I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 6 If you touch the reverse scale, you will be killed

Chapter 6 If you touch the reverse scale, you will be killed

Uchiha Yu's popularity is the result of his hard work.

In the past few years, he has served as a grassroots member of the police force and habitually works in the same manner as the People's Police.

It only took him three months to become integrated with the area he patrolled.

He knows the family situation of all residents in the patrol area and remembers everyone's name, age, birthday, job, expertise, and living habits.

He also tried his best to provide the help he could according to the specific difficulties of each family. Although the strength and financial resources of a genin were limited, the help with heart was very useful.

Uchiha Yuu worked as a film police officer for 20 years in his previous life, and has extensive experience in dealing with trivial matters.

For the people's police officers, the main focus of the work center is to consider people and help people adapt to reality, and pay special attention not to embarrass people.

There was no way he could do it. In the days when praise ratings were linked to bonuses, he didn't pay much attention to it, because catching thieves at that time could lead to meritorious service, and promotion and salary increases were not a problem.

But then the cash disappeared, there were fewer thieves, and the praise rate was linked to the staffing level. The iron rice bowl was no longer iron. Who are you going to talk to?
Forced by the positive reviews, he had to carefully understand the people's sentiments, understand the difficulties of ordinary families, put himself in their shoes, and pinpoint the key points of help.

Only in this way can we use the least effort in exchange for the greatest praise.

For the elderly who lack the ability to take care of themselves, Uchiha Yu will help move things and run errands, and will also talk to them to relieve loneliness.

For middle-aged people who are living in poverty, Uchiha Yu never gives money directly, because he knows that the middle-aged people's self-esteem can't stand it.Based on reality, we help introduce jobs and help solve the cumbersome procedures for setting up small businesses.

I started doing it all for the sake of good reviews, but over time it became a habit.

He's not another "un-Uchiha" Obito Uchiha.

That silly kid was also active in the Uchiha clan, but the good things he did were all imaginary good things, and he didn't know how much extra trouble he caused.

Uchiha Yuu wiped his butt more than once, dealing with the mess left by his "good deeds", which made him irritated.

Thinking of the future, this idiot killed Minato Namikaze and cut off the last hope of Uchiha, and then joined forces with Itachi Uchiha to destroy the Uchiha family.

Uchiha Yu couldn't help but feel itchy, and wanted to kill him in advance.

But considering that this guy is not Madara's only candidate now, killing him will not catch the future trend, and it will be more difficult to eliminate the crisis. Uchiha Yu temporarily gave up the idea of ​​killing.

Kenji Obito must die, but it is not his time yet.


The people of Konoha Village have never enjoyed the services of the people's police. They went from surprise to shock, from fear to acceptance. In the end, almost everyone regarded him as the closest person.

Not only members of the Uchiha family, but also members of other ninja clans and ordinary Konoha villagers are all served by Uchiha Yu.

Just like Yu's old captain said, the reputation of the Uchiha family and the Konoha police force has improved greatly because of his work.

Therefore, Uchiha Yu was suddenly expelled from the Konoha Police Force, and the reputation of the Uchiha family and the police force was suddenly severely damaged.

The villagers of Konoha are very simple, and their logic is very simple:
Uchiha Yuu is a good person, a very good person, and those who make things difficult for good people are bad people.

The Konoha police force must be a concentration camp for bad guys if they can't even tolerate a good person like Uchiha Yuu.

It's that simple and straightforward.

Uchiha Setsuna was blind in both eyes and heart. He firmly believed that driving Uchiha Yu away was the right thing to do, maintaining the purity of the strongest force and maintaining the family's reputation.

As for other people's evaluations, that doesn't matter.

His attitude has always been like this: I don’t want you to think, I just want what I think.

This is the biggest dilemma of the Uchiha family. The senior leaders and geniuses within the family are all more dangerous "real enemies" than Shimura Danzo.

Every time he thought about these guys before, Uchiha Yu would feel depressed, depressed and helpless.

Because these guys are either powerful and have a large number of ninjas under their command, or they are jounin themselves, or both.Knowing that these people were the real scourge, Uchiha Yu had no ability to clean them up. He could only watch them do whatever they wanted, dragging him and the Uchiha family down into the abyss.

When people are helpless, they will naturally feel helpless, depressed, and even sad.

But today is different. Uchiha Yuu is walking on the busiest street of the family. He only has happiness and happiness in his heart, and no negative emotions anymore.He has already established his foundation and will definitely have the power to break his fate in the future.

With confidence in his heart, Uchiha Yuu would naturally not have all kinds of negative emotions. Faced with the same difficulties, he had the courage to challenge them.

Suddenly, Uchiha Yu felt uncomfortable, and the abnormal beating of his heart made him uneasy.

What's happening here?

In the darkness, there are "people" watching the Uchiha family. This is their daily job.

Suddenly, another masked ninja appeared in the darkness, and he exchanged passwords with the ninjas who were conducting routine surveillance work.

"Is this Uchiha Yu?"


"A strange Uchiha indeed, just like a regular Konoha ninja."

"No, not at all. You see, he doesn't wear a forehead protector, he looks more like an ordinary villager."

"A non-dangerous Uchiha?"

"It's not dangerous...would you believe it?"

"We don't know if Uchiha Yu has activated the Sharingan. In so many years of records, he has never used the Sharingan."

"If his eyes are not open, then there is really no danger. But if there are, it means that he is hiding deeply. Calm madmen are the most dangerous."

"Want to test him?"


Seeing the confused look in his companion's eyes, the masked man who issued the order explained: "He completed a B-level mission today and was unscathed."

"Completing a B-level mission without any injuries is not the level of a chuunin. What are your orders, Danzo-sama?"

"Why would Danzo-sama pay attention to a minor character like Uchiha Yu? I think we can take action without an order from your lord."

This is the root's behavior. As long as he feels there is danger, he dares to attack anyone, ignores risks and rules, and never cares about the identity of Konoha ninja.

Therefore, the watching ninja did not question too much and responded directly: "Okay."


Uchiha Yuu, who was slurping noodles at the ramen stall, was stunned for a moment, and then continued to slurp noodles.

[..., I am just doing a B-level mission, but it can actually lead to death? 】

The tests at the root are very rough, especially the tests against the Uchiha family, which are direct sneak attacks.

Uchiha Yuu would be killed if he couldn't block a sneak attack. In Nebe's eyes, the best Uchiha could only be a dead Uchiha.

Don't say that attacking Konoha ninja is a serious crime. They are law enforcement officers. They can get away with some evidence and say it is a spy attack.

But if the root sneak attack is blocked, it proves that Uchiha Yu has concealed his strength, and Danzo Shimura will stand up and shamelessly claim to have clues that he has ulterior motives and is acting as a spy for Sunagakure Village. He must check his memory for confirmation.

Memory exploration is very dangerous. It can range from intellectual impairment to inability to take care of oneself, or even death on the spot.

Shimura Danzo will definitely use means to arrange people at the root to explore the memory, and Uchiha Yu will definitely not end well.

Maybe the best ending is to become an idiot.

Moreover, Uchiha Yu is a time traveler. How can his memory withstand detection? Memory is his reverse scale.

The dragon has reverse scales, those who touch it will kill it.

(End of this chapter)

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