I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 265 Feng Ying, you need to open your mind, not to surrender but to enjoy peace.

Chapter 265 Feng Ying, you need to open your mind, not to surrender but to enjoy peace.

Orochimaru really didn't expect that just after he completed the most important breakthrough, the cat fairy of the Cat Castle discovered the problem.

But he believed that it was understandable for the Cat Immortal to discover the problem.

Because it had only been two days since Orochimaru devoured Yamata-no-Orochi, and it was in the fastest digestion process, the body's absorption capacity was limited, so it was inevitable that Yamata-no-Orochi's breath would leak out.

The ninja cats of Cat Castle are originally ninja beasts with the sharpest senses and wonderful intuition.

The Cat Immortal who was born in the Cat Castle must have much sharper senses than ordinary ninja cats. It is not incomprehensible for the Neko Immortal to smell an inhuman smell.

But after Uchiha Yuu heard Neko Sennin's words, he immediately concluded that Orochimaru had a technique that could intimidate the people of Sunagakure Village, which he couldn't understand.


But Orochimaru knew that there was no way to ask this question. If he asked Uchiha Yu, he would say: "I have special information channels."

In short, this guy is very good at using strange words to prevaricate others.

According to the tacit understanding between the two, Uchiha Yu guessed part of the truth, and Orochimaru no longer tried to hide it. He said with a grimace: "I still haven't hidden it from you, Yu-kun."

"I do have a shocking enough technique, but the shocking effect is too bad, and it may have the opposite effect of rebelling against the Leaf Village."

"Besides, Konoha Village's Wood Release is a miracle that pacified the Warring States Period, and its reputation is known to everyone. Using Wood Release Ninjutsu to shock the hearts of people in Sunagakure Village can double the effect."

"The forest planted by the Wood Release Ninjutsu will not disappear immediately. Even if it withers, it will not fall for several years. There is no more lasting deterrent than this."

Uchiha Yu nodded and said: "What the Fourth Generation said makes sense, so let me do it."

Orochimaru smiled with satisfaction, and then he quickly added with a serious expression: "Don't kill too many people."

Uchiha Yu: "Understand, what we want is the surrender of Sunagakure Village, not the hatred of the Wind Country."

But Orochimaru, as well as Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Fugaku, who had just walked to the sand dunes, had strange expressions. They obviously didn't believe Uchiha Ou.

No wonder, they watched with their own eyes as Yuu Uchiha's wooden clone killed more than 3,000 Sunagakure ninjas with a Fire Release ninjutsu, and then killed more than 4,000 Sand Hidden ninjas with a Wooden Release ninjutsu.

In just a few hours, he had caused almost more kills than the Konoha shinobi had accomplished in a year.

Ninjas who see this scene will definitely firmly believe that Yuu Uchiha is a murderer, and even death can't change this impression.

Seeing that no one believed him, Uchiha Yuu had to explain again: "I just don't mind killing on the battlefield, but now it is to end the local war. Everyone must believe me, I will not kill people casually! "

It must be said that the explanation was not very effective, but no one dared to question it.

There is no way, now all the senior ninjas among the Konoha ninjas know that Uchiha Yuu is the strongest, and he is bloodthirsty and easy to kill.

Facing a bloodthirsty madman who could not be defeated by anyone, who but the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru dared to persuade him not to kill.

Even a passionate guy like Namikaze Minato didn't dare to speak after hesitating several times.

Anyway, he wanted to kill the Sunagakure ninja, not the Konoha ninja, so let her do it.

Seeing that no one believed in him, Uchiha Yu couldn't help but feel angry.

This is one of the negative effects caused by the deviation of the wooden clone's thinking.

Nowadays, ninjas still believe that shadow clones, insect clones, and wood clones are perfect copies of the caster, and what they do is what they do.

This change in concept was achieved by the later protagonist.

Naruto's brain is exactly the same as that of Senju Hashirama, coupled with his jumping thinking that is so active that it is incomprehensible, it is fully expressed in the multiple shadow clones.

In particular, the shadow clone bullies the original body. Such outrageous things can happen. Naruto used irrefutable and true performance to prove that the shadow clone has an independent personality and differences in thinking.

