I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 81 The first treasure discovered in the ninja world

Chapter 81 The first treasure discovered in the ninja world
The net was placed by Maoyou himself, and he also collected it with his own hands. What he wanted was to enjoy the joy of harvesting as soon as possible.

Mao You felt disappointed that the movement in the net was very small and the weight did not feel very heavy. It seemed that there was no big gain.

In fact, if it can squeeze through a narrow stone gap, the creature cannot be too big, and naturally it will not have exaggerated power.

When the net was brought up, Uchiha Yu recognized that what was caught in the net was a fish, but a strange fish.

The fish in the underground river look a bit like loaches, with no eyes or scales, their bodies are completely transparent, their internal organs are only a small ball, and their round mouths are full of small, sharp teeth.

Even if they fell into the net, they did not make any struggle. Instead, they gathered around a center and bit hard with their teeth.

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "This fish is quite interesting, but the things they bite to death are more likely to be good things."

Maoyou became excited, jumped directly into the water, and carried the net to the shore.

The ninja cats swarmed up and picked out all the small fish, and then found the thing that attracted the small fish.

It looks like a piece of stone.

Uchiha Yu took it, looked over it several times, and finally saw some clues. He said to Nekoyou: "It looks like the bark is made of stone. It should be an ancient bark fossil."

Maoyou asked: "What are the uses of fossils?"

"Fossils are traces of organisms from ancient times, which can help us understand past creatures and the world..." Uchiha Yu closed his mouth consciously when he noticed that mosquito coils began to appear in Mao Yu's eyes.

Yes, for ninjas and ninja cats, fossils are useless. Even for Uchiha Yu himself, this fossil is of no use at all.

Reluctantly, he stuffed the fossil into his mouth and bit it gently with his teeth.

It was cold, tasteless, and had a hard texture that was completely unbiteable, and Uchiha Yuu's body did not feel any craving for this thing.

"It's really useless. It may be that the fossil components contain trace elements necessary for these fish, such as salts such as silicates."

"But the condition of these fish is not right, Maoyou, please put this thing away, maybe we can find its value in the future."

When Mao You heard this, he shook his head like a rattle and refused repeatedly: "No, no, I don't have the patience to collect cats. If you let me keep it for a few days, I won't be able to find the cats myself."

"Either you keep it for yourself, or you find an opportunity to give it to Grandma Cat for collection. She is very careful and will not lose it."

Uchiha Yu nodded, stuffed it into his ninja bag, and then went to check out the small transparent fish.

Nekoyou and the other ninja cats all came closer and smelled it with their noses. They found that the fish had no fishy smell and even had a faint fragrance.

Uchiha Yuu closed his eyes and smelled it. He immediately had an illusion. He felt that it was not a fish at all, but a lotus bud that had just emerged. It had a faint fragrance and had a strong connotation waiting to bloom.

This time, there was no need to put the small fish into his mouth, Uchiha Yu's body had a strong desire, he was hungry.

Uchiha Yu couldn't help but sigh: "Hmm - it smells so good, this must be good stuff."

Nekyou is an impatient person, and his mouth watered when he was already stimulated by the fragrance. After hearing Uchiha Yu say this, he could no longer control his urge to eat.

He picked up a small fish with his claws, threw it into his mouth, and swallowed it without chewing.

Nekoyu's speed was so fast that Uchiha Yucai just reminded him: Slow down!The little fish had already been swallowed into his stomach.

Maoyou grinned and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, meow, don't worry about me, I am a cat sage who was born as a ninja, and the digestion capacity of my stomach is not comparable to that of humans."

"And this fish is so interesting. It melts as soon as it enters my throat and flows into my stomach like soup."

He compared his height by four meters, patted his belly again, and said proudly: "My body is so strong and my digestion ability is so powerful. It is impossible for the meat that enters my belly... oh oh—— Wow!"

Before he finished speaking, Maoyou exhaled a strange breath. The smell was definitely not a fragrance, but it was definitely not smelly. In short, it was very strange and the amount was huge.

Immediately afterwards, Maoyou's nose began to bleed, and the scars on his eyes, back, and legs that had been seriously injured were all bleeding, and there were also wriggling granules, which were very oozing.

The ninja cats were so frightened that they meowed wildly. Their instincts controlled them to run away, but their concern for their boss prevented them from running away far away. They could only gather around five or six meters away, watching anxiously. Uchiha Yu came to the rescue.

Uchiha Yu rushed over as soon as Nekyou exhaled and began to examine the big cat's body, but the feeling of natural energy feedback was very strange.In addition to the symptoms of indigestion in the stomach and intestines, Mao You's body was in better shape than ever before, and the areas where blood was flowing out were filled with vigorous vitality.

