I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 302 The equivalent of the six immortals should be the Emperor of the Divine Court

Chapter 302 The equivalent of the Immortal of Six Paths should be the Emperor of the Divine Court

Otsutsuki Hamura is inexperienced at best, but he's not stupid at all.

When he heard the danger mentioned by his brother, he knew that the illusion problem he was most worried about had still appeared. It was not Uchiha Yu who was killed by Ashbone, but the real dummy created by illusion.

But how is this possible?

Otsutsuki Hamura has specifically confirmed that every hair on Uchiha Yuu's skin and every tiny slit on his skin are flawless and real.

Just when he was full of doubts and on guard, Uchiha Yu quietly appeared behind him.

The majestic wooden man's continuous attacks caused countless bone fragments, most of which were reused by the corpse bone veins and grew back into the Bone King's body.

However, in the fierce battle, Otsutsuki Hamura did not notice that some of the bone chips and bone fragments that Uchiha Yu had touched were casually engraved with the Flying Thunder God's mark.

In the process of reintegrating back to the Bone King, most of the Flying Thunder God Marks will be damaged and invalidated due to various reasons.

But there are still a small number of marks that have been successfully preserved. One of the marks is on the bone crown behind Otsutsuki Hamura.

As a time and space ninjutsu, the activation process does not take time, and Yuya Uchiha, who has been prepared for it, moves faster than Hamura Otsutsuki, who is fully alert.

Just when Otsutsuki Hamura noticed something unusual behind him, Uchiha Yuu's hand was already on his shoulder.

He did not activate the Rasengan, nor did he use the indestructible Thunder Release, but instead sent a stream of Yang Release Chakra into Hamura Otsutsuki's body.

The next moment, Otsutsuki Hamura's body stiffened.

Then countless bones popped out of his body, some as big as a human leg, some as small as a toothpick, some as white as jade, some as dusty and inconspicuous, and most of them were twisting and turning. of.

As the bone penetrated uncontrollably, blood flowed out like a free money, and soon a pool of blood accumulated at the feet of Otsutsuki Hamura.

Those gray bones are the most dangerous. Although the emergence of gray bones will not cause bleeding, the location where they emerge will crack and break quickly.

These gray bones are not the same as the gray bones. At most, they have similar properties. The damage to Otsutsuki Hamura is very limited, and the damage will not spread infinitely until the whole body collapses.

But as more and more gray bones appeared, he still felt frightened, because the damage caused by out-of-control gray bones was the most difficult to recover from.

Otsutsuki Hamura's eyes were splitting with tears. He never expected that the weak Yang Escape chakra would make the corpse veins completely out of control.

When he realized that the situation was not good, he immediately tried to expel the foreign chakra.

But he immediately discovered that his body was against his will, craving for this Yang Escape Chakra and refusing to reject it.

Uchiha Yu explained kindly: "Don't think that my chakra is harmful. This is the absolutely pure Yang escape chakra that I carefully cultivated. It is a great tonic for anyone's body."

"Even for you Otsutsuki Hamura, this Yang Escape Chakra is of great benefit. It can at least treat hidden wounds and prolong life."

"It's just that the situation is different now. You happened to be operating the corpse veins to the limit, maybe even beyond the limit."

"You yourself have defined the priority of the Corpse Veins as the highest. The Yang Escape Chakra I gave you will naturally be used first in the Corpse Veins to make it stronger."

At this point, Otsutsuki Hamura also understood everything. He said hoarsely: "But the additionally strengthened blood inheritance limit of the corpse bone vein will be beyond my control and become a blood inheritance disease that will kill me."

His red eyes stared at Uchiha Yu, and he praised: "It's really amazing your fighting wisdom, but your courage is even more surprising."

"When I finally got the opportunity to attack, I dared to use it to bet on whether my guess was correct, without even making any remedial measures."

Uchiha Yu smiled: "Yes, without having any information about you, I can only bet that my guess is right."

"Betting on whether your guesses and predictions are correct is the basic mode of ninja combat."

"If I have all your information, it won't be fighting, but hunting."

