Chapter 60 Crisis Resolved
Although it is a new lake that has just appeared, the water has been clarified, and the deep valley is half submerged. The lake is deep and calm, reflecting the blue sky, white clouds and distant peaks, forming a beautiful lake view reflecting the sky and the earth.

"Beautiful." x2
"I don't want to destroy the lake now."

"I don't want to meow either."

"It's not surprising that the air is fresh, what's surprising is the natural energy concentration here..."

Uchiha Yu closed his eyes and carefully perceived the surrounding environment.

After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and said with great surprise: "Yes, the concentration is gradually increasing. You can feel the difference in just a few minutes. The potential here is not small."

"I also feel it. If it can last for another ten days, it should exceed the concentration of Cat Castle. It is very rare for cats, so they should occupy this place."

"I agree that mobilizing the ninja cats of Cat Castle to control this place will be of great benefit to the future of Cat Castle. We can set up an ever-burning light to serve as a mobility node for the two of us."

"What about this lake?"

"The lake must be preserved. Although the emergence of the lake is most likely not directly related to the growth of natural energy, I am just a newbie in the Immortal Path, so I cannot say for sure."

"If we make a mistake and the lake releases its natural energy and disappears, it will be a huge loss."

"Besides, the scenery of this lake is worth protecting."

Uchiha Yu pointed at the natural dam full of rocks and trees, and said, "Let's go and see the condition of the barrier dam and see what we can do to preserve this beautiful new lake."

The barrier dam was obviously formed by the collapse of the entire mountain on the west side. The amount of rock and earthwork was huge, and the thickness of the accumulated dam body was more than six times the height, so the stability was quite good.

The situation is much better than expected, but it also means the danger is much greater.

With the thickness of the dam body, as long as there is no overflow of water over the dam, it is impossible for the dam to collapse due to water pressure.

But the material that makes up the dam body is ultimately gravel residue. Although it is large enough to withstand pressure, it cannot withstand the erosion of water flow.As long as the accumulated lake water overflows the top of the dam, the dam body will be hollowed out by the water flow within a month at most, and then the dam will break. Moreover, the amount of water will accumulate even more, and the destructive power will naturally be stronger.

Miwa Masashi stood on this naturally formed dam. Looking left and right, he thought it was a mountain of gravel. He couldn't imagine such a big mountain. How could he be afraid of water flow?

Uchiha Yu pointed to the south and said: "Look at the valley here. Such a deep valley is washed out by water. It is a real rock. Can't it not withstand the washing by water?"

"Water is a very magical existence. When it is quiet, it has only weight, but as long as it flows, it has infinite power."

"Then how to deal with it, Meow?"

"It's very simple. Make a hole under the dam, make a pipe that can withstand the erosion of the water, and release the water in advance. This way you can save the dam and complete the task at the same time."

"I would never be able to move a mountain, but I think I could do it by building a tunnel through a loose dam."

Miwa Masashi was running around on this dam. The more he looked at it, the bigger it became. He couldn't help but doubt the arrogant words of the shit shoveler.

But the smart civet cat didn't say anything this time. She clearly remembered that Uchiha Yu said that before things start, don't say anything that doubts that things can't be done.

Even if such unlucky words are correct, he will still be beaten by everyone and end up miserable.

What's more, since Miwa Masayo met Uchiha Yuu, he has never done anything he was not sure about. He always plans over and over again, and succeeds smoothly after the preparation is in place.

Miwa Masato has full confidence in her shit shovel, which is absolute trust that has nothing to do with rationality. Compared with this trust, her own judgment is not worth mentioning.Since the foundation was successfully built, Uchiha Yuu's brainpower has greatly increased. The earth escape technique brought by the natural energy of earth allows him to move underground like a fish in water. He quickly figured out the internal structure of the barrier dam and quickly formulated a plan. Set of construction plans.

The floodway cannot run in a straight line. The water flow along the straight line will be too fast and the impact will be too strong, and the end of the pipe will be easily damaged.

Uchiha Yu chose a curved pipe structure to allow the water flow to move up and down along the pipe to control the maximum speed of the water flow.After the plan was completed, Uchiha Yu came to a position slightly higher than the current water level, mobilized the natural energy of earth, and submerged into the rock and soil just like entering water.

Soon these broken rocks and soil began to soften and rotate, turning into a mud-like material, and even formed a vortex.As the vortex rotates faster and faster, under the action of centrifugal force, a cavity appears in the center of the vortex, and it expands rapidly. When the diameter reaches three meters, the rotation suddenly stops, and the mud immediately hardens and turns white.

Immortal method·grouting cement
This is an earth magic that Uchiha Yu realized when he was building an altar in the Cat Castle. Its effect combines the magic functions of turning fossils into mud and turning mud into stone. It can soften and harden rocks, soil, and sand at will.

The hardening effect is similar to Portland cement and is quite strong.

Uchiha Yuu was very fast. The huge cement pipe quickly extended forward. After advancing 40 meters, it turned around and went straight into the original rock foundation of the mountain in order to withstand 80 meters of water pressure.

After advancing more than 160 meters through the rocks, the pipe turned around and rose upwards to a height of over 45 meters before making a sharp turn and heading downward again.

The final outlet of the pipeline is in the original river channel, which is so dark and daunting.

After Uchiha Yuu established the foundation, natural energy poured into his body continuously, continuously maintaining the operation and strengthening his physique all the time.

Today, for the first time, he experienced the feeling of "being hollowed out of his body". His physical strength was obviously still abundant, but his energy just couldn't be lifted. He lay lazily on the dam outlet, not wanting to move.

Uchiha Yuu weakly pleaded: "Miwa Masashi, I really can't stand up. Please go up and remove the boulder that seals the seal, so that the water can start flowing."

"Okay meow."

The civet cat jumped between the rocks with a light body. Soon she climbed over the dam and jumped into the water from the other side.Miwa Masashi is a ninja cat who can swim and dive. Her dislike of bathing is just a personality problem, not a fear of water.

However, the boulder blocking the entrance was completely underwater at this time. Although the buoyancy of the water reduced its weight, it was also firmly held up by the water.

Miwa Masashi Sage does not rely on strength. Her petite body is unable to resist the strong water pressure and cannot move the boulder blocking the entrance.

Li Huamao is not stubborn. Just because she can't move it with her physical strength doesn't mean that she can't move it with the power of magic.

Blue flames spit out from Miwa Masayo's mouth. Even under water, this flame can burn blazingly, and can even turn water into fuel, emitting strong firelight and temperature.

"Meow, meow, so hot, so hot!"

The civet cat used its cute cat claws to ball up the blue flames into a fireball, aimed at the boulder blocking the entrance to the sewer pipe, then turned around and ran away backwards.

The blue fireball silently touched the rock and blended silently into the center of the rock, forming a spiderweb-like trace of flames.

The traces of blue flames continued to penetrate deep into the rock, and finally burned through the entire rock and split into eight major parts. The water pressure crushed the cracked boulder in the next second.

Emerald green water surged into the pipe, and the water level in the barrier lake began to drop.

The crisis is over.

(End of this chapter)

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