I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 277 Tian Xin Shen Ji dies, White Snake Immortal has his tail cut off

Chapter 277 Tian Xin Shen Ji dies, White Snake Immortal has his tail cut off

Just as he was approaching the cave, White Snake Immortal suddenly found that his hair was floating and he could smell the fresh smell after the rain.

Lightning strike harbinger!

It's that human immortal who's here!

Having just endured the terrifying Thunder Spirit Immortal Technique, the White Snake Immortal was in a frightened state. He subconsciously coiled his body up and prepared himself to withstand the lightning strike.

Tianxin Shenji and Ichikijima Hime were also like frightened birds. Their movements were just a little slower, and they also put on defensive postures in time.

The other big snakes, including the green snake, didn't react at all and were covered by forked lightning.

Immortal Technique·Thunder Escape·Driving Thunder and Lightning

This is the lightning escape technique driven by the magical chakra. It can be described simply and crudely, that is, enough magical chakra can stimulate enough lightning.

There is no skill involved in this senjutsu, as long as there is enough senjutsu chakra.

It is activated very quickly and is very powerful, making it very suitable for attacking enemies.

Yuu Uchiha chose this magic technique to start, and as expected, the escape team from Ryūchi Cave was caught off guard, and the snakes that were not big enough were eliminated in one fell swoop.

Only the three-headed giant snake, the two-headed giant snake, and the big snake survived by relying on their huge physical advantages after eating lightning.

The moment the lightning ended, the White Snake Immortal jumped up and shouted: "Run away!"

After saying that, it rushed towards the cave without looking back, but was directly blocked by Uchiha Yu.

Uchiha Yu grinned, revealing eight white teeth, and said with a smile: "Don't you think it's too late to talk about running away now?"

The White Snake Immortal immediately gave up and begged for mercy: "Don't kill me, I'm willing to pay for my life!"

While speaking, the scales on its body stood up, and from under each scale, gold, gems, pearls, etc. poured out like a fountain.

In a very short period of time, all kinds of treasures piled up into mountains, even burying the body of Immortal White Snake.

Uchiha Yuu said disdainfully: "Borrowing objects to become invisible, cutting off one's tail to survive, what a great immortal, actually playing such a little trick."

He reached out and pushed forward, and the wind spirit's natural energy surged out.

Immortal Law·Wind Spirit·The Rushing Wind

The strong wind suddenly rose and rushed towards the front of Uchiha Yu, blowing the piles of treasures all over the sky, revealing the open space below and a cave huge enough for the White Snake Sage to crawl into.

Uchiha Yu laughed loudly: "Okay, okay, tricks within tricks, and a series of tricks. As expected of the master of Ryūchi Cave who has been stunned for thousands of years, he is so cunning!"

Then he waved his hand and hit a two-headed snake on the side.

The golden flaming fist came out of his hand, punched the giant snake rushing towards the cave, and hit... the White Snake Immortal on the other side of the giant snake.

Just like Uchiha Yuu said, burying treasures is a deception, and underground caves are also a deception. The moment the White Snake Sage sprayed the jewels, he had already performed the magic of magic and quietly retreated into the group of giant snakes.

It had to use the giant snake's body cover to hide it from Uchiha Yuu's eyes, and secretly rush into the escape cave.

Unfortunately, the moment Yuu Uchiha appeared in front of it, he spread the natural energy of the earth spirit into the earth under his feet, and he knew the changes underground well.

He sensed the movement of the White Snake Immortal making a hole, and he also knew clearly that the hole it made was very shallow and just a look-alike, so he naturally guessed its next move.

So, Uchiha Yu flipped his left hand, and the lightning ball of Senfa, Thunder Spirit, and his mind reappeared, and the location of White Snake Sage was discovered by him. Such a large electromagnetic signal source could not be hidden from his perception.

As a result, Uchiha Yuu successfully hit the White Snake Sage and left a punch mark on its body.

Fire Release: Incineration Flame Fist

The golden incineration flame fist requires nine fist seals to trigger the instant incineration effect.

But Uchiha Yu's power is no longer what it used to be, and the power and temperature contained in a single fist seal are very terrifying.