Otsutsuki Hamura appeared weak, his legs were weak and his breathing was rapid, but the rampage of the corpse veins was easing little by little.

He sighed weakly: "Ninja is really a terrible fighting profession. When you have the strength to match mine, you were able to suppress me from beginning to end, without giving me a chance to fight back and win."

"When my brother founded the ninja sect, he never imagined that ninjas would eventually evolve."

Uchiha Yu said with a smile: "It's possible. I don't know what Sage of Six Paths was thinking in the early stages of teaching chakra."

"But judging from the fact that he collects the souls of powerful ninjas instead of collecting the souls of those who were once strong in the ninja sect, I think he likes ninjas very much now and wants to get stronger and stronger ninjas."

Otsutsuki Hamura was silent. He was a proud Otsutsuki. Even if it was a tactical deception, he couldn't tell a lie. When faced with facts that both parties knew, he couldn't forcefully use lies to refute.

After a long time, watching Yu Uchiha begin to form seals and a sword of natural energy slowly take shape, he knew that his life was about to end.

So Otsutsuki Hamura said: "Before I die, I have one last question."

Uchiha Yuu said nonchalantly: "Just ask, I will answer based on the situation."

Otsutsuki Hamura: "I guessed in advance that you might use illusions, and I observed your situation carefully, but why didn't I find any flaws at all?"

"With so many hair movements and so many distortions and changes in skin fine lines, how could it not appear unnatural at all?"

Uchiha Yu smiled, and he guessed right again.

Otsutsuki Hamura has transformed his body to a level beyond that of human beings, and can use his powerful computing power to carefully identify illusions.

This kind of computer-like super-computing power is absolutely unbeatable for ordinary illusions.

It is impossible for a ninja to achieve this level of illusion with his own brain. There are always some details that cannot be polished to such a fine level.

Illusion can work mainly by relying on the "brain supplement" of the other party's brain. If enough convincing information is conveyed, the brain will add enough details on its own.

Unless it is the two illusions of Izanaki and Izanami, at the expense of the three Magatama Sharingan, the details are hidden from the world.

This is why these two techniques are called the ultimate genjutsu, and are fundamentally different from all other genjutsu. Even the Mangekyō Sharingan genjutsu Tsukuyomi cannot be compared with them.

Even the "Infinite Tsukuyomi" that can only be performed with the Samsara Eye actually only wins in terms of scale, and is far inferior in terms of sophistication.

After all, the Infinite Tsukuyomi is hard to deceive even the Sixth Path level ninja, let alone the ninja world of One World.

Izanagi is the target of Uchiha Yuu's pursuit, but although his brain has made great progress, it is still far from a meticulous simulation.

In the past, the illusion technique he was proud of took the path of gradual suggestion.

As long as they enter a certain distance around his body, the visitor will be affected by powerful illusion effects, ranging from subtle cognitive distortions to final cognitive changes.

As long as Uchiha Yu is given enough time, he can even close the target's five senses, transmit all sensory signals to him, and turn a living person into a "brain in a vat".

But facing the Sixth Path level Otsutsuki Hamura, he could distinguish the smallest abnormalities at first glance, and this illusion system had no effect at all.

So he used a newly developed illusion technique, which was dominated by him, but all details were controlled by the Phantom computer to ensure an absolutely realistic effect.

Although this illusion was not perfect enough and caused huge consumption.

In particular, it puts huge pressure on the monster, which can take up to four minutes to stop.

But the duration of four minutes is enough. As long as the first two minutes are persisted, the illusion will be deeply rooted in Otsutsuki Hamura's mind.

After forming a habitual cognition, he also lost the possibility of distinguishing again.

Uchiha Yuu smiled enough, and with Otsutsuki Hamura's eyes looking forward to an answer, he casually inserted the natural energy blade in his hand into Otsutsuki Hamura's chest.

They all said that the answer would depend on the situation, and the question asked involved fundamental confidentiality, so the answer was impossible.

When the blade of natural energy entered Hamura Sento's body, it disintegrated into countless fine needles, shot into every corner of his body, and then completely dissolved.

