Chapter 36 Yuu!Good job you did! !

"The next work is very, very important, and it's all up to you."

"Don't worry, meow, I promise you won't let the fire become too small and the soup will become cold, and you will definitely not let the fire get too big and the pot will become cold."

"But be very careful. Once the soup is cold, the flavors will no longer be integrated, and the umami flavor will not reach its peak. If the pot is overturned, the ingredients will roll over, disrupting the order of mixing, and the taste will also become weird."

"Don't worry, nya, Miwa Masashi is not an idiot."

"Stupid cat, am I worried that you don't know? What I'm worried about is that you will be knocked down by the smell, your soul will be sucked into the earthen pot, and you will forget to watch the fire."

"I, I don't know how to meow... I don't count the last time as a meow,... the last time can't be counted as... the last time..."

"I won't do it this time. I'm already a cat fairy!"

"Okay, I believe you."


At the riverside training ground, after basic physical training, Uchiha Yu arranged everyone's training plan, and then stared at Uchiha Shisui.

"Shisui, the chakra here pauses for a moment, and then shifts a little to the left."

"Brother Yu, do I have any problem here?"

"From a past ninja training perspective, you don't have any problems here, but in my opinion, there is room for improvement."

"Yes, Brother Yu."

"The changes are good, how do you feel?"

"You have to keep paying attention here, but there is nothing special about it."

Obito Uchiha suddenly became happy, maybe because he felt that he finally caught Uchiha Yu's mistake, he laughed wildly and said: "It doesn't make any sense to modify it specially, it must be wrong."

Uchiha Yuu didn't say anything, but Shinichi pulled Obito away: "Obito, you don't have any special feeling when you are unfamiliar with it, won't you become faster and stronger as you become more proficient?"

"Ah? Is that so?" Obito was shocked and asked, squeezing his neck: "Yu, how come you only teach Brother Shisui such a good thing and don't care about us?"

"Isn't there something wrong with your big brother?"

Uchiha Yu glanced at him: "You have no time to learn, Obito. Your entire team, as well as all ninjas over ten years old in Konoha Village, have no time."

"what are you saying?"

"This kind of modification is different from instinctive habits. It takes enough time to slowly develop new habits. It will take at least two years to be completely free of distractions. The war is coming, and there is no time."

Everyone was silent, and then they trained redoubled their efforts.

At the end of the training in the evening, Uchiha Shisui pulled Uchiha Yuu who was pretending to leave. This made him very satisfied. It was not in vain to show such an important technique today.

"Shisui, what can you do?"

"Brother You, I have some questions to ask you."

"A lot of... questions?"

"It's those chakra techniques you taught me today."

"That's quite a lot..." Uchiha Yuu was already thinking about the big earthen jars at home and the tabby cat that was easily distracted by the scent. "Then you come with me, and we'll talk as we walk. , I happened to make something good at home, and I’d like to treat you to a nice meal.”

Uchiha Shisui was stunned for a moment, remembering the clan leader's instructions to have a good relationship with Uchiha Yuu, and Elder Setsuna's request to try to meet the Neko Sennin Miwa Masayo as much as possible.

So he nodded in agreement.

"Brother You, you are very strong now, right?"

"Brother Shisui, who told you this? If I were strong enough, I should become a Jonin like Kakashi Hatake."

"But you know so much, I can feel a lot stronger in just two days."

"That's because your talent is good. Look at your Obito brother, even though I say he has a dry mouth, he still can't tread water."

"Brother Obito... Oh, he is an exception." "By the way, how did you discover the technique of chakra operation? There seems to be no such knowledge in the clan."

"Yes, how could it not be? I can't imagine it out of thin air."

"In the family's storage room, there are various records of the ancestors of the Uchiha family. Many of the powerful ninjas have recorded the limitations of chakra operation."

"Is this so? The family has such a good place, but I didn't know it."

"Because a lot of essential information in this place has been lost. Ask the clan leader for the specific reasons when you grow up."

"The knowledge I found is hidden in countless records. It is very difficult to find. It is difficult to discover these treasures without sorting them out."

"Brother Yu, it must have taken you a long time to find him."

"Of course, I have been reading in the collection room since I was four years old. How many years has it been now?"


"Shisui, the chakra movement skills I taught you are very important. You must keep practicing."

"Brother Yu, don't worry."

"I'm not at ease! The biggest problem with your kid is that you have soft ears. You believe anyone who says it. Believe it or not, the elder can turn around and say that what I taught you is worthless and firmly oppose your training..."

Uchiha Yu grabbed Shisui's ears with his fingers and said, "I can tell now. You will definitely hesitate when the time comes, haha."

"would not."

"Okay, let's make a bet. If you hesitate, you will have to fulfill one of my requests in the future. If you don't hesitate and firmly believe in me, I will teach you a cool and powerful ninjutsu."

"Okay, it's a deal! I'll win for sure!"

After the training, Uchiha Yu invited Shisui to his home because of the delicious food.

Uchiha Shisui readily agreed.

Walking near the tribe, Shisui was surprised to find that everyone would greet Uchiha Yuu, and he could also call everyone by name.

Uchiha Yu could even accurately guess where a naughty boy was hiding, and took the boy's mother to find the little fool at once.

That child gets a full childhood experience as a result.

Yuu Uchiha received a burst of laughter and curses in a childish voice.

Uchiha Shisui watched all this without blinking, and the envy in his eyes could almost flow out.

The reason why Shisui is favored by everyone is because his grandfather is called Uchiha Kagami, and because he is a genius at this time, but the most important thing is that he is an orphan whose parents both died.

Very useful and easy to control.

What the senior leaders of the Uchiha family did was probably the same trick the Third Hokage played on Uzumaki Naruto, only not as disgusting.They are proud Uchihas who cannot take away their children's property, push their children into desperate situations, and then use a little favor to win people's hearts.

That's too low.

By instilling their own ideas, Fugaku, Setsuna, Shifang, Kensaku, and Hideyuki hope that Shisui will agree with their ideas and become a future star in their own camp.

But it has to be said that they, a group of old men and one Fugaku, who is more conservative than the old man, have no idea how outdated their thoughts are, how condescending their attitude is, and how disgusted they will be arousing in the children when indoctrinating them.

Although the Third Hokage's behavior is despicable, he is willing to put down his stature and use a service attitude to play the emotional card and the ideal card with his children, especially the binary distinction between black and white, right and wrong, which is an effective dimensionality reduction attack.

No wonder geniuses like Shisui and Itachi have become people.

The senior leaders of the Uchiha clan have not kept up with the times and are destined to be eliminated by the times.

However, Uchiha Yuu does not believe that the Uchiha clan needs to be eliminated through the tragic method of genocide. There is no life-and-death conflict between ourselves and the enemy in Konoha Village.

The happy atmosphere completely disappeared after getting closer to home. The atmosphere in the entire neighborhood was very tense. Some people even yelled at Uchiha Yu: "Yu! You must have done something good!!"

(End of this chapter)

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