I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 28 The battle between the crane tails

Chapter 28 The battle between the crane tails
Early the next morning, Uchiha Yu finished his run, took a shower, and rushed to the training ground by the river. All three genin had arrived, and no one, including Obito, was late.

Lin's threat is very useful.

Then the training got on track. Lin and Shinichi practiced climbing trees, and Obito practiced basic physical fitness.

Uchiha Yuu also had enough free time. He stood on the spot and used the Hunyuan Stake to adjust his body, absorb natural energy, and warm his spirit.

By noon, everyone had successfully completed their morning plans and had a custom-made lunch.

In the afternoon, Uchiha Yu put weights on Obito because he was distracted seven times in a row in the morning, but he still completed all the training plans and extra penalties. Obviously, one day of effective exercise greatly improved his physical fitness, and the training intensity could not keep up. On.

The addition of weight intuitively informed the other two partners that Obito had made surprising progress.Perhaps because of this stimulation, Shinichi successfully climbed to the 16-meter-high treetop at around [-] p.m.

At four o'clock, Lin climbed to the top of the tree for the first time.

Uchiha Yu was very satisfied with the progress. He said: "You two will climb up five times each for the rest of the day, and then you can make your own arrangements."

"I'll teach you how to tread water tomorrow."

"Yeah!" x2

Obito groaned in dissatisfaction as he was given another set of punishing frog jumps because he was distracted.

As the sun gradually set toward the west, Obito also completed the training plan and began the punishing twenty sets of frog jumps, when a violent splashing sound came from the rushing water of the Nanga River.

Soon, two figures in green tights came upstream and appeared in front of everyone. The soaked tights had too good light transmittance, and Lin was so scared that she covered her eyes.

"Hey, Obito? Are you also doing the most basic physical training?"

"Kai, this is your classmate. Look, physical training is the foundation of everything!"

"I understand, father! I will double my training. When the swimming training is over, I will run five more laps around the village!"

"Awesome! Son! Dad will be with you!"

"This is youth!!!" x2
【Spiritual pollution?No, this is a mental shock! ! 】

Uchiha Obito was surprisingly not afraid of the mental impact of the Matt family. He said disdainfully: "It's so annoying, Kai. I'm different from you, a loser. I just need a little exercise."

Metkai scratched his head and said doubtfully: "Obito, I am the second lowest in the class, and you are the last one."


Lin and Shinichi couldn't help laughing, and even Uchiha Yuu almost couldn't hold it back.

Uchiha Obito's old background was exposed, and his whole body trembled with anger, and he yelled angrily: "Shut up! I am no longer the tail of the crane, let you see the results of my hard work!"

Matt Dai suddenly became energetic: "This is a real combat competition! Father, is this okay?"

"Actual combat is a good way to test youth. Of course I have no objection." Matt Day looked at Uchiha Yu, "Master Chuunin, can you let two children have an actual battle?"

Uchiha Yu didn't dare to neglect, bowed his head and saluted and said: "No problem, Senior Dai."

Uchiha Obito and Metkai face each other, with Metkai acting as the referee, and the two officially engage in a real battle.

After forming the Seal of Opposition, the two of them immediately rushed forward, trying to take the initiative. As a result, they collided into each other and got into a fistfight.

Shinichi didn't know Obito's past situation, but Lin, Metkai and he had been classmates for four years. They were both surprised: Obito and Kai were evenly matched.This kind of fierce fight was fought while holding one's breath. When the breath was exhausted, the two of them punched each other hard, and then retreated.

Metkai laughed happily, revealing his white and shiny back molars: "Obito, you have really worked very hard and made great progress after graduation. I recognize your youth!"

Obito was also quite surprised at his progress. After hearing Kai's words, his competitive spirit suddenly became strong: "Kai, don't be proud, I will try my best next time."

With that said, Obito lifted the weight off his wrists, ankles and belt, and felt as if his body was about to fly. His self-confidence was unprecedentedly strong.

But of course when he raised his head, he found that Kai was also lifting weights, and those weights were much heavier than him.

"Obito, I'm really impressed by you. As an Uchiha, you haven't relaxed at all in basic training. It's amazing."

"Let our youth bloom to its fullest!"

The result was no surprise. Both of them took off their weights, and Metkai easily controlled Obito Uchiha. His movements were so fast that Obito couldn't even see clearly, let alone his body's ability to respond effectively.

Rin and Shinichi were equally stunned by Kai's speed.

Metkai has a good reputation for not being able to use ninjutsu, and his grades in cultural classes are undisputedly at the bottom. As classmates, they actually look down on this low-ranking person.

But after Metkai took off his load, even if he didn't use the Eight Gate Armor Technique, he didn't use any Taijutsu moves. His speed alone made the two genin understand that even if they knew ninjutsu, they were no match for Kai. .

If Metkai were the enemy, they would be able to kill both of them in a single confrontation, but the ninjutsu advantage they were proud of would not be able to be used at all, and they would not even be able to complete a single ninjutsu hand seal.

Obito barely managed to hold on for two times before being knocked down without any suspense, ending the actual battle.

After seeing off Matt Dai and his son, Uchiha Yu said with a smile: "I was lucky today. I conducted a simulated test. You have all seen Obito's progress. You should know the importance of basic training."

Lin and Xin nodded in succession.

"Obito, don't be depressed. Metkai has been training with weights for many years. You have just started. It's normal that you can't compete in Taijutsu."

"That's it for today. Go home and have a good rest. We'll continue tomorrow."

"Yes!" x3
"By the way, Lin, put on your swimsuit under your coat tomorrow."

"Huh? I see."

The next day, Uchiha Obito continued physical training, while Uchiha Yu guided Lin and Shinichi in treading water training.

"Treading water pays more attention to control training than climbing trees. After all, tree trunks are very hard entities, while water is a fluid without force. You must use chakra to control the water surface in order to turn it into a platform that can carry the human body."

The difficulty of treading water is indeed very high. When climbing a tree, you only need to think about collecting, while treading water requires you to collect and release chakra at the same time. You also have to adjust the balance of contraction and release at any time according to your own weight, movement, and center of gravity.

Even Rin, who had strong chakra control, couldn't get started immediately. The two genin kept falling into the water, getting soaked all over.

Lin was wearing a swimsuit under her coat, and she was not exposed at all, but the curves of her body were revealed after the water. The 11-year-old girl's body was already slightly slim. Uchiha Yu looked at it without feeling anything, but Uchiha Obito's eyes All straight.

Uchiha Yuu punched him more than a dozen times but could not stop this fool. It was not until he pulled up the curtain he had prepared in advance to block his sight that the fool took his eyes back and continued the physical training arranged for him. .

The training mission is progressing more and more smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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