I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 300 Ninja Sword 7 people were finally wiped out

Chapter 300 The Seven Ninja Swordsmen were finally wiped out

"Real Illusion is a great name."

"Although I can't hide it from your intuition, I should be satisfied that I can hide it from your eyes now."

Uchiha Yuu felt the rich natural energy of Otsutsuki Hamura's body and sighed: "After all, you are truly a powerful sage who transcends the category of ninja and even ranks at the top of the Six Paths level."

Hamura Otsutsuki didn't look relaxed, because Uchiha Yu's illusions were indeed difficult to distinguish between true and false, and they posed a considerable threat to him.

But when he heard the word six-level, he was still a little surprised: "Six-level? Why do you use this word to define my strength?"

"Because of my brother's title of Six Paths Sage?"

Uchiha Yu nodded and replied: "It is true. The Sage of Six Paths was once the undisputed strongest. His title is the most suitable to describe the powerful strength of crushing Kage-level ninjas."

Otsutsuki Hamura nodded and agreed: "It is indeed very suitable."

Then he questioned jokingly: "You call me the peak of the Sixth Path. Do you think you know my strength very well? And I have surpassed my brother?"

This time Uchiha Yuu didn't answer immediately.

He controlled the golden Susanoo and put the bone spear that had penetrated his right hand in front of his eyes. After careful observation, he said with emotion: "What a powerful bone spear, it has the characteristics of absolute penetration."

"I have to say that your corpse veins have exceeded the limit of blood inheritance and have reached the standard for elimination of blood stains."

"Of course, my Sharingan is not an ordinary Mangekyou, and Susanoo is not an ordinary Susanoo, otherwise it would not be able to block the attacks of these bone spears."

After expressing his emotion, Uchiha Yucai looked at Otsutsuki Hamura and explained: "The Six Paths level I define is based on when you brothers defeated your mother, Otsutsuki Kaguya."

"I believe that when the Six Paths Immortal dies, his strength should be even stronger, beyond the scope of the Six Paths level and reach a whole new realm."

"And you should have made great progress and have the same power as the Six Paths Sage."

He looked at the stunned Otsutsuki Hamura and asked with a smile: "Am I right?"

Immediately afterwards, Uchiha Yu controlled the golden Susana's left hand and pulled out the seven bone spears in the palm of his right hand.

Then the golden Susanoo's hands came together, leaving a small space between the two opposite palms, and then endless chakra poured into the palms.

The five attributes of chakra gathered together to form a ball of light of five colors.

Finally, the pupil power representing the Yin escape and the vitality representing the Yang escape were combined. The huge chakra group suddenly shrank, and its volume suddenly shrank to one percent.

The shrunken chakra ball also lost all light, fluctuation and color, becoming an extremely peaceful black ball.

Otsutsuki Hamura was even more surprised. He pointed at Uchiha Yu and said in a voiceless voice: "You actually created the Taoist Jade out of thin air. You obviously don't have the Samsara Eye! There is no 'seed' either!"

"Is this an illusion? Are you deceiving my eyes again?"

Uchiha Yu laughed loudly: "Haha, use your intuition and body to feel it."

Then he manipulated Susanoo to push forward, pushing the "little" Qiudadama towards Otsutsuki Hamura.

The son of Kaguya had lost all composure. He gritted his teeth and stared at the Jade of Seeking Dao, and fired a dozen flying spears.

However, the moment the bone spear, which has indestructible properties, comes into contact with the Seeking Jade, it disappears on the black sphere as if it was swallowed by a black hole.

Immediately afterwards, Qiu Daoyu pierced through the huge bone spur blocking the road. It seemed as if he didn't touch anything during the whole process, and his speed didn't change at all.

As a high-ranking official, nothing can stop Qiudao Yu from moving forward.

Unless it's another Qiudao Jade.

The black kunai was nailed to the black seeking jade. The impulses of both sides were exactly the same and they were completely still in the air.

Otsutsuki Hamura successfully stopped the Qiudao Jade, but his hand that issued the Qiu Dao Jade Kunai was trembling.

