I, Yu Uchiha, am devoted to cultivating immortality

Chapter 256 The clan leader will personally send you on your way, Obito can rest in peace.

Chapter 256 The clan leader will personally send you on your way, Obito can rest in peace.

Looking at the past from Black Zetsu's perspective, Uchiha Yu was able to master such a powerful power through his own efforts. There is no doubt that he has greater potential than Uchiha Madara.

Black Zetsu couldn't help but start to think, if he relied on Uchiha Yu's power instead of the dying Uchiha Madara, would he be more certain to rescue his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki.

He thought carefully, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong.

Yuu Uchiha is so powerful, he must have awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan.

He also became the patriarch of the Uchiha family. He must have seen the stone tablet and had a basic understanding of the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

Black has a very thorough understanding of the Uchiha clan. In his opinion, every Uchiha is an idealist, and every Uchiha who awakens the Mangekyō Sharingan is a hopeless idealist.

When they learn about the existence of Infinite Tsukuyomi, they will definitely be attracted by this "once and for all" solution to all problems, and become someone that Black Zetsu can easily convince.

[If Madara’s plan fails this time, I can completely ask Uchiha Yu to replace Madara and let him use the Rinnegan to execute the infinite Tsukuyomi plan. 】

When Black Zetsu was thinking wildly, Uchiha Yu took the initiative to end his Fire Release. Not only did all the flames go out with a wave of his hand, but even the scorching heat suddenly disappeared.

If it weren't for the tree trunks emitting curls of green smoke and the charred black earth, it would have been as if the fire had never happened.

As Uchiha Yu turned his hand and lifted it up, the charred black earth cracked open, and half-carbonized White Zetsus flew out from the ground.

Although they look like carbonized tree trunks, the White Zetsus are actually still alive. As long as they are planted in suitable soil and watered, they can slowly recover.

If you can find a living sacred tree root and hang it up, the recovery speed will be faster and the recovery effect will be best.

Of course, Uchiha Yuu has a simpler way to treat White Zetsu, which is to deliver Wooden Chakra.

As long as there is enough Mudun Chakra that contains the rules of the sacred tree, it can even make the White Zetsu completely recover in the blink of an eye.

Handing all the coke to Miwa Masashi, Uchiha Yu raised his hand again, and the huge stone exploded, revealing Hatake Kakashi and his team members.

Uchiha Obito's eyes were blurry. After seeing Uchiha Yu, he shouted softly: "Brother Yu..."

Yuu Uchiha walked up to Obito in a slow but fast step, and said with a smile: "You are willing to call me brother Yuu at this time, but it's a pity that it's too late."

"You should call me clan leader."

Obito was amused, but then he coughed up a lot of blood. Lin was so scared that she screamed and wanted to help him stop the bleeding, but she didn't know what to do.

Uchiha Yu put his hand on Obito's chest, using chakra to comfort him until his breathing stabilized.

Obito asked: "Master Patriarch, can I still live?"

Uchiha Yu shook his head: "Half of your body is gone. Even if Tsunade-hime is here, you have only a slight chance of being rescued."

"If she's not here, you're dead."

"If you have anything you want to say, say it quickly."

He continued: "Lord Patriarch, please take my teammates away from the battlefield. You will definitely be able to do it, right?"

Uchiha Yu nodded and replied: "Obito, if this is your last request, then I agree to you."

Kakashi jumped up: "No, our mission is not yet..."

Uchiha Yu glanced sideways at Kakashi, froze him in place, and sneered: "What a bullshit mission. Before the battle began, the Fourth Hokage established the principle that ninjas under the age of 16 are not allowed to participate in missions behind enemy lines."

"What mission did you receive to come here?"

Just two words made Kakashi's expression change drastically, and all his energy and energy were drained away.

Uchiha Yu sneered: "If you don't check when you accept the mission, you will lead the team to death. The subsequent protection and other efforts will be in vain."

Obito said quickly: "Don't blame the captain, he has already..."

Before he finished speaking, his face twisted in pain, and large beads of sweat kept pouring out. The sweat washed over his face, forming streaks of mud and water.