The chakra and high temperature were like high-temperature jets, spraying into the body of the White Snake Immortal, burning its muscles and internal organs, making it miserable.

But the pain also made it clear that it was by no means Uchiha Yu's opponent. If it stopped fighting this terrifying human immortal, it would only die.

The White Snake Immortal rushed forward desperately, not daring to slow down even if he coughed out flames from his mouth halfway.

Instead, it coughed out the chance of flames, opening its mouth and spitting out three red dragon phantoms.

Immortal Technique: The Art of White-Inspired Continuous Fire

The red dragon phantom only circled in a circle before being absorbed by the dragon ball in hand, and exploded with almost no prelude.

The dragon ball exploded so suddenly that it even exploded right next to the White Snake Immortal.

Uchiha Yu recognized the White Snake Jutsu immediately, but he did not expect that the White Snake would not hesitate to detonate it around him.

He had just seen the Immortal Technique: White Shock Technique. He was deeply impressed by this technique, which was similar to a shock bomb. He also knew that although its power was concentrated on strong light and explosive sound, the damage at close range was still considerable.

So when the Dragon Ball completed shrinking around the White Snake Sage's neck, Uchiha Yuu did not react immediately. The sudden bright light and loud noise caused him to lose his vision and hearing again.

Uchiha Yuu relied solely on his memory and fired eight incineration flame fists at the White Snake Sage's position. Regardless of whether they hit or not, he immediately activated the magic to protect himself.

Immortal Law·Fire Spirit·Zhurong Ring

A brilliant ring of fire erupted from Uchiha Yuu's body, spreading in a ring and sweeping away all life around him.

The same immortal technique was used by Uchiha Yu himself, but the effect was different from that used by Zhu Rong.

His fire ring is lighter in color and has strong resistance, pushing all the giant snakes it touches far away, and finally ignites the giant snake's body.

Snakes are cold-blooded animals and are instinctively afraid of flames. After being ignited, they don't even care about escaping, but start rolling on the spot in an attempt to extinguish the flames.

But they were already pushed together by the ring of fire, stacked into a huge mountain of flesh, and at this time their respective struggles turned into a squeezing of cannibalism.

The harder they struggle, the more they hurt each other, so they struggle harder.

There was chaos on the battlefield.

A few giant snakes on the periphery were lucky enough to break free, but no matter how they rolled, the flames could not be extinguished, and the burning snakes were extremely painful.

In desperation, the giant snake had no choice but to shed its skin at the expense of energy and blood. Only then did it get rid of the burning flames and rush towards the cave even more crazily.

At this time, the fear of the giant snakes has reached its peak. In order to get in first, they began to kill each other more ferociously.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten giant snakes were killed by stronger snakes, and their bodies were torn into several pieces and scattered everywhere.

"You see, you are right to listen to me."

Orochimaru pointed to the miserable scene in the Water Mirror Jutsu and said to Chiya: "I saved your life by stopping you."

"Look, the three-headed snake is dead and torn into so many pieces. It's so miserable!"

"Ah, Green Snake, Green Snake was also killed by the Cat Immortal, and his head was split in the middle!"

"Oops, the Cat Immortal jumped behind Tian Xin Shenji, it's finished..."

"It's tragic. Tian Xin Shenji is so miserable. She was cut into pieces by pure white claws. This is such a pity and such a waste."

"To say it's miserable, you still have to look at the piles of giant snakes around. The flames are so high."

"It's strange. I remember that the White Snake Immortal deliberately drained out the oxygen to suppress the power of Fire Release. Why is it so burned here?"

Orochimaru pretended to be suddenly enlightened and exclaimed: "I understand, there are many big snakes gathered here, and they need to breathe."

"It's miserable, it's really miserable."


Orochimaru looked at the image in the water mirror. Every time he said a word, Chiya's body couldn't help but tremble, as if he had been killed once.

At this moment, its doubts and hatred towards Orochimaru suddenly appearing and controlling it had completely disappeared.

At this time, Chiya's heart was filled with joy, joy, and gratitude to Orochimaru.

It's great to be alive.

But looking at the massacre of cat immortals and human immortals in the water mirror, Chiya still felt unsafe, and it asked: "Orochimaru... Sir, can you guarantee that the immortal will not kill me?"

