I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 275 The sudden outbreak of war between gods is like a fight between children

Chapter 275 The sudden outbreak of war between gods is like a fight between children

Yuu Uchiha once came into contact with God, and as a result, he harvested a river god in the form of a goldfish, which he kept in his Purple Mansion world.

He was also curious about the evil god who created Hidan, so he searched for traces of the evil god in the Kingdom of Yu.

It was precisely because of these wonderful experiences that he controlled his vest and embarked on the path to godhood.

Later, he discovered that divine power could greatly help him purify and digest natural energy, and even established a faith barrier in the Kingdom of Ghosts to support the greatest god, the Emperor.

To a certain extent, he has practiced both the Immortal Way and the Shinto Way, and his achievements in the Shinto Way are even higher.

But Uchiha Yuu doesn't know much about gods, because gods in the ninja world are no longer the mainstream.

The evil god could not be found, and the god of death disappeared with the disintegration of the Uzumaki clan.

The river god that can be captured is actually the fusion of countless water gods and souls, and even the most basic memory is gone.

The first godhead Uchiha Yuu saw was actually shaped by his own Zhurong vest.

This crisis is indeed dangerous, but it is also a rare opportunity.

Uchiha Yuu had already noticed the evil god's rapid approach, and at the same time he could faintly sense the huge presence behind the evil god, treating him as a pawn.

[This battle is an opportunity to directly contact the gods. As long as I defeat them, I will definitely gain huge gains. 】

Uchiha Yu didn't think about what would happen after the defeat.

His vest god has stable faith, and the abundant power of faith is constantly transformed into divine power, which can be said to be full of stamina.

But those gods are different. Uchiha Yu can't even find any trace of them in the ninja world, which proves that the gods have no stable faith.

Without stable faith, divine power is like a tree without roots and water without a source, and can only have the power of one blow at most.

In other words, after the first blow, as long as Uchiha Yuu is not defeated, the god has failed.

The problem is that Uchiha Yu can use tricks, and the so-called gods are just his vest.

If the opponent wants to defeat Yu Uchiha, he must first defeat the two vests, then collapse the world of the Purple Mansion, and then destroy the golden elixir like the sun, so that he can reach Yu Chiha himself.

With so many cuts, how powerful must the god be to defeat Uchiha Yuu in one blow.

If they could do it, how could they lose to others and be reduced to hiding in Tibet?

In short, Uchiha Yu was so confident that he didn't even notify Miwa Masayo to retreat.

When a god does not have a divine body, he cannot directly contact the present world.

This time the divine battle for the body of the True Spirit Dragon will only take place in the spiritual realm and will not have any impact on Miwa Masayo and Orochimaru.

At this time, due to losing the control of the White Snake Sage and being attacked by Uchiha Yu's thunder, the circulation of the immune system of the True Spirit Ryusei had been interrupted, and the number of feathered snakes no longer increased.

Under Miwa Masayo's efficient killing, the number of feathered snakes quickly decreased, and the bodies on the ground quickly piled up.

Seeing the hope of victory, the civet cat became more and more excited and fought harder. At the same time, he used natural energy to communicate with Uchiha Yuu and showed off to his shit-sweeper:

[Yu, I’m almost winning, nya! 】

[Pear jam, you did it beautifully! Also, I found the White Snake Immortal. 】

Uchiha Yu passed a route map into Miwa Masayo's mind, pointing out the locations of the three snake immortals.

[Rika-chan, I’ll leave the rest of the battle to you. I have other things to deal with. 】

Uchiha Yu's words shocked Miwa Masayo.

They are currently attacking Ryūchi Cave, one of the three holy places, and fighting the White Snake Sage who stands at the top of the ninja world. At such a critical moment, Uchiha Yu actually has to deal with other things...

Li Huamao couldn't imagine how important it was, so she whispered directly through her heart and asked:

【What happened, meow? Yuu, are you in danger? 】

[It is something related to the gods. I will explain the specific situation to you in detail after I resolve them. 】

[Here in Longdi Cave, there is the White Snake Immortal. I can't take care of them, so I can only leave them to you. 】

[Okay, leave it to me, don’t worry, meow. 】

Miwa Masashi ended his whisper, and then burst out with faster speed and more violent attacks, speeding up the speed of clearing the feathered snake.