He looked at Uchiha Yu and asked in disbelief: "It is actually a seeking jade, and it was completely made temporarily using your own chakra. How did you do it?"

After feeling the fluctuation of the black kunai, Uchiha Yu sighed: "Sure enough, it has the fluctuation of another person. It is very different from you, but also has a huge connection. Is this the aura of the Six Paths Sage Otsutsuki Hagoromo? "

"You used the Tao-seeking jade of the Six Paths Immortal to make a new Tao-seeking jade. It turns out that this is the meaning of the seed."

"What a great idea, I didn't think of it at all."

Hearing Otsutsuki Hamura's question, he smiled and asked, "You should know, it's just that you don't want to admit it."

"There are four ways to make the Taoist Jade: making it by using the Samsara Eye and the Reincarnation Eye, making it after fully mastering the Immortal Techniques of the Six Paths Sage, and making it with seeds as you just showed..."

"The last thing is to completely master the seven attributes of chakra, fuse the seven chakra attributes into one, and create it."

"This is the one I use."

"Otsutsuki Hamura, what do you think this means?"

Otsutsuki Hamura murmured: "This means that you have power that is no less than mine, far beyond what I can exert now."

"Exactly right!" Uchiha Yu said with a smile: "You finally realized that you who came to the ninja world are not my opponent."

"After all, the body you are using now is a ninja from the Kaguya clan. Although they are also your descendants, they do not have the blood inheritance limit of Byakugan, and they are far from compatible with you."

At this moment, Otsutsuki Hamura's heart beat in despair, and a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared.

He couldn't help but smile: "The bloodline of the Kaguya clan is indeed not suitable for me."

"But even if I use the body of the Hyuga clan, I can't defeat you."

"Since you can use chakra to directly create the Taoist Jade, you are powerful enough to rival me at my peak."

"No matter how compatible my bloodline is, I will never be able to return to my peak in a short period of time, and I will have no chance of defeating you in the ninja world."

"But this body of the Kaguya clan gave me a chance."

Otsutsuki Hamura's hair suddenly faded, and the light blue hair became pale and dry, as if he suddenly aged 50 years.

Fine wrinkles began to appear on his skin, and his tall body bent slightly.

Otsutsuki Hamura didn't care about these changes. He smiled and said: "I now have a chance to die with you."

Uchiha Yuu's instinct began to alarm, an unprecedented sharp warning, which meant that he was facing a real fatal danger.

Uchiha Yu's eyes became sharp. He stared at Hamura Otsutsuki and snorted coldly: "Perish together. Does that mean you are prepared to die regardless of success or failure?"

For some reason, he suddenly remembered Masashi Miwa.

I was glad that I didn't bring the civet cat with me this time, otherwise the risk might have been even higher.

Otsutsuki Hamura nodded and said: "Yes, I am ready to die."

"I think you should know that death is nothing to me now. Entering the Pure Land after death is equivalent to going home."

"how about you?"

"Uchiha Yu, brother said that you can steal the soul from the Pure Land. I am curious whether you will enter the Pure Land after you die?"

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "If I die, I may enter the Pure Land. It will be really miserable then. I really don't know how the ancestor of the Six Paths Sage will deal with me."

"But I don't think I'll die that easily."

Watching Otsutsuki Hamura's chakra change into senjutsu chakra, and the fluctuations become more and more powerful and terrifying, Uchiha Yuu's eyes become more and more dangerous.

He finally said: "Otsutsuki Hamura, you know that I stole the soul of the Pure Land, so do you think if you die in front of me, can your soul be returned to the Pure Land?"

The two of them stared at each other, and two huge waves of chakra suddenly erupted.

Wood Release·Wooden Technique

Corpse Veins·Shifang Huangquanjin


Matt Dai led three young Konoha ninjas and quickly retreated towards the Konoha camp.

But on the battlefield behind them, there were waves of chakra fluctuations. The huge shock made the four Konoha ninjas turn back frequently.