[Could it be that fish meat contains active biological toxins, and the vitality I perceive is not from Maoyou, but from bacteria that are multiplying in large numbers? 】

[No, no, does this feel like overdoing it? 】

[That little fish is really a good thing! 】

As Uchiha Yuu observed that the granulations were entangled and fused with each other, they not only digested the connective tissue of the scar, but also refilled the missing flesh and blood of the wound, completely eliminating the scar, and even the hair was growing rapidly.

He was completely relieved. It was indeed not a poison, but a magical tonic that healed injuries and strengthened the body. However, the supplement was too harsh for Mao You, and his body did not have enough endurance, so he reduced the impact by falling into a coma. .

Yu Uchiha can only control the natural energy movement in Nekoyu's body, activate various mechanisms of body strengthening, maximize the digestive capacity, and consume the vitality and energy brought by the whole small fish as quickly as possible.

Even so, Maoyou struggled for a full two hours before he completely digested the nutrients of the small fish and fell into a deep sleep exhausted.

Leaving Nekoyu under the care of the ninja cats, Uchiha Yu began to study these small fish. Compared to the wild animals and beehives discovered by the ninja cats, these small fish were of course more valuable.

Based on Nekoyu's personal experience, personal description and physical performance, Uchiha Yuu can confirm that these small fish are definitely good things.

The problem is that it's too good.

The small fish melts in the mouth and is absorbed as soon as it enters the stomach. The efficiency of nutrient conversion is too high, which exceeds the body capacity of Mao Xianren, which is why Mao You overturned.

Uchiha Yu said to himself: "According to this idea, it should be processed to slow down the speed of digestion and reduce the impact on the body."

"I've decided, let's fry it into dried fish!"

"It fully meets the processing goals, and it can also extend the shelf life of food, killing two birds with one stone."

Just do it, Uchiha Yuu set up the iron pan, lit a fire and started frying the dried fish.

The small fish has no scales and no mucus on the surface of the body. It is very dry and the internal organs do not need to be removed. Maybe the nutrients are concentrated in the internal organs.

Add a small amount of oil to the hot oil pan. After it is heated, put the small fish in one by one. The hot oil will not stick to the pan easily and the small fish will not lose their precious meat.

When all the small fish are put in, add some salt, and then start to stir-fry gently. During this period, continue to add salt and dry powder to increase the flavor and absorb fat.

Originally, when making dried fish, you had to add chopped chili pepper, pepper powder, soy sauce, pound garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, but Yuu Uchiha found that it was no longer necessary.

As the water is evaporated during frying, the fish meat and oil are combined, and begin to emit a strange and fresh taste. Uchiha Yu knows from a gentle smell that adding any spices at this time is redundant and may even damage the baby. The aroma of dried fish.

He decisively started the pot and poured the dried fish into a plate covered with white gauze. The dried fish was ready.

As soon as Xiaoyu was put into the pot, Masato Miwa was so stimulated by the aroma that she could no longer sleep.

She walked over quietly, salivating as she watched the dried fish being prepared little by little, and suddenly slapped her white paws on the table with the plate, but she didn't make any sound.

The tabby cat was stunned for a moment, then popped out its claws and scratched the table, making a harsh friction sound, attracting Uchiha Yuu's attention.

After Miwa Masayo signed the contract with Uchiha Yu, of course she ate no less dried fish. She bought them in the market and made them by Uchiha Yu herself. She had eaten no less than thirty kinds.

But today these small dried fish are different, exuding a scent that is deadly to cats.

The aroma spread like an explosion before it was taken out of the pot, making the civet cat uneasy. The honey barbecue was no longer in Miwa Masayo's mind.

The purpose of her demonstration to the shit shoveler was of course self-evident, and she couldn't hide it at all. The physical manifestation was too obvious.

But because of Nekoyu's performance, Uchiha Yu dared to feed her the whole fish, so he cut off a little bit, which was about one-fifth of a fish head. As a result, the kitten was very angry.

Who do you look down on?
This little bit of food was gone as soon as I licked it with my tongue. How could I be so stingy?

After making a fuss for a while, Miwa Masayo was persuaded by a group of ninja cats and reluctantly licked the crumbled fish head on the plate, and then experienced the feeling of itching so much that his soul flew away.

Dried fish contains surging life energy, which can greatly strengthen the body of the eater, but it will also put great pressure on the digestive system of the eater.As the first cat sage, Miwa Masashi completely surpassed Nekoyu in celestial arts, but Nekoyu's strong body of over four meters crushed the cihuamao, which was less than half a meter in length.

Even if it was a processed dried fish, even if it was only the dregs of one-fifth of a head, Miwa Masayo still couldn't bear the huge life energy.

Fortunately, the celestial chakra has a super conversion efficiency and can support the three rounds of Masashi without any changes. The conversion speed is fast but it has a drawback, that is, the unstoppable itch.

The itch that comes from the bone marrow does not make the cat want to laugh. Instead, it makes her limbs stiff and her tail becomes hairy, but she cannot even bark.

