I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 273 Longdi Cave is actually a giant snake named Zhenling Longshengyan

Chapter 273 Longdi Cave is actually a giant snake named Zhenling Longshengyan

Uchiha Yu explained to Miwa Masashi:

[Actually, I can accept the fact that ferocious beasts eat people. Although as a human being, I will kill a ferocious beast if I encounter it. 】

[As I said, this is the law of the jungle. 】

[But as a member of intelligent life, I absolutely cannot accept intelligent life devouring each other. 】

[The giant snakes and snake immortals in Longdi Cave are not ignorant monsters. They are intelligent beings who still eat people with great interest. 】

[I can't accept it, so they are dead! 】

[Anyone who still eats people after possessing wisdom will be dead today. 】

[Yu, you are right. Snake immortals have no mental barriers to eating humans. They will also eat ninja cats. 】

[Kill them, meow. 】

[Lihua Jiang, you are truly the best Taoist companion. 】


The White Snake Immortal, who was so angry that he was dizzy, took several deep breaths before he could barely suppress his irritable mood.

She asked: "How on earth will you let us go to Longdi Cave?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "Hand over everything you have, including ninjutsu, senjutsu, training techniques, all treasures, Ryuji Cave, and..."

He looked at the three snake immortals in front of him and said, "And all the snake immortals."

Immortal White Snake sneered: "You are going to completely occupy the entire Longdi Cave. Isn't this just forcing us to fight to the death?"

Uchiha Yu sneered: "Then you should work hard!"

"You!" Immortal White Snake's eyes were red, but she still asked the last question: "If it is the law of the jungle, why would you, a powerful Immortal like you, choose our Longdi Cave?"

Traces of snake scales have appeared on White Snake Immortal's face, and it is obvious that she has begun to prepare for battle.

Therefore, her questioning voice also became louder, even making a metallic crackling sound: "Why don't you attack Miaomu Mountain?"

Not only the White Snake Sage, but also the two Snake Sage behind him also showed their snake forms, with all their magic chakra activated, ready for battle.

Uchiha Yuu answered White Snake's question seriously: "Because Mt. Myoboku is stronger than Ryuji Cave."

"You know, there is the giant toad of Iwajuku in Mt. Myoboku, a resurrection talisman that brings the dead back to life, and a toad pill that can predict the future."

White Snake Immortal roared: "We, Ryūchi Cave and Miaomu Mountain, have been running side by side for thousands of years. Do you think we don't have the fighting power to fight against the giant toad of Iwajuku?"

Uchiha Yu smiled and said, "Maybe, but it's definitely not as good as the Iwajuku Giant Toad."

"Of course, the difference in strength between the two Holy Lands does not depend on what kind of combat power you possess. As long as you are not super powerful like the Great Immortal Slug, it makes no difference to me."

"The key is, I believe Miaomushan must have a way to contact the Six Paths Immortal and your Ryūchi Cave, and even summon you at the same time."

"If I go to fight Miaomu Mountain, I might end up fighting with the three of you. This will be a big trouble."

Uchiha Yu pointed at the White Snake Sage and said, "Pick up the soft ones first. Your Ryūchi Cave is easier to deal with, so I'll hit you first."

"Of course."

Immortal White Snake suddenly roared: "It's better for you to die first!"

With a roar, large and small caves appeared on the rock wall of the cave, and countless giant pythons and giant snakes rushed out.

Along with the venom and poisonous mist, snakes of large and small sizes were stacked together, forming a raging tide of snakes, rushing towards Uchiha Yu.

To deal with these large and small venomous snakes and pythons like wild beasts, Uchiha Yu didn't even need to open the Sharingan, but used the basic illusions he developed.

Illusion·Deflection between friend and foe

The python regarded the giant python as its enemy, and the giant python regarded the venomous snake as its target. The venomous snake regarded all snakes larger than itself as its enemies and began the most cruel cannibalism.

And all the snakes regard Uchiha Yu as an indestructible rock.

Countless pythons, giant pythons, and venomous snakes avoided Uchiha Yu, even refusing to come within 10 meters of him.