When they witnessed the ordinary forest suddenly turning into a virgin forest, the long-term propaganda let them know that this was the wood escape that the first Hokage had suppressed for an entire era.

Ebisu asked confusedly: "Genma, I remember that the first Hokage was from the Senju clan, right? Why did the leader of the Uchiha clan use wood escape?" Genma Shiranui also looked confused and murmured. : “You, a guy with an A+ in history, don’t even know this, how could I know?”

Matt Dai didn't care at all. He shouted happily: "Youth never cares about unimportant details. Now we should cheer, for Mudun and Konoha Village!"

Metkai was the first to respond to his father, raising his hands in the air and cheering: "Long live! Long live Mu Dun!"

Now that the Wooden Ninjutsu has appeared, and just like the legend, it has the terrifying power to change the terrain, the Konoha ninjas all feel a great sense of security.

They gave up the idea of ​​​​retreating and stopped, looking at the activated forest and cheering "Long live Konoha" and "Long live Konoha Village".

But they had only cheered a few times when they were stunned to see a thundercloud suddenly condensed in the sky.

Then hundreds of lightning bolts rained down on the forest, exploding branches broke and big trees fell over, and the primeval forest began to recede significantly.

Everyone thought that the Uchiha clan leader was in a tough fight.

Matt Dai quickly made up his mind, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Kay! You lead them to retreat, I will go to support the Uchiha patriarch!"

As a result, before he could convince his son, he found that the virgin forest was once again frightened, withstanding the thunder clouds and lightning, suppressing all resistance, and the battlefield completely returned to calm.

The four people looked at each other, unable to believe that this was a success.

As a result, the battle did not end there.

Next, white bone spikes taller than the trees appeared in the forest. The lush forest and the white bone forest fought with each other, like gods fighting.

This time, Matt Dai didn't say anything anymore. He was going to support the Uchiha clan leader.

Everyone understood that the real strong man of Kirigakure Village had arrived.

The top ninjas of Konoha Village and Kirigakure Village are engaged in a fierce battle. The level of the battle is completely beyond their understanding. In the past, support can only become a drag on the Uchiha clan leader.

So they stood there, watching the battle in the distance that looked like gods, while stopping the Konoha ninja team who didn't know their severity.

Just when they thought they were numb and nothing could shock them anymore, a shocking scene appeared on the battlefield again.

The bone spurs in the bone forest merged with each other, and a white bone giant wearing a white bone armor, a soaring white bone crown on his head, and three pairs of white bone wings behind him rose from the forest.

Opposite the Bone Emperor who looked like a god of death, countless towering trees tangled together and a wooden man with broad shoulders and narrow waist also rose from the ground.

This wooden man has perfect body proportions and strong and coordinated muscle lines. At first glance, he is the best at fighting.

But in the first round of the battle between the two behemoths, the Bone Emperor received two punches without any damage, but the wooden man lost his hands under the blow of the Bone Sword.

Fortunately, the wooden man quickly grew his hands again, and also put on a layer of golden armor, and a dazzling chakra sword appeared in his hand.

A single swing of the long chakra sword can cause damage to the long bone sword. If it hits the ground, it will instantly create a ravine.

A Konoha Jonin murmured: "If that sword hits the mountain, maybe even the mountain will be chopped down, right?"

Another ninja echoed and murmured: "It will definitely happen, it will definitely happen."

But more ninjas were muttering: "Are these really ninjas fighting? Is this God fighting?"

"How can ninjas be so powerful? What can we do in a battle like this?"

"What are you thinking? Such a battle is simply not something that a ninja can participate in."

"Haha, let alone participating, mortals like us will die if they get close to us. Just watch from a distance like now."

"If the strong men in the ninja world are like this, what's the point of practicing hard for more than ten years since we were young?"


The Konoha ninjas were doubting life, but the closer Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Ghost didn't care about anything. He was desperately trying to survive in the abyss of despair.

Ever since he left Uchiha Yuu's sight, he had been running all the way. No trees along the way attacked him, which made him gradually relax his vigilance.