Obito was able to speak and think calmly before because Lin gave him painkillers.

But as the wound continued to bleed heavily, the drug concentration had dropped to the point where it was no longer able to provide analgesia.

Lin immediately took out a painkiller, but was stopped by Uchiha Yu.

"Don't waste it. Look at Obito's body. He has lost so much blood that his blood vessels are dented. You can't even give him food or inject it directly."

"Let me send Obito away, don't let him continue to suffer."

Saying that, regardless of other people's reactions, Uchiha Yu flipped his palm, and a kunai with the words "Tao follows nature" appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Uchiha Obito, today the patriarch of the Uchiha clan personally sends you on your way. You should be proud."

The next moment, the Taoist natural kunai sank into Obito's heart.

Uchiha Yuu's words were soft and gentle, and his movements were natural and smooth, without any murderous intent. Until the kunai sank into Obito's heart, neither Rin nor Kakashi realized what was happening.

Not to mention the two of them, even Black Zetsu hiding on one side did not react, and Obito was pierced through the heart.

Suffering this fatal blow, Uchiha Obito's body felt like it was struck by lightning.

It's just that he was on the verge of death, and he really couldn't make any struggling movements.

Especially when Uchiha Yuu pierced Obito's heart, he deliberately used genjutsu to block his pain, allowing him to escape from the extreme pain.

The disappearance of the pain made Uchiha Obito feel the contrasting comfort of the end of severe pain. His expression was soothing, and there was even a sense of relief between his brows and eyes.

As death approaches, the brain instinctively releases the last of its dopamine and adrenaline hormones.

Dopamine made Obito feel happy, and adrenaline restored some strength to his collapsed body.

Uchiha Obito looked at Uchiha Yu and said, "Thank you, Brother Yu."

Then he tilted his head and looked at his two teammates, smiled and said: "Lin, Kakashi, I'm very happy to be your teammates..."

Before he finished speaking, the look in Uchiha Obito Sharingan's eyes disappeared, and then his pupils dilated and his breathing stopped.

he died.

Uchiha Yuu's right hand was always holding the kunai steadily until he watched Obito exhale his last breath.

After finally confirming Obito's death, he let go of Kunai and slowly stood up.

He lowered his head, as if in silence, and then whispered: "Rest in peace, Obito."

But what Uchiha Yuu was thinking was:

[Damn it, he finally sent Obito away in a reasonable and reasonable way. 】

[Uchiha Obito is dead, Uchiha Madara’s substitute is gone, Black Zetsu’s heart must be in chaos, and he no longer has the energy to notice the barrier I set. 】

[Hey, what the hell is it that makes you feel so good all of a sudden? 】

[Hei Juzhuang has been playing ghosts for so long, trying to make Obito look like dead, so that he, a dead man, can become Uchiha Madara's substitute. 】

[But I just followed the trend and gently sent out a kunai, which killed Obito, turned Black Zetsu's efforts into ashes, and made Uchiha Madara's plan come to nothing. 】

[Killing three birds with one stone is really great! 】

[Haha, if you’ve done it all, then do it. 】

[Black Zetsu and Madara Uchiha can’t get Obito Uchiha’s people, and they can’t even get Obito’s body! 】

Uchiha Yu suddenly asked: "Uchiha Obito is a hero. He should be buried under the commemorative monument. Can you take his body back?"

Hatake Kakashi's face was ashen at this time, but he gritted his teeth and shook his head, replying: "We are surrounded by Sunagakure ninjas, I can't do it."

Uchiha Yu nodded and said: "It's too difficult for you to bring a complete body. Can the ashes be brought back intact?"

Hatake Kakashi took a deep breath and replied: "I will definitely try my best."

Uchiha Yu nodded again, waved his hand and spread a golden flame, which spread immediately after falling on Obito's body.

This is a scorching flame. When the corpse is burned, it does not cause any damage such as scorching or peeling of the skin, and there is no process of damaging the flesh and exposing the bones.

The flames of the Burning Release completely evaporated the water in the corpse, and the power of Uchiha Yuu's Burning Release was far greater than that of Hagura, and the speed of evaporating the water was extremely fast.