Uchiha Yu stepped forward, and the snake that was fighting among itself took the initiative to avoid him, keeping the area within 10 meters absolutely clean.

Walking all the way to where the three Snake Sages were standing, Uchiha Yu looked at the three holes on the ground and couldn't help but shake his head.

He smiled and said: "He is indeed the Snake Immortal of Longdi Cave. His nature is cunning, insidious and cherishing his life, yet he all escaped."

"I thought that the White Snake Immortal would stay and at least play with me for a while before escaping, but it turned out that he didn't want any green lotus at all."

Miwa Masayo covered her mouth and meowed, laughing, and asked happily: "Do they really not want Ryūchi Cave anymore?"

Uchiha Yu raised his head, looked at the inexplicable void and said, "No, they want to use Ryūchi Cave's big killer weapon."

"Unexpectedly, Longdi Cave itself... is a living weapon."

Suddenly the voice of the White Snake Immortal came from all directions: "Human Immortal! I admit that you are very powerful, but you underestimated Longdi Cave!"

"Immortal method·Inorganic reincarnation·Revival of the true spirit!"

Suddenly, the mountain wall began to squirm, the ground shook violently, and drops of mucus secreted from all the rock surfaces.

All the giant pythons and snakes that were contaminated with mucus neighed violently, and the liquid visibly corroded the snake's scales, skin, and flesh.

Only Bai Sensen's snake bones melted slower. The big snakes twisted violently and struggled desperately, trying to rub the terrible mucus off their bodies.

But this is in vain. Struggling and scratching can only make the mucus penetrate further into the body and corrode the snake's body faster.

As the amount of mucus secreted increased, all the snakes turned into strings of white bones, floating in the foul-smelling pus, and were gradually digested as they floated and sank.

Uchiha Yu was already flying in the air at this time, and a curved dome appeared above his head, blocking the dripping mucus.

Miwa Masashi asked in shock: "What is this?"

Uchiha Yu curled his lips and said: "This is gastric juice. Gastric juice is made entirely of natural energy. Its digestive ability is really extraordinary."

"But that's right. The entire Longdi Cave is just the body cavity of a snake. Of course its digestive ability will be extraordinary, otherwise how could it grow to such a big size."

"Ryuji Cave is a whole snake?" Masayo Miwa said in shock: "This is too big, nya."

"Can you still eat meow?"

Uchiha Yu: "..."

Even he had never thought about whether it could be eaten by such a super giant life form like a mountain range.

This shows that Cihuamao is completely one of his own.


Also hearing the civet cat's words was the White Snake Immortal, whose roar came again.

It can be heard from the voice that the White Snake Immortal's anger almost reaches the sky: "You damn warm-blooded monsters, how dare you do such blasphemy in the face of the great True Spirit Dragon Shengyan!"

"Unforgivable, unforgivable!"

Uchiha Yuu asked with a smile: "It turns out that the name of Ryūchi Cave is True Spirit Ryusei Am, which is really a good name."

"Such a great life not only stays in a state of suspended animation all year round, but also turns itself into a rock and sleeps. You have to use special magic to wake it up. I guess its soul is lost."

"You, what are you doing?"

The White Snake Immortal swallowed it back in the middle of his horrified words.

But this performance was enough for Uchiha Yu to confirm that his guess might be more than half correct.

He also had a guess at the remaining half.

After all, in the ninja world, there is only one existence named dragon, and that is the dragon vein.

Moreover, there is an obvious interactive relationship between the dragon vein and the bloodline of the Queen of Loulan Kingdom, which is enough to prove that the dragon vein is not a pure product of rules, but has clear life characteristics.

What is the relationship between Longdi Cave and Dragon Veins seems to be a question worth studying.

However, Uchiha Yu did not say these words, because Orochimaru had quietly lurked over and was eavesdropping attentively.

He didn't want Orochimaru to know too much, which would cause additional bargaining, which would be very troublesome.

Uchiha Yu said: "Actually, I know that you, White Snake Sage, are riding a tiger now. Although you have activated the True Spirit Dragon, you don't know how to deal with me."


