I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 79: Something caught in the net

Chapter 79: Something caught in the net
Miwa Masashi was completely convinced, she nodded and said: "How should we get to Sunagakure Village?"

Uchiha Yu looked around the battlefield again and said: "Go back to the barrier lake first. When Nekoyu arrives, we will hand over the information about the lake to him, and then we will split up."

"I went to the capital of Nanfangchuan, made a public appearance at the Konoha garrison in Jinggawa Town, used the task handover to make an alibi, and then found a safe and hidden place to set up a permanent light."

"Miwa Masayo, go directly to the Kingdom of Wind and lurk as close as possible to Sunagakure Village."

"Wait until midnight on the fourth day and use reverse channeling to get me there."

"After I launch all the corpses, we will return to the seaside immediately, pretending that nothing happened, and complete the mission I received in advance."

"This plan is okay, beach, sun, sea, crabs, and coconut juice. Hehe, I like this plan!"

"The problem is that the Country of Wind is a big desert. Can you adapt to the climate there, Masato Miwa?"

"Meow, Yu, I will tell you a secret knowledge. Our ninja clan first lived in the desert area."

"I really don't know. Ninja cats migrated from the Kingdom of Wind to the Kingdom of Fire?"

"Of course it's not Meow, we are the indigenous Meows of the Fire Country!"


"It's because the environment has changed, meow. In the blood memory passed down by the Ninja Cat Clan, the Kingdom of Fire originally had a large desert, but the Kingdom of Wind used to be a vast prairie, meow."

"You said that, the current environment of the Fire Country was actually transformed by the first Hokage?"

"The memory in the blood is the work of the First Hokage, he is super~ powerful!!"

Uchiha Yu was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth.

The first Hokage, Senju Hashirama, possessed the power to change the world. Even to a ninja, there was no difference between the first Hokage and a god.

No wonder the Uchiha Madara family ran away. None of the senior Uchiha family members were willing to follow him, who made him unable to defeat Hashirama.

Uchiha Yu's mentality changed due to this battle, and new changes appeared. My idea of ​​being No. 30 in the world was shattered.

Compared with the people in the current ninja world, he is already very strong, but there is still a huge gap between him and the family elder, Uchiha Bambi, not to mention the first generation Hokage Senju Hashirama.

[Pride must be put away until I can change the environment of a country. 】

The originally arrogant Heart Monkey seemed to have received a slap in the face, and its arrogance was suddenly reduced. The Spleen Pig and the Lung Civet took advantage of the opportunity to expand their power.

The friction between the three heart-shaped objects intensified, and a large amount of monkey hair, pig hair, and cat hair fell out. They fell into the heart one after another, turning into nourishment for Uchiha Yuu's soul.

Soon, Uchiha Yuu noticed the change, because waves of powerful pupil power poured out of his brain and poured into his eyes, making him feel both cool and warm.

[Go back to the barrier lake first. You can't rest near the battlefield. It's too easy for accidents to happen. 】

Before they even got close to the barrier dam, they were discovered by Mao You who arrived early. He shouted loudly: "How did you find this place? It's so beautiful and useful, cat!"

"It's just pure luck that I came across this while doing a mission."

"Come on, we are already digging the pit. You still have to do the work of building the altar."

"No meow, we need to rest meow."

"Meow? What did you do?"

Facing Nekyou's question, Uchiha Yu gently pulled Miwa Masayo's tail, and then rushed to answer:
"There was a group of ninjas from Sunagakure Village running over. We had to drive them away and chased them for a long time..." "Fortunately, you are finally here. Now you don't have to be afraid."

Maoyou also frowned when he heard this. He immediately sent out more than a dozen ninja cats to spread out in all directions for warning.Then arrange tents, food and water to let Miwa Masayo and Uchiha Yuu rest.

Entering the tent, Miwa Masayo immediately released Senjutsu Chakra, filling the space of the entire tent, preventing the sound from leaking out, and then asked: "Even Neko Yu wants to hide the matter with Sunagakure Village, nya?"

"We can only hide it. Nekoyu's character is a good leader, but he is too proud. He actually looks down on human ninjas and does not understand the weight of a great ninja village."

"The natural energy here is not needed by ninjas who practice celestial arts, and ninjas who practice celestial arts must have their own channels, so they can be occupied by Cat Castle, Sunagakure Village, and Konoha Village. I will have a falling out with Cat Castle just to occupy this useless place.”

"But if the Sunagakure Village feels that the Cat Castle is a threat, they will organize ninjas to attack. Masashi, you know the strength of the five great ninja villages. As long as they are mobilized, not to mention the Cat Castle, even the three holy places cannot resist it."

"This matter can only be borne by you and me. We can't let Cat Castle help us share the burden."

"I understand, Meow. You can rest quickly. I'll be on guard."

"Well, please."

"When you get some rest, let's make a honey barbecue dinner, meow!"

"We have no more meat and the remaining wild boar carcasses stink."

"You go hunting for cats, Honey has to find cats too."

"...Are you a capitalist? No, capitalists are not so ruthless. Are you a slave owner?"

"Get some rest, I'll let the ninja go look for clues, meow."

Resting peacefully, Uchiha immersed himself in the spiritual world and observed the three heart shapes rubbing against each other. With the help of this visual mental activity, he carefully evaluated his own state.

It turns out that three heart shapes are a very favorable state. They can easily form a tripartite force. With each other in check, Uchiha Yuu's burden is greatly reduced.

He began to mobilize natural energy, vibrating his Dantian and making roaring bells, cleansing his inner world.

This breakthrough was quite impressive. The most direct result was that the capacity and pulsation of the meridians increased tenfold, and the sound of the purging bells became more solemn and majestic, effectively suppressing the three hearts and quickly beating them back to their original shape.

However, the smallest size of the three hearts has permanently increased tenfold. The change in size reminds Uchiha Yu that the ease of suppressing the hearts this time is a benefit brought by the breakthrough.

The next heart-shaped restlessness will start with a new body shape, more deadly threat.

This is the principle of "the height of the Tao is the height of the devil". As one's own cultivation of immortality progresses and the energy and spirit grow tenfold, the inner demons will also grow tenfold or even more.

The problem of heart-shaped restlessness was solved. Uchiha Yu did not rush to finish. Instead, he sat down and performed the pile method to guide the state of mind to return to nature and speed up the digestion of the heart-shaped residue.

Jing, Qi and Shen are linked together. The strange metal strengthens the Qi, and the heart-shaped training strengthens the Shen. Only the Jing that represents the body has no additional means of growth, either training hard with heavy loads or eating a big meal.

The slow speed of physical strengthening has become a problem that he needs to pay attention to in his practice.

But now, it is time to consider how to get meat to satisfy the physical needs of myself and Miwa Masayo. This is already a problem, and we must not make it worse.

But as soon as Yuu Uchiha walked out of the tent, he found that the ninja cats were making a commotion. They were shouting: "The net is trapped. What kind of animals are caught in the net? There are many more!"

He immediately followed the running ninja cat towards the lake to see what animals were caught in the trap at the bottom of the lake.


  Why add more?
(End of this chapter)

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