Chapter 68
Another gain from the deduction of heaven and earth is that Yu Uchiha determined the promotion stages of the foundation building period, as well as the training methods to achieve each stage.

But at this moment, Uchiha Yuu felt deeply exhausted. He was not even willing to recall the details of the training method. This was a sign that his mental power was close to being exhausted.

Uchiha Yu knew that he needed rest and real sleep.

So he stopped thinking deeply, restored his five senses, and immediately felt the difference on his cheeks.

[This is... who is licking me? 】

It can only be Miwa Masashi, hehe, he is so proactive...

Stimulated by this, Uchiha Yu's spirit perked up slightly. He reluctantly opened his eyes, looked at the tabby cat on his shoulder, and asked in a low voice: "Rika-chan, you are so proactive, I am very surprised."

Miwa Masayo finally got a response, and her mood suddenly relaxed, and she blurted out: "I thought you were dead, I was scared to death."

"I did almost die. I'm not much better now. I need your help."

"What do you need from me, meow?"

"I need pear jam's kiss, it would be better if it's a cat girl's..."

The raccoon cat was furious, meowing, and swung out its claws nine times a second, hitting Uchiha Yuu hard on the face.

This was both a way to vent her panic and to cover up her shyness and embarrassment.

【damn it. 】

[How dare he tease me? 】

[Asshole, when did I accept the name Pear Blossom? 】

In short, this damn shoveler must... give him a harsh lesson and make his face turn upside down! !

The fight between the two Taoist monks did not last long, because Uchiha Yuu was really tired, and he soon fell into a complete depression.

No matter how angry Miwa Masashi was, he couldn't take it out on Uchiha Yu who had slept to death. The key was that he didn't feel that good when there was no response.

Therefore, the civet cat decided to wait until the shit shovel woke up and then beat him, which would be more severe than scratching the face! !


Uchiha Yuu slept for two whole days before waking up full of energy.

Miwa Masashi waited too long and had already digested all the negative emotions. She no longer had the idea of ​​​​teaching him a lesson again. She easily convinced herself with a reason.

[Exchanging experiences on the progress of the immortal way is more important than venting one's emotions. This is a quality that every immortal who is interested in the immortal way must possess. 】

Of course, this is just a concept that Uchiha Yu has just begun to spread, and only Miwa Masashi accepts this concept.

In the ninja world, there is no such expanded ideological system based on Taoist philosophy. Whether it is ninja or sage, there is only pure pragmatism.

Pragmatism is good. Only pragmatism can be down-to-earth and solve the most realistic problems.

But excessive pure pragmatism is not good. It will lead to the pursuit of shortest-term benefits and the inability to care about any long-term interests. It is easier to fall into a vicious circle of self-inflicted internal friction than idealism.

When pragmatism is taken to the extreme, it is very easy to become dogmatic, and then it will form a dilemma from which one cannot extricate oneself, and there is no possibility of one's own escape.

The Six Paths Immortal, the Big Toad Immortal, the White Snake Immortal, and the Slug Immortal all seem to be in their own predicaments. They each seek ways to move forward, and mistakenly regard a certain aspect or thing that the footprints focus on as their own "Tao".

Only under the guidance of excellent philosophical ideas can climbers of the immortal species know the direction of progress, because only when the direction is correct can they effectively judge right from wrong.Because there is hope for the future, we can restrain our own desires and not fall halfway.

Uchiha Itachi and Miwa Masashi are still inconspicuous now, but their future is promising and bright. One day, they will leave everyone behind them.

In addition, after scratching Uchiha Yuu's face, the scars disappeared in a few seconds, which really made the cat very helpless. …

The communication about the breakthrough of immortality lasted for thirty hours. Uchiha Yuu's spirit was a little depressed, and receiving a lot of information and concentrating on thinking made Miwa Masayo exhausted. Her head was throbbing and painful. She had to about to rest.


"Yu, I'm hungry, nya."

Uchiha Yuu stood up with a smile: "Okay, I'll make some food."

The two of them had been here for more than four days, and most of the food had been eaten, except for the huge wild boar.

Uchiha Yu walked over, looked at the wild boar's body up and down, and decided to use the pork ribs to make grilled pork chops, grilling the whole fan.

Miwa Masashi was very tired, so time was very tight. He had no time to marinate or slow-roast the pork chops, so Uchiha Yu decided to cook the pork chops in a special way.

First, use a flame to boil a lake of water, then throw the whole pork chop into the water and blanch it. The blood foam will be removed and the pork chop will be cooked directly.

At the same time, Uchiha Yuu took out the iron pot and set it up, refining the pork suet into lard. The lard residue was fed as a snack to refresh the civet cat and prevent it from falling asleep due to hunger.

Lift the cooked pork chops out of the boiling water, use a wind blade to penetrate hundreds of small holes, smear it with Uchiha Yu's secret barbecue sauce, wrap it in a thick layer of sauce, and fry it in the oil pan.

The boiling high-temperature oil evaporates the water in the pork chops, and the sauce is wrapped in it and penetrates into the depths of the meat as quickly as possible, making the pork chops firm and elastic in texture.

Uchiha Yu watched the heat carefully, lifted up the pork chop after most of the water had evaporated, and wrapped the pork chop with the fire of senjutsu. The high-temperature flames instantly dried out the fat and moisture on the surface, completely stimulating the aroma of the pork, and also endowed the pork chop with The unique aroma of barbecue.

In less than 10 minutes, the fragrant grilled pork chops were ready. The tempting aroma aroused Miwa Masayo's appetite and briefly lifted her spirits, allowing the civet cat to have a full meal before falling asleep.

While enjoying the delicious food in Miwa Masashi, Uchiha Yu took the opportunity to enter the spiritual world. He wanted to see what the newly finalized third heart shape looked like.

The third heart shape has snow-white and soft hair, a big fluffy and soft tail, blue and watery eyes, and it will make a sweet cry when it looks at Uchiha Yuu.

Milky voice.

The third heart shape is a white cat, which can be called a lungcat.

Uchiha Yuu liked it at first sight, but also felt it was a bit weird.

He has already raised Masashi Miwa in reality, why would he still have a cat in his heart? This is really...

Very good!
This is raising two cats without restrictions, Hong Qi and Cai Qi, hehe.

Suddenly, Uchiha Yu woke up and realized that something was wrong.

He shouldn't have fallen in love directly, and even if he liked cats, he shouldn't have accepted them at first sight. This was not a decision that he, Uchiha Yu, could make.

When he signed the Cat Castle contract three years ago, Uchiha Yuu fell in love with Masayo Miwa at first sight, but he still spent a lot of time getting along with the cat and finally signed the psychic contract.

The first heart-shaped golden monkey and the second heart-shaped monkey are also very cute, but Yuu Uchiha doesn't feel like them because they are part of his personality, and there is no reason to like them particularly.

Uchiha Yuu thought quickly in his mind, and after comparing countless pieces of information, he finally found the answer.

【朏朏!The prototype of the lunged civet turned out to be Zhao! 】

[It is a mythical beast recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas: There are many trees in Huoshan Mountain. There is a beast in the mountain, which looks like a raccoon, with a long white tail and a mane, and its name is Feixiao. 】

【If people raise it, it can relieve sorrow. 】

[In the age of mythology, the mythical beast relied on being cute to survive. No wonder it made me fall for it at a glance. 】

(End of this chapter)

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