Under the control of Uchiha Yu, the corpse can remain unchanged throughout the burning process, and even the expression will not change.

Until the golden flames disappeared, Uchiha Obito's body seemed to have not changed, whether it was clothes or hair.

The flames seemed to simply burn away the blood he shed.

"Ah!" Lin couldn't help but exclaimed as she looked at the lifelike and smiling Obito. Her exclamation caused a slight sound wave vibration. When the sound wave touched Obito's body, the seemingly intact body collapsed instantly.

It turned into a pile of white ash.


Lin's exclamation turned into a scream.

But her screams woke Kakashi up, allowing him to regain his composure.

Kakashi has figured out that Obito's death is his responsibility.

It was because he didn't take the complex mission seriously, and rashly believed in the mission statement from an unknown source, leading the entire team into death.

It wasn't until the leader of the Uchiha clan came to the rescue that he was able to escape from a certain death situation.

But Uchiha Obito died, and he died in front of the Uchiha clan leader who came to rescue him.

The patriarch was unexpectedly generous and allowed him to take Obito's ashes back. This was a test for him and a step up for him.

Kakashi Hatake could not refuse this request. He was determined to return Obito's ashes safely to Konoha Village, even if he risked his life.

Otherwise, he would be worse than the father he despises the most.

Hatake Kakashi took out an iron box, put Obito's ashes into it one by one, sealed it and tied it tightly to his chest.

After he bowed to Uchiha Yuu, he took Lin, who was crying because of sadness, and set off.

After they left, Yuuya Uchiha left.

He angrily walked towards the South Gate Stone Bridge, looking as if he was going to go on a killing spree to vent his anger.

After everyone left, the battlefield returned to calm.

After a long time passed, Black Jue quietly emerged from the shadows.

He walked to the place where Obito died and was burned to ashes, and checked it carefully, not missing any detail.

It wasn't until he confirmed that there was no trace of Obito's flesh and blood that he sighed helplessly.

"What did Yuu Uchiha think? How could he kill Obito himself?"

"I also burned Obito's body to ashes. How should I explain to Uchiha Madara now?"

"Oh, I have to be scolded by him again, and even beaten by him. I really... have a headache."

Hei Jue muttered and reintegrated into the shadows, and rushed north from the indescribable shadow interface as fast as he could.

His mind was so full of confusing thoughts that he failed to notice the faint natural energy emanating from his body.

And high in the sky, Uchiha Yu traced this trace of natural energy originating from himself, hanging far behind Black Zetsu.

In fact, Uchiha Yu who went to the South Gate Stone Bridge was just a wooden clone. He himself never left from the beginning to the end and was always waiting for Black Zetsu to appear.

Whether as the leader of the Uchiha clan or as the strongest in the ninja world, he did not want Madara Uchiha to resurrect from death, return to his strongest state, or even go one step further to become Madara Six Paths.

It's not that Uchiha Yu is afraid of not being able to defeat Madara, but because Madara is so powerful that it would be too easy for him to cause serious damage to the ninja world and Konoha Village.

From Uchiha Yu's point of view, the Uchiha clan belongs to him, the Leaf Village belongs to him, and the flowers and plants in the ninja world also belong to him. Don't you feel bad that it was destroyed by Uchiha Madara?

You know, in order to protect his property and his training time, Uchiha Yu is unwilling to violently unify the ninja world.

His strength has surpassed Senju Hashirama, and he is indeed powerful enough to forcibly destroy the five great ninja villages.

But what happens after that?

Who should manage such a large ninja world?

If he destroys the order of the Ninja Village regardless, the Ninja World will definitely fall into chaos, or even reappear like the Warring States Period.

After all, human nature is to stick together. Only by sticking together can we protect ourselves and bully others.

Since the Great Ninja Village will be destroyed by Yu Uchiha if they form a group, they will naturally form a group again according to small units such as families or secret organizations.

The entire ninja world does not know how many ninja families will appear. The secret ninja organizations that were once suppressed by various ninja villages will grow like weeds after the forest is cut down.

Uchiha Yu doesn't have that much time and energy, and even if there are so many enemies, new ones will appear quickly, and chaos will become the mainstream of the ninja world.