Immediately afterwards, Otsutsuki Hamura began to petrify from the pit of his heart.

He murmured: "How is this possible? I am an immortal!"

Uchiha Yuu did not hide his secrets this time, but explained with a smile: "Natural energy cannot be swallowed in one go. If you don't have a deep understanding of natural energy like me, there will always be a risk of your whole body being petrified. .”

"However, this technique is not practical. Even an immortal like me, who is well versed in the secrets of natural energy, must be able to break through your body's surface defenses and paralyze your control of the body in order to slowly petrify you." "The only one. The good thing is that the petrification process is irreversible. As long as your whole body turns into stone and then smashes the stone statue, I don't have to worry about you being resurrected."

When the petrification spread to Hamura Otsutsuki's chin, completely depriving him of the ability to speak, Yu Uchiha suddenly began to form seals.

He took photos of the sealing techniques at the petrified location. They were all based on some of the runes in the corpse seal, and the structure of the technique restricted the whereabouts of the soul.

However, Uchiha Yuu asked the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru to ban the corpse. The purpose was not to study the soul ban, but to seduce the Shinigami. It was their idea.

Unfortunately, although the Death God has no intelligence, he has very sensitive intuition and will immediately run away from Uchiha Yuu when he sees him.

And this God of Death never appears again, and then a different God of Death appears.

Their reactions were very keen, and Uchiha Yuu failed to keep the Shinigami alive despite several consecutive attempts.

The most successful one was only to catch one of Death's hands, but Death cut off his own hand with the knife in his mouth without hesitation and ran away.

From that time on, the Shinigami seemed to have tagged Uchiha Yuu and passed the information to all the Shinigami.

Even if Uchiha Yuu performs the zombie seal perfectly, he still cannot summon the god of death to appear. This sealing technique is useless.

In order not to waste the cost of this exchange, he spent some time thinking about the side effects of this technique, but he did not expect that it would be effective so quickly.

Uchiha Yu looked at Otsutsuki Hamura, who was completely unable to move, and said with a smile: "As I said just now, I will compete with the Sage of Six Paths for your soul."

"Although I know the possibility of success is not high, I always have to try. What if I succeed?"

"It is said that the Otsutsuki clan is immortal and immortal. Although a son of Otsutsuki like you is a bit inferior, it is still valuable enough research material."

"If I can really do it, it will definitely help me make significant progress in the field of soul research."

Amidst Uchiha Yu's endless chatter, Otsutsuki Hamura's body was completely petrified into a stone statue.

Just a few years after the petrification process was sealed on the top of his head, he also placed the last sealing technique on the top of the stone statue's head, completing the completely sealed soul cage.

The stone statue has no breath of life, but its blue-grey eyes convey endless fear and worry, which is impressive.

Uchiha Yuu didn't care about this. He carefully inspected the stone statue, and after careful perception, he finally confirmed that the soul of Hamura Otsutsuki had been sealed in the stone statue.

He nodded with satisfaction and smiled happily.

Next, we should find a way to transfer Otsutsuki Hamura's soul to his own Zifu world. In that world that is completely under his control, he will be able to suppress him reliably.

Just like those 110 gods.

But at this moment, an abnormal fluctuation was transmitted from the stone statue. Otsutsuki Hamura, who had been completely transformed into a stone statue, had a color change between his eyebrows.

Uchiha Yuu could tell at a glance that this was a transformation from blue-gray stone to a human body.

He no longer coveted the full power and punched it decisively, turning the entire stone statue into even crumbs.

The next moment, the shadow of an old man with a white beard appeared.

He was wearing ancient clothes, with nine jade stones surrounding his back, a pair of small horns on his forehead, and the samsara eyes in his eye sockets. So many features proved his identity as the Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagoromo.

The Immortal of Six Paths reached out and picked up a piece of minced meat from the ground, raised it high and injected powerful soul power into it.

Centered on this piece of meat, the soul of Hamura Otsutsuki also appeared.

