I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 58: Cunning Rabbit Cave 3, not yet completed

Chapter 58: Three burrows of cunning rabbit, not yet completed

Uchiha Yu and Miwa Masashi stayed at the Cat Castle for seven days and were busy doing many things.

Nine ninja cats were rescued, seven of them mastered Senjutsu Chakra, and although the other two completely failed in practicing Senjutsu, they were also freed from the troubles of natural energy.

The most important thing is that Uchiha Yuu used his knowledge to mobilize thousands of ninja cats to build a simple altar, which can increase the concentration of natural energy to a certain extent.

Because he did not have the knowledge of sealing, the altar was made very large, a huge funnel structure like the Colosseum, but only the bottom floor was effective.

With this altar, it can usually meet the training needs of the eight cat immortals. It can also be used to practice celestial arts for other ninja beasts, increasing the chance that the ninja beasts can sense natural energy.

Miwa Masashi felt it for a while on the altar, and said dissatisfiedly: "The concentration of natural energy is still very poor, can it be improved by using sealing techniques to enhance the effect?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head: "There is no way to strengthen it. I don't like big buildings so I made the altar so big. Now the effect of increasing the concentration has reached its maximum. The improvement of the sealing technique can only reduce the area of ​​the altar."

"In the final analysis, the environment of Cat Castle is not good enough. I think we still have to consider relocation in the future. There must be places with high natural energy concentrations in the ninja world."

Mao You nodded and agreed: "Master You is right, the valley occupied by the giant bugs is very good, but now Cat Castle does not have the strength to occupy such a good place."

"Yes, there is no owner of this treasure land. It is occupied by those with virtue and strength. Mao You, Cat Castle still has a long way to go in the future. You have to work hard."

"Meow? Are you really leaving?"

"Yes, I left Konoha Village with a mission. It has been delayed for seven days now. It's time to leave."

Uchiha Yu suddenly remembered something. He looked at Nekoyu with a smile and said, "Mashiwa Masayo will go with me."

Nekoyu breathed a sigh of relief quietly, but Miwa Masayo didn't hear anything and replied naturally: "You are my contractor, of course I will follow you."

Without being sloppy, Uchiha Yu said hello to Granny Neko and left with Masashi Miwa.

Because there was no suitable destination for the flame shuttle, they could only leave the cat castle on their feet.

The exit Cihuamao chose was the empty seat shop because it was the closest to the mission location.

Walking in the long and narrow passage, Miwa Masashi suddenly said: "Yu, did Nekoyu notice that I was pretending to be stupid?"

"Definitely not."

"Hmph, Nekoyou is such an idiot."

"It's not that he's stupid, it's just that he doesn't get along with the most cunning human beings. How can he be so thoughtful?"



"You are my contractor. If you want to speak for me, you can't say that I am too evil-minded."


"Let Maoyou do your work and let's go play together."

"You are right, Miwa Masayo, a sage should be a carefree person."

"I am willing to work for the exploration of immortality, and I am willing to fight to protect my life, but if you want me to be busy for power, money, and fame, that is absolutely impossible!"

"You are really like our tolerant cat, Miaomiao."

"A fairy looks like a cat? Haha, it does look a bit like it."

"Yu, where is the mission? I don't remember, nya."

"The Country of Sichuan, Kyusen Village."

"Is Kawa no Kuni far away?"

"It's not far, only [-] kilometers. At our current speed, we will arrive at noon tomorrow."

"So far! Will it take so long?" "Meow, Ninja cats don't have good endurance."


"Hehe, I'll take a nap first."

"it is good."

Uchiha Yu lovingly rubbed Masashi Miwa, who was lying on his shoulders and hugging his neck tightly, and said with a smile: "Sleep peacefully, I will wake you up when you get there."


When Uchiha Yu goes out to perform a mission, he naturally won't be carrying any weight.