God knows how much damage it will cause, and this loss is Uchiha Yuu's loss!

Therefore, he would rather wait longer, wait for Konoha Village to develop under the auspices of Orochimaru, and wait for Konoha Village to accumulate enough ninjas.

If the total number of Konoha ninjas is large enough, accounting for half or even two-thirds of the total number of ninjas in the ninja world, Uchiha Yu can confidently and boldly launch operations.

He will happily lead the Konoha ninjas to wipe out all the ninja villages in the ninja world, take over the control of the entire ninja world, and realize the first unification of the ninja world.

By that time, he could completely support an Uchiha Hokage and allow Konoha and the Country of Fire to ostensibly unify the ninja world.

And he secretly controls all aspects of the ninja world through the Uchiha clan and the more secretive Shenting Council.

The ninja world can fall into his pocket with minimal damage.

By actually mastering the ninja world, Uchiha Yu can organize people to explore the ninja world, develop various immortal cultivation resources in the ninja world, and contribute to his great cause of immortality.

If you have abundant resources, you can also spread the cultivation techniques, attract more geniuses to join your path, and provide you with a steady stream of inspiration.

Uchiha Yuu is flying high in the sky, thinking that after his dream comes true, he can enjoy endless food and rare treasures from the world every day.

If you are in a good mood, concentrate on practicing and comprehend the great ways of heaven and earth.

When the mood comes, I go traveling, and I visit Beihai in the morning and Cangwu in the evening.

This kind of life feels beautiful just thinking about it.

By the way, he can also appreciate at any time that the Hokage of unknown generation is so busy that he cries every day, while he and Masayo Miwa can spend their days leisurely.

With the busy Hokage as a comparison, the days would be more pleasant.

Therefore, Uchiha Yuu cannot tolerate a super destructive guy like Uchiha Madara. If he can't control it well, he can destroy half of the ninja world.

Those are all your own property.

Uchiha Madara is now at the lowest point of his strength. As long as he can be found, he can be easily eliminated without causing any huge damage to the ninja world.

The other Nagato, who has huge destructive power, although his strength is not at the peak, has mastered the Heretic Golem that can flip the table.

It needs to be treated with caution and taken slowly.

After taking down Uchiha Madara, you can collect specific information about the heretic demon, and then collect information about Nagato himself through Konan. Only by combining the two can you formulate a specific plan against Nagato.

Just like against Uchiha Madara, try to win it at the minimum cost.

Following Black Zetsu, Uchiha Yuu headed north, heading towards the junction of the Land of Grass, the Land of Rain, and the Land of Fire.


At the same time, after two days and three nights of infiltration operations, the Namikaze team finally rushed to the South Gate Stone Bridge, and the most critical battle of the battle began.

As expected, Uchiha Fugaku didn't hold anything back, and launched the second phase of Susanoo at the beginning.

The red half-giant withstood the attacks of hundreds of Sunagakure ninjas, but just raised his hands to protect his head and pushed forward steadily.

With Susanoo playing the front, Aburame Shimi can safely control the parasites, attack and harass the Sunagakure ninja, and disrupt the enemy's formation.

The moment the enemy formation was in chaos, the captain of the team, Minato Namikaze, seized the opportunity and rushed into the Sunagakure ninjas to kill them.

The current Namikaze Minato can't fly the Thunder God Jutsu, and he doesn't have the title of the fastest in the ninja world, but his speed is already far beyond the reaction of a ninja.

In a group of conflicting Sunagakure ninjas, he could easily get around the backs of the Sunagakures, calmly choose the target to attack, and then stab the kunai into their lower backs.

The kidneys are one of the most lethal organs in human beings. Although kidney injuries will not cause death immediately, they can produce terrible painful shocks.

Even a ninja would immediately collapse to the ground if stabbed in the back, losing all ability to resist.

Namikaze Minato will then stab the enemy in the neck, completely ending his life.

In just a few minutes, Namikaze Minato picked out all the jounin from hundreds of ninjas, and then stabbed them in the waist and wiped their necks one by one.

The command of the Sunagakure ninja collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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