I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 46 The old man saw through it

Chapter 46 The old man saw through it

"Haha, I know you are not a simple boy, and I have long known that you can keep your composure, so I, the old man, ate venison and acted like a monkey playing swordsmanship. After struggling for so long, I still managed to do nothing. Ken said.”

The old man Uchiha Nobuyin was proud of himself: "But after all, he is young. As soon as the old man took out this emotional offensive, he finally let it slip."

Uchiha Yuu: "..."

[The Uchiha family actually has such an old fox? 】

[How could Uchiha Fugaku come to power with such a cunning old guy like a fox?How did the entire family fall into the tragic situation of total annihilation? 】

Uchiha Shinyin smiled heartily: "Stop thinking nonsense. We old guys were harmed by Madara and targeted by that boy Tobirama. We lost our direct influence on the family 30 years ago."

"Now I am the only one left to die."

"Originally we pinned our hopes on the second generation. That kid Uchiha Kagami's talent, strength and character were perfect. Even Tobirama accepted him, but he died outside."

"You won't let go even if you die. This kid, Kagami, is even used as a negative example to prove that no matter how powerful a ninja is, he will die if he is careless."

"Ridiculous! What a stupid slander! Of course we who have awakened the Three Magatama Sharingan know that even if the Sharingan is not activated, it still has a vigilance ability that far exceeds that of a Jonin."

"Boy, let me ask you, under what circumstances would an Uchiha who has awakened the Three Magatama Sharingan be negligent?"

Uchiha Yu sighed and didn't answer anything, and Uchiha Nobuyin didn't need his answer.

"Haha, only when you get along with the person you trust the most is the moment when Uchiha completely relaxes. The so-called negligence is actually a warning signal that our own subconscious has denied the Sharingan."

Ninjas like Uchiha Kagami are very powerful in combat and have very comprehensive abilities. They are the most difficult type of ninja to kill. There are only two possibilities for his death.

Either he bumped into a super powerful Kage-level ninja, and the gap in physical strength between the two sides was too big, and he insisted on fighting to the end, even to the point of death.

Or he would be stabbed in the back by someone he trusted and die in frustration.

But the Konoha Village under the rule of the Second Hokage and the Third Hokage were two different concepts. At that time, Konoha was mighty and domineering. Which unscrupulous Kage-level ninja would attack the Uchiha Mirror? He and the organization behind him did not want to The ninja world is mixed up?
Therefore, [-]% of the time it is someone close to you who stabs you in the back.

But there is definitely no evidence for this matter. Both Uchiha Shinyin and Yuu know that if evidence is found, the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama will deal with it because he wants to suppress the Uchiha family, but does not want to eliminate the Uchiha family. Wave ninjas, there is an essential difference between the two.

Although they are one of the two major families that founded Konoha Village, the Uchiha family and Senju family are so powerful that they can be regarded as cancer in Konoha Village to some extent.

If the two major families flourish, the interests of Konoha Village will only belong to them, and the smaller families that join will not be able to reap the dividends of development.The new villagers who join as families are even worse. They may even be exploited. If the bottom class cannot benefit, there will be no population growth, and Konoha Village cannot have a bright future.

Senju and Uchiha must be disbanded or weakened to give up enough profit space. For the sake of Konoha Village, Senju Tobirama disbanded the main body of the Senju family, leaving only the first generation Hokage.

He also instigated civil strife in Uchiha, drove away the powerful core Uchiha Madara, and used the security department in exchange for the Uchiha family giving up administrative power.

After the shackles of the founding family were lifted, Konoha Village really ushered in great development, creating a Konoha Village that could overthrow the entire ninja world at the same time without Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

Dismantling the Senju family and suppressing the Uchiha family are overreaching policies. After achieving the goal, the policy tendency should be adjusted to appease the main backbone of Konoha Village and use gentle methods to guide them to change their allegiance goals, from family supremacy to The village comes first.

However, Senju Tobirama's death was too sudden, and his successors pushed the policies that were supposed to be adjusted to an even more extreme level, triggering a serious backlash.

This kind of backlash reflected in reality the decline of combat power. As the main force, the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan were wary and unwilling and did not dare to fight desperately in the war.The energy and spirit of the Konoha ninjas collapsed, from easily crushing the ninja world in the first war to being unable to win the second ninja war when both families were defeated at the same time.

Konoha Village is very similar to the Wei State in the Warring States Period of China. Because it is located in the center of the Four Wars of the Central Plains, it can only swing between the best and the worst, without any middle state.

When one can fight four, the situation in Konoha Village is to attack from all sides and dominate the world.

When one can fight two, the situation in Konoha Village is that of being besieged from all sides and struggling to survive.

Under the leadership of incompetent leaders, Konoha Village cannot withstand external pressure, which naturally leads to increasingly serious internal strife.

The direct line of the Senju family, which was left as a flag, was completely destroyed, the Uchiha family, which was retained as a guarantee of combat power, was brutally squeezed out, and Hatake Sakumo committed suicide unjustly under the scorching sun.

The decline of Konoha Village has spread from the spiritual level to the hard power level and can never be undone.

This is a vicious cycle. The decline of Konoha Village's combat power is embarrassing, and the Third Hokage Group will intensify its attacks on the Uchiha family, and then Konoha Village's combat power will further decline.

Uchiha Nobuyin understands how dangerous this situation is. He is worried about the future of the Uchiha family, and even more worried about the safety of Uchiha Shisui.

But he was old, and he knew clearly that the people in power in the family were a bunch of trash, and he didn't have the ability to kill them, let alone protect Shisui.

The anxious old man was about to despair. After hearing about Uchiha Yuu's situation from Shisui, he hurried over to see someone without making any preparation.

After this day's contact, Uchiha Nobuyin was extremely pleasantly surprised.

Uchiha Yuu is powerful but low-key and calm, has extensive interpersonal relationships but has a low reputation, and is kind-hearted but decisive in killing. Although there is no murderous aura in his body, an experienced killer like Uchiha Shinyin can still smell the overflowing The smell of blood.

This is a person full of contradictions, but Uchiha Nobuyin believes that only such a person can survive in the mysterious situation of Bo Yun, and it is possible to save Uchiha Shisui's life and change the desperate future of the Uchiha family.

"Please Shisui."

The old man with snow-white beard and hair bowed tremblingly, and he bowed more than ninety degrees.

Uchiha Yu didn't speak or dodge. He truly accepted this gift, but it made the old man beam with joy.

He stopped talking, turned around, and strode away quickly, as if he had put down a heavy burden.

Uchiha Yu raised his eyebrows and smiled nonchalantly.

He didn't feel that he was being burdened because he was also a member of the Uchiha, and it was his unshirkable responsibility to solve the crisis of genocide that caused the Uchiha's annihilation.

Moreover, Uchiha Yuu needs the Uchiha family. Only with this powerful ninja family on his head can he cover up his special situation and ensure that his great cause of cultivating immortals is not disturbed.

If the Uchiha family were exterminated and there would only be three or four Uchiha left in the entire ninja world, he would be targeted by all kinds of monsters and ghosts.

Being in the spotlight, Uchiha Yuu will be studied by everyone. Can he still keep any secrets?

Even now, after being seen through by the old man Uchiha Nobuyin, Uchiha Yu felt uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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