Now Naruto doesn't even have a seed, and maybe he never will.

Now, Uchiha Yu can only use his actions to prove that he is not a murderer.

The fusion of chakra and natural energy as always creates a massive amount of magical chakra.

Still without any creativity, he clasped his hands together, tapped lightly, and activated the most famous ninjutsu in the ninja world.

Wood escape·The birth of the tree world

Because it was a desert, the earth trembled extremely slightly. The big tree broke out of the ground without any resistance during its growth, and quickly grew into a towering tree.

But close to the cliff, the growth of the big tree was hindered, but the power of the big tree supported by the Wood Release Chakra was so great that it peeled off a layer of the stone on the cliff.

When the forest spread into the interior of Sunagakure Village, buildings of all sizes were destroyed.

Houses collapsed in Sand Hidden Village, and the scene became chaotic with people crying and howling.

The chaos in Sunagakure Village reached its peak when the Kazekage Building was also overturned by several large trees.

Even though they were separated by large forests and towering cliffs, the Konoha ninja standing on the sand dunes outside the village could still see the smoke rising higher and higher.

They could even hear faint cries and screams amidst the roar of houses collapsing.

How many people died?

The jonins of Konoha looked at each other, and even Orochimaru's expression was very stiff.

Is this what Uchiha Yu promised not to kill as much as possible?

Damn it, I haven't offended him in the past, right?

Suddenly, a huge wave of chakra erupted in Sunagakure Village, and a golden wave of sand crashed towards the growing tree.

Stimulated by the waves of golden sand, the growth rate of the towering giant trees suddenly became more violent. As the crown of the tree swayed, the golden waves struggled for a few times before completely stopping.

Nagasaki and Sand Hidden Village

Aburame Shi asked in a low voice: "Is that the Yondaime Kazekage's gold sand? Why do I feel it's different from what I remember?"

Akimichi Choza took out a rice ball from behind, swallowed it in one gulp, and chewed it hard.

Hearing Aburame Zhiwei's words, he ignored the rice grains in his mouth and agreed: "Bah... Zhiwei is right, I feel the same way... Bah, bah... it's obviously a very powerful and grand technique, but now it seems like But it’s like the sand a child plays with.”

Nara Shikaku replied quietly: "That's because the tree is too big."

"Because the tree was so big and powerful, it easily suppressed the gold sand."

"People are different."

"The Fourth Kazekage, whom we thought was powerful, appears weak in front of a truly powerful ninja."

"We look like overwhelming waves of golden sand. In front of countless huge trees in the sky, we look weak, powerless... and pitiful."

Yamanaka Haiichi looked at his friend strangely and asked, "You talk a lot today. What stimulated you?"

Nara Shikaku was stunned, wiped his nose with his finger, and sighed: "It turns out that I showed it so obviously."

Akimichi Choza and Yamanaka Haiichi said in unison: "It's very obvious."

Yamanaka Haiichi asked: "What did you find?"

Nara Shikaku smiled bitterly and said: "This is not a good thing. Do you really want to know?"

They both nodded together.

Akimichi Tingza even smiled heartily and said: "Is there anything we can't say between the three of us?"

Nara Shikaku nodded and whispered: "Have you noticed that the new leader of the Uchiha clan is lonely?"

Seeing that both his friends were a little confused, he had no choice but to continue explaining: "Uchiha Yuu, he is a ninja who has no teammates, no friends, or even a teacher. His bond with the Leaf Village is very weak."

"According to the results of my investigation, the only ninja who theoretically has a close relationship with him is Fuchikami Kuniki."

Qiudao Dingzuo asked: "Who is Yuan Shang Guoqi?"

Nara Shikaku replied: "Fuchikami Kuniki is an old jounin. Before we became ninjas, he retired because of his age."

"From the records, he was once the captain of Uchiha Yu and also the captain of Uchiha Yu's father."

Yamanaka Haiichi couldn't help but said: "The bond of this relationship should be very deep."

Nara Shikaku shook his head and said: "It is said to be so, but in fact there is no bond. They only meet occasionally and have never eaten together or visited each other."

"Have you noticed just now that Uchiha Yuu only talks to the Fourth Hokage, and his attitude is completely equal, without any sense of being a subordinate."

