of reverse channeling.

The time is correct, and the agreed time has indeed passed.

Magnetic field, nearby magnetic field is normal, response is weak, no problem.

Seal, testing proves there is no seal interference.

Natural Energy, trying to make sure that he could still establish a connection with the Cat Castle and be able to call upon her Ninja Little Brother through Masayo Miwa's contract.

Uchiha Yu simply tried to channel Miwa Masayo, and found that he could communicate with the chakra of the tabby cat normally, but did not get a response that she could channel.

Uchiha Yu didn't force his channeling, otherwise one person and one cat would have to break out of the roundup in Sunagakure Village, which would be too dangerous.

He did not suspect that he had been betrayed, but instead began to worry about the safety of the civet cat. He thought that the cat might have fallen into a coma for some reason.

So Uchiha Yuu tried to awaken Miwa Masayo using psychic skills, while preparing to continue moving forward under the sand.

But at this time, he discovered that the color of the sand under his feet was wrong, and the strange-colored sand could move on its own.

In Sand Hidden Village, the only ones who can control the sand are the one-tailed Shukaku and his jinchūriki, as well as the third-generation Kazekage who has been wiped out.

But I don’t know if Rasa, the fourth generation Kazekage who has ascended to the position of Kazekage, can also control a special kind of sand, gold sand.

Uchiha Yuu snapped his fingers, and a fire ignited in the small spherical space. Sure enough, the sand squeezed out of the sand reflected a dazzling light.

This can be concluded that Luo Sha is indeed here.

Uchiha Yuu was even able to conclude that Rasa flew over his head on the Sands, ran to the outside and couldn't find the target, then turned back, filtered the ground bit by bit, and conducted the most detailed inspection.

Since Jinsha has penetrated into the spherical space excavated by himself, Luo Sha must have discovered himself, so what should he do next?
Either run away with all your strength, no matter what is hidden or not, use full firepower, and break through the siege of Sunagakure ninja before realizing that something is wrong in Sunagakure Village and mobilizing more Kage-level ninjas for support.

But to be honest, because Luo Sha can fly, this plan is extremely difficult to implement, and it is easy to be surrounded repeatedly, and finally be defeated and die under the encirclement and suppression of the army.

Or just pretend to be a big Versailles, use the characteristics of natural energy, magical powers and illusions to intimidate all the Sunagakure ninjas, and buy time to wait for Miwa Masayo's reverse channeling.

If successful, not only can they escape smoothly, but they can also scare the Sunagakure ninjas and mislead them in the direction of their investigation. The result is perfect.

If he failed, he would probably not even have a chance to struggle, and he would be surrounded by five or six kage-level ninjas from Sunagakure Village, leaving no room for struggle at all.

The key to this plan lies in whether Masashi Miwa can recover in time and get Yuu Uchiha away.

Uchiha Yu smiled: "Hey, of course I have to believe her. I believe Miwa Masayo won't leave me here."

Determined, Uchiha Yu's natural energy was fully activated, and the sand within a range of hundreds of meters instantly softened like water.

No one expected that the sand suddenly turned like running water. At least twenty Sunagakure ninjas fell into the liquefied sand, screaming for help and struggling in panic.

They have all seen the sand manipulation skills of the Third Kazekage. No matter how powerful the Jonin is, as long as he sinks into the Kazekage's sand, he can only be crushed into a ball of flesh and blood.

And when the Sunagakure ninja was struggling for help, Uchiha Yu floated up from the sand little by little.

Ye Cang asked solemnly: "Is this Magnetic Escape?"

Luo Sha shook his head and replied: "It's not Magnetic Release. I didn't even feel any chakra. What about you?"

"I didn't feel chakra either, but this performance is too similar to the Third Kazekage." "No, it's not actually the same, there's a big difference, but..." Luo Sha said seriously, "But this change in the sand, The sand that can trap me, it’s very difficult for me to separate the sand from this strange area.”

Ye Cang clenched his fists, looked at the other party with firm eyes, and said excitedly: "Then it should be..."

"Send someone to inform the elders and come to support me immediately..."

As soon as Luo Sha finished speaking, Ye Cang shouted with great excitement:
"...I got on first!!!"

As he finished speaking, Ye Cang's figure disappeared in an instant, and a faint figure appeared next to Uchiha Yuu, with a slender figure but a powerful punch.

But no matter how fast a ninja is, in front of the three Magatama Sharingan, they are all scum.

Uchiha Yuu turned on dynamic vision to the maximum, and the brightness of the world in his eyes suddenly decreased, but Ye Cang, who was as fast as lightning, also turned into slow motion frame by frame.

He not only saw Ye Cang's movements clearly, but also predicted Ye Cang's foothold and next move. He even had time to admire the beautiful appearance of the female ninja.

Compared with the dirty Ye Cang he knew well, the girl Ye Cang in front of him was still quite immature, and her hairstyle was not a bun that represented maturity, but a high ponytail.

The live Ye Cang's appearance is far better than that of the dirty Ye Cang. After all, with a pair of black eyes with red pupils, any appearance must be compromised.

Moreover, the high ponytail is more suitable for Ye Cang's tall figure, or it is more in line with the aesthetics of an old man, and he likes this style.

But liking and indulgence are two different things, not to mention that Ye Cang is here to fight Uchiha Yuu.

[Omniscient Eye] activates.

[Happy Journey] is activated.

After the two magical powers were activated, as Ye Cang approached within 12 meters, Uchiha Yu was able to perceive more detailed information through the mind's eye, so much so that the Sharingan temporarily took a back seat.

