I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 298 The difficulty of changing fate does not lie with the Ninja Sword 7 people

Chapter 298 The difficulty of changing fate does not lie with the Seven Ninja Swordsmen

The ground began to shake violently.

Even standing on the water, separated by more than one meter of water, the Kirigakure ninjas felt the earth tremble.

With violent shaking, countless saplings broke through the ground.

The new saplings grew rapidly, passed through the stagnant water, rushed upwards, and then stretched out, developing dense side branches and leaves, and grew into a giant tree with a canopy.

As the giant trees grew, the seawater on the ground was quickly absorbed as nutrients, and the hundreds of meters wide water turned into a forest in the blink of an eye.

The geographical advantage created by the joint efforts of the seven Ninja Swordsmen just disappeared.

Black Hoe's eyes were wide open. He ignored the wildly growing trees around him and howled as he unleashed his strongest ninjutsu on Uchiha Yuu.

Thunder Dungeon Thunder Snake

Hundreds of thunder snakes emitted from his body, with the brilliance of lightning, rushing towards Uchiha Yu from all directions.

"Well done!"

Loquat Juzo shouted loudly, rounded the beheading sword, and slashed diagonally behind Uchiha Yuu, blocking his retreat route.

The Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost, the Kurisu Kushimaru, the Tongcao Wild Bait Man, and Muuri Jinpachi were either too fat, weak in strength, or injured, so their movements were inevitably half a step slower, but they all followed suit and launched attacks.

They all understood that the key to victory, defeat, and life and death was not the surrounding trees, but the Konoha ninja in front of them.

They couldn't see Uchiha Yuu just now. Faced with endless wooden branches that could plunder chakra, they had no choice but to hand over their lives to the Black Hoe Thunder Fang.

But now, ninjas who use wood escape ninjutsu have appeared. How can we let this opportunity pass?

As long as he is killed, the surrounding trees will naturally not be a threat.

However, all attacks failed, and Yuu Uchiha disappeared in front of them.

This was not a teleportation technique, nor was it a transfer using the Flying Thunder God technique, but he ended the illusion technique.

As the leader of the Uchiha clan, Yu Uchiha's most valued ability is not ninjutsu, but the Taiyin spirit he named himself.

That is Sharingan Genjutsu.

When he just arrived, he was in a hurry and didn't make any preparations for the illusion, so that's all.

But now that he has completed everything long ago, what appears in front of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen is naturally an illusion that can be confused with the real one.

Not only does this illusion look real, the dialogue is real, and it can even lead to real battles.

In the history of the Uchiha clan, there are two illusions that are at the pinnacle of all illusions. Izanaki can deceive the world, and Izanami can deceive time.

Uchiha Yuu is very interested in these two ninjutsu.

He planned to attack Uchiha Madara, in addition to eliminating one threat, in order to seize these two ninjutsu.

In the end, he really killed Uchiha Madara, stole his old tricks, and got so many things, except for these two illusions.

It wasn't until he kicked Uchiha Fugaku over and ascended to the throne of the clan leader that he obtained these two ninjutsu.

Uchiha Yu was very satisfied with the effects of ultimate illusions, but was not satisfied with the price they had to pay, so he came up with the idea of ​​developing new illusions of his own.

Yu Uchiha claims to be a cultivator of immortality, but he has no foundation and no apprenticeship. He relied on messy knowledge and intuition to get to where he is today, and finally embarked on the majestic golden elixir path.

He knew that he needed to understand the laws, purify the natural energy, and combine the two to cultivate the golden elixir.

In his confusion, he messed around and created two god vests. The created divine power became the best way to refine and purify natural energy.

But how to understand the law, he was at a loss.

It's not that he doesn't know the laws of time, destiny, gravity, and the four basic forces, but he only knows a rough idea and can't understand them in depth.

The last time he imprinted the Five Spirits Natural Energy Law and Space Law on the golden elixir, it almost failed because the core law of cause and effect was not stable enough.

Uchiha Yuu relied entirely on luck to barely complete the second level of engraving on the golden elixir and advance the golden elixir to one level.

But he already knew clearly that the foundation of the golden elixir had been shaken, and the third layer of engraving could never be carried out.