"Hokage-sama treats him very differently. He doesn't have any sense of superiority. He always conducts conversations with a discussion attitude."

Akimichi Tingza scratched his head and asked in confusion: "Isn't this what the fourth generation is like? When he talks to me, although his tone is always very harsh, he doesn't make me feel uncomfortable."

"Especially the way Sandai seems to be gentle, but he is aloof and giving me alms."

Yamanaka Hai nodded and said: "I understand. The Fourth Hokage treated him differently from other people. He was not so calm and unhurried, and he did not have the feeling of completely controlling the situation." Nara Shikaku said with emotion: "Just now the Fourth Hokage The scene of the conversation with Uchiha Yu made me feel like I was seeing the first generation...and Uchiha Madara."

"Only this time the Uchiha is stronger than the Hokage."

Yamanaka Haiichi's brows furrowed. He had already realized what his friend wanted to express.

Naruto was supposed to be the most powerful ninja in Konoha Village, but now it's obvious that he isn't.

Due to the influence of the deceased Third Hokage, the ninjas of the Uchiha clan have a very bad reputation in Konoha Village, and there is no possibility of serving as Hokage for the time being.

This upside-down situation of personal strength is a flaw for Konoha Village.

However, the Konohagakure family has a great business and many ninjas, so this shortcoming is nothing to Nara Shikaku.

Until he saw the scene in front of him, Uchiha Yuu actually suppressed the Sunagakure Ninja Village alone.

Now the problem becomes serious.

Obviously, Uchiha Yuu's strength is too strong, and the flaw of upside down strength is magnified to a fatal degree.

Yamanaka Haiichi and Nara Shikaku looked at each other, and then at the same time looked at Uchiha Fugaku, who was full of excitement.

Intelligence showed that the former leader of the Uchiha clan also possessed the legendary Mangekyō Sharingan and mastered a super S-level ninjutsu called Susanoo.

In a short period of time, Susanoo could even fight one against a thousand.

When Uchiha has two super-standard ninjas, it means that they have the ability to overturn the table and destroy the order of Konoha Village.

Yamanaka Haiichi whispered worriedly: "The future of Konoha Village is entirely decided by Uchiha Yu, but we don't know what his temperament is..."

Nara Shikaku didn't speak, just nodded silently.

At this time, Akimichi Teiza laughed honestly: "I think you two are overthinking."

"The Fourth Hokage must have considered this kind of thing earlier, and now he must have a way to deal with it, otherwise he wouldn't have allowed Uchiha Yuu-sama to do whatever he wanted."

Nara Shikaku suddenly said: "Ding Zao is right, I got into the corner myself. With our current strength, we can win this final battle without Uchiha Yu taking action."

Yamanaka Haiichi also reacted and said with emotion: "Yes, I also thought about it."

"Lord Orochimaru's thinking is so meticulous, how could he leave such an obvious omission."

Suddenly, there was a roar, and the gate of Sand Hidden Village, the famous crack in the sky, was forced to collapse by the swarming trees.

As the big trees receded and swept away the stones scattered on the ground, a majestic avenue appeared in front of the Konoha ninjas, and they could directly see the interior of Sunagakure Village.

It's just that what you see is not a desert-style building, but a lush forest. The big trees are tightly packed together, and the density has reached a level where there is no room for space.

A Jonin said blankly: "Here, can anyone survive here?"

The friend next to him quickly pulled him and "shushed" him nervously.

The jounin suddenly turned pale and shrunk into the crowd.

Uchiha Yu had heard it a long time ago. He even activated the illusion without anyone noticing. When everyone ignored him, he turned his head to look at the guy who was speaking.

The dynamic vision of the Sharingan, combined with the demon horns in the world of Purple Mansion, Yuu Uchiha is very strong in recognizing people, and he only recognizes them at a glance.

This jounin named Akiyama Kazuhiro is a civilian ninja with no background. He has reached the jounin level step by step based on his own efforts and luck.

After recognizing the identity of Shinobu Akiyama and confirming that he was just expressing emotions from his heart and not being ordered to ruin his reputation, Uchiha Yuu didn't take it to heart.