When he had just returned to his human form, Hamura Sage's soul was still immersed in the fear of death and not being free. His face was full of fear, and he almost let out a horrifying scream.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and stopped his out-of-control behavior in time.

After taking a few deep breaths, Otsutsuki Hamura regained his composure, then saluted the Sage of Six Paths and said, "Brother, thank you for coming to save me."

Otsutsuki Hamura, in turn, saluted his younger brother and said, "No, I should be the one to say sorry. It was me who misjudged Uchiha Yuu's strength and caused you to suffer this."

Hearing the words of the Sage of Six Paths, Otsutsuki Hamura shivered inexplicably.

The battle between him and Uchiha Yuu was completely different from the battle between his mother, Kaguya Otsutsuki.

It was a short, intense, intrigue, full of deception and speculation, and Yuu Uchiha defeated him with deception and gambling.

The entire battle lasted less than forty minutes, but Hamura Otsutsuki felt more tired than the battle that lasted several years a thousand years ago.

He complained with a wry smile: "I never thought that ninja could be such a dangerous profession. As long as the strength is not far apart, I have no confidence in defeating him."

"Brother, is the power you can exert now enough?"

Otsutsuki Hamura nodded and said, "It should be enough."

"Actually, when you open the King's Crack, I can follow the breath and come directly to the ninja world. The reason why it took so long to come is to mobilize enough power."

Suddenly, Uchiha Yuu, who was hiding far away, said loudly: "Six Paths Sage, don't try to scare me. Even if you come with more power, I won't be afraid of you!"

"I will escape!"

Otsutsuki Hamura showed a kind smile and asked gently: "Oh, then why don't you run?"

Uchiha Yu no longer answered, but ran away, using the teleportation technique with almost no buffer.

It's not that he doesn't want to use the flying thunder god technique, but he has already tried it.

The moment the Sage of Six Paths appeared, this conscientious man tried the Flying Thunder God's Technique. As a result, he was able to sense all the Flying Thunder God's marks, but was unable to use ninjutsu to move him over.

It is certain that the surrounding space has been reinforced, and simple psychic techniques can no longer be used to tear apart the barriers of space.

From that moment on, he was sure that he was no match for the Sage of Six Paths. When the other party paid a sufficient price and came directly to the ninja world, it was best for him to run away.

The Immortal of Six Paths smiled and stretched out his finger, gently tapping out the huge formation disk in the air, and then the world turned upside down and the space was distorted.

Uchiha Yu's running steps could only be stopped immediately because he found that there was the Sage of Six Paths in front of him.

Not just in front, he turned his head and looked in all directions, and what he saw from every angle were brothers Otsutsuki Hamura and Otsutsuki Hagoromo, who were facing him.

He reached out and patted his forehead. He was sure that no matter which direction he was facing, as long as he moved, he would inevitably return to the Sage of Six Paths.

This is an advanced application of space distortion. It is a time and space ability that I think I can use, but I have not yet touched the threshold.

Uchiha Yuu is now very sure that he and Otsutsuki Hagoromo have reached the same height, that is, they have touched the level of the blood successor's snare.

But the panic in his heart was difficult to suppress, because it had been countless years since the Six Paths Immortal reached this height, but it had been less than a year for him.

The accumulation gap between the two sides is really too big, and I am not qualified to face him head-on.

But we can’t just admit defeat!

Uchiha Yuu's mind was spinning rapidly, and a good idea came to him in a flash of inspiration.

He himself is no match for the Sage of Six Paths, but that doesn't mean his vest can't either.

Of course, Zhu Rong, the Southern Fire Spirit God lurking in the battlefield, will definitely not be able to do it. The only person who can truly face the Six Paths Immortal directly is the Heavenly Emperor's vest from Shenting.

Only this person, who is the supreme god, can scare the Immortal of Six Paths.

 Recommend a Naruto fanfic "What does the collapse of the painting style have to do with me, Uchiha"

  The uncle who traveled through time and became Uchiha Itachi, relied on the Honkai System to save himself, changed those regrettable tragedies, and slowly changed the entire ninja world.


(End of this chapter)

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