What Uchiha Yu needs is not a rough understanding of the existence of the law, but a deep understanding and perfection, preferably to the extent of blending or competing with the nature of heaven and earth.

As a sage, it is impossible for Uchiha Yu to completely incarnate into nature. His own core laws must be different from those of the world, and the path of integration is naturally impassable.

Hence the Golden Core Virtual Realm.

With the help of the golden elixir virtual world and the ninja world to compete with the world, Uchiha Yuu can intuitively observe the laws, find the differences and differences, and make adjustments and modifications with reference to the laws of reality.

This method is very effective, but the Jindan Virtual World is not tolerated by the Ninja World. The level of confrontation is too intense, the time of existence is too short, and the progress is always limited.

Originally, Uchiha Yuu had prepared for a protracted war, but after receiving the two illusions of Izanaki and Izanami, his intuition gave him new hints.

So he combined illusion with the Golden Core Virtual Realm, and by deceiving the world, extended the existence time of the Golden Core Virtual Reality, allowing himself enough time to observe and learn.

So Yuu Uchiha is working hard to study genjutsu.

Just when he was a thousand meters away from the battlefield, he was carefully considering the illusion operation he had just performed and every detail of it.

Uchiha Yuu used the Wood Release at will, without anyone controlling it, and crushed the seven Ninja Swordsmen.

The dark clouds in the sky exhausted their last charge, and hundreds of lightning flashes were reduced to only three or five, and finally disappeared together with the dark clouds.

When Uchiha Yuu was awakened by the quietness of the environment, the battle was completely over, and the center of the battlefield had turned into the densest virgin forest.

In the deepest part of the forest, there are six huge wooden balls, and the resistance inside is changing from the fierceness of the dying struggle to the calmness of taking the last breath.

Uchiha Yu shook his head, feeling a little bored.

His current strength is really too strong. Facing these ordinary Kirigakure Jōnin, even if he wants to hold back and play for a while, he can't do it.

A simple wooden escape tree world was born, and all seven people were defeated by this ninja sword.

He actually didn't even give him a few more opportunities to hone his illusion skills.

If the Seven Ninja Swordsmen can practice water escape to the level of the second generation Mizukage, and the change in properties can produce heavy oil, the situation will naturally be different.

If they could possess the Second Hokage's Water Release transformation power and use the indestructible Water Release·Water Breaking Wave or Water Release·Hard Vortex Water Blade, the situation would be different.

Even if the Snow Clan in Kirigakure Village had not been wiped out, and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen included an ice escape ninja, the situation would have been very different.

Of course, the situation of their total annihilation will not change, but at least Shujie Advent cannot easily eliminate them.

These Kirigakure Jōnin can see the Wood Dragon Jutsu, and even the Bokujin Jutsu.

It can be considered that death is worth something.

At this moment, Uchiha Yuu smiled: "It turns out that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are not all useless. There is still a ninja who can survive."

He looked at the six wooden balls, stretched out his hand and gently grasped them.

Wood Escape·Tree Bound for Eternal Burial

According to Uchiha Yuu's will, the wooden ball suddenly squeezed inward, and then turned into a spherical rhizome, digesting and absorbing the prey inside, and growing into a larger and stronger tree.

What made Uchiha laugh was that one of the wooden balls suddenly deflated when it shrank, as if it was completely empty inside.

Immediately afterwards, a big hole was drilled into the wooden ball, and a round figure with spikes all over its body rushed out.

Right in front of this figure, Uchiha Yuu, who appeared out of nowhere, clapped his hands and praised: "What a big puffer fish."

The figure in front of him was indeed beyond Yuchiha Yu's expectation. Although traces of the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost could still be seen, the change in his appearance was absolutely earth-shaking.

The originally fat body of 250cm has become taller and rounder, and the fat figure has completely turned into a ball.

This ball is still spiny, with sharp bone spurs all over its body, and huge fins on its back. The hands and feet look more like the webbed feet of a sea lion, with short, thick joint bone spurs protruding.

Whether it is the spines on the body, the sharp points of the fins, or the sharp bone spurs of the joints, they all glow with a faint blue light, and you can tell that they are highly poisonous at a glance.