White Snake Immortal did not answer, and he continued without caring: "The size difference between me and Longdi Dong is too big, just like a parasite and a human."

"People can crush small parasites with just one finger, but can they still do it when the bugs are in the body?"

"White Snake Immortal, unfortunately, I am now in the body of the True Spirit Dragon."

"Since gastric juice alone can't defeat me, shouldn't you send your men to fight here?"

"..." Uchiha Yuu waited for a full two minutes. White Snake Sage neither responded nor sent his men to fight.

Obviously, the current environment of Ryūchi Cave is also a huge threat to Snake Immortal and Giant Snake, even exceeding the risks faced by Uchiha Yuu.

After all, Uchiha Yuu can fly, and he can fly faster and better than Snake Sage.

Uchiha Yuu's waiting time was almost up, and when he planned to imitate the monkey that got into Princess Iron Fan's belly and wreak havoc, he discovered something unusual.

The accumulated mucus in Longdi Cave has decreased. It is obvious that the ground is rapidly absorbing the solution.

Moreover, a large number of bulges appeared on the top and surrounding walls, as if something was forming and gathering.

Miwa Masashi asked: "Yu, what is that?"

Uchiha Yu replied: "If I guessed correctly, it should be that the immune system of the True Spirit Dragon has been activated."

The civet cat lowered its eyes and looked at the scavenger with disdain: "Does this mean that Yuu reminded it?"

"Haha, it seems so." Uchiha Yu scratched the back of his head in embarrassment: "It's my fault this time, I apologize!"

Miwa Masashi shook his head: "Forget it, nya, just try not to make similar mistakes again in the future, nya."

"Up to now, I haven't exerted my strength yet. Next, I will exert my strength."

"I think these enemies are my favorites."

The civet cat stood up, stretched out with energy, and even its two tails were stretched straight.

Until all the muscles and bones in her body moved, she let out a loud "meow", and then she kept making screams, which became louder and louder, and finally turned into a roar of "ow".

Immortal Technique·White Tiger Roaring

The tiger-like roar is a technique that Miwa Masayo learned during the long period of screaming at the moon.

She manipulates natural energy to change her throat to simulate the structure of a tiger's resonating cavity, thereby emitting this deafening roar.

Miwa Masayo's roar was the true roar of a tiger.

With the blessing of magical chakra, the tiger's roar has terrifying destructive power.

The bulges on the walls and domes vibrated with ripples amidst the tiger's roar, with textures ranging from shallow to deep, and then exploded like eggs in a microwave.

The things that were blown up really looked like eggs, exuding high temperature, water vapor and a strong smell of boiled eggs.

However, Uchiha Yuu noticed that what looked like a nearly mature feathered snake was wrapped in the partially exploded bulge.

This kind of snake with wings can definitely fly.

When you see the dense bulges on the walls and dome, you think of the complex structure of Ryongji Cave as more than just a huge cave.

Uchiha Yu could easily imagine the scene in which the overwhelming feathered snakes would attack him crazily not long after.

Sure enough, it was the immune system of the True Spirit Dragon.

Uchiha Yuu pondered for a moment and had a plan in mind, and a trace of lightning appeared between his fingers.


The Kingdom of Wind, a hidden oasis in the desert.

This is an invisible oasis, that is, an oasis with a small number of plants growing but no water source visible on the surface.

The real water source is buried under thick sand, and only by expending great efforts to dig can clear water be obtained in a short time.

On this invisible oasis, sparse plants grow over a large area. If you don't know the specific location, you can only dig up wet sand, and you won't see even a drop of water.

Therefore, this kind of oasis is basically controlled by ninjas and becomes the secret base of Sunagakure ninjas.

On the deserted sand dunes, a crisp and rhythmic chirping of insects suddenly sounded.

After three times in a row, a responding insect chirp came from the distance.

The Sunagakure ninja who blew the insect whistle breathed a sigh of relief. He turned back to the other Sunagakure ninja and said, "Captain, we found her. She is indeed here."

The Sunagakure ninja let out a long sigh and said helplessly: "Let's go, let's solve this annoying task as soon as possible."