Orochimaru chuckled and said: "Chiya, you know that I am the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, and the human immortal in front of me is the new leader of the Uchiha clan of Konoha Village."

"He is my subordinate. I can certainly guarantee that he will not kill you."

"But the premise is that you must be within my sight within a short period of time, lest you be killed by him before I even speak."

Chiya was excited and immediately said: "Please rest assured, Lord Orochimaru, I will never leave you!"

"I don't want to die yet!"

Chi Ya, who was usually taciturn and would always get into fights if they disagreed, was so frightened that he became eloquent and lost the slightest bit of rebelliousness after seeing such brutal killings.

Orochimaru couldn't help but secretly stick out his tongue. He had a new understanding of Uchiha Yu's murderous nature.

She was secretly surprised by his strength.

In this attack on Ryūchi Cave, Yuu Uchiha had the absolute advantage from beginning to end, overwhelming the White Snake Sage and being unable to fight back.

In just a few hours, in Longdi Cave, one of the three holy places, two snake immortals were killed in the battle, all the wise giant snakes were killed in the battle, and the unintelligent giant snakes were even more injured.

The majestic White Snake Great Immortal was so beaten that his liver and gallbladder were broken, he actually chose to abandon Longdi Cave and fled with the treasure.

To be honest, Orochimaru's most optimistic guess was not that exaggerated. 【Be more careful with the Uchiha clan from now on. 】

[By the way, Uchiha Yuu is so powerful, wouldn’t he be able to attack the tailed beasts directly? 】

[Great, as long as you convince Yu-kun, I can knock on the door at any time, without having to wait for the Jinchuuriki's strength to weaken. 】

[You can also use this opportunity as a reward and save a lot of wealth, which is great. 】

Because it was the second time he was hit, Uchiha Yu recovered much faster from the blindness and deafness caused by the White Geki no Jutsu.

When he opened his eyes, the White Snake Immortal hadn't even fully gotten into the hole.

Uchiha Yu smiled and threw out a Daobao Natural Kunai, preparing to intercept it.

But before his kunai could fly, a ball of flame exploded next to White Snake Sage.

Masayo Miwa jumped out of the flames.

She was very angry and shouted: "Damn it, meow! My eyes and ears hurt so much, meow."

There was a flash of white light.

The pure white claws fell on the White Snake Immortal's body and penetrated without any hindrance.


The White Snake Immortal screamed, but did not turn around to fight back. He dropped the severed snake tail and ran away in panic.

In order to avoid being pursued, the rocks quickly rose up wherever the White Snake Immortal passed.

Many sharp stone thorns were added to the raised stone pillars, densely blocking the path of pursuit.

But for Masato Miwa, the gap is still big enough.

The civet cat was about to chase in when it suddenly noticed a sticky green mucus secreting from the stone thorns.

The mucus also gives off a pungent smell, which is obviously not good stuff.

Miwa Masashi immediately stopped all actions and took no more risks.

Uchiha Yu appeared next to her, reaching out to pull out his kunai from the stone thorn.

The mucus stained on the kunai showed the characteristics of being sticky and tough, and it did not break even when it was stretched to half a meter long.

Moreover, the kunai blade stuck to the mucus has rust spots, and it is shockingly corrosive.

Uchiha took a look at his kunai and sighed: "It's powerful, sticky and poisonous. Is the White Snake Sage the reincarnation of the spider spirit?"

The civet cat hugged its tail in fear.

Although she was familiar with the double tail and was very proficient in using both tails, she definitely didn't have the sharp reflexes she had when she had one tail.

Rushing into such a dense and slimy small environment, even if she was sure to avoid it with her body, her tail could not avoid it.

If it is stuck with this sticky and poisonous venom, the hair will definitely not be saved.

Miwa Masashi felt creepy when he thought about the hairless tail behind his butt.

"The White Snake Immortal is so insidious, meow. I will definitely chop off his head next time, meow."

Uchiha Yu turned to look at the snake's tail that was still beating, and said with a smile: "Well said, if you chop off its tail this time, you will definitely chop off its head next time."

Seeing such a troublesome road trap, both of them gave up their intention to pursue immediately.

If you handle it carefully, you will definitely not be able to catch up.