The most terrifying thing is his face that is integrated with his neck. The green facial lines are stretched into real fish gills, and the blood-red gill filaments inside are exposed when opening and closing.

The long orange hair was replaced by long and sharp spikes, making this pufferfish look a bit more like a lionfish.

This guy, the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost, has completely turned into a fish-man.

Uchiha Yu just looked at him, and the cry of "Wr ar Wlgrmgg wgr lga" sounded in his mind.

This voice was so lifelike and so nostalgic, as if he had traveled through time again and arrived at the river beach of Azeroth.

But surprisingly, because of its extremely powerful deformation, the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost doesn’t look scary at all.

Perhaps he has completely lost his human appearance and has fish characteristics all over his body, so he has escaped the influence of the uncanny valley effect. Uchiha Yuu couldn't help but nodded and commented: "Except for being too big, he looks pretty good, a bit ugly and cute."

"The fangs in this mouth are surprisingly not ugly. I really want to pull them out, grind them and drill them, and string them into bracelets."

Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost: "..., wow!"

He vomited blood, and it was a big mouthful of blood.

Although Uchiha Itachi did not directly control the Wood Release Ninjutsu, this Ninjutsu is inherently alive and can automatically attack the enemy.

When the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost was trapped in the wooden ball, there were countless wooden thorns probing all over his body, trying to skewer him.

Fortunately, he used Samehada Human Body Fusion in time and merged with Samehada. He was covered with bone spurs, which improved his body's defense and was not worn into rags like others.

But whether it is a human or a puffer fish, the body's defense is not perfect, there are gaps.

Although the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost resisted desperately, some wood thorns still penetrated his body, causing serious damage to the body's digestive system.

Blood filled his stomach, and he used it as a medium for water escape, trapping the wooden thorns that were raging in his body, and spurted out with this mouthful of blood.

The heavy blood loss made the Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost's body turn blue, and he was so weak that he was swaying and unable to control himself.

Uchiha Yu frowned and said, "Are you going to die?"

The Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost laughed loudly and said, "Okay, how can it not be okay?"

As he laughed, a surge of chakra surged out of him, filling his body.

This chakra actually contains the aura of Uchiha Yuu, which is exactly the part that was just plundered by Samehada.

Replenished by the chakra transmitted from the same shark muscle, the watermelon mountain puffer ghost's condition was visibly restored to the naked eye. The blood in his mouth stopped flowing, but he stood up straight after taking two breaths.

Even his complexion was rapidly improving, turning from blue back to pinkish-white.

It looks cuter.

This is Samehada's special ability: chakra transfer.

Samehada can store the plundered chakra within its body, and can also transmit it to its owner on command.

Because of the special body structure of Samehada, it processes chakra just like bees process honey, giving it powerful yang-escaping properties.

The chakra processed by Samehada enters the human body and can not only be used directly, but also enhance physical strength and speed, eliminate fatigue, and quickly heal wounds.

The current state of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost is a bit like Tsunade's Creation and Regeneration - Baihao Technique, which can quickly repair injuries and maintain the best fighting condition.

As long as it remains fused with Samehada, as long as Samehada and his chakra are not exhausted, he can consume the Yang Release chakra and obtain the effect of rapid regeneration.

With the two skills of Samehada fusion and chakra transmission alone, Samehada ranks first among the seven ninja swords.

No matter how powerful the destructive power of the thunder blade is, no matter how fierce the long-range attack of the double-sword flounder is, they can't shake Sharak's status.

After all, the only ninja sword that can protect its master from death is Samehada.

No matter how powerful the other ninja swords are and how fancy their abilities are, they can't keep the fragile ninja alive.

Seeing that the Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Ghost had proclaimed himself emperor and recovered, Yuya Uchiha had destroyed the bodies of six Kirigakure ninjas.

He looked at the last Ninja Swordsman and asked, "You are the only one left among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen. Have you decided how to die?"

The face of the Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost was gloomy and terrifying. He stared at Uchiha Yuu, then moved his body slightly and suddenly knelt down.

"Spare my life! Please spare my life!"