Uchiha Yuu looked at the fighting raccoon cat and relaxed his mind as the purple mansion was divided into two.

The main mind put on the vest of the Emperor of Heaven, communicated with the divine power barrier of the Kingdom of Ghosts, extracted the power of faith from the Hall of Valor, and transformed it into divine power.

A small part of the mind merged with the mind ape, controlled the mind ape to put on the mind ape mask, and combined with the rules of Zhu Rong's character design, merged into the Southern Fire Spirit God.

At this time, the two vests were the real gods. Their eyes passed through the Zi Mansion and saw the evil god in the spiritual interface.

[Finally I see you, Evil God! 】

The first time Zhu Rong saw him, he waved his hand to put his divine mark on it, so that he would be able to track the evil god more easily in the future.

But after Zhu Rong saw the appearance of the evil god clearly, the majestic God of Fire Spirits actually exclaimed: "The King of Mushrooms! Is this the evil god he's talking about?"

Before Uchiha Yuu traveled through time, the most impressive nightmare he had was after reading a novel.

What made his hair stand on end in his dream was not a deformed god or a cunning demon, but a believer in life who grew mushrooms.

The evil god in front of him looks like a collection of countless fungi, with endless hyphae, spores that are everywhere, and mushrooms in various forms.

All of this is piled up in a mess, but it aggregates into a crooked brain shape.

The hyphae, fungi, and even spores that make up the brain are all glowing. The light that coexists with law and chaos creates a state of madness that drives people crazy, but it also radiates the desire for life unscrupulously.

There is no doubt that the evil god is the god of life, but the current chaotic appearance is not inferior to that of Cthulhu.

What shocked Zhu Rong the most was that he was familiar with this kind of chaos. He had seen it last time on Xiao Ke, the cave octopus.

This is the most basic desire in life, the madness caused by the desire to survive, and the desperate struggle to survive at the expense of breaking all rules and taboos.

This kind of obsession that still refuses to give up in despair can resonate with any life.

With the help of this resonance, the evil god can more easily pollute the opponent, swallowing the polluter's spirit and becoming a small part of the endless chaos.

What surprised Uchiha Yu most was that in this extreme chaos, a stable existence was actually born, which greatly reduced the consumption of the evil god.

He estimated that every time the evil god devoured him, his survival time would be extended for a long time. He had mutated into a god who did not need stable faith.

Maybe this is why the evil god appears and disappears.

The evil god also saw Zhu Rong, and instinctively changed his direction and rushed towards Zhu Rong. The spores and hyphae surrounding his brain spread one step ahead.

When these filthy existences touched the flames of the God of Fire, they immediately ignited fires all over the sky, burning into nothingness in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, the flame spread along the spore mist and hyphae, burning towards the weird brain.

Just by making contact, both parties realized that the flames of Vulcan Zhurong could purify the evil god's pollution power and had absolute restraint on him.

The evil god is indeed crazy, but his madness is based on his persistence in survival. He can immediately judge the danger when facing the spreading flames.

As the evil god of chaos and madness, he cut off the hyphae instantly and blew away the mist of spores without any hesitation.

Taking advantage of the moment when the flames were slightly blocked, the evil god turned around and ran away.

In order to get away from the flames as quickly as possible, he gave up most of his soul and instantly threw away nearly 90% of his body, retaining only a small part of the core frame.

After frantically losing weight, the evil god escaped faster than expected and disappeared from Zhu Rong's sight before Zhu Rong could react.

The evil god's judgment and reaction speed are absolutely impeccable.

His escape was so unexpected, and the blazing flames of the divine body exposed several gods hidden behind him.

The first thing Zhu Rong recognized was the God of Death. Dozens of Death Gods with ghost faces, fangs, and wide robes and long sleeves gathered together. They had no legs, but they had a common root.