He turned back, released the illusion, and then said to Orochimaru: "The Fourth Kazekage is coming out."

I saw the densely arranged large trees shaking their crowns and twisting their trunks, and they squeezed out a not-narrow road without a moment's delay.

The fourth generation Kazekage took the Kazekage hat and walked out of the avenue step by step.

Behind him were many people, including Chiyo, powerful elders and clan heads, and many famous Sunagakure ninjas.

They all had empty hands and no ninja kits on them, so they were obviously disarmed on their own initiative.

The Fourth Kazekage walked through the widened gate of Sunagakure Village and stopped at the former security checkpoint.

He raised his head and shouted to the Konoha ninja on the dune:

"You win, we...we surrender!"

The battlefield suddenly became quiet, and after five seconds, the Konoha ninjas burst into earth-shattering cheers.


"The war is over!"

"The war is finally over!!"

Contrary to the performance of the Konoha ninjas, the Sunagakure ninjas behind the Fourth Kazekage cried.

They were obviously mentally prepared to surrender, but when Feng Ying said "surrender", they still felt sad in their hearts, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

At this moment, all the Sunagakure ninjas felt unwilling to accept it, and many Sunagakure ninjas had thoughts of resistance in their hearts.

But this thought disappeared in just a moment. The Mudun that had just swept through the entire Sand Hidden Village made them understand that they were unable to resist at all.

Resistance that is bound to fail will only bring more deaths, and it will be the death of Sunagakure Village.

This is the effect of Orochimaru asking Uchiha Yu to use Wood Release to end the war.

Because Mu Dun is so famous, the Sunagakure ninjas know it very well, and the villagers of Sunagakure Village also know it.

They didn't even need to kill a lot of people before they could deeply understand how powerful Mu Dun was, so they came up with the idea that they couldn't fight against the Leaf Village.

If it were Orochimaru's own Yami no Jutsu, or Uchiha Fugaku's Susanoo, although the shock would not be too bad, it would be difficult for the other party to understand how powerful these giant ninjutsu are.

In order to achieve the goal, you can only kill enough Sunagakure ninjas.

But in this way, the Sunagakure ninjas knew how powerful they were, but they also sowed an hatred that could not be resolved. Even because all their relatives and friends were dead, they had nothing but life, and they developed an unshakable determination to fight.

If this happens, Konoha Village will be in big trouble.

As the saying goes: One person fights hard, but a hundred people cannot stop him.

When ninjas who master chakra don't care about their lives, the difficulty of control may increase infinitely.

Therefore, when Uchiha Yuu's Wood Release showed great power, the Konoha jounin were both proud and worried, and they were confused and had no idea what to do.

It wasn't until the Fourth Kazekage came out and bowed his head to admit surrender that everyone felt relieved.

Orochimaru adjusted the Hokage's hat, walked up to the Fourth Kazekage, and said loudly: "I, the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru, accept the surrender of the Fourth Kazekage."

"From now on, the war between Konoha Village and Sunagakure Village is over."

Then he lowered his head, smiled strangely, and asked in a low voice: "Master Kazekage, are there any irrational rebels among the ninjas in Sunagakure Village now?"

The Fourth Kazekage was secretly startled, but then he became sad, and quickly lowered his head and said: "Hokage-sama, it may have happened in the past, but now... it won't happen."

Orochimaru laughed: "Actually, you don't have to feel depressed."

"Wood Release is the technique of Senju Hashirama-sama, the first Hokage who put down the troubled times of the Warring States Period and created a new era for the Ninja Village."

"The end of the peaceful era of Ninja Village began when the first generation of lords fell and the Wood Release Ninjutsu disappeared."

"Now that Wood Release has reappeared in Konoha Village, peace in the ninja world is the general trend and cannot be violated."

Yuya Uchiha joked: "Master Kazekage, you should open your mind. Sunagakure is not surrendering, but enjoying peace first."

Uchiha Yuu's words can be described as strong words, and there is no need for any Bilian.

However, behind the strong words, there is a wood escape ninjutsu that can destroy a village.

He has big fists and strong words.

Luo Sha didn't dare to refute, so she could only say yes.

(End of this chapter)

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