Uchiha Yu quickly held the raccoon cat in his hands and used his own power to help her control the whole process from fish drying to body strengthening. He sorted it out bit by bit to find the balance between efficiency and side effects.

This is the cultivation method, and it is only useful when using special foods.

Miwa Masayo was very smart and quickly mastered the digestive cultivation method, and then got rid of the abnormal state.

"Meow, this is too scary. Fortunately, you are here, otherwise I would have lost the big cat."

The civet cat now loves and fears the dried fish. It circles around the plate and asks tangledly: "This is really good food, but the effect is too strong. How can I eat it?"

Uchiha Yu said with a smile: "Practice the technique you are running now, and make your body a hundred times stronger, and you will be able to bear it."

"A hundred times? Meow, this can't be done, meow."

"I have another way, which is to process it again and dilute the amount of dried fish. Although it is not as fragrant, it should be safe to eat."

"Hurry up meow, please meow."

Uchiha Yu took out a piece of paper and wrote while thinking.

Based on the reactions of Nekoyu, himself, and Miwa Masayo after eating the dried fish, he thought of a prescription to suppress the negative effects. With enough flour to dilute the purity of the dried fish, he could use it as a daily snack. .

After completing the prescription, he arranged for Miwa Masashi to go to the Cat Castle to purchase medicinal materials and [-] grams of flour.

Use such a large amount of flour as a base, mix it with dried fish powder, and then fry it in oil to look like dried fish. You can use it as snacks.

According to Uchiha Yuu's calculations, Nekyou and Miwa Masato can eat whatever they want. As long as they don't swallow a lot, they can ensure that there are only benefits and no harm.

Ordinary ninja cats can also eat one every three to five days. Although it cannot completely avoid pain and itching, it will not really harm the body, but will promote the growth of the body and chakra.

As long as time lasts long enough, the ninja cats in the Cat Castle will become stronger and stronger, and there will be more and more ninja cats mastering celestial arts. There will always be a third or fourth cat sage in the future.

Only then can Cat Castle truly establish itself as a holy land and secure its position as the leader of the Constant Temperature Fairy Alliance.


Two days later, Uchiha Yu took out the freshly fried small fish. He controlled the heat very well. The small fish was browned and crispy, exuding the alluring aroma of oil and mixed with spices and medicinal materials. There is a strange fragrance that never stops.

That was the scent of the fried transparent small fish, which was completely stimulated by the presence of more than a dozen kinds of medicinal materials and spices, and finally formed a fatal temptation that made Uchiha Yuu salivate.

He held back his saliva and handed out the fried small fish. All the ninja cats and the two cat immortals in front of him retreated, with expressions of desire and fear on each cat's face.

Uchiha Yu said helplessly: "This is the third time, there should be no problem."

Masashi Miwa held back her saliva and said, "This time it's Nekoyu's turn."

Maoyou, who had a big mouth and was drooling, shook his head: "No, I can't do it anymore. I've already eaten six strips today. If I eat any more, I'll get a nosebleed again."

"Young men, stand up and be a warrior. This is a very beneficial divine item."

The ninja cats collectively let out a scream of "meow" and retreated further.

"Boss, don't try to lie to us again. The food is good, but after eating it, you will have hair loss, diarrhea, and vomiting..."

"That is the ordeal that you must go through to become stronger. According to Lord Uchiha Yu, it is to cleanse the marrow and remove the hair, to remove the impurities in your body, especially the hair in the stomach and the toxins in the intestines!"

Mao You hated the iron and shouted: "This is a rare benefit. Why are you so useless? Where is the courage to endure the cat? Where is your character!?"

The ninja cats burst into tears when they heard this, and a few of them actually replied: "But in front of so many cats, it is so embarrassing to vomit and have diarrhea and lose all their fur!"

Mao You's nose was so angry that he said, "You can talk after eating one. What's the shame? Are there any real warriors?"

"Boss, it's so unfair for you to say that. You don't even eat it yourself. If you eat it, we will eat it!"

"Ouch!! Just eat, isn't it just a nosebleed? I'm not afraid!"

In the end, under the leadership of Mao You, more than 30 brave Ninja cats tried the new recipe of small noodle fish.

Turns out, this time the recipe was perfect.

Ordinary Ninja cats will still have strong reactions after eating it, but the hair loss is orderly, vomiting is controllable, and even diarrhea can be tolerated, allowing the Ninja cats to run to the toilet.

For Ninja cats who have mastered Senjutsu Chakra, the reaction is completely controllable, that is, a slight fever and irritation, just drink more water.

As for the two cat immortals, the new formula of small noodle fish is delicious and comfortable. After eating it, they only feel hot in their stomachs and warm and comfortable all over their bodies.

Miwa Masashi praised happily: "Perfect!!"

Uchiha Yuu himself ate two and asked, "What do you call this? Fried fish, or..."

"Dried small fish!" xN
The ninja cats fought for the naming rights in unison: "Xiaoyugan Saigao!!"

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(End of this chapter)

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