And those semi-illusory roots connect to the unknown distance.

Seeing such a God of Death through Zhu Rong, he immediately guessed that the God of Death might have been the only one. He also thought of the sealing of corpses and guessed that the God of Death might be controlled by the Whirlpool clan.

[How did the God of Death fall to such a miserable state? 】

[Could it be the result of the Sage of Six Paths fighting with the God of Death when he entered the Pure Land? ] ˆ ˆ The other two gods did not show specific images. In Zhu Rong's eyes, they were just a mist, appearing golden and silver respectively.

The golden god said in surprise: "It's incredible that a new god was born in the ninja world. I thought it would take a long, long time."

The silver god continued: "It turns out to be you. When the kappa disappeared before, I saw your shadow and thought it was my illusion."

The silver god smiled and said: "It seems that the Otsutsuki clan that rules the ninja world has declined, and the time has come for the gods to return."

Gods of Death: "..."

Zhu Rong asked: "Ninja world? I didn't expect you to know this name. It seems that you have enough understanding of the ninja world."

The golden god responded: "Without enough understanding, we can't avoid the attacks of the Otsutsuki clan, and we can't get faith replenishment in time. We won't be able to persevere now."

The silver god spoke: "Newborn god, I feel your desire for divine knowledge. If you are willing to surrender to me, I can tell you all the divine knowledge."

The golden god also spoke: "I feel that your original law is flame and life. As long as you surrender to me, I will not only tell you the knowledge of the gods, but also teach you the true meaning of flame."

Gods of Death: "..."

From their words, Uchiha Yu felt urgency, desire, and even a bit of nervousness.

But he did not consider these details, but manipulated Zhu Rong to say to the two gods: "No, I will not surrender."

"What?" the two gods asked in surprise, "Then what do you want?"

Zhu Rong smiled and said: "Have you never thought that the ninja world is mine, and I don't want to share it with you, let alone hand it over to you?"

The golden god was stunned for a moment, then laughed angrily and said, "I really didn't expect it. Can't you feel the gap between us?"

The silver god shook his head and said: "Young god, you are so greedy. This will bring about your downfall."

Zhu Rong said: "I think monopolizing the ninja world is greedy? What if I still want you?"

"Be bold!"


God does not lie.

Now that Zhu Rong said it, the other two gods could clearly know that this was what he thought and was prepared to do, so they attacked first.

Golden light and silver light emitted at the same time, infecting Zhu Rong silently.

It must be said that the power of these two gods far exceeded Yu Uchiha's expectations.

The attacks they jointly launched seemed weak. They were just two kinds of metallic light, which were far less powerful than the spore mist and mycelium of the Evil God of Life.

But the gold and silver light could steadily suppress Zhu Rong, preventing him from even emitting flames. He could only let the light continue to penetrate deeper, peeling off the connection between divine power and soul little by little.

Zhu Rong has a stable belief in the capital of Sichuan and relies on a steady stream of divine power to compete with the two gods.

Even though he was at an absolute disadvantage, it was not a situation that was about to collapse.

The two gods have the strongest power, but there is no stable replenishment. Now they are getting weaker with each use, and they cannot withstand delay.

In order to avoid a reversal after too long, they had to go all out and use all their strength to attack Zhu Rong.

The two gods had no reservations anymore, and their all-out attack made Zhu Rong about to collapse, but also left them no room to retreat.

When neither side has a kingdom of gods, the contest between the gods is particularly straightforward.

It is a direct confrontation between divine power and divine soul, even pushing and pulling each other like children wrestling.

And when the two gods go all out, it's the fight that Yuu Uchiha has been waiting for.

When the giant hand of the Emperor of Heaven suddenly appeared and grabbed the two gods, the gods were unable to adjust the direction of their force as they moved forward with all their strength.

Under Yu Chiha's control, the Emperor's giant hand did not directly grab the two gods, but grabbed Zhu Rong.

Then the Emperor of Heaven and Zhu Rong followed the direction of the enemy's force and dragged them backward together, using their strength to shake the two powerful gods.