Absolutely controlling the surroundings of his body, his ability to travel freely was activated naturally. Yuu Uchiha easily found the flaw in Ye Cang's attack. He completely avoided the stormy attack just by moving with his feet.

His movements were so relaxed, naturally revealing an elegant aura.

The surrounding Sunagakure ninjas all felt chilled when they saw the enemy ignoring Ye Cang's attack so gracefully and naturally, and even naturally thought, "I am no match for him."

In fact, Uchiha was also worried.

He did not expect that having two magical powers activated at the same time would consume so much natural energy.

If he continues to consume at this rate, after half an hour, up to four to 10 minutes, the natural energy in his body will be too consumed and unable to resist the penetration of chakra from cells to meridians.

But relying purely on the Sharingan, Uchiha Yu cannot fully control everything. His advantage over Yakura in close combat is no longer absolute, and he cannot be so relaxed and free of fireworks.

He had to move and use greater movements to dodge and parry in order to suppress Ye Cang's attack.

But as long as he moves, it is impossible for him to have such a shocking master as he is now. Other ninjas are likely to swarm him, surround him and beat him hard.

Uchiha Yuu is not the King of Dance on the battlefield, and the Sharingan and Omniscient Eyes are all bonuses on top of combat experience, rather than directly pushing his combat power to the pinnacle of the ninja world.

His combat experience is not enough to support him, and he can handle the siege with ease, maintaining a one-on-one combat scene at all times, and not giving the enemy any chance to jointly attack.

As for Uchiha Madara, he can accurately grasp the key points in the crowd and attack the enemy with ease and precision. He can even fight against the enemy with one enemy and use his strength to attack the enemy.

Uchiha Yu couldn't even think about it now, he knew that he couldn't do it.

Under Ye Cang's continuous attacks, he didn't even touch the enemy's clothes.

The distance between her and Uchiha Yuu was extremely close, so she couldn't understand how easy the enemy's movements were, but she was naturally frightened when she was suppressed in close combat.

But the strength of ninjas has never been physical skills. The melee combat was so completely suppressed that Ye Cang immediately decided to use ninjutsu to break the situation.

The young jounin's hands quickly formed seals, instantly condensing two orange fireballs.

Burning Escape · Oversteaming
Mobilizing chakra within a range of 12 meters is equivalent to an early warning to Uchiha Yu. He even sensed the specific details of the operation of the Burning Release and learned many of Ye Cang's skills in controlling the Burning Release.

With his understanding of chakra, it is very easy for Uchiha Yu to deal with the fireball constructed by Shogun.

He gently waved his left hand, attacking the Scorching Escape Fireball with the natural energy of wind, forcibly plundering the Wind Escape Chakra in Scorching Escape, and combining it into the Wind Attribute Immortal Technique Chakra.

The natural energy of the fire attribute that followed was combined with the discharged fire escape chakra to form the fire attribute chakra.

What the Sunagakure ninjas saw was that the mysterious enemy destroyed Yakura's Scorching Release fireball with a wave of his hand and broke it into Fire Release and Wind Release. This completely went against the ninja's understanding of chakra.

Burning Release is the blood inheritance boundary produced by the fusion of Wind Release and Fire Release. In the ninja's understanding, what drives Burning Release is a special chakra that is different from Wind Release and Fire Release.

But today, when he came into contact with the Burning Release for the first time, especially within the scope of the omniscient mind, Yuu Uchiha knew that there was no such thing as the Burning Release Chakra. That special chakra was still a combination of Wind Release and Fire Release.

It's just that this combination is so tight that it can be called fusion, just like the water produced by the combination of hydrogen and oxygen.

Water is, of course, a completely different substance than hydrogen and oxygen, but water is not a new element.

There are only five types of chakra in the ninja world. Yuu Uchiha doesn't know whether yin and yang can be added to the seven. Maybe he will know after coming into contact with the real yin and yang escape.

It is said that the Sharingan is the product of Yin escape, and the medical ninjutsu is the product of Yang escape, but Yuu Uchiha cannot be sure.

He only found the pupil power flowing from his brain in his body, but he did not find any clear Yin Escape Chakra.

He had come into contact with no fewer than twenty medical ninjas in the ninja hospital. He was not unfamiliar with medical ninjutsu, and he had not discovered any Yang Release chakra.

Whether it is the pupil power of the Sharingan or the green chakra of medical ninjutsu, they are all one of the five types of chakra. They have been given a special form and should probably be classified as a special qualitative change.

But Uchiha Yuu couldn't rule out the possibility that the special chakra form was given by the Yin-Yang Chakra, and he didn't have enough level to be exposed to the more advanced Yin-Yang Chakra.

After all, he couldn't understand the most basic non-attribute chakra. It obviously existed in the use of physical skills and could be used to use various E-level ninjutsu, but he just couldn't clearly separate and grasp it.

I can't even control non-attribute chakra, and the obviously more powerful Yin-Yang escape is more difficult to discover and understand. Isn't it natural?

Yuu Uchiha destroyed the Scorching Fireball with his hands, frightening the Sunagakure ninjas, and the stronger the Sunagakure ninjas, the more violently they were frightened.

Ye Cang and Luo Sha, the strongest people present, were even more frightened.

Luo Sha could no longer care about his face. He grabbed the ninja beside him and ordered him to return to the village immediately to report the news and requested emergency support from the top management.

"Tell the elders that the faster the support, the better, and the stronger the people, the better. It is best to ask Monzaemon-sama to come for support. The enemy is stronger than I know!!"

 Released 3/5
(End of this chapter)

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