If we act recklessly, it will be difficult to guarantee that we will not suffer new plots.

As the mucus evaporates, the smell in the air becomes more and more pungent, and even holding your breath cannot stop it.

Uchiha Yu had to create a layer of water film to isolate it, and then threw a few fire bombs to burn the slime to eliminate the danger.

Then he raised his head and shouted into the air: "Yondaime, do you want this tail?"

Orochimaru's voice immediately sounded: "No, I don't dare to take such a dangerous thing."

"Besides, I don't have enough to exchange with you."

Orochimaru rejected Uchiha Yu's proposal.

Although tears of dissatisfaction flowed from his mouth, he did not dare to take away the body belonging to the White Snake Immortal.

Too dangerous.

The three holy places are all very good at spiritualism and reverse spiritualism. Who knows if he will come directly to the door with the body of the White Snake Immortal?

Orochimaru's body is not big enough to withstand the concentrated fire and revenge of a holy land.

Now, he dared to attack Ryū Fudo because Yuu Uchiha was in front of him.

Uchiha Yu killed snakes and destroyed them, attracting all the hatred from Dragon's Cave. Orochimaru naturally felt very safe.

He would follow Uchiha Yuu and secretly take advantage of Ryuji Cave.

But he will never take the initiative to attract the hatred of Longdi Cave.

Uchiha Yuu knew Orochimaru's character well, he was bold yet cautious, so after hearing his refusal, he did not dissuade him, but took it in himself.

Then he cleaned up the body of Tian Xin Shenji, which was the pile of meat residue.

Uchiha Yuu did not clean up the giant snake's body next, but waved his hand to create a low temperature and froze the giant snake's body.

Orochimaru had long been numb to the fact that Uchiha Yu showed new skills at any time, but this time he was still shocked.

Uchiha Yu's method of creating ice cubes is not the blood-based ice escape, but the most common fire escape.

The more Orochimaru thought about it, the more interesting it became, and he couldn't help but stick out his tongue and lick his cheek.

[It’s so interesting, it’s so interesting. Yuu-kun, it's great to have you in the ninja world. You always bring surprises to me. The hard work of being the Hokage is worth it. 】

Uchiha Yu tidied up the battlefield a little, waited until the flames in the passage extinguished, and then searched along the route White Snake Sage had escaped.

Because the body of the White Snake Immortal is large enough, the passage is not narrow.

Pressing the raised stone pillars and stone thorns back, Uchiha Yuu bent slightly and was able to trot forward in the passage.

The winding passage is not very long either.

In just over two minutes, Uchiha Yu walked out of the passage and came to a large enough cave.

As soon as they came in, he and the civet cat both said in unison: "It's time and space ninjutsu!"

All around the cave, the dome and the ground were covered with countless sealing runes.

All the runes formed a striped structure, and finally converged on the ground, forming a highly complex three-dimensional structure, which obviously formed some kind of barrier.

Uchiha Yu carefully identified the specific functions of the barrier, but found that it had been damaged at every critical node.

After several attempts, he couldn't get any more information, so he gave up.

Uchiha Yuu said to Miwa Masashi: "As we speculated before, White Snake Sage did escape through reverse channeling, but after the teleportation, the place was severely damaged, and it is impossible to determine where it went."

The civet cat asked curiously: "Yu, where do you think they will escape to?"

Uchiha Yu spread his hands and replied: "I don't know that. They have been in business for thousands of years. How can I know what kind of backup they will have?"

Miwa Masashi meowed and smiled. She pointed at the shit shovel with her little paw and said, "Yu, do you think everyone else is you?"

Uchiha Yu: "Huh?"

The civet cat said: "Not everyone will be like you, who prepares three caves to hide in."

"You design the hiding place for the snake immortals according to the most basic standards. Not three cats, just one cat."

Uchiha Yu couldn't help but objected: "Only one has to meet all needs, but in this case there will be problems everywhere. Isn't it so unreliable?"

The civet cat was happy: "It's just so unreliable. That's enough, that's enough. Think about it, meow."

Uchiha Yu thought for a while and said, "Then it can only be Miaomu Mountain."

Miwa Masashi was confused: "Meow?"

(End of this chapter)

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