Just when he stepped out of the area affected by Otsutsuki Hamura's aura, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost who relaxed his vigilance was attacked by countless attacks.

With the defensive power of the fused Samehada muscles, he was not penetrated into the body and died, but a large amount of chakra was extracted and tightly wrapped around his limbs.

When he returned to the range of Hamura's aura after a desperate struggle, both himself and Samehada's chakra was almost drained.

Without enough chakra, Samehada voluntarily exited the fusion state.

The sequelae of the fusion made the Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost miserable, and he fell into a very serious weakness, and he no longer dared to move forward into the dangerous forest area.

But it was impossible to retreat, because countless bone spikes penetrated from the ground and attacked everything crazily.

On one side were the crazy bone spurs that were as huge as pillars, and on the other side were the towering trees that were glaring at him and trying to hang him. Sandwiched between the two, there was only a very small area that was controlled by Otsutsuki Hamura's aura and no activity of the bone spurs. a circular zone.

The ring is not even 60 centimeters wide.

The 250-meter-tall Kirigakure ninja could only carefully hide in this narrow safe area.

What's terrible is that Otsutsuki Hamura is moving at high speed during the battle, and at the same time, his breath is constantly changing, and the narrow safety area is also constantly changing.

In order to survive, the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost can only always pay attention to the rise and fall of the Fifth Mizukage's aura, and follow the safe area that moves at any time.

The high tension quickly exhausted him, and the shearing of bone spurs and strangulation of branches left more and more wounds on his body.

The bleeding made the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Demon become weaker and weaker, and the same shark muscle on his hand was lost at some point.

Although this guy has a bad character, his will to survive is really strong. Even if his consciousness becomes blurred due to excessive blood loss, he still persists and refuses to give up.

He actually persisted until the two giants stood up from the ground. Whether it was huge bone spurs or towering trees, they were all frantically concentrating on the giants and no longer attacked the collapsed Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost.

After confirming that he survived, he let out a small but maniacal laugh.

"Hahaha, I survived, I finally survived!"

The joy of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost did not last long, as the aftermath of the giant battle in the distance woke him up.

The frightened Kirigakure ninja turned over and ran away on his hands and knees, not even caring about his belly being scratched by the stones on the ground.

The will of the Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Demon is amazing, but Yuu Uchiha has not forgotten him, nor has he forgotten his decision to wipe out the seven Ninja Swordsmen.

On the way the fat ninja escaped, a mask suddenly appeared. The pattern on the mask was the face of a monkey.

The mask did not fall after it appeared, but was suspended in the air. Starting from the mask, bits of golden light radiated out, and the golden light converged into golden lines, outlining a tall figure.

The golden threads are constantly intertwined, quickly enriching the details of the body shape, and finally a spiritual energy is suddenly injected into it.

He is alive.

Zhu Rong looked at the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost in front of him and said with a smile: "It's amazing. With perseverance and luck, I managed to save my life from the Mudun Forest."

The Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost felt the most direct breath of death, as if the blade of death was close to his throat, blocking the trachea used to speak.

He could only make noises like "Abba, Abba" and could not say anything at all.

Zhu Rong stretched out a finger and tapped it on the ground.

Starting from this finger, two flames drew a circle on the ground, surrounding the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost.

As his fingers were pulled out, Zhu Rong also disappeared into the wind.

The blazing fire ring suddenly expanded and turned into a fire wall several meters high. The blazing flames released a lot of heat.

The high-temperature radiation instantly injured the Kirigakure ninja's skin, and even caused curls of white smoke to appear.

The watermelon mountain puffer ghost with depleted chakra has no choice but to make miserable screams and roll and struggle desperately, but it is completely unable to escape the fate of death.

As the fire ring gradually shrank, the screams of the puffer fish continued to rise, and then suddenly declined into a dull moan, until finally disappearing completely.

Like his companions with whom he did not have a harmonious relationship, he ended up with no bones left.

(End of this chapter)

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