I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 31 The Status of the Cat Immortal

Chapter 31 The Status of the Cat Immortal
Setsuna Uchiha is not young anymore. He was over fifty and was a middle-aged man during the reign of the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama. Now he is no longer in his prime.

He was arrested by the ANBU of the Second Hokage for inciting rebellion and imprisoned for a full 20 years. Now he was released because his health was already very poor and the Third Hokage did not want him to die in prison.

Therefore, Setsuna's eye power may seem huge, but it is actually accumulated over many years. Without the support of chakra, it is very weak.But in the end, it was the power of Mimagatama's eyes that was shattered by Miwa Masayo with a roar, which also shocked everyone except Uchiha Yu.

The raccoon cat's eyes were sharp, staring at Setsuna Uchiha with murderous intent: "You attack my contractor in front of me, do you want to die?"

Cats are cute, but their murderous aura is terrifying, and it breaks out without warning.

The old man Setsuna who was targeted was caught off guard. He felt his heart pounding, his chakra unable to function, his body stiff, and he couldn't speak even when he opened his mouth. He could only make meaningless "Ahhh" sounds.

Setsuna Uchiha had been squatting in a hard kiln for more than 20 years, and did not have the perseverance to persist in training. He had long lost the strong heart he had when he was young. He was actually frightened by Miwa Masashi and became physically disabled.Fortunately, there has been no incontinence yet, otherwise the old man would definitely kill himself later.

Uchiha Fugaku quietly took a step forward and stood in front of Elder Setsuna, blocking the murderous aura of Miwa Masayo.

Uchiha Yuu was now connected to Miwa Masashi's aura, and he immediately noticed that the young clan leader's silent aura was like a mountain hidden in the abyss.

[Did he awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan? 】

【Meow?Yu?Are you talking in my heart? 】

[..., Masashi? 】

【It’s me, meow. 】


Uchiha Yuu's brain was completely empty. He was willing to share many secrets with Miwa Masayo, but in this way, he could directly communicate with the kitten...

This was too direct, and Uchiha Yu couldn't accept it.

What if the kitten sees the cat niang he imagined... Stop it! ! ! !

【What's the cat? 】

【You read it wrong! ! 】

【Meow?No matter what, give me more chakra and natural energy, nya, the leader of your family is so powerful, nya. 】

【it is good! 】

It has been less than fifteen days since Masayo Miwa mastered senjutsu with the help of Uchiha Yuu. How much senjutsu chakra can she accumulate?

But as long as she comes into contact with the shit shovel, she can directly use his chakra and natural energy to synthesize her own magical chakra in her body.

Yu Uchiha is a cultivator who has completed a hundred days of foundation building. Although he has just laid a foundation in the immortal path and is not worth mentioning in terms of strength, his basic strength in the ninja world has reached an incredible level.

The magic chakra itself has powerful power, far exceeding the natural energy or chakra that exists alone.

That's why Masashi Miwa appears so strong.

[It’s actually quite good to be able to communicate with each other. 】

[Yes, meow, just think about it. It’s much faster than talking. It’s difficult for a cat to talk, meow. 】

[Masashi, the patriarch is going to fight back, get ready! 】

【Good meow. 】

[3, 2, 1, 0! 】

Just when Uchiha Yu counted down to 0 in his heart, Uchiha Fugaku shouted simultaneously: "Ha!!"

Eye power that far exceeded the limit of the three magatama Sharingan surged out in an attempt to defeat the sensual chakra of the tanuki.

And Miwa Masayo also released his magical chakra at this time: "Meow!!"

The two powerful forces collided together, but due to their respective restraints, they canceled each other out and did not turn into a violent collision.

Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Yu knew that the other party had no intention of causing trouble, so they each gathered their strength and ended the contest.Uchiha Fugaku asked with surprise and inexplicable surprise: "Are you a ninja cat from the Cat Castle, oh no, Neko Sage?"

[Yu, Yumiao, how should I answer? 】

[Don’t be afraid, just follow my words. 】

Miwa Masashi jumped gracefully on Uchiha Yuu's head, stood tall, looked at Uchiha Fugaku from a bird's eye view, and replied with great arrogance: "I am the immortal of the Cat Castle, the head of the Uchiha family. You can call me Miwa Masashi Sennin."

"Great, Cat Castle finally has a real immortal."

"Sage, can you sign psychic contracts with more Uchiha people?"

"No, I just became an immortal this year. Both strength and skills will take time. I don't have the energy to sign a contract with a second person for the time being."

"Head of the Uchiha, you don't have to be disappointed."

"The friendship between Cat Castle and Uchiha has lasted for hundreds of years. When I finish sorting out the senjutsu and teach it to other ninja cats, there will naturally be a new psychic contract."

"You just need to wait patiently for a few years..."

Fugaku's mind was full of surprises at this time. With the Sage inheritance in the Cat Castle, someone in the Uchiha family would learn senjutsu. The last shortcoming of the Senju family was finally made up.

Fugaku immediately planned how to get closer to Cat Castle, and even made the relationship between the two families public.

Who knows there will be surprises later.

"Hmm." Miwa Masashi seemed to think for a moment, then pointed his paw at Uchiha Itachi in Uchiha Mikoto's arms, "When this child turns four, come find me at the Cat Castle."

The surprise came too quickly. At this time, both Fugaku and Mikoto felt dizzy and even became incoherent.

Mikoto hugged the child tightly, bowed deeply and said, "Thank you for your generosity."

Fugaku was also grinning, but he was worried about being disrespectful and forced himself to control it, so he followed his wife and saluted.

Well, the psychic crow prepared for his son can be sold. His eldest son must sign a psychic contract with Cat Castle, and it is the contract of the first immortal. He will definitely be able to master the inheritance of immortal magic in the future.

Uchiha Fugaku lowered his gaze and saw Uchiha Yuu who seemed to understand nothing. He smiled and said, "I'm here to see the results of the training. Well... you... did a good job. After the task is completed, there will be extra reward."

"Thank you, the patriarch."



Then he looked at Miwa Masashi and saluted again: "My business is over. Please allow us to leave first."

Miwa Masashi nodded slightly and said extremely proudly: "You can be the leader of Uchiha as you wish."

At this time Uchiha Setsuna had recovered, but he didn't say anything.

Uchiha Setsuna originally wanted the clan leader to see Uchiha Yuu's behavior that violated family rules, such as not wearing a badge to show family honor when training family children, and giving priority to training outsiders, etc.

But now that the patriarch discovered the Cat Immortal, he turned a blind eye to everything he told him. Instead, he praised him and left.He followed the clan leader to salute Miwa Masashi, and then left together.

Now that the first real cat sage stands on Uchiha Yuu's head, what else can he say?

Uchiha's shame?
What about trouble?

Cat Castle is a secret psychic place where the Uchiha family has signed a contract for generations. The relationship between the two parties is so close that they can entrust the family inheritance and wealth to Granny Cat.

Now that the Cat Castle has the inheritance of the Immortal, it may soon become the fourth holy land. How heartless does it have to be to offend the Cat Immortal?

In addition to Setsuna, there are six elders in the Uchiha family.

(End of this chapter)

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