"I am willing to surrender. As long as you let me live, I can do anything, even the confidential information of Kirigakure Village..."

The big meat ball, which was more than three meters tall, fell to the ground, kowtowed, cried with tears, and screamed in extreme misery.

Uchiha Yuu remembered that the Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Ghost was a shameless person who righteously asked others to keep secrets, and at the same time betrayed Kirigakure Village's information himself.

Uchiha Yu smiled and said: "A person who rebels easily like you will not be trusted by anyone."

"However, I do not accept that your surrender has nothing to do with your character."

"Because I said at the beginning that all the Seven Ninja Swordsmen must die here. This is a contest between me and fate."

The watermelon mountain puffer fish stopped kowtowing and shed tears.

He looked at Uchiha Yu and asked in a trembling voice: "Destiny? Competition?"

Uchiha Yu nodded and said: "Yes, the original fate was that the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were chasing Emperor Kai. They encountered Matt Dai who was protecting his son, and four of them were beaten to death and three of them defected."

"I tried hard to stir things up in the ninja world. Even though all the conditions were changed, something like this still happened."

"What is unbearable is unbearable. I will never give in to fate, so all seven of you must die!"

The Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost was angry: "What the hell are you competing against for fate? Why should I die? Why?"

Uchiha Yu said matter-of-factly: "Because of the size of my fist."

Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost: "..."

After being stunned for three full minutes, the fat puffer fish actually continued to struggle: "No, it shouldn't be like this. You are the strongest ninja in Konoha Village!"

"Uchiha Yu, you should be responsible for Konoha Village!"

After all, he refused to give up. He racked his brains and came up with a perfect reason: "As long as you have my information, Konoha Village will definitely be able to capture Kirigakure Village without any damage."

"The Kirigakure Village has come out in force this time. With my information, you can win this battle as quickly as possible."

"After the victory, the only things Konoha Village has to face are Iwagakure Village and Kumogakure Village. They are killing each other because of the death of the Third Raikage."

"With just a little more force, Konoha Village can end the war!"

The round pufferfish stared at Uchiha Yuu with its round eyes full of hope.

The Watermelon Mountain Pufferfish Ghost said in a seductive tone: "Think about it, think about it, with my information, how many fewer people can die in Konoha Village?"

"Isn't it very profitable to exchange my humble life for hundreds or even thousands of lives in Konoha Village?"

Uchiha Yu couldn't help but nodded and agreed: "Although he looks stupid, his brain is actually so easy to use. I have to say, what you said makes sense, Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost."

"But I don't accept it."

The pufferfish ghost collapsed, and he yelled: "Why?"

For the sake of using his brain, Uchiha Yu gave an explanation: "What you said makes sense, but only at the ninja level."

"You surrendered to me two years ago, and I will agree without hesitation. After all, this involves the lives of thousands of Konoha ninjas, and I am not a cold-blooded monster."

"But not now, because everything is different."

"I can no longer be restrained by the ninja level, and your Fifth Mizukage is also outside the scope of the ninja."

"If it weren't for your Fifth Mizukage, do you think the Kirigakure ninja would be able to walk out of Kirigakure Village?"

"Do you think I won't block the gate of Kirigakure Village like the previous clan leader Uchiha Madara did?"

Uchiha Yuu's image gradually became transparent, turning into a phantom and gradually dissipating. At the same time, from behind the phantom, a more real Uchiha Yuu came out.

The Watermelon Mountain Blowfish Demon couldn't tell any difference between the two Uchiha Yuu before and after him.

But he just knew that the second one to appear was his true form.

Because that kind of trembling from the heart, the fear of facing a huge thing, cannot be faked.

Uchiha Yuu glanced at the oversized puffer fish and said with a smile: "I will kill all seven Ninja Swordsmen as a game with fate. The one who tests me is indeed not you seven weaklings."

Then he looked into the depths of the forest and said, "Here comes the real test I need to face..."

In the primeval forest formed by Mu Dun, a faint mist appeared at some point.

A young figure stepped out of the fog.

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost followed Uchiha Yu's gaze and blurted out:

"The Fifth Mizukage-sama!"

(End of this chapter)

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