When operating in the wild, you can encounter enemies anytime and anywhere. It is impossible to exhaust yourself like you did in Konoha Village.Even in the cat castle, Uchiha Yuu maintained the lowest level of vigilance. Even when he was helping the ninja cats with their treatment, he never used his full strength.

It's not that I don't trust the ninja cats, but the combat power and infrastructure of the cat castle are very poor, and they are not enough to protect the exhausted Uchiha Yuu. He can only protect himself.

[Can’t relax, the cunning rabbit still has three holes, and I haven’t even managed one well, so how can I relax? 】

[The Uchiha family in Konoha Village is my first cave, which is enough to protect my safety for the time being. 】

[But I have to say that the current Uchiha family is completely unsatisfactory. I need to wait for Shisui to grow up and Uchiha Madara to die before I can take action. 】

[I still need to do a lot of work to make my first cave. I will be busy in the future. 】

[Cat Castle is not qualified as my second cave, and it cannot even protect my safety. 】

[Although my work has been completed, the ninja cats need time to grow slowly, and the construction of the cat castle also needs time to be gradually improved. 】

【Time. 】

[The most important thing is the third cave. In my imagination, the confidentiality of the third cave is the highest. I need to build the third cave alone. Now I don’t even have the direction to select a location. 】

[It is better to go out for a walk more often and measure the entire ninja world with your own feet. 】

[Only in this way can it be possible to find a suitable construction site for the third cave. 】

Thinking about the future, himself, and immortality, Uchiha Yuu walked quickly and approached Kusen Village in the middle of Kawano Country.

The Country of Kawakawa is surrounded by the Country of Fire and the Country of Wind from east to west. It is a buffer zone between the two countries. In the two great ninja wars, the Country of Kawakawa was the main battlefield where Konoha ninjas and Sunagakure ninjas fought.

However, the terrain of Kawa Country is special. The main body of the country is composed of thousands of canyons running north to south. Rapid torrents flow in the canyons, which is a natural barrier that separates east-west traffic.

Most areas of Kawa no Kuni are not suitable for cultivation, so the population is sparse and concentrated at the north and south ends. The main battlefields of Konoha Village and Sunagakure Village are also at the north and south ends. The vast middle section is not the center of the battle.

When the situation is already very tense, Konoha Village will still accept missions from the central part of Kawano Country, but will no longer accept missions from densely populated areas.

Because of these economically developed areas, ninja activities in Sand Hidden Village have become very intensive. Ninjas performing tasks here may encounter hostile ninjas at any time.Any mission can turn into a B-level mission or even an A-level mission at any time due to unexpected encounters. The difficulty and risk of executing the mission are completely uncontrollable.

But after entering the country of Kawakawa, in the central area where it is said that there are no Sunagakure ninjas, Uchiha Yu encountered waves of Sunagakure ninjas. They crossed the country of Kawakawa and traveled back and forth between the country of wind and the country of fire.

Judging from the hurried speed of the ninjas, they should have passed through the Kingdom of Sichuan and carried out their mission in the Kingdom of Fire.

Judging from the number of ninjas, Sunagakure Village is obviously in disarray. If it is a reconnaissance mission, there is no need for so many ninjas. If it is a search mission, the number of ninjas is seriously insufficient.

The ninjas in Sunagakure Village were dispatched without any rules. There was definitely a big problem with the management of the village. Maybe the news of the disappearance of the Third Kazekage had spread.

Uchiha Yuu was horrified. If these Sunagakure ninjas knew that the Kazekage was missing, they would all be furious. They would definitely not care about Sanqi 21 when they saw him, and they would kill him before they could.

In order to avoid unnecessary fighting, Uchiha Yuu had to avoid the Sunagakure ninjas coming and going.

He stopped and went, and his traveling speed was naturally much slower. He was originally scheduled to arrive at noon, but actually arrived at Jiusen Village late at night.

 Happy Mid-autumn Festival.

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