The tactics of hiding troops, attacking in the east and showing that they can't are very effective. Uchiha Yu successfully used the enemy's power and dragged the enemy itself.

When the two gods desperately retreated, he manipulated the two vests to follow the enemy's recovered power and launch an attack on the enemy, forming a situation of borrowing the enemy's power to attack.

When the two gods were frightened and changed the direction of their force again to resist Uchiha Yu's attack, he also changed from attacking to dragging.

By this time, Uchiha Yuu had already secured victory.

The weakness of the enemy god's slow reaction speed has been very clearly exposed, and he has firmly grasped this weakness.

After seven rounds of pushing and pulling, the two gods had completely lost control. Instead, their own power fell into Uchiha Yu's control, and they fell into a dilemma like swinging on a swing.

When it came to the 12th round of push-pull transition, Uchiha Yu judged that the time had come, and controlled the Emperor of Heaven to stretch out his hands and firmly grasp the two gods.

With the irresistible drag force, the Emperor of Heaven pulled hard into the Zi Mansion, just like grabbing the members of the Shenting meeting, dragging them into the world of Zi Mansion.

Beating the dog behind closed doors, the winner is decided.

Gods of Death: "..."


Entering the world of Zifu, in this spiritual world full of Zhu Rong's divine power, all the advantages of the two gods will no longer exist.

Most of their powerful divine power will be squeezed out by the Zi Mansion, and the remaining power will slowly be worn away, leaving only their memories and core essence.

Just like the water god goldfish, he became a prisoner of Uchiha Yuu.

But what Uchiha Yuu didn't expect was that after the golden gods and silver gods entered the Purple Mansion, they exploded with a bang under the squeeze of massive divine power.

The two powerful gods split at the same time, each split into dozens of weak gods, and then fled in all directions.

Uchiha Yuu looked at hundreds of gods of all kinds and couldn't react at all for a while, so he could only stare blankly.

After a while, he suddenly realized: "I was still wondering just now, how could it be two powerful gods and a clustered god of death, instead of a gathering of a large group of weak gods?"

"When resources are obviously in short supply, it is suitable for weak but low-consuming life forms to survive, while powerful but high-consuming life forms will die first."

"I've always suspected that the survival logic of gods is different from nature. The more powerful a god is, the less he consumes."

"It turns out it was an illusion created by the gods joining together."

If there are really two great gods, and he puts each other into his own purple mansion, he still has to be cautious and walk on thin ice when dealing with them.

Since they are two groups of weak chicken gods, he is not afraid at all.

Within the vast scope of the spiritual interface, the Weak Chicken Gods huddled tightly together, forming two large clusters that even Zhu Rong and the Emperor of Heaven could not resist together.

But in the world of Zifu, on Uchiha Yuu's territory, they were double suppressed by the abundant divine power and the shadow of the golden elixir hanging high. They couldn't even maintain a group and had to break up.

Now it's not just about changing shapes offensively and defensively, it's about beating a drowned dog violently.

The Emperor of Heaven whispered a name in the divine court above the white clouds: "Sprite."

The Phantom, which had been deeply integrated into the Zifu world, began to wake up from its dormant state. On the land of Zifu world, tens of thousands of pottery puppets dropped their tools and replaced them with weapons for combat.

At the same time, the soil on the ground surged, and countless pottery figurines were quickly generated. They held weapons and patrolled every inch of the Zifu world.

The fleeing gods are faced with the scorching sun of the golden elixir in the sky wherever they go, and now they are being chased and intercepted by countless pottery figurines.

The first to suffer were the gods who could not fly but ran slowly. They ran wildly across the earth, were chased and knocked down by countless pottery figurines, and were eventually completely submerged.

The winged gods did not feel comfortable for long before they were surrounded by flying pottery figurines like swarms of swarms.

The gods were chased by these buzzing, propeller-flying pottery figurines that jumped up and down, and would be knocked dizzy if they were not careful.

Soon they also followed in the footsteps of their predecessors, falling to the ground and being submerged by countless pottery figurines.

(End of this chapter)

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