"Captain, we are also following orders, there is nothing we can do about it."

"Of course I know, but I just can't get over it."

"I just can't help but think: What should I do if one day I encounter this kind of situation..."


"Captain, don't think so much. We are gentle people. If we don't follow orders, we will soon become traitors."

"Hey, you all follow me, put your weapons where they are most convenient, and get ready for battle."

"She is a Kage-level ninja. Even a surprise attack is very dangerous. Everyone must be careful."

The Sunagakure ninja captain led his team and walked in the direction of the responding insect sounds.

After a long time, he sighed in a voice that only he could hear: "What kind of bullshit mission is this? What kind of rotten thing is this?"

"What can I do about the current situation of Sunagakure Village?"

"Forget it, let's just take it one day at a time."

Just as he was approaching the water source of the invisible oasis, a voice suddenly came from the sand beside him: "It's actually the sand erosion? You, the ANBU leader, actually touched it yourself. Could it be that the order this time was given by the Fourth Kazekage?" The command?"

Captain Eclipse turned around and smiled: "Yes, I brought the Fourth Kazekage's orders and a large amount of supplies."

"And there are supplies? That's great!"

A graceful and vigorous ninja emerged from under the sand and asked in surprise: "Are there any medicines? Especially antipyretics?"

"She has been ill for several days, and the salix juice can no longer cool her down."

Captain Eisha put his hand into his arms and said, "Yes, I carry the medicine with me."

"Great, I..."

However, what Xisha took out from his arms was not a medicine box, but a handful of thousand books shining with blue light.

The battle broke out in the most unexpected sneak attack.

A few hours later, Ye Cang was staggeringly walking in the desert carrying his disciple Juan on his back.

Severe blood loss, extreme exhaustion, and long-term lack of nutrition had made her vision completely blurred.

Ye Cang didn't notice at all that the sand under her feet turned white unknowingly, and she didn't even notice that the air around her began to become cooler.

It wasn't until her strength was exhausted and she was in a semi-conscious state that she discovered the trace of someone in front of her.

Ye Cang struggled and shouted: "Help..."

Her voice was as small as a newborn kitten's, but it still caught the visitor's attention.

Vaguely confirming that someone was approaching, Ye Cang could no longer hold on to the tension in his heart, and fell into the sand with the curls on his back.

It was only then that she noticed something was wrong with the color of the sand, and then she completely passed out.

When she woke up again, she was already lying on a simple and rough bed, and the wounds on her body were bandaged with very professional techniques.

Ye Cang reached out and touched it, and found that the wound on his back was sutured first and then bandaged. The medicine on it was also very professional. It was the medicine used by ninjas.

The person who saved her must be a ninja.

To her great relief, her disciple Juan, who was lying on an equally rough bed next to him, was also well rescued.

But this made her confused. Was she rescued by someone, or was she reported by someone, but was rescued by a faction in Sunagakure Village that sympathized with her?

Yes, although Ye Cang had a haircut and was completely different from her original image, she was still betrayed by the Sunagakure Village just like the original history.

But this time it was the Leaf Village that wanted Ye Cang to die. Orochimaru was not as unscrupulous as the Kirigakure Village. He was not willing to be a villain at all and help the Sunagakure Village solve hidden dangers.

Orochimaru just issued a notice. If Yakura is not dead, there will be no quests to obtain in Sunagakure Village.

At the end of the announcement, the most terrifying threat was issued: by the deadline, if Yakura is still alive, the Fourth Hokage will let Uchiha Yuu go to Sunagakure Village.

So this time, the Fourth Kazekage of Sand Hidden Village sent his own Sunagakure ninjas to contact Ye Cang on the pretext of delivering supplies, and took the opportunity to conduct a sneak attack.

It has to be said that the Sunagakure ninja was unable to be as resolute as the Kirigakure ninja when he launched a sneak attack on his own hero, and ultimately let Ye Cang run away.

She even rescued her own disciples.

But the other Sunagakure ninjas who followed Ye Cang were not so lucky, and they all fell into the long yellow sand.

(End of this chapter)

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